Page 45
biological weapons 48–9
in Chile 23, 162–3
counterintelligence division 161–2
covering its tracks 40
covert hacking program 33
damage done by Angleton 161–2
heroin trafficking 171, 282–3, 287
interception of Soviet ICBM telemetry 110–11
interference in Australian politics and unions 178–82
and invasion of Iraq 38–9
and invasion of Cuba 234
JM/WAVE program against Cuba 162
and Mujahideen 286
Phoenix program in Vietnam 271, 272, 273, 275–6, 277
at Pine Gap 100, 106–8
Rhyolite satellite system 99
staff spying for Soviets 99, 108
and Whitlam government 168–72, 175–7, 179–80
chemical and biological weapons
anthrax 57
banning of 57–60
dispersal issues 57
Japanese use in Manchuria 46–7
nerve agents 51–5, 57, 59–60, 291
proposed testing by US in Australia 51–5
research in Australia 47–8, 49–50
Syrian use 39
in World War II 45–7
Chemical Weapons Convention 58
Chifley Labor government 3, 6–8, 29
Chilcot, John 294
Chile 23, 162–3
accusations of cyber attacks 320, 321
Australian fear of 315–16
Australian recognition of 142–3
economy 317
geopolitical strategy 316, 327–8
high-tech industries 319
human rights abuses 318
influence on Australian policy 238, 320, 321
and Korean War 262–3
nuclear submarines and missiles 97, 300
policy formation 317–18
rise of 96, 150, 315–18
signals intelligence (SIGINT) 31
territorial claims and disputes 325–6
trade with Australia 315, 324
war with United States 323–5, 328
Chinese students in Australia 321
Christchurch massacre 36
Christmas Island 186–7
Churchill, Winston 45
Clark, Andrew 173
Clark, Ed 84
Clark, Greg 201
Clark, Sam 25, 289
Clark Labour government (NZ) 140
Clayton, Walter 5–6
Clear Sky project 129
Clements, William 108
Clinton, Bill 135, 140
Clinton, Hillary 294
Codd, Mike 78–9, 203
Colby, Bill 161–2, 176, 182, 282
Cold War 89, 112, 135, 149, 191, 270, 300
Cole, Terence 25
Collaery, Bernard 26, 27, 235
Collins-class submarine 192, 194
colonial wars, foundation myth of 247–50
Combe, David 13
Combined Space Operations Center (US) 98
threat of 51–2
see also Cold War
Communist Party in Australia 5–6, 7, 10, 156
Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP-11) 196, 211
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty 112, 211–12
Connor, Rex 159, 160, 168, 169, 171, 201
Cook, Michael 211, 212
Corbin, Jane 292
Cornall, Robert 18
Corson, William 171
Coulthart, Ross 55
Cowen, Myron 7
Crabb, Lionel ‘Buster’ 21–2
Crimea 191, 305
Cronau, Peter 118
Crow Flight project 129
Cuba 234
Cuban missile crisis 307, 311
Cummings, Bruce 264
Curran, James 133, 135, 156, 167, 168, 175–7
Curtin, John 258–9
cyber attacks 320–1
cyber operations 36
Daley, Paul 253
Danby, Michael 144
Darcy, Bill 182
Davies, Bruce 276
Davis, Alexander 327
de Gaulle, Charles 280
de Klerk, F.W. 310
Deakin, Alfred 247, 252
Deane, Bill 214
Dearlove, Richard 38, 294
Defence Act 1903 251–5
Defence Intelligence Organisation (DIO) 290
defence policy
forward defence 154, 258, 283
Howard Coalition government 143, 145, 193
integration of troops, ships and planes with US counterparts 189–91, 194
purchase of US military equipment 191–4
purchase of US weapons systems 144–5, 189–90
Rudd Labor government policy 143
Whitlam Labor government 155–6
Defence Signals Bureau (DSB) 29
Defence Signals Directorate/Division (DSD) 8, 9, 29, 30, 31, 155–6
Defence Standards Laboratories (DSL) 49
Democratic Labor Party 11
Department of Defence 105, 180
Chemical and Biological Warfare (CBW) Subcommittee 47–8
and Pine Gap 106–9
Department of External Affairs 21
Department of Home Affairs 241–4
Dibb, Paul 309
