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The Story of Civilization

Page 104

by Will Durant

12. Renan, Marc, 589; Ferrero, Ruin, 7, 74; White, E. L., Why Rome Fell, passim.

  13. Montesquieu, Grandeur et décadence des Romains, 36.

  14. Cambridge Medieval History, I, 10.

  15. Abbott, 201.

  16. Rostovtzeff, Roman Empire, 445.

  Bibliographical Guide

  to books mentioned in the Notes

  (Books marked with an asterisk are recommended for further study.)

  ABBOTT, F., The Common People of Ancient Rome, N. Y., 1911.

  ACTON, LORD, The History of Freedom, London, 1907.

  ALCIPHRON, Letters, London, n.d.

  ANDERSON, W., and SPIERS, R., The Architecture of Greece and Rome, London, 1902.


  APPIAN, Roman History, Loeb Classical Library. 4V.

  APULEIUS, The Golden Ass, tr. W. Adlington, N. Y., 1927.

  ARISTOTLE, Physics, Loeb Library. 2V.

  I Politics, Everyman Library.

  ARNOLD, W., Roman System of Provincial Administration, Oxford, 1914.

  ARRIAN, Anabasis of Alexander, London, 1893.

  ATHENAEUS, The Deipnosophists, London, 1854, 3V.

  AUGUSTINE, ST., The City of God, London, 1934.

  Select Letters, Loeb Library.

  AUGUSTUS, Res gestae, Loeb Library.

  BAILEY, C., The Legacy of Rome, Oxford, n.d.

  BALL, W. W., Short History of Mathematics, London, 1888.

  BALSDON, J., The Emperor Gaius, Oxford, 1934.

  II BARNES, H. E., History of Western Civilization, N. Y., 1935. 2V

  BARON, S., Social and Religious History of the Jews, N. Y., 1937. 3V.

  BATTIFOL, L., The Century of the Renaissance, N. Y., 1935.

  BEARD, M., History of the Business Man, N. Y., 1938.

  BEVAN, E., The House of Seleucus, London, 1902, 2V.

  The Legacy of Israel, Oxford, 1927.

  III BIBLE, Revised Version of the King James Translation.

  BIEBER, M., History of the Greek and Roman Theater, Princeton, 1939.

  BIGG, C., Neo-Platonism, London, 1935.

  BOISSIER, G., L’Afrique romaine, Paris, 1935.

  IV Cicero and His Friends, N. Y., n.d.

  La fin du paganisme, Paris, 1894.

  L’opposition sous les Césars, Paris, 1875.

  La religion romaine, Paris, 1909. 2V.

  Rome and Pompeii, London, 1896.

  Tacitus and Other Roman Studies, London, 1906.


  BOUCHIER, E., Life and Letters in Roman Africa, Oxford, 1913.

  BREASTED, J., Ancient Times, Boston, 1916.

  Oriental Forerunners of Byzantine Painting, Chicago, 1924.

  BRECCIA, E., Alexandrea ad Aegyptum, Bergamo, 1922.

  BRITTAIN, A., Roman Women, Philadelphia, 1907.

  BUCHAN, J., Augustus, N. Y., 1937.

  BUCKLAND, W., Textbook of Roman Law, Cambridge U.P., 1921.

  BURCKHARDT, J., Die Zeit Constantins des Grossen, Phaidon Verlag, Wien, n.d.

  BURY, J., History of the Roman Empire, N. Y., n.d.

  History of Freedom of Thought, N. Y., n.d.

  CAESAR, J., De bello civili, Loeb Library.

  De bello Gallico, Loeb Library.



  CAPES, W., University Life in Ancient Athens, N. Y., 1922.

  CARPENTER, EDW., Pagan and Christian Creeds, N. Y., 1920.

  CARTER, T., The Invention of Printing in China, N. Y., 1925.

  VCASTIGLIONE, A., History of Medicine, N. Y., 1941.


  CATO, M., De agri cultura, Loeb Library.

  CATULLUS, Poems, tr. Horace Gregory, N. Y., 1931.

  VI CATULLUS, Tibullus, and Pervigilium Veneris, Loeb Library.

