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Page 7

by Andrews, Stella

  Cody saunters over and whispers.

  “Listen, I’m riding with the crew for the next leg of the journey. No offense, but I’m bored with you lot already. Chase is running a game and I’m in. Who knows, I may even win a night with the delicious Miss Stone as my prize. Don’t wait up old man because I may be some time.”

  He saunters off looking cocky and I grin. Perfect.

  I see Emily looking around and directing people back to the bus. I feel able to move now and try to think of disgusting things like Cody’s face to keep my dick down.

  I wander over to her and note with amusement the widening of her eyes and the sudden flush to her cheeks. I try to picture Cody again because fuck me, even that is making me hard.

  I lean down and whisper,

  “Miss Stone. I wonder if we may take up your time on the next leg of the journey. There are a few things we need to run through before we arrive in Colombus.”

  She smiles nervously and nods.

  “Yes, of course. I’ll just let the driver know.”

  I smile and move off laughing to myself. Cody will be pissed and I would love to see his face when he realizes his missed opportunity.

  I head back to the bus an awful lot happier than I left it.


  I head off to the driver and feel my legs shaking with every step. Jax is trouble for my heart and I can’t take that sort of trouble at the moment. He is the complete opposite to Scott. There is a danger to him that excites me. Where Scott is clean cut and charming, Jax is rough and crude. He hides behind his shades for a reason. I understand that reason because I’m doing the same. He doesn’t want to let anyone in, I see that about him. He keeps himself to himself and I don’t think I’ve ever met such a sexy guy in my life. This guy is turning me on by just thinking about him. What is wrong with me?

  The guys all head back to their relevant busses. I make sure that everyone is on board and nod to the driver of the crew bus. Then I watch as he closes the doors and heads off.

  The catering bus leaves next and I make sure that they are all on board. Then I head to the band’s bus. It’s not just them but Security also ride with them. There must be about ten people on board and it makes me feel better. It’s only my traitorous libido to watch out for. I must try to maintain a professional relationship around them, even though they scare the hell out of me.

  Their bus is different to the others and I look around me in awe as I step on board.

  This place is like a Vegas hotel room. There are deep comfortable chairs around a huge TV. A kitchen area that wouldn’t look out of place in a penthouse and what appears to be several bedrooms towards the rear. Many of the guys are sitting around chatting and then I see him watching me. He sits apart from the rest and openly stares. I feel his look power down to my soul and I swallow hard. I try to plaster a smile on my face and move forward with a confidence I don’t feel. The guys all look with interest and I roll my eyes.

  “Sorry guys. It’s your turn to fill me in on what happens around here. If you have any questions just ask.”

  One of the security guys grins.

  “Yeah, what time do you get off, darlin’ and what’s your preference for breakfast and I’ll order it up?”

  The others laugh and I just roll my eyes.

  “You’ll never know the answer to that, honey. Try something a little less above your station.”

  The others laugh and tease him and he just grins.

  I turn my attention to Jax and feel the nerves return. Once again, he is studying me hard and I feel as if he is stripping away every layer I possess in seconds.

  I smile at him brightly and sit opposite.

  “What did you want to talk about?”

  Tyler looks at us with interest and then laughs. I look at him in surprise and he smirks at Jax.

  “Good one bro. Cody is gonna be after you, you know that.”

  Jax just smirks and I feel part of some strange game they are playing. It dawns on me that I have been manipulated as a prank on Cody and I feel the anger rising.

  My eyes flash as I look at Jax.

  “Maybe when you have finished your childish games, you could come to the point. I have work to do and if you disrupt it just to score points with your friends, then we are going to fall out pretty quickly.”

  Jax just smirks which makes me angrier.

  Tyler laughs softly.

  “Relax, darlin’. Jax just did you a favor. You may see that Cody is missing. He is currently looking for you on the crew bus because he has plans for you. Jax pulled you out of harm’s way, so really you should be thanking him.”

  I look between them in shock.

  “You’re kidding me—right?”

  They shake their heads and I sink back in my chair.

  “I’ve got a lot to learn, haven’t I?”

  Tyler grins and stands up.

  “Listen, I’ve got some lyrics to finish off so I’ll leave you guys to it. Don’t worry, Emily, we’ve got your back. Cody will be no match for us.”

  I look at him angrily.

  “Well, I think I have some say in it and I’m saying- not in a cat in hell’s chance. I’m not some bimbo he can bounce on his dick to amuse himself. I am a professional and didn’t get where I am today by ...”

  I stop myself as I realize how stupid my words sound—to me, anyway.

  I notice Jax lean forward slightly and know that he has picked up on what I was about to say. In hesitating I have told him just what I don’t want to admit to myself. I got where I am today by sleeping with my boss. He wanted me and engineered my fast rise to the top. I am such a fool.

  Shaking myself, I fix on my professional face and smile at Jax.

  “Anyway, let’s start again.”

  He nods and settles back in his chair.

  “So, tell me Miss Stone. What exactly brought you here, anyway?”

  I can feel my face flushing as I try to look normal. I shrug.

