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The Bad Guys Chronicles Box Set

Page 63

by Eric Ugland

  The leader laughed. “You haven’t heard of the circle of fire?”

  “Nope. Should I have?”

  “Your parents were too kind.”

  “Care to share?” I asked.

  He was staring out the window, watching the flames dance outside.

  “It is a magic fire,” he said. “The mancers surround a building with fire, Usually by surprise. Once you see it, it’s already too late. The barrier is up. You can’t leave. They weave the fire together, tighter and tighter, until it all meets in the middle. Tighter and tighter it goes until it is a tiny ball, and then it disappears as if it was never there. And it only kills living things. It will leave this building perfectly untouched, except for our charred corpses. Clean killing. Efficient. Horrible. It is only ever used on the worst of the worst. On traitors and necromancers.”

  “And now, cookie bakers.”

  He barked out a rough, harsh laugh. “Yes, I suppose so.”

  The weave of fire seemed to just slip through the walls. One second, an insane brightness approached the windows, and the next, it was through the walls. And everywhere. I closed my eyes, but it didn’t do any good. The weirdest part was the lack of heat. It was just a wall of illusory flame as far as I could tell. And in that moment, I thought that, perhaps, this was just the most elaborate initiation I’d ever seen.

  Until the flame touched Victor, and he began to scream. A scream unlike anything I had ever heard before. A scream I wish, more than almost anything, I could unhear.

  And as that sound left me, my back hit the wall. I had nowhere left to run. The fire, the infinite brightness, finally touched me, and I understood Victor’s pain.

  It was an all-new hell.

  Chapter 136

  Waaah-waaah. You have died.

  Kicked the bucket. Shuffled off the ol’ mortal coil. You have been weighed and measured and found wanting. But, good news! You have at least one respawn left. Maybe you’ve got more. Who knows?

  Would you like to respawn?


  The words hung in darkness. I hung in darkness. Or, well, I guess dark isn’t the right word. It was a complete absence of anything, save those words. Which meant, naturally, I shouted yes as loud as I could.

  Chapter 137

  And just like that I got shoved screaming into the world, slamming into being in the same alley I’d first walked into in Glaton. This time, however, besides three shrieking rats, I was alone.

  Congratulations, sort of. You are the last remaining member of the Biscuit’s Union, therefore, you are the de facto leader of the Biscuit’s Union. You have unlocked the following abilities: Invite and initiate members. Change roles. Change names. Change dues. Change abilities. Change bonuses. Remaining Guild points to spend: 0

  So I was still in the Biscuit’s Union. Nice to know that death didn’t change that. And Rowland out. Interesting. I needed to get back to the building, make sure I was there when Rowland tried to steal everything. And make sure I could kill him before he ran away and hid.

  You have been offered a quest by the Biscuits Union:

  Revenge is a Dish Best Served Often

  Kill the traitor

  Reward for success: Unknown, unlock additional aspects of Biscuits Union Indicium, XP

  Penalty for failure (or refusal): the death of the guild


  The same kit of crap was at my feet: same shitty miniature crossbow, same bone bolts. All of it. I picked it up, shoved it all into the crappy knapsack, and pulled the cloak on, flipping the hood up and over my head. It was still night out, hopefully the same night. And I had business to attend to.

  I ran at a good pace. Not full speed, not full out sprinting, just enough to eat up the road but not enough to necessitate spending mana.

  It was late enough that the city had calmed down. The streets were empty, save the occasional wagon or patrolling city guard. The groups of guards were larger than I’d seen in the past, and looked both weary and wary. It had probably been a long night for them already. But no one gave me a second look — I was just a dude running in the night. I had the sense that as long as I wasn’t actively causing trouble, no guard was going to stop me. If I was running it meant I was a problem for someone else to deal with.

  By the time I got back to the Arena, I was sweating and more than a little tired, with most of my stamina gone. I trotted the last few steps before coming to a stop just as I entered the square.

  On the other side of the square sat the Biscuit’s Union building. Smoke curled up out of it, but the building looked untouched. The mancers were being helped into waiting wagons — it seemed like they had exhausted themselves. There were a few other people standing to the side, as if waiting for the magic users to get out the way.

  One of the figures strode forth, got to the front door, and pulled out a key. But he had trouble seeing the lock, so he threw back his hood.


  I gritted my teeth, and started forward. I had no plan in mind, just rage. The desire for revenge.

  But I’d also never really been the one to lose myself in my emotions. Perhaps because the walk across the square was so long, halfway there and I’d calmed down a bit. I still wanted revenge, but I could see that the numbers were against me. There were five people along with Rowland, not great odds. Especially since they were likely higher level than me. I was a rogue — it was time to act like one.

  I waited for them to enter the building. Then I jogged along the side of the Biscuit’s Union, and leapt up to a lower windowsill. It was a quick climb to the top, where I hauled myself up and over, rolling onto the roof. I stepped quietly over the stone top until I got to the skylight. Something had broken it, and there was a putrid smoke trickling out.