Dinh Diem Nhu 280
Documents on Australian Defence and Foreign Policy 1968–1975 (Walsh and Munster) 204
Dodds, Greg 283–4
domestic violence 227–8, 242
domino theory 280, 283
Downer, Alexander 26, 142, 187–8, 211
Dulles, Foster 21
Dutton, Peter 41, 242, 315
Eden, Anthony 21–2, 64
Edwards, John 258
Edwards, Peter 109
Eisenhower, Dwight 37, 127, 185, 270, 326
Elliott, August 289
Ellis, Dick 22
Ellsberg, Daniel 35, 130
Emery, Charles 276
Emu Field, South Australia 52, 53, 62
Eric White Associates 208
Eslake, Saul 231
by Australian diplomats for Soviet Union 3–5
Clayton’s ‘spy ring’ 5–6
industrial espionage 26–7
royal commission into 11
by US citizens for Soviet Union 99
Espionage and Foreign Interference Bill 2017 232–4, 235
European Court of Human Rights 32
Evans, Gareth
on alleged murder of ASIS officers 214, 215–16
and Combe–Ivanov affair 13
on coup in Chile 23
on Des Ball 116
on John Gee 58
and nuclear disarmament 309
and publication of Oyster 207
push for intrusive and repressive laws 223–4
on value of intelligence 36, 144
Evatt, Bert 6, 10, 11, 123, 259, 260
exclusive economic zones (EEZs) 185–6, 187, 325
extrajudicial killings 115
The Eye 211, 212, 214, 216
F-35 fighter planes 190, 192–3
F-111 strike aircraft 193
Fairfax 202–3, 205, 233
Fairhall, Allen 100, 283
Faisal, Muhammad 19
Falkland Islands 325–6
Farrands, John 75, 100, 104, 107, 173–4
Faulkner, John 192
Fellenz, Lloyd 52–3
Fihn, Beatrice 310–11
Fisher, Andrew 251–2
Fitch, Jill 62
Five Eyes club 28, 29, 36, 138, 139–40, 244, 320
Five Power Defence Arrangement (FPDA) 155–6
Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Act 2018 237
Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Bill 2017 232–3, 235, 236, 239
Foreign Policy White Paper (2017) 327
forward defence policy 154, 258, 283r />
Fourteen Eyes group 29
Fowler, Andrew 244
Fox, Russell 75
France 139–40, 215, 269
Fraser, Malcolm
on Anzac myth 254
on ANZUS 150
blocking of supply 105, 169
on defence signals intelligence 36
forcing of election 170
investigation of leaks 12–13
on Malayan Emergency 266
on plutonium at Maralinga 76–7
on Vietnam War 280–1
Fraser Coalition government 30, 75, 78–9, 204, 222, 227
Freeman, Shirley 56–7, 58
French, Robert 195–6
Freney, Denis 30
Frontier Wars 250
Gaddafi, Muammar 294
Gallagher, Ryan 119
Gallipoli landing 254
Garland, Vic 75
Garratt (née Bernie), Frances 6
Gates, Robert 111, 114, 192
Gee, John 57, 291
Geneva Protocol (1925) 47, 49, 54, 58
Gillard, Julia 19, 31, 247–8, 249, 254, 264, 288
Gillard Labor government 97, 194
Gillis, Archie 49
Gorbachev, Mikhail 140, 304, 311
Gordon, Charles 248
Gorton, John 309
Gorton Coalition government 70
government agencies, exemption from judicial review 224
Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) (UK) 7
Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSGB) (NZ) 138–9
Grattan, Michelle 212, 216
Great Barrier Reef 157
Green, Marshall 102, 129, 155, 156–7, 166, 168, 171
Greene, Graham 282
Greenwald, Glenn 40
Greenwood, Ivor 163
Guam 325
Guantánamo Bay military jail 230, 231
Gyles, Roger 20
Habib, Mamdouh 13, 230–1
Habibie, B.J. 135
Haig, Alexander 37
Ham, Paul 282
Hamilton, Bob 92, 93, 200
Hamilton, Clive 321
Hamilton, Ian 251
Hand, Michael 176, 177
Haneef, Mohamed 19, 230
Hargrove, James 157
Harper, Matthew 324
Harries, Owen 304
Harry, Ralph 15, 22
Hartcher, Peter 114, 186
Hasluck, Paul 135, 280
Hastie, Andrew 233–4
Hastings, Peter 158
Hawke, Allan 328
Hawke, Bob 13, 113
Hawke Labor government 222
and ANZUS Treaty 137, 138
and ASIO powers 14
Combe–Ivanov affair 13
