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Silent Sons MC Box Set

Page 22

by Ambere Sabo

Wrecker’s already helped take enough from her. I can’t imagine what seeing him face-to-face was like. Wrecker isn’t one to get his hands dirty with the girls they smuggled. None of the girls ever saw him until it was time for them to go to their buyers. Angel didn’t even know what he looked like until she came to the clubhouse. My ma made damn sure she would know who to run from if he ever found her again. Thank fuck she did, or today could’ve gone real bad, real quick.

  Sighing, I return to stroking her hair. “I hate to ask, sweet cheeks, but I need to know what happened. Can you do that?” I question, patiently waiting until she's ready to answer me.

  Finally, she replies, “I fell asleep, but woke up to what I thought was you making a bunch of noise in your room. But when I went to yell at you, it wasn’t you in the room. It was Wrecker.” She shudders beneath my hand as she says his name.

  “I managed to get the connecting door locked, and he couldn’t get in. But then he tried the main door. It was locked, but if I hadn’t gotten the latch down…” She swallows hard before continuing, “he would’ve made it in here too. He managed to grab me by my hair and told me to give you that message.”

  Her eyes dart up to mine. “He was going through your drawers, Havoc. Why would he do that? How did he get into your room in the first place?” she asks.

  Her eyes are red and swollen, but dry for the moment at least. Her long brown hair’s a mess, but at this moment she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Why the hell did I leave her the fuck alone?

  I force myself to look away before I do something stupid, “I don’t know, sweet cheeks. I just don’t know. There isn’t anything I have that I think he’d risk coming here to get. We can’t stay here anymore though because I have no fucking clue if he’ll come back again.” Huffing out before looking down into her eyes, I tell her, “Hyde offered to let us stay with him at his home, but I didn’t see the need for it. But now… We’ll see if we can stay with him tonight and figure out what to do from there.”

  Angel nods. Neither of us says anything else. We’re both lost in our thoughts there on the floor of her motel room. The circumstances leading to this moment were fucking awful, but for this space in time, we just sit. Not moving from our positions, my hand stroking her hair and her head on my thigh.

  What in the hell could that motherfucker want from me? I don’t leave anything in my room. Ever. Something Venom taught me years ago. He said, “You never know when shit might go south when you’re on a run. No need to leave anything behind that the cops could use against you.”

  We need to get out of here. I can’t believe no one has come raising hell about the noise I made breaking down the door. Management is not going to be happy when they find the mess I made of it either, but oh fucking well.

  “We need to ride, sweet cheeks. You good?” I ask.

  She nods in response before slowly sitting up. Standing up, I offer her my hand to help her to her feet. When she takes it and pops up, I quickly realize I haven’t given her much space as she ends up pressed against my body. Staring down into her beautiful face, I want nothing more than to kiss the fuck out of her. but now is not the time for this shit. I need to keep my dick in my pants with this one.

  Clearing my throat, I take a step back. “I’m going to go check my room before we go. Come over when you’ve got your stuff together and are ready to go. And for the love of God, turn the burner back on, please.” I tell her before heading over to my room. I need to get my head in the game. There's too much shit going on for me to be thinking about Angel in any way other than family. No matter how damn beautiful she is.

  Chapter 12


  After everything that’s happened this afternoon, I shouldn’t be turned on right now. Nightmares of the man I finally saw face-to-face today kidnapping me and sending me back to that hell plague my sleep. Yet his son has me all hot and bothered. What the fuck is wrong with me? Shaking my head, I shrug off the feelings. It’s got to be the situation we’re in, and nothing more. It can’t be anything more.

  I haven’t moved since he stepped away from me, and I need to get my ass in gear. Grabbing my bag from the bathroom, I change into a pair of jeans and a tank top. Then I toss my pajamas and toiletries in the bag. It only takes a few minutes for me to get everything together since I travel light these days.

  Turning on the burner phone, I shove it into my pocket and tuck the Glock into the back of my jeans. I don’t want it out of my reach ever again. I might have to see about getting a holster or something. Tight jeans and a curvy ass aren’t very conducive to stashing a gun there, but for now, I’ll have to deal.

