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Blood Song: Prelude (Blood Song Series Book 1)

Page 21

by Charli B. Rose

  “You thought of everything . . .. Why?” I tilted my head to the side, studying him as he searched for the words to answer my question.

  He turned and laid the dress back on his bed, stalling before he finally answered, “Because you deserve it. I wanted you to feel amazing tonight. I thought you might feel out of place at the party. I hoped if you had the perfect dress, you’d feel like what you really are.”

  “And what is it that I really am?” I whispered, eager, yet dreading his assessment.

  “Perfect, gorgeous. You’re everything.”

  God, I wanted to be his everything.

  I blinked rapidly to keep the tears trapped behind my lids when they desperately wanted to leak out. But I knew my tears would embarrass Toven. He didn’t seem to be the type of man who’d know how to deal with a woman’s hysterics. A few deep breaths through my nose got my emotions somewhat under control.

  “I’m excited to go to this party with you tonight. Do you socialize with the McDaniels often?”

  “No. I don’t really socialize with anyone . . . hence my need for your help. I have no public image anymore. Dropping out of the limelight thirty years ago killed my image.”

  “You were in the limelight thirty years ago?” I hadn’t found anything in my internet search that would indicate that.

  “Uh . . . yeah. But that’s a long story and best saved for another day. You should go have a nice long bath before Sandra arrives to help you.”

  It wasn’t that late, so there was time. He obviously didn’t want to talk about it.

  “OK. I’ll go do that now.” I’d let him off the hook. For now.

  “I’ll help you take your new things to your room.”


  He scooped up the dress and bag of accessories. Crossing the hall to my room, I was overly aware of his gaze on my back. It warmed and excited me. I couldn’t wait for the party.

  He placed everything on my bed.

  “What time do I need to be ready to leave by?” I asked.

  “The party starts at seven, but we’ll be fashionably late as your generation says.” He winked at me.

  I laughed at his awkwardness at trying to sound cool before putting a stern look on my face. “Toven, that right there is something you need to work on.”


  “I know you’ve lived for a couple hundred years, but you look twenty-five. You’re appealing to people who are in their twenties. You want to be accepted by today’s musicians. That means claiming a piece of my generation as your own, rather than distancing yourself from us. The last batch of bands you appealed to was concerned you couldn’t identify with their fans. Find something about my generation to embrace.”

  He smirked at me. “Besides you?”

  Oh, dear Lord. How many mixed signals could one centuries-old man send me?

  I twisted my fingers together behind my back. “Yes, besides me.”

  “I don’t know if I like anything from your generation.”

  “I’ll add that to my list as our first task. We’ll go on a hunt to find things that my generation likes that you can also give a chance.”

  “Do I have to?” he whined and poked his lower lip out.

  “Yes. Now, go pout in your own room while I get ready.”

  Sinking beneath the hot sudsy water, I allowed my mind to wander. Briefly, I thought about my mission to clear my dad’s name and how working for Toven had forced me to put my detective work on hold for a little while. I cataloged ideas of what steps needed to be taken once I had some free time to pursue the leads in my dad’s papers. My mind quickly traversed to my current work. Though the job was still in the early stages, I was thoroughly enjoying it and could see myself happily doing this kind of thing for the rest of my life.

  Unbidden, my thoughts drifted to Toven. There were so many hidden layers to this enigma of a man. I wanted to examine each one before peeling it back to reveal the next. And for the first time in my life, I wanted to allow someone to peel back my layers and expose all my soft vulnerable parts. And that desire scared the crap out of me.

  As my skin began to shrivel from the extended soak, I let all my worries and stresses wash away momentarily. I’d let them go for the evening. I was sure Dad would understand and encourage me to live my life. Mesmerized, I watched the water and suds swirl down the drain, carrying all my strain with it.

  A knock on my bedroom door had me hastily belting my fluffy robe.

  “Come in,” I called as I stepped out of the bathroom.

  Mrs. Burkett ushered in Sandra, who was laden down with several bags.

