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Page 9

by Andrews, Stella

  She shakes her head and I silence her by putting my finger on her lips.

  “I’ll call housekeeping to bring up your stuff. Go and have a soak in the tub whilst I sort it out. I mean it, Emily, you’re going nowhere.”

  Her eyes fill with tears alongside the gratitude and I hold my breath. My heart starts beating wildly and something shifts between us. Reaching up I take the glasses from her and place them to one side. I stare at her beautiful face and stroke it gently. I see her mouth tremble as I reach to her head and pull that stupid wig from it. As it falls to the floor, I catch my breath as the long, silky, golden, hair falls around her face framing the beauty in front of me. Her eyes widen and then she does something that makes me come apart. She raises her hand and covers mine. She holds it to her face and leans into it. Tears spill from her eyes and she whispers.

  “Thank you.”

  Then she sinks into me and my arms wrap around her pulling her close. I stroke her hair as she clings to me. I kiss the top of her hair and never want to let her go. It’s ages before she pulls back and smiles.

  “I should get that bath now.”

  I nod and she moves away and I immediately feel the loss of her. As she reaches the bathroom, I call out.

  “What is your real name—out of interest?”

  She turns and smiles and my heart melts at the happiness in that smile.

  “From this day on its Emily Stone. The girl I was I left behind. This is who I want to be and where I want to be. It’s time for a new beginning.”

  Then she leaves and I can’t stop the grin from taking over my face. Emily Stone, of course. New beginnings.


  I lie in the tub and soak my battered soul. This has been quite a day. The guys have surprised me. There is a depth to them that was kept well hidden. For all their rough edges and crude talk, they are decent guys and I love them all for it.

  Then I think of Jax and my heart flutters. He is something else though. We have a connection that’s all consuming. I feel it whenever he is near. It’s not just me, I know it. He feels the same, I can see it in his eyes.

  I try not to but I let Scott into my thoughts. They are poles apart and so different. I thought I loved Scott with all my heart. Now I can think of him with detachment. Maybe because he isn’t here and Jax is. Maybe if I saw him those all-encompassing feelings would come crashing back. Maybe, I’m just believing what I want to believe.

  I sink down lower in the tub, letting the steam ease away my troubles. This is the beginning of something that may end in disaster. My happiness may be short-lived because I know Scott Parker and he will be angry. He will come for me I have no doubt in my mind. I am his to control and he doesn’t like to lose control. Maybe I have put the guys in danger. Perhaps I should just leave before I drag them into this even more.

  Then I push the thought aside because I can’t. The thought of leaving these guys—Jax, hurts my heart. I finally feel as if I belong somewhere and for a girl that has never had that, it’s a powerful feeling.

  I stay in the bathroom for a good half an hour and then dry myself and put on the white fluffy robe that is hanging on the back of the door. I wrap my hair in another towel and head back into the room.

  Jax is sitting on the couch writing something and my heart tightens. He looks deep in thought and the sight of his huge body taking up the small space brings my body to life.

  He looks up and our eyes meet. I smile nervously and watch a flash of emotion cross his face and then he smiles.

  “Feel better, darlin’.”

  I nod and stand here nervously.

  “Listen, it’s very kind of you to offer to look after me, but I should go to my own room and leave you in peace.”

  He laughs and settles back on the couch and stares at me, grinning wickedly.

  “Listen, honey, you are the first naked girl in my room that I haven’t fucked - probably ever. The fact that I haven’t even tried is telling me that you’re pretty safe here.”

  I feel disappointed at his words. Of course, I’m so stupid. He obviously has his pick of women and why would he even want me? I’m a nobody, nothing like the stunning girls he’s used to. I bite my lip and nod, trying to look normal.

  “Well, thank you, anyway.”

  There’s a knock on the door, and he grins.

  “I think that’s the sound of you moving in with me, sweetheart.”

  I blush and he laughs as he goes to let the bell boy in. Quickly, I head into the bedroom and perch on the huge king- sized bed. This is the strangest experience of my life, and that’s saying something.

  There is a knock on the door and he strides in with my bags.

  He drops them to the floor and just stares. Then he comes over and sits down next to me and takes my hand in his. He says gently.

  “It doesn’t mean that it’s not the thing I want most in the world though. It just shows that I respect you more than any other girl I’ve ever met.”

  I look at him in shock and see the desire in his eyes. He smiles and says gently.

  “You’d better get yourself ready before my cock explodes and wins this battle with my head. Sorry, darlin’, I’m not superhuman you know and you are driving me nuts. I want you to know that you’re safe with me though. Nothing will hurt you with me around and that includes my raging libido.”

  He stands up.

  “Good night, Emily. Try to sleep and put this all behind you.”

  He leaves me in shock with the realization that if he wanted to, he could have me in a heartbeat. Despite everything, the thing I want the most is him.


  Chapter Twenty


  When I leave Emily, I head straight to the shower. I need to deal with this raging hard on before I lose my mind. I meant what I said to her. She’s safe with me. I don’t want to be like that idiot Senator she fell in love with. I want her to feel safe with me, despite how difficult that will be.

