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Mr. Big Mistake (Kinda Cocky Book 2)

Page 6

by J. P. Comeau

  But, if this was all I’d ever get off him, I’d take it.

  “Found it!” Roxy exclaimed.

  She pulled the red strapless dress out of my closet, and I smiled. That was it. That was my dress for the night. No bra required, and I could surprise Brenden by not wearing panties, either. I had matching red heels with bows on the back that would be too cute with the dress as well as a set of real onyx jewelry Mom had gotten me for my sixteenth birthday.

  The ensemble was perfect.

  “I could keep the makeup tapered down, too, with something like this,” I said.

  Roxy tossed the dress onto my bed. “Got that onyx set Mom gave you?”

  I nodded. “I was just thinking about it.”

  “Always in sync, you and I.”

  I paused. “Why did you say that in the tone you just did?”

  “What? What tone?”

  I slowly turned around. “Don’t give me that shit. You had a tone to your voice. Like, I don't know. Like something was ending.”

  “Girl, you really don’t think I know how you feel about Brenden?”

  I froze. “What?”

  She giggled. “You’ve been in love with that man for years. Trust me, your doing this deal with him doesn’t shock me in the slightest. I was just kind of hoping you wouldn’t do this to yourself.”

  “I’m not following.”

  She sighed. “I know you, Kelly. You’re going to do this, and you’re going to fall even harder, and he’s just going to go back to being your friend, and it’s going to break you.”

  “Can you give me a bit more credit than that?”

  “No, I can’t. Because I see how you light up whenever you’re around him, and how distraught you look when he walks in with some new girl. I see you compare yourself to her. I see those cogs turn every time he turns up with some new flavor. He hurts you over and over. And he’ll hurt you again. It’s why I wanted you to do this with Clint.”

  “Well, thanks for that update now.”

  “Kelly, I--.”

  I waved her way. “I’ve got this. I’ll see you at the chapel. And you can text Karina to make sure she’s got the address?”

  “She’s actually downstairs, waiting for us?”

  My head popped up. “What?”

  “I kind of rented you a surprise limo to take all three of us to the chapel. You know, to have a bit of fun and really make it feel… real.”

  I wish it were real. “I appreciate that. Thank you.”

  “I’ll leave you to it, then. You’ve got around an hour before we have to head out. I’ll take all two of your bags downstairs.”


  Everything was a blur. Slipping into my dress seemed more like a motion than a moment. Pulling my hair back seemed more like a requirement than a picture-perfect idea. Roxy’s words kept turning over in my head. Even after I slipped into my heels. Even after Karina shoved a flute of champagne into my hand. Even after we arrived at the chapel. Even after we got out and got ourselves positioned.

  It wasn’t until Roxy kissed my cheek that I snapped out of it.

  “You’ve got this. You're in control. Never forget that,” she whispered.

  My eyes danced around the wedding chapel, and it made me snicker. Twinkling snowflakes hung on strings as if it were snowing. I looked down at the carpet that my heels settled into, and it was a crisp, clean white. Something blinked in the corner of my eye, and I turned my head, smiling brightly at the white Christmas tree that twinkled with warm lights.

  “Christmas,” I whispered.

  “Your favorite.”

  Brenden’s voice dawned upon my ears, and every single part of me woke up. Every time he entered a room, I felt more alive than before. I smiled at him as he approached me, and I couldn't take my eyes off him. The white tuxedo jacket he wore contrasted with the black pants he picked out. His brown eyes sparkled with yellow flakes, and, somehow, my red dress brought out the dark auburn highlights of his hair.

  I grinned. “I thought the groom wasn’t supposed to see the bride until the wedding.”

  He offered me his arm. “She’s not supposed to walk down her wedding aisle alone, either.”

  My heart skipped a beat as I threaded my arm around his. But, when the music started playing, I snickered. I rolled my ruby red lips around my teeth, trying so hard not to laugh. However, as I watched Karina and Roxy process down the white-carpeted aisle to the Whoville song from The Grinch, I couldn't contain myself.