  CHARLESWORTH, M., Trade Routes and Commerce of the Roman Empire, Cambridge U.P., 1926.

  CICERO, Academica, Loeb Library.

  De divinatione, Loeb Library.

  De finibus, Loeb Library.

  De legibus, Loeb Library.

  De natura Deorum, Loeb Library.

  De officiis, Everyman Library.

  De re publica, Loeb Library.

  De senectute and De amicitia, Loeb Library.

  Disputationes Tusculanae, Loeb Library.

  Letters, tr. Melmoth; cf. Middleton.

  Pro Milone and Other Speeches, Loeb Library.

  CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA, Writings and Opinions, ed. Kaye, London, n.d.

  COLLINGWOOD, R., and MYRES, N., Roman Britain, Oxford, 1937.

  COLUMELLA, De re rustica, Loeb Library.

  CONYBEARE, W. J., and Howson, J. S., Life, Times, and Travels of St. Paul, N. Y., 1869. 2V.

  COULANGES, F. DE, The Ancient City, Boston, 1901.

  CUMONT, F., Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism, Chicago, 1911.

  CUNNINGHAM, W. C., Western Civilization in Its Economic Aspects, Cambridge U.P., 1900. 2V.

  DAVIS, W. S., Influence of Wealth in Imperial Rome, N. Y., 1913.

  DAVIS, W. S., and WEST, W. M., Readings in Ancient History, Boston, 1912.

  DECLAREUIL, J., Rome the Law-Giver, N. Y., 1926.

  DENNIS, G., Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria, Everyman Library. 2V.

  VII DILL, SIR S., Roman Society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius, London, 1911.

  DIO CASSIUS, History of Rome, Troy, N. Y., 1905. 8V.

  DIO CHRYSOSTOM, Orations, Loeb Library. 3V.

  DIODORUS SICULUS, Library of History, Loeb Library, IOV.

  DIONYSIUS OF HALICARNASSUS, Roman Antiquities, London, 1758. 4V.

  DOUGHTY, G., Travels in Arabia Deserta, N. Y., 1923. 2V.

  DUCHESNE, MON. L., Early History of the Christian Church, London, 1933. 3V.

  DUFF, J., Literary History of Rome, London, 1909.

  Literary History of Rome in the Silver Age, N. Y., 1930.

  DURUY, V., History of the Roman People, Boston, 1883. 8V.

  EDERSHEIM, A., Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, N. Y., n.d. 2V.


  VIII EPICTETUS, Works, Loeb Library. 2V.

  Encheiridion, Girard, Kan., n.d.

  EUSEBIUS PAMPHILUS, Ecclesiastical History, N. Y., 1839.

  Historical View of the Council of Nice, in preceding.

  Life of Constantine, in Ancient Ecclesiastical Histories, London, 1650.

  Praeparatio evangelica, Oxford, 1843.

  FATTORUSSO, J., Wonders of Italy, Florence, 1930.

  FERRERO, G., Ancient Rome and Modern America, N. Y., 1914.

  IX Greatness and Decline of Rome, N. Y., 1909. 5V.

  The Ruin of Ancient Civilization, N. Y., 1921.

  The Women of the Caesars, N. Y. n.d.

  FINKELSTEIN, L., Akiba, N. Y., 1936.

  X FLAUBERT, G., Salammbo, Modern Library.

  FLICK, A. C., Rise of the Medieval Church, N. Y., 1909.

  FOAKES-JACKSON, F., and LAKE, K., Beginnings of Christianity, London, 1920. 5V.

  FOWLER, W. W., Religious Experience of the Roman People, London, 1933.

  Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic, N. Y., 1899.

  Social Life at Rome, N. Y., 1927.

  FRANK, T., Economic History of Rome, Baltimore, 1927.

  Roman Imperialism, N. Y., 1914.

  Economic Survey of Ancient Rome, Baltimore, 1933f. 5V.

  FRAZER, SIR J., Adonis, Attis, and Osiris, London, 1907.

  The Magic Art, N. Y., 1935. 2V.

  The Scapegoat, N. Y., 1935.

  Spirits of the Corn and Wild, N. Y., 1935. 2V.