  All the chairs were still in place. As was the fake body and waxen head of Rowland’s double. I could see smoke rising from various doors.

  I dropped in, landing lightly on my feet like a good little rogue.

  Then I padded across the floor, pulling a dagger from my belt, wishing I had ol’ KrakenTooth, but settling for the craptastic dagger that came with the basic rogue kit. I went over to the secret door, which was hanging barely a hair open. Down the tight spiral stairs, and to the office.

  I paused before I opened that secret door. I wasn’t sure what I might find, or how I’d react.

  Still, it had to be done. I pushed the door open with a finger and leaned out.

  My corpse was against the wall. Or what remained of it. It looked like someone had carved a Clyde Hatchett body out of charcoal. And then put clothes on it. Nothing on the body was burnt, just the body itself.

  Then, because a good rogue is also a bit of a loot whore, I took a minute to search Victor’s body. He didn’t have a ton on him, just a few account coins, two chains, three rings, and a small statue of a mouse. But they were mine now.

  I heard someone walking down the hall, the hard steps of someone in a hurry. I ducked behind the couch.

  The door opened, and someone peeked inside. Looking under the couch, I could only see the person’s feet. But the person went straight for the painting and the safe, so I knew it had to be Rowland. The painting came off the wall, Rowland throwing it to the side. I could hear the dial moving, so I chanced a look over the couch.

  Rowland stood at the safe.

  Right-left-right, and he had it open, swinging the heavy metal door out.


  I knew what he was looking at. Nothing.

  “No,” Rowland said. “No, it has to be here!”

  He reached into the safe, perhaps thinking the emptiness was an illusion. He took a few steps back from the safe, then looked around the office like a madman.

  I ducked back behind the couch.

  He stomped across the room, and I thought perhaps he’d seen me. But instead, in a fit of rage, he flipped the desk over.

  The drawers went flying, papers fluttered into the air, and the desk crashed into the wall.

For an old guy, Rowland had some strength left.

  Peeking under the couch, I saw Rowland standing over Victor’s remains.

  “Where is everything?” Rowland yelled. “You weren’t smart enough to hide it forever. Not from me.”

  The corpse declined to comment.

  The poor guy seemed desperate, so I figured this was my cue to stand up.

  “Where is it?!” Rowland screamed at the corpse.

  I decided the better option, you know as opposed to talking to the guy, trying to get an answer or something, was to just act. So I stabbed him in the back. Just as he’d done to me. I was just a little more literal. I aimed right for the spine, and being that his legs gave out from under him and he collapsed to the ground, I’d say my trusty tooth-knife hit the spot.

  “Wha—” he tried to say something, but he was caught somewhere between shock and pain. He moved his head from side to side, trying to get a glimpse of who’d hurt him.

  I decided I’d help, and I turned Rowland over.

  His eyes went wide, and his lips moved, but no sound came out.

  “Hi there,” I said.

  “You,” he replied.

  A bit of blood was coming out of his mouth.

  “Not nice what you did,” I said.


  “I’m not in the mood for questions,” I said, kneeling over him. “Treachery is a pretty big no-no. I seem to remember you made it pretty clear that hurting other members of the guild was against the rules. But since you’re no longer part of the group, I guess you’re fair game.”

  I reached out and grabbed his face.

  He tried to say something, but I wasn’t really interested in what he was saying.

  Instead, I cast a spell.


  Chapter 138

  Whizz-bang! You’ve absorbed the following from Rowland Tamblyn: +8 Dexterity, +4 Agility, +4 Intelligence, +12 Luck. +31 Traps, +41 Stealth, +24 Backstab

  GG! You’ve killed Rowland Tamblyn (Lvl 33 Human Master Thief)

  You’ve earned 0 xp! What a mighty hero you are!

  Congratulations! You’ve completed a QUEST!

  Revenge is a Dish Best Served Often

  You killed the traitor.

  Reward for success: Unknown, 3000 XP. Unlocked additional Biscuit’s Union Indicium

  BOOM. You have unlocked the indicium: Biscuits Union Guild Leader.

  This indicium is only available to the leader of the Biscuits Union. You are granted permission to access, alter, acquire, and sell Union buildings. You are granted access to Union Shops. You gain triple bonuses to stealth. You gain Innate Identification. You gain additional Acquit Chit slots.

  And then there were three corpses in the room. One corpse was not like the others though. It made me feel gross to have done it, but it was the worst way I could think to hurt Rowland. To take everything from him.

  Another big downside, going through his pockets was really icky post-drain. His clothes and pouches were all pulled into weird ways because of the manner in which his corpse had desiccated. I pulled everything off him without really going through any of it, rings, coins, pouches of stuff, a small leather valise filled with parchment. Then quickly, because I knew there were others in the building, I opened the secret safe and popped everything inside. I closed it up, got the desk back in place, and pulled my cloak over my head. Ready to sneak around and kill the rest of the jerks who’d dared come into my guild hall.

  I opened the door, and looked into a darkened hallway. Empty.

  Two steps in, my skin tingled as magic settled all over me. A strong spell, one that I had never felt before.