  I bent forward as laughter fell from my lips.


  Brenden sang the made up words at the top of his lungs as he helped me upright, then the two of us moved down the aisle. I rested against him, seeking out his strength as Karina and Roxy cackled at the end of the aisle. Because right there, before my very eyes, stood the old man who was ready to marry us.

  And he was dressed like fucking Santa Claus.

  “Ho, Ho, Ho! Merry Wedding Day!”

  My head fell back as I started wheezing, I was laughing so hard.

  “Skip to the good stuff, Mr. Claus. I’m ready to make this woman mine,” Brenden said.

  I snorted. “I’m sure you are.”

  He growled softly, and it stirred something within me. Something that had laid dormant for so very, very long. I clung to him as Santa Claus laughed with his ‘ho ho’’s and recited the traditional wedding vows.

  Then, Brenden looked down at me.

  “I do,” he said.

  Wait, did I miss it?

  “And do you, Miss Kelly Brown--.”

  Roxy whispered. “Crown.”

  “Oh, oh. Yes. My apologies. Do you, Miss Kelly Crown, take Brenden Hearthstone to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

  I smiled. “I do.”

  Santa snapped his Bible closed. “Then, by the power vested in me by the State of Nevada and Father Time Himself, I pronounce you man and wife! You can kiss your bride, Mr. Hearthstone.”

  I had prepared myself for many things: sleeping with Brenden, having to part ways after the week, simply going back to being friends. But, I hadn’t prepared myself for our first kiss. His eyes closed, and I watched his perfect lips come down to mine. I felt my knees weakening, and I braced myself for impact, leaning softly against him. His arms cloaked my back. His strength held me up. And when his lips touched my own, fireworks burst in my mind.

  I’m in deep, deep, deep shit.

  I almost moaned against his lips. But, the second I felt my legs flying out from underneath me, I squealed. My bouquet of fake roses fell to the ground as Brenden carried me up the aisle while that stupid Whoville song kept playing over the loudspeakers. The girls clapped, and Zane whistled from the back row. I didn’t even realize he was there until we passed by him, and I heard his laughter. All I knew was Brenden’s warmth against me. All I smelled was his oaky cologne, robust and earthy. Pulling me in as he walked me out of the chapel and towards his car.

  “Where to next?” I asked.

  He set me down onto my feet. “To our wedding reception, of course.”

  I paused. “Wait, our what?”

  He opened his car door. “We’re all going to dinner for our reception. We’re even going to have a little dance. And I suggest you fill that stomach of yours because you’re going to need the energy.”

  And as I dipped myself down into his car, electricity buzzed through my body. I was ready for it. I was ready for him. Come hell, or high water, or even a broken heart.

  “Wait, wait, wait!” a woman cried out.

  Brenden looked behind him as I peeked around his body, only to see a pudgy woman making her way down the stairs in heels that were much too big for her feet.

  “My apologies. I’m so sorry. I just need your signatures on these documents, and we’ll be ready to go!” the woman exclaimed.

  I furrowed my brow. “What documents?”

  Brenden plucked the pen from the woman. “The wa
iver that states this isn’t actually real.”

  The woman paused. “Wait, what?”

  I held up my finger. “Why does she seem so confused?”

  He handed me the pen. “Just sign at the bottom. I’ve already dated it for you.”

  I looked over at the woman, and she quickly put a smile back on her face. I wasn’t so sure about everything, though.

  “Just here, at the bottom,” she said.

  I looked up at Brenden, and he smiled at me. And his smile melted my insides enough to go ahead and get the waiver signed. I scribbled my name on the paper before reaching for his coat. Then, I pulled him into the car beside me.

  “Come on, handsome. We’ve got a reception to get to,” I said.

  The woman waved at us. “Have fun! Congratulations!”

  And even as Brenden pressed another kiss against my lips, the smallest part of me wondered why her ‘congratulations’ seemed so…





  “Come on. Let me at ‘em,” I said.

  Kelly backed up. “No, no, no. You've carried me enough places.”