  XI FRIEDLANDER, L., Roman Life and Manners under the Roman Empire, London, 1928.4V.

  FRONTINUS, Stratagems and Aqueducts, Loeb Library.

  FRONTO, M., Correspondence, Loeb Library.

  GAIUS, Elements of Roman Law, ed. Poste, Oxford, 1875.

  GALEN, On the N
atural Faculties, Loeb Library.

  GARDINER, E., Athletics of the Ancient World, Oxford, 1930.

  GELLIUS, AULUS, Attic Nights, Loeb Library. 3V.

  GARRISON, F., History of Medicine, Phila., 1929.

  GATTESCHI, G., Restauri della Roma Imperiale, Rome, 1924.

  GEST, A., Roman Engineering, N. Y., 1930.

  GIBBON, E., Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Everyman Library. 6V.

  Ed. Bury, J. B., London, 1900. 7 V. Only when so specified.

  GLOVER, T. R., The Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire, London, 1932.

  GOGUEL, M., Life of Jesus, N. Y., 1933.

  GOODSPEED, E. J., The New Testament, an American Translation, Univ. of Chicago, 1937.

  GRAETZ, H., History of the Jews, Phila., 1891. 6V.

  GREEK ANTHOLOGY, Loeb Library.

  GUHL, E., and KONER, W., Life of the Greeks and the Romans, N. Y., 1876.

  GUIGNEBERT, C., Christianity Past and Present, N. Y., 1927.

  Jesus, N. Y., 1935.

  GUMMERE, R., Seneca the Philosopher, Boston, 1927

  HADZSITS, G., Lucretius and His Influence, London, 1935.

  HAGGARD, H., Devils, Drugs, and Doctors, N. Y., 1929.

  HALLIDAY, W. R., The Pagan Background of Early Christianity, London, 1925.

  HAMMERTON, J., Universal History of the World, London, n.d. 8V.

  HARRISON, JANE, Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion, Cambridge U.P., 1922.

  HASKELL, H., The New Deal in Old Rome, N. Y., 1939.

  HASTINGS, J., Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, N. Y., 1928. 12V.

  HATCH, E., Influence of Greek Ideas and Usages upon the Christian Church, London, 1890.

  HAVERFIELD, F., The Romanization of Roman Britain, Oxford, 1923.

  The Roman Occupation of Britain, Oxford, 1924.

  HEATH, SIR T., History of Greek Mathematics, Oxford, 1921. 2V.

  HEINE, H., Memoirs, London, 1910. 2V.

  HEITLAND, W., Agricola, Cambridge U.P., 1921.

  HELIODORUS, Longus, etc., Greek Romances, London, 1901.

  HENDERSON, B., Life and Principate of the Emperor Hadrian, N. Y., n.d.

  Life and Principate of the Emperor Nero, Phila., 1903.

  HERODIAN, History of Twenty Caesars, London, 1629.

  XII HERODOTUS, History, ed. Rawlinson, London, 1862. 4V.

  HIMES, N., Medical History of Contraception, Baltimore, 1936.


  HOLMES, T. R., The Architect of the Roman Empire, Oxford, 1928. 2V.

  HOMO, L., Primitive Italy, London, 1927.

  Roman Political Institutions, N. Y., 1930.

  XIII HORACE, Odes and Epodes, Loeb Library.

  Satires and Epistles, Loeb Library.

  HOWARD, C., Sex Worship, Chicago, 1909.

  INGE, DEAN W. R., The Philosophy of Plotinus, London, 1929. 2V.

  IRENAEUS, Adversus haereses, Oxford, 1872.

  JEROME, Select Letters, Loeb Library.

  JONES, A., Cities of the Eastern Roman Provinces, Oxford, 1937.

  JONES, H., Companion to Roman History, Oxford, 1912.

  JONES, W., Malaria and Roman History, Manchester U.P., 1909.

  JOSEPHUS, Works, tr. Whiston, Boston, 1811, 2V.

  JULLIAN, C., Histoire de la Gaule, Paris, 1908. 6V.

  JUSTINIAN, Digest; cf. Scott, S. P.