  “I fancied a change. I have been a PA to a very demanding boss and needed to breathe again. Eddie told me about this and thought it may do me some good to get away for a bit.”

  He says nothing and just stares. God, those eyes. They make me want to come in my panties. They are loaded with intent and as he shifts his rock-hard body, my eyes are drawn the length of him. I swallow hard as I see the message he is sending me loud and clear in his pants. As I raise my eyes to his, he leans forward and I forget to breathe.

  “I think you’re gonna like life on the road, Miss Stone. We may be rough and nothing like you’re used to but we will show you how to live. If it’s breathing time you need, then prepare for your breath to be ripped out of you faster than you can gasp for air. We don’t take prisoners and you’re in for a wild ride. Maybe when we return, you will realize that until now you weren’t living at all. This is where life gets interesting, Miss Stone and I can’t wait to show you what that involves.”

  He leans back and I am sure he can hear me panting. I thank god, I’m wearing black leggings because I’m sure he could see how wet I am. Wow, and double Wow! This guy is something else and if things are about to get wild, then I can’t wait.


  Chapter Sixteen


  The phone rings and I grin as I see Cody’s text.

  “Fuck you, Jax.”

  I laugh and type.

  “Just looking out for your health, brother. Oh, Emily sends her love. You were right, she’s quite a girl.”

  Emily looks over with interest and I grin. “Cody sends his apologies.”

  She shakes her head. “Whatever. Anyway, what does a girl have to do to get offered a drink around here?”

  I shrug. “Nothing, she gets it herself.”

  I laugh as she rolls her eyes.

  Standing up, I nod towards the kitchen area.

  “Come on, I could do with a beer. I’ll get you one as well. But don’t tell anyone because I’ll deny it.”

  She smiles and once ag
ain my heart thumps wildly. Fuck that smile, in fact, I think I will, just as soon as I can.

  I show her around the bus and love the fact her eyes widen with awe and sparkle with excitement.

  “Wow, this place is awesome. I suppose I never really thought about it. I thought we’d be on some sort of coach like a Greyhound.”

  She giggles adorably, saying,

  “Like I said, I have a lot to learn.”

  I hand her a beer and purposefully brush her fingers with mine. Christ, even that’s making my balls throb. This is ridiculous. I’m like some horny teenager looking for his first dip in the pool. I have women clawing each other out of the way to get to wear my dick and here I am going to mush over a girl looking like shit.

  She smiles shyly, and it takes all my self-control not to throw her over my shoulder and take her to one of the bedrooms, keeping her pinned down with my cock inside her until we arrive.

  I turn away and head back to the seat. I’m gonna need a few more of these beers and a cold shower before I can get off this bus and face the public. Damn Eddie for laying down the one rule I am going to break every way I can, over and over again.

  Emily sits opposite me and looks out of the window at the scenery rushing by. She looks pensive and I wonder what has made her eyes so sad. She’s running from something I can tell. She turns to face me and I see the lost look of a broken dream. My world stands still and I try to remember to breathe.

  She says softly. “Life is cruel sometimes.”

  I nod. “It depends on how you look at it. How I see it, things happen for a reason. You only see the whole picture when the paint has dried. Things may seem bad now but they make us who we are.”

  She looks at me softly.

  “You sound as if you’ve had your fair share of cruelty.”

  I nod. “Haven’t we all, darlin’. It took me a long time to accept what life threw at me. It brought me here. Would I change what happened? Yes, in a heartbeat. But some things you can’t change and you move on and accept them for what they are. How you deal with the cruel blows defines you. I wouldn’t be here now If I wasn’t saved by music. If you are looking for your path, it will find you when you stop looking so hard.”

  She looks thoughtful and takes a sip of her beer. The sight of those luscious lips wrapped around the can sends all my wildest fantasies crashing to my core. I picture those lips attached to mine and I shift slightly to ease the strain in my pants. What was I thinking inviting her to sit here? I must be a masochist or something; this is the sweetest torture I have ever known.

  We sit in silence for a while and I just take the time to get my thoughts under control. We have a long road ahead of us and this is not the time to make a play for the delicious Emily Stone. But I will, I have no doubt in my mind about that at all.


  I don’t know why but it feels right sitting with Jax. He makes me nervous in a nice way and doesn’t say a lot but what he does say comes with weight behind it. I wonder what cruel blow life dealt him. It’s obvious something bad happened, I see it in his eyes. I can’t ask though because I am not ready to share mine. Maybe fate had a hand in delivering me here. Maybe I will find my path on this pilgrimage to Rock-and-roll.

  The motion of the bus causes my eyes to close and I am soon asleep. Sleep brings me no relief though.

  “You thought you could escape me, Amelia. How wrong you were.” He laughs and through my tears, the rest of them approach. My heart stills and the terror fills me. Grady licks his lips. “So beautiful, my dear and all ours. Such a prize and I am going to enjoy every minute of this.”

  Another voice interrupts.

  “Take her to the playroom!”

  I find myself grabbed by two sets of hands and pulled towards a large oak door. I shout,

  “No, please, I don’t want to.”

