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Magi's Path

Page 13

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “We should turn in for the night,” Jenn said.

  “Take the bed with Yuki,” Gregory said as he stood up and took the bedroll from her. “I’ll sleep on the floor.”

  “Greg,” Yukiko said softly, “the bed is large enough. We could all sleep in it.”

  Gregory blinked at her, his face burning as he glanced toward Jenn. Jenn was blushing hotly and shifting from foot to foot, stealing glances at him before looking away. He was going to turn down the idea when a flash of insight hammered him like a plank of wood in the back of the head. All three of them were laying in the bed— Gregory beside Yukiko, and Jenn on the far side of her.

  Taking a deep breath, he looked at Yukiko, then Jenn. “Sleeping only.”

  Yukiko giggled. “Fine, dear one.”

  Jenn swallowed, a wide smile on her face. “I’m fine with that.”

  “We should get ready,” Yukiko said. “Jenn, did you want to get some clothing for tomorrow?”

  “I’ll be right back,” Jenn said happily as she left the room.

  Gregory watched her go, and his fear and anxiety over her joining them faded.

  “Thank you, dear one,” Yukiko said, kissing his cheek.

  “You’re welcome, dearest.”

  Jenn was swiftly back, and paused at the door. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah,” Gregory said. “Shut it and slide the latch. We’ll get ready for… bed.” He trailed off, thinking of the fact he slept in the nude.

  Jenn slid the small wooden bar across the door so it was secured against being casually opened. She hesitated to turn around after Gregory spoke, obviously thinking of the same thing.

  “Yes, it’s time,” Yukiko said and began to strip. “It’s not like we haven’t seen each other naked for weeks now. Come on, you two. Don’t back out of this now.”

  With that gentle chiding, Gregory disrobed. “I’m not backing out. I’m just still warming up to what this will all entail.”

  “I was just shutting the door,” Jenn said, turning back to the room. She went over to the table and set her clothing on it, then stripped, her eyes not staying in any place for too long.

  Gregory was the first one naked. He went right to the bed, climbed in, and slid over to the wall. Yukiko gave him a smile before she slipped in beside him. They both looked over at Jenn, who was removing her shift. Cheeks hot, Jenn walked over to them, then got into bed beside Yukiko.

  “Will you blow the lamp out, Jenn?” Yukiko asked before yawning.

  “Yes,” Jenn replied and the room became dark. “Thank you, both. Good night.”

  “Good night,” Gregory murmured, feeling sleepy again.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Gregory stirred. Rolling over, he put his arm around Yukiko. Her bare skin pressed against his, and a smile formed on his lips. When his hand landed not on the bed, but on more bare skin, his hand squeezed lightly on reflex. The firm, yet yielding flesh, brought only one thing to mind. He quickly let go, as he suddenly realized it wasn’t Yukiko he had squeezed.

  “Sorry,” he whispered, not even sure if Jenn was awake.

  “I… didn’t mind it,” Jenn whispered back. “I just didn’t expect it.”

  “Neither did I,” Yukiko said. “I was a little shocked, but when you let go right away, I knew you hadn’t realized what was happening.”

  “Oh...” Jenn said softly.

  Gregory levered himself up and looked over Yukiko at Jenn. “I am interested, Jenn, but she’s right. I don’t want to give you the wrong impression about what I’m ready or not ready for.”

  Meeting his eyes, Jenn smiled hesitantly. “Okay.” She licked her lips. “I’ll wait for you to be ready, Greg, but honestly, I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Uh... Okay. I’d prefer that we have a ceremony first before anything physical happens.”

  “You want her to have a wedding to make sure her honor is intact,” Yukiko smiled. She leaned over and kissed Jenn’s cheek. “That’s for the best.”

  Jenn looked at Yukiko and smiled softly. “My parents would prefer that. It’s already going to be difficult for them.”

  “And us,” Gregory said. “I’m sure that our relationship will be fresh fodder for Nick and his ilk.”

  Yukiko snorted. “I no longer care what any of them think. I will have more love to keep me insulated from the hatred.”

  “There’s a temple in town,” Jenn said slowly. “Dia went and offered a prayer to Aether the other day.”

  “Today?” Gregory asked, seeing her thoughts.

  “I know it’s forward,” Jenn said, her cheeks heating more, “but… if that’s okay?”

  “We’ll need to tell Dia, too,” Yukiko said. “Things will need to be adjusted when we get back to the academy.”

  “We have to get up, first,” Gregory said.

  Jenn slipped out of bed and went to get dressed. Her back was to them as she did, and Yukiko let out a soft sound before pressing against Gregory. He inhaled slowly as she teased him.

  “Yes, we need to get up,” Yukiko said before she got out of bed.

  Gregory exhaled deeply, closing his eyes. “Yeah. Do need to.”

