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Blood Song: Prelude (Blood Song Series Book 1)

Page 25

by Charli B. Rose

  I turned around and was blinded by the loveliness in front of me. She wasn’t dressed in anything fancy—just a simple business skirt and top—but the beauty that shone through her rivaled the sun.

  “Good morning. How are your feet this morning?” I asked with a smirk.

  “Not too bad after your foot massage. But I’m wearing flats today to give them a break. I wasn’t sure what was appropriate attire for your office. I hope this is OK?” She brushed her hands down her skirt.

  “You look perfect.” And she did.

  “So, Celesta did you enjoy the party last night?” Mrs. Burkett asked as she deposited a plate in front of an empty seat at the table.

  “Oh, yes. I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun. Toven was the perfect date.” Her cheeks pinkened with her gushing.

  “I’m so glad you two kids had fun.” She patted Celesta on the shoulder as she moved back to the stove to clean up.

  Celesta and I laughed at her comment.

  “Sit and have breakfast,” the mother figure in my life ordered us.

  “Yes, ma’am.” I saluted her and turned to wink at Celesta.

  I pulled out Celesta’s chair for her then sat as close to her as I could without drawing too much attention to myself. Breakfast was an uneventful affair, and before I knew it, it was time to head to the office.

  I decided to drive my luxury SUV to the office.

  “Going for understated wealth today?” Celesta asked.

  I chuckled and said, “I guess so.”

  In no time at all, we arrived at my building. I parked in my designated spot in the underground parking garage and went around to assist Celesta from the car. I grabbed her laptop bag while she took her purse. Once she was out and the door was closed, she tried to drop my hand, but I clung to hers.

  “Toven, do you want people at your job to get ideas about us?” she whispered.

  “I don’t care what ideas they get about us, Celesta. Remember the photo in the media a couple of days ago and the party last night? Word’s out that I have a lady in my life. I don’t care who knows it. The people here work for me, and if they have anything to say, then they’ll be looking for a new place of employment. Everyone here better mind their own business about my personal life, and they’d better be kind to you,” my voice was stern as I tugged her along. Our echoing steps were the only other sound in the underground concrete cavern.

  She fidgeted with the purse strap on her shoulder. “OK. But how are you planning to introduce me to the people here?”

  I pulled her to a halt then stepped in front of her. Planting my hands on her shoulders, I said, “I’m going to say, this beautiful, smart young woman is Celesta Winston. She’s my new girlfriend who happens to also be a marketing genius, so she’ll be helping with my current image issues.”

  “That’ll work, I guess.” Her throat trembled with the force of her swallow.

  I set us in motion once more. Shortly, we entered the waiting elevator. Once we were inside, I pressed my palm to the electronic pad next to the buttons.

  “Fancy,” she teased.

  “My palm is the only one that’ll make the elevator bypass the reception area and open directly on the floor with my office. Everyone else must get off the elevator on the first floor and sign in at the reception desk. Even employees must get off on that level daily to activate their employee lanyards. Their lanyards only allow them access to the floors necessary for their work and my floor when necessary. It makes sure people don’t just wander around where they shouldn’t. I’ll arrange for security to add your palm print to the database, so you can come directly to my floor without all the hassle of signing in.” I shifted her laptop bag further up on my shoulder.

  Her brow furrowed. “Why would you do that for an employee?”

  “You’re more than my employee.”

  We rode in silence for several floors, each of us mulling over my answer.

  I glanced down at our intertwined fingers. Her hand nestled within mine did something to my insides. It felt . . . right, like home somehow. I was amazed that she was in my life. Why couldn’t I have found her before my time was nearly over?

  “Penny for your thoughts?” her quiet voice interrupted my musing.

  “Just thinking about how much I like holding your hand,” I answered simply before lifting our joined hands to press a kiss to hers.

  “Oh,” she whispered as a beautiful flush stole over her face.

  Damn, I loved to make her blush.