  Walking to the connecting door, I can’t believe the mess he made of it. I don’t want to hurt myself on the shards of wood jutting from the edge of the frame, so I unlock it and open it properly before walking through to his room. He sits on his bed with his head in his hands. Worry spikes my heart.

  “Havoc? Is everything alright?” I question.

  Looking up at me, he huffs and hands me a picture that I didn’t notice lying beside him. “It’s a picture of Lilly at UT-Austin. I don’t know how old it is, but I’m pretty sure it’s that piece of shit’s way of letting me know that he has eyes on her,” he grinds out. Both of his hands are in fists while his nostrils flare.

  Knowing that Wrecker or someone he knows has been following Lil has a knot winding tightly in my stomach. Maybe it’s just an old picture, and he’s fucking with Havoc. Taking the details of the photo in, it only takes a few seconds to shoot that theory to shit. Nestled around her neck is the sapphire necklace mi Reina gave us as gifts for the wedding, so the picture can't be more than a few days old.

  “This was taken in the last few days,” I tell him as I hand the picture back.

  His eyes snap to mine. “How can you know that?”

  I move to sit next to him on the bed. Pointing at the picture, I explain, “The necklace she’s wearing in the photo is the one mi Reina gave to us as bridesmaids’ gifts to wear in the wedding.” I pull mine from under my tank top and show him the matching necklace.

  “But the semester’s over.”

  “She was done with classes for the semester after the wedding but had to go clean out her dorm. This must have been taken when she went to do that,” I explain. “Havoc, I know you don’t want to hear this, but I’d bet my life Wrecker has had eyes on both of you this entire time.”

  He stands abruptly from the bed, his face a mask of rage. Throwing his hands in the air, he bellows, “Why? Why have eyes on her at all? He tried to sell my baby sister. It's not like he gives a damn about what happens to her,”

  He looks back at me for an answer. I wish I had one to give him.

  “I don’t know the man, Havoc. I can’t tell you what's going on in his head. What I do know is that out of all of his children, you’re the only one he claimed. He may not give a damn about Lil, but you do. To him, she’s your weakness, and he’ll use that against you if you push him,” I explain.

  As he paces the floor, there's a mixture of emotions displayed across his face. They go from worry to rage and back again. I don’t know what I’d do in his situation, but it’s clear to me that for the last five months when he thought he was tracking Wrecker, in reality, he was just on a wild goose chase. That man won’t be found until he wants to be.

  Grabbing his arm, I stop his pacing. “We need to go meet with Hyde and get out of here. After we hear what they know, you can call Rodeo and give him a full report. He won’t let anything happen to Lil. Neither will mi Reina,” I tell him.

  “Why do you call her that?” I’m not sure exactly who he means and look up at him in question. He replies before I can ask for clarification, “Cessy. Why do you call Cessy mi Reina? She doesn’t let anyone, besides Venom, get away with calling her Reine.”

  I can’t help but laugh at his question. With everything that’s happened today, this is what he needs to know.

  “Mi Reina means my queen in Spanish, just as Re
ine means queen in French. Rodeo, Wraith, even you and Venom may not see it yet, but that woman wasn’t born to be the Princess of an MC or an Enforcer’s Ol’ Lady. Woman or not, one day she will lead those two clubs. There isn’t much they don’t consult with her on now,” I explain.

  His face is a mask of confusion. I know more about MCs than he realizes, as does Lilly. Mi Reina may not hold the title of president, hell she might never, with her being a female, but that doesn’t mean one way or another she won’t be.

  “How do you think I ended up with you after the wedding? It may have been Lilly’s idea, but mi Reina is the one who made it happen,” I finish, and grab my bag as I stand from the bed.

  Somehow, I don’t think he’s ever looked at it from my perspective. Everything I’ve told him is a lot to digest from someone who was raised in an MC. The Reapers from the past, his father included, look at women as the weaker sex. Some even see us as property. Do I think Havoc is the same? No, I think Vic would kick his ass before she ever let that happen.