  “She’s already seen you, dear one,” Yukiko went on. “I apologize for that small tease; it was mean of me.”

  “Well, I did poke you first,” Gregory said, “involuntary as it was.”

  “It happened when someone got out of bed,” Yukiko added with a grin at her friend, “as if he really enjoyed the sight of something.”

  Jenn shook her head. “You’re terrible, Yuki.”

  “I grew up around guards. Even with them trying their best, I did pick up some things I probably shouldn’t have. Besides, I know that the idea that he wants you makes you happy.”

  Jenn’s face was flushed. She looked back at Gregory, who had just gotten out of bed, and her eyes drifted briefly below his waist. “Well, yes, I will admit that.”

  Gregory’s face reddened again and he coughed. “I find both of you attractive. I thought it was obvious by now.”

  “Yes, but she could always lie to herself that it was just me and not her,” Yukiko told him.

  “I started to accept that he found me attractive after the time we all stood in the tub,” Jenn said. “Your kiss helped me accept that you find me attractive too, Yuki, which honestly, I worried about a little more.”

  “That took a lot of courage on my part,” Yukiko admitted. “I wasn’t sure you’d be okay with it.”

  “She worried about it,” Gregory said. “She was afraid that she’d gone too far for you and me.”

  “You didn’t mind?” Jenn asked Gregory as she finished putting her obi on.

  “Oh, he didn’t mind,” Yukiko answered before he could with a giggle. “He was in a state similar to this morning.”

  Gregory coughed. “She isn’t wrong. It shocked me that she did it, but it was… exciting, as well.”

  Dressed, Jenn went to Yukiko’s side and helped her finish getting her obi on. “That’s good to know. Thank you for telling me.”

  “This relationship is going to be a little awkward, but we’ll make it work,” Gregory said.

  “We will,” Yukiko agreed.

  “That is my wish,” Jenn smiled.


  Making it downstairs, they found Dia at the window table, already eating. “Morning, Apprentices. How do you feel?”

  “Better, Dia,” Gregory said. “We’re sorry for worrying you.”

  “Dia, would it be okay if we went out for a while?” Yukiko asked.

  “Where to?” Dia asked.

  “Aether’s temple,” Jenn said.

  “Hmm... To thank him for you all being safe, or did Gregory agree?”

  Gregory’s mouth opened and he looked at the other two.

  Yukiko gave him an apologetic smile. “We let her know that it might happen.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes, then,” Dia smiled. “I will have to make arrangements for our return to the academy. We should be
moving you three into an adept suite, at the very least.”

  “Thank you, Dia,” Yukiko replied. “We also wanted to do some shopping for the children assisting your sister.”

  “That is acceptable,” Dia nodded.

  “Thank you, Dia,” they said together.

  “Now, are you all going to be sharing a room here?” Dia asked.

  They exchanged a glance, unsure of what the others would want. Yukiko was the one to speak first, “We’d like to.”

  “Very well,” Dia said. “The temple isn’t open until sunrise, and the shops open after that. So until then, enjoy your breakfast.” She rose to her feet. “I need to go train. I will see you later today.”

  A few seconds after she had left, the old man brought them their food. “Here you go, magi. I was surprised when you weren’t down at your usual time.”

  “Sometimes, the unexpected happens,” Gregory said. “Thank you.”


  They ate in silence, each thinking about what would happen once the sun rose.


  When the sun broke the horizon, Gregory exhaled. “It’s time.”

  Jenn looked equal parts excited and terrified. “Yes, it is.”

  “Let’s go,” Yukiko said, the first one to her feet.

  The other two rose and, together, they left the inn behind. It was a minute later when Gregory slowed and started to chuckle. Yukiko and Jenn stopped and looked at him, confused.

  “Do either of you know where the temple is?” Gregory asked.

  Both women giggled and shook their heads.

  “Exactly,” Gregory laughed, then singled out one of the few people moving about. “Excuse me, sir? Which way is Aether’s temple?”

  The man looked their way before stopping. “Magi. The temple is two squares east, and three north.” He pointed in each direction as he said them.

  “Thank you,” Gregory said with a smile.

  “You’re welcome, magi.”

  “May Aether smile upon you,” Yukiko added, a hint of laughter in her tone.

  “You, as well,” the man replied before heading off.

  Gregory rolled his eyes at Yukiko as she snickered. “That was horrible, Yuki.”

  “I find it amusing,” Jenn said. “Knowing what I do now, it makes it a little funny.”

  Gregory just shook his head and started walking again. The other two flanked him, still snickering as they did.


  The temple was where the man had said it would be. Gregory slowed as they approached it. Something about it felt familiar— the thick stone was a dull white, and the front of the moderate building was nearly unadorned. The only markings Gregory could see were above the door.