  XIV JUVENAL AND PERSIUS, Satires, Loeb Library.

  JUVENAL, PERSIUS, SULPICIA, AND LUCILIUS, Satires, tr. Gifford, London, 1852.

  KALTHOFF, A., Rise of Christianity, London, 1907.

  KAUTSKY, K., Ursprung des Christentums, Vienna, 1908.

  KLAUSNER, J., From Jesus to Paul, N. Y., 1943.

  Jesus of Nazareth, N. Y., 1929.

  KOHLER, C., History of Costume, N. Y., 1928.

  LACTANTIUS, Works, in Ante-Nicene Christian Library, vols. XXI-II, London, 1881.

  LAKE, K., ed., The Apostolic Fathers, Loeb Library. 2V.

  LANCIANI, R., Ancient Rome, Boston, 1899.

  LANG, P., Music in Western Civilization, N. Y., 1941.

  LEA, H. C, Historical Sketch of Sacerdotal Celibacy, Boston, 1884.

  LECKY, W., History of European Morals, N. Y., 1926. 2V.

  LESLIE SHANE, The Greek Anthology, N. Y., 1929.

  LIVINGSTONE, R. W., The Legacy of Greece, Oxford, 1924.

  LIVY, T., History of Rome, Everyman Library. 6V.


  LOT, FERDINAND, End of the Ancient World, N. Y., 1931.

  LUCAN, Pharsalia, Loeb Library.

  XV LUCIAN, Works, tr. Fowler, Oxford, 1905,4V.

  XVI LUCRETIUS, De rerum natura, Loeb Library.

  MACGREGOR, R., The Greek Anthology, London, n.d.

  MACKENNA, STEPHEN, The Essence of Plotinus, N. Y., 1934.

  MACROBIUS, Works, French tr., Paris, 1827. 2V.

  Opera, London, 1694.

  MAHAFFY, J., The Silver Age of the Greek World, Chicago, 1906.

  MAINE, SIR H., Ancient Law, Everyman Library.

  MAIURI, A., Les fresques de Pompeii, Paris, n.d.

  Pompeii, Rome, n.d.

  MANTZIUS, K., History of Theatrical Art, N. Y., 1937. 6V.

  XVII MARCUS AURELIUS, Meditations, tr. Long, Boston, 1876.

  MARTIAL, Epigrams, Loeb Library. 2V.

  MATTHEWS, B., Development of the Drama, N. Y., 1921.

  MAU, A., Pompeii, N. Y., 1902.

  MERIVALE, C., History of the Romans under the Empire, London, 1865. 8V.

  MIDDLETON, C., Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero, London, 1877.

  MINUCIUS, FELIX, Octavius, in Tertullian, Apologeticus, Loeb Library.

  MOMIGLIANO, A., Claudius, Oxford, 1934.

  XVIII MOMMSEN, T., History of Rome, London, 1901. 5V.

  The Provinces of the Roman Empire, N. Y., 1887. 2V.

  MONROE, P., Source Book of the History of Education for the Greek and Roman Period, N. Y., 1932.

  MONTESQUIEU, CHARLES DE, Grandeur et Décadence des Romains, Paris, 1924.

  MOORE, G. F., Judaism in the First Centuries of the Christian Era, Cambridge, Mass., 1932. 2V.

  MULLER-LYER, F., Evolution of Modern Marriage, N. Y., 1930.

  MURRAY, G., Five Stages of Greek Religion, Oxford, 1930.

  NEPOS, CORNELIUS, Lives, N. Y., 1895.

  OVID, Ars amatoria, Loeb Library.

  Fasti, Loeb Library.

  Heroides and Amores, Loeb Library.

  Love Books of, tr. May, N. Y., 1930.

  Metamorphoses, Loeb Library. 2V.

  Tristia and Ex Ponto, Loeb Library.

  OWEN, JOHN, Evenings with the Sceptics, London, 1881. 2V.

  PATER, WALTER, Marius the Epicurean, N. Y., n.d.

  PAUL-LOUIS, Ancient Rome at Work, N. Y., 1927.

  PFUHL, E., Masterpieces of Greek Drawing and Painting, London, 1926.