  I stiffened, got the dagger out, and looked for an assailant.

  No one.

  I stood there for a full minute, waiting for someone else to move.


  Maybe I’d walked into a magical trap of some kind. Maybe there was some trap on the door and only Victor could get through unscathed. That’d be pretty cool if it was the truth. Thinking there might have been some sort of record of the magical effect, I pulled up my info screen, and I realized it had been forever since I looked at my character sheet, so I figured, maybe there was a note about the guild leader’s benefits tucked in there, so I knelt down on the ground, leaned up against the wall, doing my best to be sneaky, and I pulled up the sheet to give a good look at it.

  Clyde Hatchett - Lvl 9 Rogue


  Race: Elf of the Sun and Moon

  Height: 6’2”

  Weight: 195 lbs

  Eye Color: Green

  Hair Color: Blonde

  Renown: Unknown


  HP: 220

  STAM: 539

  MP: 436

  Armor: None

  Active Effects: None


  Strength: 21

  Agility: 27

  Dexterity: 39

  Constitution: 30

  Wisdom: 12

  Intelligence: 39

  Charisma: 20

  Luck: 29


  Lockpicking (LVL 15)

  Silent Movement (LVL 25)

  Eavesdropping (LVL 18)

  Pickpocketing (LVL 24)

  Stealth (LVL 95)

  Parkour (LVL 15)

  Meditation (LVL 1)

  Archery (LVL 8)

  Dodge (LVL 21)

  Hauling (LVL 1)

  Butcher (Invertebrates) (LVL 18)

  Butcher (Exotic) (LVL 18)

  Harvesting (Animal) (LVL 18)

  Brain Stomping (LVL 1)

  Animal Handling (LVL 3)

  Fashion Master (LVL 1)

  Lying to Yourself (LVL 1)

  Monster Handling (LVL 1)

  Swords (LVL 36)

  Shields (LVL 35)

  Heavy Armor (LVL 20)

  Formation Fighting (LVL 13)

  Traps (LVL 39)

  Silent Landing (LVL 3)

  Walking (LVL 1)

  Baking (LVL 38)

  Not Quite Golf (LVL 1)

  Skull Crushing (LVL 1)

  Mace (LVL 8)

  Humanoid Anatomy (LVL 95)

  Necromancy (LVL 55)

  Religion (LVL 10)

  Economics (LVL 5)

  Backstab (LVL 24)


  One of These Things is Enough Like the Other

  Undead Control

  Undead Mastery

  Disease Immunity (Undead)






  Biscuits Union Guild Leader

  Imperial Mark of Honor






  Imperial Common

  Plains Tauren



  Sea Elven

  Ancient Elven

  Archaic Dwarven

  Modern Dwarven



  Common Orc

  Mountain Orc



  Primordial Terran

  Pirate Pidgin


  Common Kobold

  Ancient Kobold

  Ancient Draconic


  Lifeform Identification (Lvl 1)

  Basic Object Identification (Lvl 1)

  Minor Illusion (Lvl 1)

  Summon Familiar (Lvl 1)

  Shadow Step (Lvl 1)

  Minor Heal Self (Lvl 3)

  Stamina Regeneration (Lvl 5)

  Zeddington’s Infinite Key (Lvl 1)

  Silent Image (Lvl 1)

  Detect Secret Doors (Lvl 1)

  Satisfaction (Lvl 1)

  Lesser Drain

  Raise Dead (Lvl 28)

  Animate Skeleton (Lvl 38)

  Animate Flesh (Lvl 41)

  Stitch Fle
sh and Bone (Lvl 25)

  ReAnimate (Lvl 44)

  Disrupt Life (Lvl 29)

  Vicious Wrench (Lvl 45)

  Heal Undead (Lvl 38)

  Hold Monster (Lvl 44)

  Hold Humanoid (Lvl 23)

  Banish Undead (Lvl 10)

  True Vision of Shadows (Lvl 1)

  Vaux’s Brilliance (Lvl 1)

  Mage Hand (Lvl 1)

  It was a long sheet, and I felt damn proud of what I’d accomplished. I read through all the skills I had, all the spells, and there was this warmth blossoming inside, because in that moment, I felt like I’d really become something.

  There’s a Greek word for what I was experiencing: Hubris.

  Extreme pain flared in my back, and my health bar emptied almost completely.

  “Knew you were one of us,” came a voice at my ear. “So glad I was right.”

  I caught sight of a face, the pompous Iron Silent’s leader who’s name I’d never learned. He was holding a bloody knife with all sorts of vile twists and turns in the blade.

  “Be seeing you,” he said, and he stabbed me through the eye.

  Chapter 139

  Waaah-waaah. You have died.

  Kicked the bucket. Shuffled off the ol’ mortal coil. You have been weighed and measured and found wanting. But, good news! You have at least one respawn left. Maybe you’ve got more. Who knows?

  Would you like to respawn?



  I said yes.

  Chapter 140

  I was thrust into the world with no ceremony.

  This time, however, I didn’t step into the alley.


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