  “Yeah, oh. I can’t recall ever holding a woman’s hand before. And I never would’ve expected I’d like it so much.” I pressed another kiss to her skin, this time to the tips of her fingers.

  “I like it too,” she murmured and cast her eyes to the floor in embarrassment.

  Why did I find that incredibly adorable? In all my years on Earth, I couldn’t recall ever thinking anything was adorable, not even a puppy.

  The ride to the top floor of my building was almost at an end. It was early enough that we didn’t have to stop on any other floor to let others into our cocoon of solitude.

  The car began to slow as we approached the last possible stop. “You ready?” I asked.

  She looked up at me. There was a brief flash of anxiety in her beautiful eyes. Her teeth chewed on her lower lip nervously as she nodded. My gaze narrowed on that plump piece of flesh trapped by her pearly white teeth. A jolt ran from my heart straight to my crotch. I longed to be the one nibbling on her. I yearned to capture her lip gently between my teeth.

  God, I had to stop those thoughts, or I’d never be able to focus in my meeting in just a bit.

  I tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and whispered, “You’ll do just fine.” I pressed a quick kiss to her lips and pulled back just as the doors slid open.

  Before we could even step out of the elevator, a voice called from the corridor to the right, “Toven?”

  I snarled under my breath at her lack of professionalism and the fact that I couldn’t get one minute of peace before she darkened my day.

  Celesta looked at me surprised. “You can’t even get out of the elevator before people start demanding your time? Perhaps it wasn’t a good idea for me to come in with you.”

  “Nonsense. This won’t take but a moment.”

  “Ms. Summers,” I forced from my mouth. I pulled Celesta out of the elevator and turned to face her to make sure she wasn’t about to bolt. My body effectively blocked her from Lydia’s approach.

  I mouthed to Celesta, “Sorry.”

  She looked at me with confusion.

  “You’ll see,” I whispered.

  From behind and rapidly getting closer, she said, “Toven, I saw the pictures. Who was the tart you carried to the party?”

  My eyes instantly flashed with anger. Celesta’s eyes filled with pain and humiliation. The rage at seeing anyone hurt her simmered beneath the surface of my skin. I needed to get it under control before I turned around to acknowledge Lydia. Celesta could see the fury on my face. She reached her hand up to my cheek, instantly stilling the demon who raged inside, demanding a pound of flesh as payment for hurting my girl’s feelings.

  “Toven, didn’t you hear me? I didn’t mean for you to do what you did. Don’t worry though, I can fix it. Toven, why aren’t you answering me?” her annoying voice grated on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard.

  Her voice was only a few feet away from us. Thankfully, it seemed no one else was out and about on this floor yet, since I didn’t hear anyone moving to find out what the commotion was all about.

  “I am so sorry,” I whispered to Celesta.

  “It’s OK. I’m a big girl. And this tart has something for her.” She flashed me a devious smile just before her hand moved to the back of my neck and pulled my lips down to hers for a searing kiss.

  As her lips melded to mine, I completely forgot where we were. All that existed in that moment was us. I wrapped the hand that was holding hers around her waist and pull
ed her flush against me while I buried my other hand in her hair to deepen the kiss she started.

  “Toven! Ahem!” Lydia shouted right beside us as she pulled on my arm.

  I didn’t want to stop kissing Celesta. I could’ve been staked right through the heart in that moment and died a happy man. I slowed the pace of the kiss and gently pulled my lips back from hers. She whimpered softly in my mouth, making me growl. I couldn’t just stop kissing her cold turkey. Once I withdrew enough for us to catch our breath, I brushed several soft kisses against her lips.

  “Wow,” I whispered.

  She winked at me before turning to face the livid woman by my elbow.

  She stuck out her free hand to Lydia and said, “Hi, I’m Celesta, the tart.”

  Lydia turned up her nose and made no move to take Celesta’s offered hand. “Toven, what the hell are you doing?”