  “Do you think you’ll need that much stuff to make me pretty?” I squeaked.

  “You’re already beautiful. I just wasn’t sure what I might need to highlight all your assets. I only got a vague description of your dress from Jacque as he was beginning to work on it,” she explained.

  “It’s gorgeous. I can’t believe Jacque made it. Want to see it?” I bounced excitedly on the balls of my feet.

  “Of course.”

  I unzipped the garment bag that laid across the foot of my bed and pulled the stunning gown from the bag. I held it up in front of me so Sandra could see.

  She whistled through her teeth. “Jacque really outdid himself with this creation.”

  My fingers traced over the fabric. “He should be a high-priced fashion designer.”

  “Oh, he is a high-priced fashion designer. B.I.T.-10 pays him quite well. And he loves where he works. There are perks to the job you can’t even imagine.” She took the dress from me and placed it back on the bed. “Go sit in the chair, and I’ll get to work.”

  Sandra grabbed my hand and tsked at my pruned fingertips. Shaking her head, she scolded, “You soaked too long.”

  “I know. I kind of got lost in my thoughts.”

  “Ahhh.” She gave me a knowing look as she brushed out my hair.

  “Ahhh, what?”

  “You were daydreaming and reliving your wild escapades with Mr. Adams.” She smiled while placing another roller in my hair.

  I blushed. “I wish. We haven’t had any wild escapades.”

  “You’re pulling my leg . . . aren’t you?”

  With the final roller in place, she turned me around and began to rub vanilla-scented moisturizer onto my face

  “I’m afraid not,” I answered as I closed my eyes and relaxed.

  “How is that possible? You’ve been here for three days. Most vampires would’ve taken you several times the first night alone.”

  “I don’t know why it hasn’t happened. Is there something wrong with me?” Self-doubt filled my mind.

  “No, you’re gorgeous and sweet. There’s nothing wrong with you. Maybe he doesn’t like women?” Her lip wrinkled at the thought.

  I laughed. “He definitely likes women. We kissed.” I blushed at the memory.

  “How was that?”

  “Heavenly, sinful, and everything in between.”

  Her eyes met mine in the mirror. “Do tell.”

  “I don’t even know if I have the proper vocabulary to describe his kiss. It turned my world upside down and set it spinning on a different axis. I never wanted it to end. I could die a happy woman if I died with my lips fused to his.” My hands fluttered uselessly.

  ♪ The World Turned Upside Down by Coldplay

  “Wow. Sounds pretty amazing.” She winked at my reflection.

  “I’ve never been kissed like that in my whole life. I’ve only kissed a few guys, but none of them hold even the tiniest candle to Toven’s blowtorch of a kiss. I didn’t know a kiss could awaken so much. Is it like that with all vampires or is it just Toven?” I wasn’t sure which answer I preferred—for it to be some inherent trait of his kind or it to be unique to him.

  “Well, most vampires have had many years to perfect the art of kissing. I’ve heard many of the girls talking of various vampires’ skills, but I’ve never heard them describe a kiss quite like you did. So, maybe Toven i
s especially skilled, or maybe it’s just special because it’s you and him. My late husband’s kisses woke things in me and had me desperate for more each time.” A sheen filled her eyes at the memory.

  “I just hope he kisses me again.”

  “Why wouldn’t he?”

  “He said it was a mistake. He’s afraid he’ll hurt me, and he doesn’t want to add me to his list of victims.” I pouted as I recalled his words.

  “Oh . . .” she whispered.


  “The fact that he’s afraid he’ll hurt you tells me that he cares about you. So, he probably wants to kiss you again, his conscience is just speaking louder than his libido. Are you afraid he’ll hurt you?” She tweezed a couple of stray eyebrow hairs as we talked.

  “No. Oddly enough, I trust Toven more than I’ve ever trusted anyone. And I have no idea why. Something inside just tells me he won’t hurt or betray me.” I shrugged helplessly.

