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Silent Sons MC Box Set

Page 44

by Ambere Sabo

  Vic hasn’t left since she came to tell us Lilly was gone. She and Maribel have been sleeping in Prez's room, and he’s been taking the couch. I don’t think she can stand to be in her home with Lilly missing. The only reason she's going there now is to get Havoc away. She knows her son needs to feel like he’s doing something.

  Havoc is supposed to be in El Paso helping the Dominion with a raid on another set of cells the task force found but refused to leave. He and Angel aren’t going anywhere until Lil is home safe and sound.

  We all know how important it is to close down as many of the cells as we can though. Those women deserve all the help they can get. Jekyl and a few of the Reapers went in his place instead. It's easier if the clubs handle the raids, we don’t have to stand by all the same rules the task force does.

  Right now I think it might have been a good thing for Havoc to have gone. He’s a ticking time bomb of rage sitting here. At least if he went, he could take his anger out on someone other than us.

  There's so much tension in the clubhouse its suffocating. Without any kind of paper trail and no word from Lilly, we may as well be standing around holding our dicks. I hate feeling like this, so I do what I do best.

  Heading outside to the shop I walk over to Beauty. When I was in the marines, I would clean my guns when I needed to get out of my head. Anytime there was a mission I didn’t feel right about, or we lost one of our brothers. Everyone knew where to find me. Now the only difference is I traded guns for bikes. Beauty hasn’t been this clean in months. Maybe its time to start on the guns.

  We know Enterrador has someone watching Lil, hell probably even the club, so everyone's been trying to keep to their normal routine. Trying to make it seem like Lil and Vic came here for protection nothing more. The longer it takes for him to know she’s missing the better. No one has any idea what he’ll do when he finds out, but I can bet it won’t be pretty. We need to be prepared for whatever that bastard sends our way.

  Chapter 9


  I didn’t know how everything would play out a few nights ago when Mythic found me. I made her show me proof she knew Snoopy and had been helping him before I agreed to stay close to her. The conversations between the two of them proved that not only does she know him but she’s been the one to give us almost all the information we have on Enterrador.

  She's become somewhat of a mini shadow. Got a room next to mine and has let me have a few days to explore this little city. Even came with me to Sedona to get my palm read, and future told. Though she whined about me using brujeria the whole time.

  Aside from the fact that she's in her thirties and has a major vendetta against Enterrador I don’t really know much about her. Hell, I don’t know why she hates him to begin with. Having her follow me around is better than the lockdown I would have been under back home when they saw Enterradors latest note.

  I still haven’t called to tell them I’m okay. I wanted to my second day here. Mythic offered to help conceal the phone so the call couldn’t be tracked, but I just don’t know what to say to them. I don’t think I'm ready for the wave of questions I'm bound to get about where I am and why I left. Its selfish as fuck but I just need some time to get my head on straight.

  Pounding on the door pulls me from my thought of home and how much I fucked this all up.

  “What did you do,” Mythic hisses before I even get the door fully open.

  I can’t help the look that crosses my face as she barges past me into my room clutching her laptop to her chest. Huffing out she scolds, “Don’t give me a deer in the headlights look Lilly. He knows you’re here. So, again, what. Did. You. Do?”

  My heart is in my throat. What did she just say? He knows I'm here? How the hell does he know where I am?

  “I… I… I don’t know,” I stammer out. “I haven't done anything with my debit cards. I don’t know how he would know where I am.”

  Placing her laptop on the desk, she points to the screen, and I can see him. The screen is grainy, but the man I see pacing is definitely Enterrador.

  “How do you have this?” I question, leaning in to get a better look.

  “Now is not the time to answer that Lilly. Listen to what he’s saying.” She points at the screen tapping her foot impatiently.

  It only takes me a second to know where I fucked up. Bringing a hand to my mouth, with a gasp, “how would they know about that?”

  “What bracelet Lilly? How would they know were in Flagstaff because of a bracelet?”

  “Shit,” I exclaim. “You said no cards,” I tell her as I begin to pace back and forth across the room. What the fuck are we going to do now? How could I be so stupid?

  “Lilly,” she yells grabbing my shoulders as I pass her. “What. Did. You. Do?”

  “I was out of cash, and you said no cards, “ I whimper.

  “Okay, I need more than that.”

  “Before I ran Enterrador would send me gifts.”

  “Snoopy told me, what of it?”

  “I brought them with me.”

  She lets my shoulders go as realization crosses her face, “Damn it, Lilly,” she yells throwing her hands in the air. “You pawned one of the gifts?”

  I nod in response, “Just this morning.”

  “Well, your little break from reality here is over, Lilly. Pack your shit,” she says as she snatches her laptop from the desk and heads to the door.

  “Where will we go?” I whisper, tears coming to my eyes.

  She looks over her shoulder at me, and the anger subsides a bit as her shoulders fall. “He’ll find you just as fast if we go back to Texas, so you’re coming with me. I have a place in California we can stay at.” Walking back to me she pulls me in for a hug.

  “We’ll leave your car here. I don’t know who the cartel has in California, and it's not worth the risk. Besides, it might slow them down long enough for us to get out of the state.”

  Stepping away from me, she looks me in the eye, “I won’t let him get you, Lilly. He’s ruined too many lives already.” With that, she walks out of my room.

  I don’t know what happened to Mythic or if Enterrador was even the one to do it but for just a moment her eyes held nothing but pure regret. Every time I ask her anything about who she is or why she’s helping me she evades the question. Questions I think its time she starts answering.

  Chapter 10


  “So she still hasn’t returned to the room?” I bark into the phone.

  “No sir, her car is still in the parking lot, but I’m beginning to think she isn’t coming back.”