  “Ms. Summers, it would behoove you to check your tone and remember who signs your paychecks. Now, Celesta, this is Ms. Lydia Summers, my assistant at Lyrical Enterprises. Ms. Summers, this is my girlfriend, Celesta Winston. She’s also a marketing genius who’ll be helping me in some of the ways you suggested, plus a myriad of other ways she’s developed on her own. Now, what was all your shouting and indignation about this morning?” I looked derisively at her.

  “Oh, I’ll just come by your office later and speak with you in private.” She turned on her heel and stomped down the hall, back the way she came.

  “It was nice meeting you, Lydia,” Celesta called to her retreating back.

  As soon as a door slammed down the corridor, Celesta burst out giggling.

  I beamed at her in pride. “You, my star, are a piece of work. You certainly managed to shut her up and put her in her place.”

  “Well, I didn’t like her tone. And I saw the way she looked at you. Toven, she wants you. And she needs to know that you’re mine . . . for now, at least,” she huffed.

  “Yours,” I whispered. For good.

  She gave me a cheeky smile. “Glad we got that settled.”

  “Come on, let me introduce you to my personal assistant, Mrs. Stephenson. You’ll love her.” I tugged Celesta with me in the direction of my office.

  I could see Mrs. Stephenson peeking our way during the whole altercation with Lydia. She watched our approach with a subtle smirk on her face.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Stephenson, enjoy the show this morning?”

  She chuckled. “Yes, sir, I did. I wish I had that on tape. The look on her face when she realized you were kissing the young lady here was priceless.”

  “Mrs. Stephenson, allow me to introduce you to Celesta Winston, my new girlfriend.” Claiming her out loud felt unbelievably good.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Stephenson,” Celesta said as she shook her hand.

  “Believe me, the pleasure is all mine after you put that witch in her place.” Affection lifted her lips even higher as she gave Celesta’s hand a gentle squeeze.

  “Mrs. Stephenson, Celesta is finishing up her marketing degree, so she’s agreed to help me out with my image and marketing hang-ups in order to gain some experience. I’m going to set her up in the office beside mine. Also, I’m going to arrange security clearance so she can come straight up if she needs to.”

  “That sounds wonderful. Celesta, please let me know if you need anything at all. I’m speed dial two on the phone in your new office.” Mrs. Stephenson was another blessing in my life. It warmed my heart that she accepted Celesta so readily.

  “I’m number one,” I offered with a wink.

  One corner of her mouth tipped up as she tilted her head at me. “Cocky, much?”

  “Only with you. Come on, let me get you settled before my meeting.” I tugged her hand to direct her down the corridor that housed only two offices.

  “This is my office,” I said as I pushed open my door.

  She walked in and scanned the room. I tried to view my space through her eyes. Her gaze took in the antique desk topped with state-of-the-art computer equipment and the plush chairs positioned in front. Then it swept to the couch along the front wall before tracking to the bookshelves stuffed with books and papers. Her stare slipped to the locked filing cabinets along the left wall and finally took in the vast view of the city beyond my wall of glass.

  Nodding, she remarked, “This is a nice office.”

  “It works.” I shrugged. “I’ll let you poke around after my meeting. For now, let me get you situated in your office.” Resting my palm against the small of her back, I steered us to the room next to mine.

  Flipping the switch on the wall illuminated the vacant office. It wasn’t as big as mine, but it had a lovely view. The desk and office furniture were top-of-the-line, and the small couch was comfortable. I unpacked her laptop and connected her to the building’s server and Wi-Fi.

  “I don’t know how long my meeting will take, but I’ll be right next door. Mrs. Stephenson is available if you need anything.”

  “OK,” she said distractedly as she spun around in awe of her new space.

  “As soon as I’m done, I’ll come get you and show you my music floor.”

  Her jaw dropped open. “You have a whole floor dedicated to music?”

  “Just wait and see.” I kissed the top of her head and strode out before I was tempted to cancel my meeting and stay with her.

  Back in my office, I settled into my chair and opened my email account. There was a message from Dr. Gregory explaining she’d be running about fifteen minutes late. That gave me fifteen more minutes to spend with Celesta. I buzzed Mrs. Stephenson to let her know of Dr. Gregory’s delay and to hold my calls.