  He doesn’t respond to anything I’ve said, but he does follow me to the door with his bag slung over his shoulder. Walking out to his bike, he reaches over to take my bag and gets it situated in the saddle bag along with his. We ride to Dominion’s clubhouse in silence, not that riding a bike is very conducive to conversation.

  When we pull up to a little hole in the wall bar, I'm confused “I thought we were going to meet the Dominion MC members?”

  Pulling his helmet off he answers me, “We are. Their MC isn’t like ours. This is where they meet and hang out. They don’t have an actual clubhouse like we do. Even the single guys live on their own. Not altogether like we do, but most of them are family men. They may ride together, but they don’t get into shit like we do.”

  “Hey, I take offense to that. We get into our fair share of trouble,” Hyde says with a smile as he walks up. “We just like to stay out of jail, unlike some of you guys,” he says with a chuckle.

  Looking around, Hyde says, “Come on let's get y’all inside and off the street, yeah?” He gestures toward the bar.

  Chapter 13


  Walking into Ed’s, I can see why the Dominion members like to hang out here. It's out of the way and pretty much a guy’s home away from home. There are a couple of pool tables and dart boards in the back corner, and the giant flat screen kicks some serious ass.

  Looking around, I don’t see anyone else in a Dominion cut. They must not be here yet. I’m still having a tough time taking in everything Angel said about Cessy. Truthfully, she’s got a damn good point, but a female as prez just isn’t heard of. Hell, most MCs would never let a female near church, let alone have a say in how shit’s handled.

  Walking around the bar top to stand in front of us with his arms open wide and gesturing around, Hyde asks, “So what do you think of my place?”

  “This is your bar?” Angel asks, taking a seat across from him on a stool.

  “Edward Hyde at your service,” he says with a bow.

  Angel looks at me in confusion, like I’m supposed to know why the hell this fool’s bowing. Shaking my head, we both look at him like he has two heads.

  Throwing his hands in the air, he looks at us in disbelief. “Oh, come the fuck on, really? Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” pausing he looks expectantly at us. “Edward Hyde,” he explains.

  “Not a clue man,” I admit with a shrug.

  Looking at Angel, she shakes her head, and he huffs out a breath. “Whatever, what can I get ya?” he concedes.

  “Corona and lime please,” Angel responds.

  “Jack and Coke for me,” I tell him.

  Hyde makes quick work of making my drink but pauses when he goes to open Angel’s beer. “You’re legal right, Angel?”

  Giggling she nods her head, and he pops the top and hands her the beer. It’s the first time I’ve heard her giggle, and damn if it doesn’t make me jealous and hard all at the same time. I want to be the one to cause that amazing sound, not Hyde. This is fucking nuts. There's no reason for me to be pissed at Hyde right now.

  “When do we have this little chat?” I ask looking around at the mostly empty bar. I’m trying to remind myself why we're here in the first place, so I don’t lash out and punch this man for nothing.

  “The other members are all in church now. They’re just waitin’ for us,” Hyde tells me. “We’ll head to the back,” he finishes, gesturing for the blonde, who’s been flirting with the only table in here, to come back behind the bar.

  Following him to the back, I realize the bar’s a lot bigger than it seems. Past the pool tables and what looks like might be an office, is another bar area where the Dominion members are waiting for us.

  Hyde takes us around the room introducing us to all the members before we sit down for church. The one person I was hoping to meet, G, isn’t here. Angel sits next to Casanova for church, and I fucking hate it. That motherfucker is a sweet talker, and I don’t like the attention he’s giving her. Not one damn bit. I’m seated next to Hyde when he calls a start to church.

  Standing, he yells over the chatter, “Alright motherfuckers, now that you’ve all met Angel and Havoc, let’s get down to business. Ink, what did you find out from G?” he asks.

  Ink stands to give his report, there's no question where he got his name. He’s a tattoo artist, and every piece of his visible skin is covered in tattoos. “I talked to G last night. He said to apologize for not being able to be here tonight and sends his condolences for your family, Angel.” She nods in appreciation of the sentiment.