court action to suppress media reporting 204–9, 211, 212, 214–16
relations with US 159
statements on arms control 112, 113
Hay, Andrew 175
Hayden, Bill 13, 24, 57, 149, 159, 171, 212–13
‘The Hayden Papers’ 210–13, 215
Heard Island 186
Heath, Edward 158
Hersh, Seymour 177
Hicks, David 231
Hill, Jim 3, 4
Hill, Robert 53, 286
Hilton Hotel bombing 227, 230
Ho Chi Minh 269–70, 274, 280
Holbrooke, Richard 176
Hollis, Roger 260
Holt, Harold 49, 84
Hope, Robert 18, 24, 212
Hope report 11, 12, 18, 24, 165, 169, 180–1, 222
Horner, David 5, 7
Houghton, Bernie 176–7
Howard, John
on Australia–China relationship 143
and crisis in Timor-Leste 135–6, 159
on joining US-led invasion of Iraq 291–2, 293
on value of intelligence 292
on WMDs in Iraq 38, 144, 290
Howard Coalition government
anti-terrorism laws 18–19, 228–9
AWB inquiry 25
bugging of government offices in Dili 27
defence policy 143, 145, 193
expansion of powers of the state 224
free trade agreement with US 196
gun-control laws 227
peacekeeping force for Timor-Leste 38
and Pine Gap 114
and US-led invasion of Afghanistan 286–7
and US-led invasion of Iraq 229, 283, 291–2, 293, 294–5
Huawei 31, 319–20
Hudson, Avon 74
Hudson, Bill 145
Hughes, Billy 257
Hughes, Tom 206
Hughes Space Group 30
Hussein, Saddam 31, 292, 293
Hutchings, Burt 182
Hutchings, Claire 182
Hutson, P.J. 200
identity matching legislation 243
Idle, Dunning 170, 171, 181
immigration zone 187
India 4, 315, 316, 322, 327
Indonesia 23, 31, 32
Confrontation 134, 267–8
invasion of East Timor 158
relations with Australia 158–9, 187, 212, 322
rise of 315, 316, 322
security treaty with Australia 136
US and 132–3
and West Irian 133–4
industrial espionage 26–7, 109
Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security 231
quality of reporting 231
uses and abuses 35–41
Intelligence Services Act 27
The Intercept 31, 118
intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) 103, 300, 302
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty 306
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 76
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) 310–11
International Monetary Fund (IMF) 304
Internet Engineering Task Force 240
Investigatory Powers Tribunal (UK) 32
investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) 195–6
Iran 144
US bases 110–11
Iran–Iraq War 57
Iraq 127
chemical and biological weapons 57
Islamic State (IS) occupation 293–4
US-led invasion 38, 127, 144–5, 229, 291–3, 294–5
WMDs 31, 38–9, 144, 290–1, 292–3
Iron Range, Cape York Peninsula 53–4
Irvine, David 26
Islamic State (IS) 293–4
Israel 190
Ivanov, Valeri 13
Australian policy on 257
bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 62–3
chemical and biological weapons 46–7
pacifist clause in constitution 124–5, 157
territorial claims and disputes 326
in World War II 257–9, 269
Japanese invasion
Australian fear of 251–2
threat of 258–9
Jenkins, David 215
Jennings, Peter 294
Jockel, Gordon 158, 165, 238
Johnson, B.J. 277
Johnson, Lyndon B. 280
Johnston, David 143–4
Joint Defence Space Communications Station see Nurrungar satellite ground station
Joint Defence Space Research Facility see Pine Gap satellite ground station
Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) 51
Joint Intelligence Organisation (JIO) 23, 117, 158, 199, 200, 201
Jones, Philippa 317
Jordan, John 93
Journalist Information Warrants 234–5
as agents 217
use by ASIO 12
Jurika, Stephen 7
Keane, John 317
Keating, Paul 136, 238, 254–5, 260, 308, 309
Keating Labor government 223–4
Keelty, Mick 19
Kelly, De-Anne 267–8
Kelly, Paul 203
Kennan, George F.