  When I step into that shower, Emily Stone is firmly on my mind. It is her face that fills my thoughts and the thought of what I want to do to that amazing body. As I come on my hand, it doesn’t take much. Christ, this tour is going to be hard enough, without having to run to the shower every five minutes to deal with this infatuation I have. I can’t even take advantage of what I know is going to be on offer every step of the way because there is no way I want my dick inside anyone other than the delicious Miss Stone.

  I sit up for most of the night and write. When I get something in my head, sleep is an inconvenience. The song hits me and won’t leave until I immortalize it on paper. I think it’s 5 am when I finally pass out on the couch, just as the sun begins to rise on the first day of the tour.

  A light touch wakes me almost immediately and I open my eyes and want to see nothing different for the rest of my life. Emily is peering down at me anxiously and once again my cock stands to attention. She looks like an Angel. Her beautiful golden hair shines like the rising sun and her green eyes sparkle like jewels. Those lips call to me as she smiles hesitantly and I notice she is already dressed. She whispers.

  “Wake up, Jax. You may as well head to the bedroom and get some proper sleep.”

  I rub my eyes and shake my head.

  “Why, what time is it?”

  She smiles.

  “It’s 6 am and I’ve got to get things sorted for today. You’re not needed until lunch time anyway so grab the chance for some sleep. You can’t start the tour running on empty.”

  I shake my head. “I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  She looks annoyed and frowns.

  “Listen, nothing is going to happen and you can’t keep your eyes on me 24/7. I’ll be fine with the crew. I’m hitching a ride with the guys to the venue so we can get it all set up. It’s all arranged, so make the most of the peace and quiet whilst you have it.”

  I know she is talking perfect sense, but it’s more than wanting to keep her safe. I want her with me for my own selfish reaso
ns. The thought of one moment away from her is strangely upsetting. It’s like a piece of me won’t be here, and I won’t be able to function.

  I stand up and run my fingers through my hair distractedly. For once I feel out of control and I don’t like it. The trouble is my brain won’t function due to lack of sleep, so grudgingly I admit to myself that she’s right.

  I nod miserably. “Fine have it your way. Don’t go anywhere alone and call if you need me.”

  She nods with some relief and picks up her bag. Then she giggles, and it blows my mind.

  Pulling out some sort of pink wig from her bag she raises her eyes.

  “I think I’ll go pink today.”

  I grin. “How many of those things have you got?”

  She laughs. “About five. I never knew how much fun it would be changing into a different person every day.”

  She pulls it on and grins.

  “There, what do you think?”

  I reach up and touch the pale pink hair that disguises the true beauty within. It hides her from view and protects her from harm. I smile softly.

  “I think it’s perfect, honey. I think you’re perfect and I think you are trouble for my heart.”

  I watch as her eyes widen and an expression of something I can’t place passes across her face. She just looks at me for a minute and then appears to shake herself and smiles wistfully.

  “Thank you, Jax.”

  I raise my eyes. “What for, honey?”

  I watch the tears form in her eyes and she whispers.

  “For being here.”

  She turns away and I think she can hear my heart pounding inside me. Fuck this, I’m like a love-sick school boy. I need some sleep before I do something I’m gonna regret. Emily Stone will make me come apart with just one look from those bewitching eyes.

  I watch her walk away and feel the loss of her immediately. The only thing keeping me going is the thought of laying my head where she slept.

  As Emily leaves the safety of my room, I sink into the very covers she has left and inhale the sweet smell of my future.


  The day is spent making sure that everybody has what they need to get this show on the road. I find it fascinating to watch the various crew members do what they do best. Most of the stage is already in place as is the lighting. The roadies maneuver the equipment in place and set the stage. All around me is the buzz of excitement that staging a sell-out show creates.

  There is a lot of joking around and much arguing.

  Calum catches my eye and grins. I head over.

  “Hey, Calum. This is awesome.”

  He laughs happily.

  “You wait until later, Emily. If you haven’t seen the guys in action before, you’re in for a real treat.”

  I grin and then realize in surprise that I never thought of them actually performing. They are just - ‘the guys’ and as I look around me I see just how important they are. A shiver runs through me at the thought of seeing them at their best. Wow, I can’t wait. I have been to concerts before but never a rock concert. I will also be part of the running of this show and my head buzzes with it all.

  I spend a lot of time on the phone to Eddie who is arriving later. He has organized the whole thing and I am just ticking off items on the checklist he provided me.

  Calum laughs as he sees the excitement on my face.

  “You may want to check out the backstage area. The guys have very strict requirements for a show.”

  I look interested.

  “I have a list here. I think most of it is in place. By the looks of things, it’s mainly Alcohol and snacks.”

  I laugh and grin at him.

  “Oh, and video games and a flat screen TV. They don’t want much, do they?”

  Calum raises his eyes. “You may want to address the other requirement.”

  Looking puzzled I read down the list.

  “I don’t see anything I’ve forgotten.”

  Calum laughs and winks.