  “Then tonight, we speak to his libido. I’ll make you irresistible.” Mischief sparkled in her eyes as she got to work.

  And she did make me irresistible. Sandra worked her magic with very little help from her tool bags. When I was finally zipped into my dress, with my hair piled high upon my head, I stepped to the wardrobe mirror. My breath caught in my throat. I couldn’t believe the vision staring back at me.

  Her hands rested on my shoulders. “You look beautiful. He won’t be able to resist you tonight.”

  “We shall see. Thank you for all your help.” I threw my arms around her and squeezed.

  “My pleasure. You make an appointment to come in on Thursday for a facial and massage, OK?” She patted my back before she stepped back to look at me once more.

  “I’d love to.”

  Soon I was left with my reflection and my nerves. Apparently, I hadn’t washed them down the drain with the bath water. I took several deep breaths, trying to slow my fluttering heart. I glanced at the clock and realized it was time to go find Toven so we could leave. I walked to the door and turned the knob, ready to turn Toven’s head and change his mind about me.



  I paced the living room nervously. Teenagers on their first date couldn’t be as anxious as I felt waiting for Celesta to descend. My palms were sweaty—I hadn’t sweated since I’d been turned. My collar felt too tight, but I’d worn this suit countless times before. Cotton filled my mouth, and my heart fluttered in my chest like a caged bird trying to break free. I toyed with the pendant hanging around my neck by a strip of leather. The fidgeting was not calming my nerves.

  What had come over me?

  I’d been unable to think of anything but Celesta all day. I kept reliving that kiss—and the hurt in her eyes when I told her it was a mistake. God how I wished things were different. That I was different.

  Celesta called to something inside me . . . some part of me that had been undiscovered until her. Something so deep and hidden I never imagined it even existed. But now that it was revealed, I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to stuff it back in that deep, dark box again. Somehow it had expanded and outgrown the confines of the box.

  My moment of self-reflection was interrupted by the soft thud of a door closing upstairs. Quickly, I tucked my necklace back under my shirt and wiped my hands on my pants. A quick sip of water alleviated my dry mouth.

  Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

  I forced myself to breathe deeply as the smell of vanilla drifted to my nostrils. Casually, I leaned against the door jamb facing the foot of the staircase. Elegant feet clad in strappy silver heels came into view first. Then a small flash of leg with flowing, glittery fabric materialized in front of my eyes. Her entrance was coming painfully slow, with each step down the stairs taking an eternity.

  And finally, she was fully in view, and every drop of moisture evaporated from my mouth. I couldn’t get my brain to send a signal to my mouth to speak. She stopped one step from the bottom and stared at me. Her eyes traveled to my shoes and slowly burned their way back up to mine. Each place her eyes looked felt as if it had been caressed by her soft touch. A shiver ran up my spine over the intensity in her gaze. The longer I stood there silently, the more doubt and confusion replaced the sparkle in her eyes. I had to get my mouth to work and erase that look.

  My feet moved me toward her without a conscious command from my brain. When we were eye to eye, I whispered, “Forgive my foolish silence, but your beauty struck me dumb for a few minutes. You are utterly breathtaking. And I do mean that in the most literal sense of the word. I still feel short of breath standing here looking at you, which should be impossible for a vampire.”

  I took her hand and pulled her to me. A small gasp escaped her lips as her front collided with mine. My fingers gently stroked her cheek. “What are you doing to me?” I whispered and pressed a quick kiss to her lips.

  I pulled back before either of us could get ideas about deepening it. “We are officially fashionably late. Are you ready to go?” I asked with a wink.

  She nodded, seeming still stunned from the brief lip contact. When she stepped to the floor, I pulled her wrap up to better cover her bare shoulders and placed my hand on the small of her back to guide her to the car.

  William had pulled my Maserati to the front door. Briefly, I’d considered having William drive us in the limo, but after this morning, I just didn’t trust myself with her in the dark, intimate confines of the backseat. I was far too controlled to make out like some horny teenager in the backseat of the car. With the Maserati, that wouldn’t be a possibility. Plus, there was the perk of watching her get aroused by the roaring engine vibrating beneath her.