  Staring at the symbols, Gregory felt an affinity for them. Three were encased in circles; a brain displayed from the side, a lotus flower, and an arm flexed to show off the bicep. Those three circles had lines that flowed down to entwine with each other before touching a triangle.

  Yukiko and Jenn stood beside him, also staring at the imagery. “It reminds me of something...” Jenn said softly.

  “Yes,” Yukiko agreed. “I’ve never seen it before, but I know that it’s right.”

  Shaking his head, Gregory entered the temple. The interior was vastly different from the outside. Where the outside was clean and austere, the interior was bedecked in ornamentation. Chandeliers of gleaming gold illuminated the room, and rich tapestries covered the walls, showing different depictions of Aether. Near the far side of the room, an old bald man was kneeling before a stone altar.

  “You are welcome to pray to Aether,” the kneeling man said, not looking their way.

  “Thank you, sir. We were hoping to be married,” Gregory said respectfully.

  The man groaned as he pushed himself to his feet. “A marriage is a wonderful thing.”

  All three were shocked to find the man had milky white eyes.

  “Ah, yes, I am blind. I don’t recognize your voices, either, so you must be visiting our fair town.”

  “We are, sir,” Gregory replied. “We’ll be on our way back to Wesrik soon.”

  “Wesrik? Hmm... New apprentices?”

  “Yes, sir,” Yukiko said. “Aether’s Guard.”

  “It has been years since your clan was here. How is Elder Lightshield?”

  “He is well,” Jenn said.

  “Ah, he is fading, then. A pity, not that I have room to talk.”

  “How…?” Gregory started to ask, but trailed off.

  “Her tone,” the priest replied. “I have only my ears. I’ve had only them for the last few decades. It is fascinating what you can hear, if you listen. Her answer held a trace of hesitation and she stressed ‘well.’ To me, at least. I am Grandmaster Baltur, the priest of this temple.”

  “An honor, Grandmaster,” they replied.

  “Now, which two of you are marrying?”

  “I wish to become his second wife,” Jenn told him.

  Baltur nodded slowly. “Your names?”

  “Gregory Pettit and Jenn Bean, sir,” Gregory replied.

  “Behind the altar is a chest. Find the appropriate form and fill it out. Once you have, I will conduct the ritual. Then, you need to merely deliver the form to the city registrar.”

  “Yes, sir,” Gregory said, going to do as instructed.

  “You know our elder, sir?” Yukiko asked.

  “Oh, yes. He’s been the clan head since his father split off to form the Iron Hand. I used to be part of your clan, myself. Back when I was younger, of course.”

  “But you left? Why?”

  “A very long story,” Baltur said. “I grew disillusioned that Aether would return. Instead, I felt it better to keep one of the old temples in good repair. This temple has been here since before this town was built.”

  Gregory went to the far side of the altar as the others talked. A thick chest sat against the stone, and Gregory knelt to open it. The conversation faded from his perception as he stared at the stone. The same icon as above the door outside was carved into the stone. The image seemed to shimmer to Gregory and, instinctively, he reached out to touch it.

  Chapter Seventeen

  His aether flared when he touched the triangle, and the lines leading from the emblems lit up with blue fire. Jaw dropping, Gregory watched each of the icons blaze blue before part of the altar slid into itself with absolute silence. A small cubby was revealed and Gregory could see a glint of something inside. Reaching in, he pulled the item out.

  “Is something wrong?” Baltur asked.

  “Uh, no, sir!” Gregory said quickly as he stuffed the item into his bag and opened the chest up. “I was distracted. I’m sorry.”

  “Hmm, yes. Do you have the forms?”

  “I’m going to fill them out now, sir.” As he shut the chest, Gregory was surprised to find the cubby closed again.

  “Very well. You are sure this is what you want, Bean?”

  “It is, sir,” Jenn replied.

  “It is very unusual for apprentices to wed, much less for them to have multiple wives. You must be quite powerful, Pettit.”

  “I’m equal to them, sir.”

  “Interesting... You don’t come from a powerful family, as I’ve never heard of your surname. You don’t see yourself as powerful, and are in a clan that is all but gone, yet there are two women here that love you enough to share you?”

  “I was surprised by it myself,” Gregory commented as he finished filling out the papers. “I have the forms done, sir.”

  “Very well. Take her hand please,” Baltur said.

  Gregory handed the papers to Yukiko and moved around to take Jenn’s hands in his.

  Baltur went to the side of the room and picked up a pair of cups and a bottle. Going back to the altar, he set the cups down and poured a measure into each, then slid the two cups before him.

  “This small ceremony is in sight of Aether, being in one of his old temples,” Baltur said. “Two magi come together
and wish to tie their lives together. Aether and Vera would smile upon this union, as your love is obvious even to an old blind man.”


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