  “Just make sure the pretty girls from the VIP area are invited back after the show. The guys would never forgive you if they had nothing to hit on. They get hyper afterward and make the most of the fans who fall at their feet with hero worship.”

  I smile but something twists in my heart. Of course, I completely forgot about that side of the show. These guys are idols and even I know they are total man whores. It comes with the territory.

  I smile and head off backstage. The thought of Jax getting with one of the gorgeous fans fills me with a sharp pain in my heart. I will have to push any feelings I have for him aside because if that’s what the guys want, then that’s what they’re going to get.

  Eddie arrives about 4 pm and brings the guys with him. I see Cody first and he grabs hold of me and spins me around.

  “Hey, Emily. Have you been pining for me today?”

  I laugh and wriggle, shouting, “Idiot, put me down.”

  Eddie grins.

  “Good to see you, Emily. You’ve done a good job so far. They are all sober and in one piece so you get the job full time.”

  Laughing, Cody puts me down and looks around.

  “Looking good, guys. Now point me to my guitar, I feel the need to give it some love.”

  Calum appears and directs him to where a stack of guitars is lined up.

  Tyler and River saunter over and Tyler grins.

  “Hey, Emily. Looking good, honey. Don’t tell me you’ve been slaving away all morning. You deserve a break.”

  I shrug. “Someone’s got to keep you all organized.”

  I feel an arm land across my shoulders and Jax pulls me against him and kisses the top of my head.

  “Hey, baby. I missed you when I woke up.”

  I giggle as Eddie’s face turns to thunder. Tyler high five’s Jax and River grins wickedly as Eddie splutters.

  “You’d better be kidding me, Jax. I left strict instructions regarding Emily and if you’ve broken them on day one, then I’m going to be pissed for the rest of the tour, and you know you hate it when I’m pissed.”

  Jax laughs. “Relax, grandad. I’m just looking out for Emily. I slept on the couch and she was perfectly safe.”

  Eddie looks confused and I look at him guiltily.

  “I’m sorry, Eddie. I’m afraid I told them why I’m here. They’re just looking out for me. They’ve been great and deserve thanks rather than anger.”

  Tyler grins. “Yes, Eddie. Let’s hear you say thank you.”

  The guys all stand with their arms folded and look at Eddie expectantly.

  He rolls his eyes. “Get out of here and do some work. I don’t buy the saintly act, you forget I know you all too well. Now go and rehearse and give me and Emily a break.”

  The guys turn to leave and Jax leans down and whispers.

  “I meant it. I did miss you.”

  He saunters off leaving me breathless.


  Chapter Twenty-one


  We spent the afternoon rehearsing and then head back to the hotel to eat and prepare for the concert.

  Now it’s here I feel wired. I just want to get on that stage and do what comes naturally to me. The thought that Emily will be watching gives me a thrill. I want to do well tonight, for her. If I can make her fall in love with me, then it will be tonight. Despite what Eddie says, I fully intend on getting my girl.

  Emily rides with Eddie and the guys and I take another car. We look at each other and grin.

  Tyler laughs.

  “Here we go, guys. I for one can’t wait. I’m itching to get on those drums and hear the roar of the fans.”

  River grins. “No better rush than performing. I wish we didn’t have to put up with the rest of the shit though.”

  Cody nudges him.

  “Well, I can’t wait to sink myself in one of those hot chicks that stalk us after the show. I’m getting a hard-on just thinking about it. What about you Jax, you up for a fan sandwich later?”

roll my eyes. “Count me out, Romeo. I’ve only got one girl on my mind and I’m not sharing her with anyone.”

  Tyler’s eyes narrow.

  “If you’re talking about Emily, then back off man.”

  I feel annoyed and look at him angrily.

  “Why, what’s it to you?”

  He shakes his head and looks worried.

  “Listen, man, I get why you like her and under any other circumstances, I would say go ahead. But that chick has been hurt really bad and doesn’t need another man using her in that way.”

  Leaning forward, I glare at him.

  “Shut the fuck up, Tyler. I’m not like that sicko ex-boyfriend of hers, I would never treat her like he did. I happen to like Emily, a lot.”

  Cody looks worried.

  “Tyler’s right, Jax. Back off Emily. She needs to heal, and that isn’t the way. We need to protect her, not add to her problems.”

  I feel the anger consuming me.

  “You saying I’m a problem now?”

  Cody snaps. “Yes, you are in this mood. Wipe that lust from your eyes and think about what’s best for Emily. And if you’re in any doubt, it’s not your dick. By all means look out for her but don’t add to her problems. My advice is get laid by as many girls as you can get it up tonight and drink until you forget about that sweet girl hurting so badly. You may think it’s ok, but it’s not.”

  I look out of the window angrily. I know they’re right but it doesn’t make it any easier to hear. I can’t act upon my feelings for Emily because she is vulnerable. If I did, then I’m just as much of a monster as the psychos she’s running from.

  Maybe I do just need to get laid and wasted in no particular order. Then why does that thought make me sick to my stomach? The thought of even talking to another girl is not an option when she is the only one I want. Now I know I’m well and truly fucked.


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