  I began to close my email, so I could head back to Celesta. Before I could even stand up, my door flung open and a very angry Lydia walked in.

  “Toven, I know your meeting’s been delayed by fifteen minutes, so I’ll get right to the point. What the hell are you thinking?” she fumed.

  “Excuse me?” I said through gritted teeth.

  “I’m not even sure where to begin listing all the current problems you’ve created, but they all start with her,” she spat out and pointed to the wall separating my office from Celesta’s.

  I lowered my tone to a menacing whisper, “Ms. Summers, where has your sense of professionalism gone? I will not have you speak to me in that tone, nor address me in such an informal manner as if we’re friends. I am your boss. You will treat me with the respect that title deserves or find someone new to call boss.” I laced my fingers together to keep from shaking some sense into her.

  “Sorry, Mr. Adams. But I was very shocked to see photos of you with some random woman.” She sank down into the chair across from me.

  “First of all, Ms. Summers, Celesta is not some random woman; she is my girlfriend. Second of all, I believe it was you who suggested I needed to be in a relationship and be seen publicly. And lastly, none of it is any of your damn business.” I trained a steely look on her, planting my elbows on my desk.

  “But where did you find someone so quickly? The photographs make you two look . . . rather . . . um . . . cozy, not newly involved.” Her face scrunched up in a frown of confusion.

  “Contrary to what you may believe, I’m quite capable of having a life outside of this building. When you suggested I needed to have a relationship and take it public in order to change how I’m perceived, I knew who I needed to see right away,” I explained vaguely as I leaned forward on my elbows. I’d let her think I meant to see Celesta and not Circe—the end result was the same.

  “OK.” She nodded and mused over my words. “So, you got yourself a girlfriend. That doesn’t explain what she’s doing here.”

  “Oh, amazingly enough, after I was captivated by her grace and beauty, I found out she’s almost done with her marketing degree. She’s had some amazing ideas. I know she’s perfect for the job. So, I set her up in the office next to mine.” I glanced at my computer screen to check the time. My patience for this conversation was nearly

  “You what?” Lydia scooted to the edge of her seat, resting her palms on the edge of my desk.

  “I put her in the office next to mine,” I said slowly and deliberately. “I like knowing she’s close by.”

  “Y-you’ve never let anyone have an office on this floor,” she sputtered. Getting to her feet, she moved to circle around my desk. “I never understood why you leave all these offices up here empty. But I figured eventually you’d change your mind. And when you did, I thought I’d move into the office next door. I help you nearly as much as your personal assistant, so I should be in closer proximity to you.” She leaned one hip against the corner of my desk.

  “Ms. Summers, are you telling me you’re unable to do your job without being right next to me? Because if that’s what you’re saying, then maybe I need to find someone who is capable of doing the job without constant assistance. Is that what you meant?” With a push of my feet, I sent my chair farther from her.

  “No, Toven. I mean, Mr. Adams. I’m perfectly capable of doing my job from five floors down. I just thought you might appreciate the convenience of having me more at your disposal.” Her fingers ran along the slit of her skirt where it gaped open from being propped against my desk.

  I trained an icy stare on her face, refusing to look down at her wandering hands. “I don’t pay you to think about my office space or my personal life or anything besides how to procure new performers to purchase my songs. Do you understand your job description, or do I need to clarify things more?”

  She straightened and removed herself from my desk. “I understand, sir.”

  “Before you go, I do have one question for you.”

  “Yes?” she asked hopefully.

  “Do you think the photos are working to generate a buzz about me and ushering me into the current pop culture scene?” I truly had no idea if I was accomplishing what I needed to.

  “If the shares and comments are any indication, then you’re well on your way to going viral. So . . . congratulations,” she said grudgingly.

  “If that’s all, I must get ready for my meeting.”

  Something flashed in her eyes I couldn’t decipher, but I didn’t like whatever it was.


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