  “And what kind of man would I be if I didn’t carry you across the threshold of our honeymoon suite?”

  “You’d be the exact kind of man you were before all of this happened. Trust me, I’m hooked. You’ve got me on the line.”

  I grinned. “That doesn’t mean I can’t spoil you, though. I mean, what newly-wedded man doesn’t want to spoil his wife?”

  She sighed playfully. “Well, if you’re insisting.”

  She jumped with a squeal, and I caught her as the elevator doors opened. The carpeted flooring ushered us down the empty hallway before two men standing on either side of the doors opened them for us. The sweet smell of wildflowers wafted up my nose, but it was nothing compared to the wondrous perfume Kelly decided to wear for our fake wedding day.

  I was ready to devour her.

  “Welcome to your honeymoon suite,” I said.

  She gasped. “Holy shit, Brenden. This is amazing.”

  I set her down. “Only the best for my bride.”

  I looked back and nodded for the two men to close the doors. Then, I turned back and watched Kelly walk into the middle of the living room. The grand foyer greeted us with a crystal chandelier and a round, handmade wooden table topped with a large vase of wildflowers. Sprinkled with fake snow, just as I requested. I smiled as Kelly took in the sights. The double french doors that led out to a private terrace with a pool and a hot tub. The plush furniture with ornate wooden outlines that made it not only fashionable but sturdy. I walked over to the bottle of champagne resting in an iced silver tin on top of the minibar. I popped it open and poured us two flutes of champagne, then carried one over to her.

  I stood beside her as she gazed through the floor-to-ceiling windows and surveyed the expanse of Las Vegas.

  “Wow,” she whispered.

  I sipped my drink, grinning. “You like?”

  She shook her head. “It’s… incredible up here.”

  “I know.”

  “The view is beautiful.”

  My eyes fell down her body. “I know that, too.”

  She looked over at me and swatted me playfully, but I meant what I said. That damn red dress she had on hugged her in all the right places. Her heels accented her long, slender legs. Legs I couldn't wait to feel wrapped around my waist. Her hair was pulled back in a tight bun I wanted to let down so I could run my fingers through it.

  She looked like my own little slice of heaven.

  And I was ready to indulge.

  “To us, for the week,” Kelly said.

  Her voice ripped me from my trance. “To us, for the week.”

  Then, we clinked our glasses together and took our first sip alongside one another in our honeymoon suite.

  I didn’t expect anything to happen the first night. With the ceremony and the dinner and the live band that played music for us until we couldn’t dance a second longer, I knew we’d both be tired. But, I didn’t realize we’d both fall asleep in our wedding clothes because of it. My eyes fell open as sunlight drifted through the massive tinted windows. I raised myself up, groaning when I saw the wrinkles in my pants and my tuxedo jacket.

  “So much for no dry cleaning,” I murmured.

  Then, I felt someone stir beside me.

  My eyes drifted over to her, and I couldn't have beheld a more beautiful sight. With her hair covering her face and one heel cast off her foot, Kelly’s dress had rolled up to just beneath her ass cheeks. Part of me wanted to reach out and rub those smooth, porcelain legs of hers. But, I kept my cool. I kept myself in check. Because she was in charge of it, and I promised myself I’d move at her pace.

  And while last night was wonderful, she hadn’t made a move.

  So, neither did I.

  “Mmmm, morning,” she murmured.

  She rolled over onto her back and stared up at the ceiling.

  “Morning, gorgeous. You hungry?”

  She giggled. “I’m always hungry.”

  “Noted. Do you want me to order something from room service?”

  She paused. “Actually, can we go downstairs and eat? I think I saw something down there last night. Like a… cafe, or something?”

  “The Bellagio has both. A cafe and a restaurant that serves the same menu room service does for the hotel.”

  She looked over at me. “Can we do that?”

  I leaned down, capturing her lips softly. “We can do whatever you want.”