Kennedy, John F. 37, 81, 82, 83, 134–5, 234, 307
Kennedy, Robert 40, 133
Kennison, Ian 23
Kerr, John 107–8, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174, 175, 180
Khemlani, Tirath 159–60, 168–9
Khmer Rouge 282
Khrushchev, Nikita 22, 127, 185, 305, 307
Killen, Jim 74, 75, 76–7, 78, 91–4, 201, 278
Kim, Jim Yong 317
Kim Il Sung 261, 264
Kim Jong-un 59
Kirk, Norman 158
Kissinger, Henry 35, 86, 103, 155, 157–8, 238
Korean War 52, 134, 261–5
Krushchev, Nikita 311, 326
Lange, David 137, 138, 139
Lansdale, Edward 270, 282
Laos 282–3
Laqueur, Walter 148
Lavarch, Michael 14
Law of Armed Conflict 288
Law of the Sea 26, 187
LawAsia 174
Lazovik, Pavlovich 15
leaking of information
of Cabinet documents 90, 91
of classified documents during 1973–79 90, 91, 199–203
as criminal offence 224
outcomes of 234
Leggett, Jack 277
LeMay, Curtis 263, 264
Leslie, Mike 178–9, 272
Liberal Party 169, 182
Libya 294
Lindahl, Nick 223
Lindsey, Robert 179
Ling, Lisa 118–19
Lloyd, Clem 258–9
Lockhart, Greg 251, 252
Ludlam, Scott 240
Lynch, Phillip 170
MacArthur, Douglas 123, 257, 258, 263
MacCallum, Peter 50
MacDougall, W.B. 65
MacPhee, Ian 208
Macquarie Island 186
Mahoney, Frank 172
Makarov, Semyon 5
Malayan expeditionary force 266–7
Malaysia 134, 267–8
Malone, Paul 39, 64
malware 33–4, 240
Manningham-Buller, Eliza 228
Maralinga, South Australia 53
attempted clean up by British 70–1
British nuclear tests 52, 62, 63–5, 67
plutonium at 74–7, 78
Marchetti, Victor 106, 170, 171, 181, 182
Marks, John D. 181
Marshall, G.R. 94–5
Marston, Hedley 64
Mason, Anthony 204, 211
Masters, Chris 289
Mathams, Bob 89, 117
Mathews, Bob 58
Mayne, Robert 12
McCallum, Robert 143
McChrystal, Stanley 288
McClelland, Jim 62, 63, 66
McDade, Lyn 288
McDonald Islands 186
McDowell, Don 276
McGuarr, Darcy 101
McIlwraith, Thomas 247
McKenzie, Nick 289
McKnight, Allan 221
McMahon, Billy 79, 131
McMahon Coalition government 23, 84, 130–1, 199
McNamara, Robert 52, 281, 308
McNeill, Ian 273
McPhee, Neil 205, 206
McWilliam, Des 206–7
Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance 235
Menwith Hill satellite ground station, England 101, 115, 117, 118, 119
Menzies, Robert
on alliance with US 124
and British nuclear tests in Australia 61–2, 68