  PHILO, Works, Loeb Library. 9V.

  PHILOSTRATUS, Life of Apollonius of Tyana, Loeb Library. 2V.

  PHILOSTRATUS AND EUNAPIUS, Lives of the Sophists, Loeb Library.

  PLAUTUS, Comedies, London, 1889.

  PLINY THE ELDER, Natural History, London, 1855. 6V.

  XIX PLINY THE YOUNGER, Letters, Loeb Library.

  PLOTINUS, Select Works, London, 1912.

  PLUTARCH, De Iside et Osiride, French tr., Paris, 1924.

  De tranquillitate animi, tr. Harvard U.P., 1931.

  Lives, Everyman Library. 3V.

  Moralia, Loeb Library.

  Quaestiones Romanae, tr. Holland, London, 1892.

  POLYBIUS, Histories, Loeb Library. 6V.

  POPE, A. U., Survey of Persian Art, London, 1938. 6V.

  PORPHYRY, Life of Plotinus, in MacKenna, S., The Essence of Plotinus, N. Y, 1934.

  PROPERTIUS, Poems, Loeb Library.

  QUINTILIAN, Institutes of Oratory, Loeb Library. 4V.

  RAMSAY, W. M., The Church in the Roman Empire, N. Y., 1893.

  RANDALL-MACIVER, D., The Etruscans, Oxford, 1927.

/>   RAWLINSON, G., The Sixth Great Oriental Monarch, N. Y., n.d.

  REID, J., Municipalities of the Roman Empire, Cambridge U.P., 1913.

  REINACH, S., Apollo, a History of Art, N. Y., 1917.

  A Short History of Christianity, N. Y., 1922.

  RENAN, E., Antichrist, London, n.d.

  The Apostles, London, n.d.

  The Christian Church, London, n.d.

  Lectures on the Influence of Rome on Christianity, London, 1884.

  Life of Jesus, N. Y., n.d.

  Marc Aurèle, Paris, n.d.

  St. Paul, Paris, n.d.

  ROBERTSON, J. M., Short History of Freethought, London, 1914. 2V.

  RODENWALDT, G., Die Kunst der Antike: Hellas und Rom, Berlin, 1927.

  ROSTOVTZEFF, M., History of the Ancient World, Oxford, 1928, 2V.

  Mystic Italy, N. Y., 1927.

  Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World, N. Y., 1942. 3V.

  Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire, Oxford, 1926.

  SACHAR, A., History of the Jews, N. Y., 1932.

  SALLUST, Works, Loeb Library.

  SANDYS, SIR J., Companion to Latin Studies, Cambridge U.P., 1925.

  SARTON, G., Introduction to the History of Science, Baltimore, 1930. Vol. I.

  SCHÜRER, E., History of the Jewish People In The Times of Jesus, N. Y., 1890. 6V.

  XX SCHWEITZER, A., The Quest of the Historical Jesus, London, 1926.

  SCOTT, E. F., First Age of Christianity, N. Y., 1935.

  SCOTT, S. P., The Civil Law of Rome, Cincinnati, 1932. 17V.

  SENECA, Epistulae Morales, Loeb Library. 2V.

  Moral Essays, Loeb Library. 3V.

  Quaestiones naturales, tr. in Clarke, Physical Science in the Time of Nero, London, 1910.

  Tragedies, Loeb Library. 2V.

  SEXTUS EMPIRICUS, Works, Loeb Library. 3V.

  Opera, Leipzig, 1840. 2V.

  SHOTWELL, J., Introduction to the History of History, N. Y., 1936.

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  SIMPSON, F., History of Architectural Development, London, 1921. Vol. I.

  SMITH, R. B., Carthage and the Carthaginians, N. Y., 1908.

  SMITH, WM., Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, Boston, 1859.

  SELLAR, W., Horace and the Elegiac Poets, Oxford, 1937.

  Roman Poets of the Augustan Age: Virgil, Oxford, 1877.

  Roman Poets of the Republic, Oxford, 1881.

  SOCRATES, Ecclesiastical History, London, 1892.

  STATIUS, Poems, Loeb Library. 2V.

  STRABO, Geography, Loeb Library. 8V.


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