  A voice whispers darkly.

  “Naughty girls need to be punished. It’s just a good job we excel at it.”

  They start laughing and the tears pour from my eyes.

  Then I hear screaming. It fills my mind and consumes me. I know that sound - Ashton.

  “Wake up, Emily.”

  I am brought back to reality and find myself shaking uncontrollably. Jax is sitting next to me holding me close, stroking my hair, saying, “You’re dreaming, darlin’. Wake up. It’s ok, you’re safe.”

  I start trembling and bite my lip to stop the tears from falling. I whisper.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  He holds me close, and it feels good.

  “It’s ok, darlin’. Nobody knows. You had a bad dream, and I woke you before anyone saw. Are you ok?”

  I feel foolish and look at him through unshed tears.

  “I’m sorry, you must think I’m an idiot. I don’t know where that came from.”

  I am suddenly very aware of the man holding me so close. His strong arms hold me and I want nothing more than to sink into them forever. I feel safe with him and then I remember where we are. I pull back looking embarrassed.

  “Thanks, Jax, I’m sorry.”

  He raises his eyes and looks concerned.

  “Nothing to be sorry about. Do you want to talk about it?”

  I shake my head. “Not really.”

  He nods and I can tell he understands. He sits back and smiles.

  “Listen. If you want to grab some sleep, you can take my bed. It will give you some privacy away from the guys and you can sort yourself out. There’s a bathroom in there you can use to freshen up. Take as long as you like, I’ve got things I need to do out here, anyway.”

  I look at him gratefully.

  “Are you sure? I mean, you may need to grab some sleep yourself.”

  He grins. “I’ll sleep when I’m dead, darlin’. Come on I’ll show you where it is.”

  Feeling extremely self-conscious, I follow him to the rear of the bus. I don’t miss the smirks on the faces of the guys but Jax looks at them angrily.

  “I’ll be right back guys and clean up your minds, there’s nothing to see here.”

  He steers me gently towards a door and I am surprised to see a comfortable bed, albeit in a very small room. He stands in the doorway and yet he fills the room. I swallow—hard.

  Now we are in such a small space he seems even bigger than before. I am aware that I must look a complete wreck and he is standing there like some sort of fantasy Rock God. He smiles, and the sun comes out. Wow, Jax is one good looking son of a bitch.

  “I’ll leave you to it. Treat it like your own and try to grab some sleep. Call if you need anything.”

  I smile as he gives me a strange look.

  “What even if I ask for a drink?”

  His eyes darken and he looks at me with an intense, soul scorching look.

  “I’ll bring you a hundred drinks if that’s what makes you happy. I meant it, ask me for anything and it’s yours.”

  He turns to leave and I call out.

  “Thanks, Jax.”

  He turns and smiles.

  “Anytime, darlin'. Just know that you’re safe with me.”

  As soon as he goes I sink on to the bed and his words bounce around my brain. Safe with him. He knows. Somehow, he has guessed that I am running. I saw it in his eyes and he understands. I lie back on the bed and draw my knees up to my chest. I hug my body to keep the world away. Why don’t I feel safe then? I feel scared and alone and don’t know what to do. Will I ever really be safe, or will I have to face them again? The thoughts rattle around my troubled mind as I fall off to sleep.


  Chapter Seventeen


  The thought of Emily in my bed is sending me over the edge. I’m not sure what has happened, but that lady is constantly on my mind. Not only is she ultra-hot but there is a vulnerable quality to her that’s calling out to me. Man, do I need to scratch this itch and get laid.

  I spend the next few hours chatting with the guys. We play some cards and drink the bar dry. It’s not long before we’r
e an hour out of Colombus.

  We’re booked into a hotel for the night and the guys and I have some media appearances scheduled. I hate all the shit that goes with the gig. The same endless questions spoken by a different presenter, in the same tired looking studio. It irritates the hell out of me and yet I get asked the most. It goes with the territory of the front man and it takes all my self-control to string a broadcastable sentence together.

  There’s still no sign of Emily, so I head back and knock softly on the door.

  There’s no answer, so I knock a little louder. Finally, I can stand it no more and just head inside. She appears to be still fast asleep and as I see her in my bed my heart races. She looks fucking amazing. She is stretched out and her arm loosely falls above her head. She is sleeping peacefully and her beautiful face is relaxed for the first time since I’ve met her. The glasses are on the side and her t-shirt has risen slightly, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of a flat, toned stomach. There is the hint of a white lacey bra and my cock stands to attention.

  Then I see what I always suspected. She is wearing a wig, and it has slipped slightly and a strand of platinum blonde hair has escaped and lies across her face. She is breathing evenly and I have never seen such a breath-taking sight. She stirs and utters a small contented sigh. She turns over and reaches out her arm as if searching for someone. Instantly the jealousy rises. Whoever she is used to in her bed is killing me inside. Whoever he is, he must be the one responsible for her problems. How anyone could ever hurt this gorgeous creature beggars’ belief.

  I close the door silently behind me. I don’t want to scare her and she may not like waking up and catching me gawping at her.


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