  “Enterrador has been increasingly paranoid since the fuck up with your club, Havoc. So, the cartel has gone into lockdown. G has a job in three days that’ll get him out of their Juarez compound. He said that he’ll figure out how to meet with you and Angel then,” Ink explains.

  “And Wrecker? Did he tell you anything about him?” I ask.

  “The cartel has eyes on your father, but they haven’t made a move yet. G’s not sure what their end game is with that situation or why they haven’t made a move yet when they know where he is. Apparently, Wrecker has been trying to get across the border into Mexico for a few weeks, and they don’t know why. He can’t get across with his papers though. He’s on a no-cross list at every border crossing from here to Tijuana,” he finishes before sitting down.

  “That’s why he came to the motel today,” Angel blurts out.

  “What?” Hyde and I say I unison.

  “You didn’t know what he was looking for today when he came, but that has to be it. He wants your identification, so he can get into Mexico. You look similar enough, I think anyway. It’s hard to tell with all that facial hair. If he tried to cross without a beard, they’d just think that it was an older picture, and he shaved his face,” she sums up.

  “Fuck,” I scream, slamming my hands down on the table.

  “That’s why you want to stay with me tonight, isn’t it?” Hyde questions. I’d sent him a text before leaving the motel, letting him know we might have to take him up on his offer of a place to crash. I wanted to explain what happened in person. But definitely not like this. Ah, fuck it.

  Running a hand through my hair, I answer, “Yeah, man. I wanted to talk to you about it after church. If this changes shit, we can find another motel.”

  Sighing he says, “We’ll figure out the best place for you to stay when this is done. Hoser, you’re up. What do you know about Angel’s family’s farm?”

  As a tall dude stands, I wonder why they call him Hoser. “I talked to my chief, and he called in some favors. Not a single crew went out to deal with that fire. There are no records of it ever even being called in.”

  “James said his family called 9-1-1 when they saw the smoke, so that’s bullshit,” Angel exclaims interrupting Hoser.

  Turning to Angel he addresses her directly, “Carino, I'm not saying no one called. Just that there are no records of any calls. We already suspected the cartel has people on the inside
here in El Paso. This information just cements that. The cartel wanted your farm to burn; we just don’t know why.”

  “How do you know this,” she whispers.

  “My chief has been in firehouses for a long time. He has friends in high places and can be trusted. Our engine would’ve never let your home burn. I'm so sorry, Carino. Your parents didn’t deserve that,” he soothes.

  Apparently, the Dominion MC members all want to get punched. Between this motherfucker, who I’m assuming is a firefighter, and Casanova, I’m jealous enough to bust someone in the fucking face. I don’t know what the fuck Carino means, but the blush Angel gets when he says it, makes my blood boil.

  “Did anyone else find out anything about the farm?” Hyde asks looking around the room.

  Everyone around the table shakes their heads. Shit. I was hoping we could give Angel more answers at this meeting. So far, all we know is someone purposely burned down her farm, which we already suspected. Hopefully, G can give us more answers, but that means staying in this fucking town for another three damn days.

  “Well fuck,” Hyde huffs out. Leaning back in his chair, he continues, “Ink, let us know when you hear from G.” Ink nods his head, looking at me, “Havoc, let’s chat about the bastard that’s your father, and we’ll figure out where to go from there. Meeting adjourned,” Hyde tells the room.

  Everyone stands after Hyde does, and they go back to shooting the shit. Hyde directs me to a corner in the room where we can talk.

  “Alright, what do you know about where Wrecker is?” Hyde questions.

  Planting my feet while crossing my arms over my chest, I huff out a breath. “Right now, I don’t know shit. I'll call Snoopy and see what he can tell me. So far, every lead we’ve had has been a dead end, or he’s already gone when I get there. I’ve been hunting this fucker for five months, and I’m starting to feel like he hasn’t been just one step ahead of me but twenty,” I grumble.

  “Let me know what Snoopy tells you. For now, I can’t bring you to my home with a target on your back,” he explains, regret in his tone.


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