  Once we were on our way, my nerves began to settle. Being in control of almost 500 thundering horses helped me relax. Feeling out of control, even in the slightest, of everything about myself was foreign and a bit unnerving. I pushed the car to a thrilling speed on the dark, country road.

  “How long have you had this car?” she asked, unable to resist caressing the leather seat next to her leg.

  “I bought my first one from the first group off the production line when it was introduced in 2008. I upgrade every few years. I know it’s an indulgence, and normally it isn’t something I do. But this one time, I really wanted it when I saw the concept model at a car show in 2007. No other car has captured my interest like this model.”

  Turning slightly in her seat, she peered at me, scrutinizing me. “I know we haven’t known each other long, but I don’t see you as the indulgent type.”

  As I slowed down to take the next turn, I peeked over at her. “I rarely am. I’m usually content to save my money and make more. I don’t often buy extravagant things. But when I see something I absolutely must have I’ll stop at nothing to get it.” My confession had an air of prophecy to it.

  “You’ve worked hard for centuries. You should enjoy the fruits of that labor.”

  I reached over and squeezed her thigh. “Glad you approve. Now, you haven’t asked me any of those curious questions of yours lately. Has your curiosity been satisfied?”

  “No. Far from it.”

  I chuckled. “We’ve got a few minutes before we arrive. Fire away.”

  “How come when we stood together in front of the mirror in my room, I could see both of our reflections?”

  “Another myth. That’s one I’m not sure about the origins of. Honestly, I think it’s something Hollywood made up to further differentiate vampires from humans. A clever trick to make humans in the movies wonder why they couldn’t see the reflection of the person next to them.”

  “Good, because there’s no way you all would be so beautiful without being able to see yourselves. That’d be totally unfair to add effortless beauty to your list of attributes,” she teased.

  “I do have to brush my hair when I get up in the morning, otherwise it’s a mess,” I admitted in a whisper.

  Curiosity filled her eyes as she examined me. “You keep making me discard all these things I thought we
re true about vampires.”

  “It’ll be interesting to see what remains when I’m done educating you about my kind.”

  “That it will, Toven. I always did enjoy learning new things,” she said with a smirk.

  Oh, the new things I could teach her. But she should learn those things from someone like her . . ..

  “Do vampires turn to dust when they die?”

  “Yes. It’s not as instantaneous as Hollywood makes it seem. But within a few minutes, only dust remains. Vampire venom has a lot of acid in it, so if it isn’t constantly pumped through the body, it erodes flesh, muscle and bone.”

  She nodded, filing away that piece of information. “So, some of you can go out in the sun, all of you can eat garlic and you can see yourself in the mirror.” She ticked off each myth busted on her fingers. “I need to watch Dracula to see what other tropes you can cast off as falsehoods.”

  “Maybe we can watch it together, so you can hold my hand at the scary parts.” I waggled my eyebrows at her suggestively.

  She ducked her head down. “I’d like that.”

  We rode in silence for a few more minutes before I pulled into a line of cars waiting to be valeted at the McDaniels’ house.

  “And we have arrived,” I announced.

  Her eyes grew large when she saw the line in front of us. “Looks like we aren’t the only ones fashionably late.”

  I chuckled. “It does appear many had the same idea in mind.”

  When a young man approached my door, I quickly hopped out and rounded the car to assist Celesta from the car. As she swung her legs out, a wide expanse of skin was unveiled. My tongue darted out to lick my lips in thirst.

  Once I pulled her to my side, I briefly wondered at the sensibility of bringing her here looking like this. There’d be sharks and lions inside, in addition to the vamps. And Celesta looked like a prime piece of meat, the perfect prey. I should know, I wanted to devour her myself.

  Before I could place her back in the car and take her away from all other eyes, the attendant drove away.


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