  I nuzzled my nose against hers, feeling her sigh softly against my lips. I pressed mine softly against hers again, needing more of her than I ever thought possible. I wanted to feel her. All of her. I wanted to invade her and hear her moan. I wanted her to cling to my hair with my face buried between her legs. I wanted to show her things no man ever could. Not even my fucking brother.

  I wanted to take her right then. Just wake her up with my cock and a nice orgasm to get our hunger flowing.

  But again, I resisted.

  “You don’t taste so terrible first thing in the morning,” she said.

  I chuckled. “I’ll take the compliments wherever I can get them.”

  She leaned up. “Come on. Let’s get changed. I’m not wearing these heels a second longer.”

  The two of us got dressed in more comfortable clothes, then we made our way down to the restaurant. I had no idea a woman could look so beautiful in an oversized sweater and shorts, but damn it, Kelly was breathtaking. With her hair up in a messy bun and no makeup on her face, she was the epitome of perfection.

  And after we ordered our coffee and food, I took her hand from across the table.

  “How are you feeling?” I asked.

  “You know, I actually feel okay.”

  I squeezed her hand. “I’m glad. That makes me happy.”

  “You’ve made me feel very comfortable. Thank you for that.”

  “That’s the goal, Kelly. That’s how I want you to feel through every step of this process.”

  She nodded. “I’ll be able to talk more after caffeine.”

  I grinned. “Not a morning person?”


  “I’m usually not, either.”

  She quirked an eyebrow. “But you are this morning?”

  I shrugged. “I woke up with a beautiful woman next to me. So, sue me if I’m already up and ready to go.”

  “Hope you wore some baggy pants, then.”

  I chuckled. “You’re cute, you know that?”

  She blushed, and it only added to her beauty. Damn it, that woman was hotter than anyone gave her credit for. Including myself. It seemed like everything had simply fallen into place. Not that I hadn’t worked to make it that way. But, I still expected to drag myself through hesitant conversations with Kelly before it all took place. She seemed relaxed, though. When she told me she felt okay, I actually believed her.

  Like we’re made
for each other.

  I shoved the thought away. “What are you most excited about after all this?”

  Our coffee came, and she fixed hers up before taking a long pull.

  “Honestly? I’m ready to hit the dating scene after all of this. You know, take this newfound confidence for a spin.”

  That shut down my thoughts quickly. And honestly? I was glad. The last thing I needed was to see it as more than it was.

  An agreement between two friends.

  “I bet you are,” I said. “Got any guys in mind?”

  She shrugged. “Not really. After my last date, I deactivated all of my online dating apps. But, maybe I’ll open a couple of them back up.”

  “How many do you have?”

  She paused. “Five.”

  I almost choked on my coffee. “You have five dating apps on your phone, and you haven’t found someone yet? How the hell is that possible?”

  She giggled. “That’s what I’ve been telling everyone. I don’t get it.”

  “I don't get it either, now.”

  Our food came to the table, and things fell silent between us. I was much hungrier than I anticipated, and I practically wolfed down my food. Whereas Kelly was cutting things up with her fork and her knife before taking the smallest, cutest little bites I’d ever seen anyone take.

  “Huh,” she said.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Nothing. Just wondering about something.”

  “What is it? You can tell me.”

  “I could’ve sworn this came with a cinnamon roll. I was going to split it with you.”

  I stood from my seat. “One cinnamon roll coming up.”

  “Oh, Brenden. You don’t have t--.”

  I held out my hand. “What my bride wants, she gets. Give me five minutes.”

  She smiled. “Okay. Sounds good.”

  I walked my happy ass over to the waiter and tapped him on the shoulder. After offering up my grievance, he apologized profusely and went to go check the kitchen. But, when I turned back around to approach Kelly, I was hit with something I’d never felt before.

  A wave washed over me, threatening to drag me under. Like a rip current with a small child in its grasp. I tried to fight it. I tried to stuff down the urge. But, when my eyes settled on Kelly in her short little shorts with her long legs dangling, and her oversized sweater falling off her shoulder with little wisps of hair tickling her eyes so much that she brushed them out of the way… I found myself entranced.


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