  “You don’t say,” I scream at him before hanging up.

  Looking up, three of my most trusted men surround me while another five comb this damn place. We made it to Flagstaff within hours of her pawning the bracelet, and she’s nowhere to be found.

  “Someone had better give me something soon, or you will not all be returning to your families,” I scream as Evaristo comes through the door. This is his chance to prove he is still loyal to the cartel and me. After we sent that damn woman away with her brother, he has not been the same.

  “Well, where have you been?” I ask as my eyes narrow.

  “Sir,” he says with a bow of his head. “We have found the front desk clerk who was working two days ago. I was handling the extraction of information.”

  “And! What did they say?”

  “He said Lilly came that morning to extend her reservation but shortly after left with a blue-haired woman. They both had bags, but he thought nothing of it. She had told him the day before that she was interested in going up to the Grand Canyon and he had given her some information about the lodge at the bottom. He assumed she was going to do that but as he has been off the last two days he has not seen her since.”

  “Blue-haired woman?” I ask incredulously.

  “He said he had seen the woman a few times with Lilly but had never spoken with her. Aside from the hair, he knew nothing more about her.” />
  Evaristo’s phone dings and he pulls it from his jacket pocket, “there are no reservations in Lilly's name at the lodge in the canyon, but they will not tell Javier if she has already been there and left.”

  “Send him. He can make sure if she has been there or not better in person.”

  “Yes, sir. The clerk can get you into Lilly's room if you wish.”

  “Good, I will be there in thirty minutes. I have a call to make, leave me.”

  After the men have all moved into the sitting room of my suite I take a seat on the bed. This damned woman had better have found out something.

  After three rings she answers the call in a whisper, “Sir?”

  “What have the Sons found?” I snap.

  “Their hacker has tried everything, but she has simply disappeared sir. There has been no sign of her since she left Amarillo.”

  “Idiots. All of you are idiots,” I scream. “She is but a girl how can no one find her?”

  I hang up when she begins to cry. I do not have the patience for tears or blubbering women right now. There had better be something in this damned hotel room. I do not think Lilly understands the longer she is gone the closer I am to losing it. I have been kind to her up until this point, but soon she will not like the side of me she will meet.

  Chapter 11


  “How are you holding up?” Cessy asks. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” she says with a laugh as I reach up to steady Prez’s bike. I didn’t hear her come in and damn near knocked the thing over when she came up beside me.

  Prez threw me a bone when he told me I could work on it. Trying to give me something to keep my mind off of Baby girl but he would still kick my ass if I got a scratch on her.

  Cessy leans against the standing tool chest that lines the wall. Her belly taking over her small frame. She stares at me, waiting for me to say something anything but I don’t know what to say.

  It's been two weeks since Lilly left and were no closer to knowing where the hell she is. Snoopy is still trying to find her, but at this point, all we know is her car ended up in an impound lot in Flagstaff Arizona.

  We know someone has to be covering her trail. The hotel she was staying at magically had all of their surveillance wiped in some freak electrical thing. Who’s doing it? No ones fucking owning it, and it's driving him up the wall. Me? I just want to know she's okay.

  “Earth to Gunner,” Cess teases.

  Rubbing my neck with a sigh, I tell her, “Sorry Cess.”

  “You seem to be in your own head a lot lately. Or out here working on the bikes,” she says motioning to the handful of bikes I’ve already fixed any and all problems on.

  “The bikes are easier right now. If I'm not busy, I'm thinking about every what if. What if she’s hurt? What if he found her? What if she got herself in some other kind of trouble? Then the questions come. Why did she run? Did she think we couldn’t protect her? What if that’s the last time I see her.”

  “Okay, okay I get it. Slow your roll for a second,” she says throwing her hands out with a light laugh.

  Walking over to the stool I'm sitting on she puts her hand on my shoulder. Looking down at me, “You’ll drive yourself crazy if you keep doing that Gunner. Right now we all have to have faith that Lil knew what she was doing when she left. Out of all of us, she's the most level-headed. There had to be a reason she left.”

  “That’s what I’m worried about,” I huff out under my breath looking away from her.

  “What do you mean,” she asks as her brows draw down.

  “I fucked up,” I admit standing from my seat.

  “What do you mean?” she asks putting a knee on the stool I've just vacated.

  “Ugh,” I exclaim grabbing my hair. “I can’t have that be the last time I see my baby girl, Cess. I just can’t. The hurt, fuck, the tears,” I ramble as I begin to pace the garage.

  “Alright, I'm trying to follow here Gunner, but I think I’m missing something.”

  With a sigh, I look at the ceiling. “After her party, I took her home.”

  “Ok, I know that. Rose had her car.”

  “She wants more from me than I can give her. She deserves more. Nothing will ever be good enough for my baby girl. Not even me,” I say shaking my head.

  “Woah, hold up a second. What do you mean she wants more?”

  “I made a stupid comment about Vic thinking we were doing things we shouldn’t be and hurt her. She wants something with me that I just can’t give.”

  “Were you doing something?” She asks with a raise of her brow.

  “No,” I exclaim. “I know my baby girl is off limits. Havoc would have my head. Besides I get it she deserves more than all this,” I say gesturing to myself then the bikes that surround me.

  “Now just you wait one damn minute,” she scolds walking over to me. Cessy gets right in my space her baby bump the only thing keeping her from getting any closer. Glaring up at me she says, “Lil can make her own decisions. No matter how much Havoc may hate that, who she loves is her choice. And why in the hell would you think you’re not good enough for her, huh?”

  Before I even have a chance to answer her, she continues, “If it was in your power would you ever let anything happen to her?”

  “How can you ask that? She’s missing Cess.”

  “That is by her own doing Gunner and no fault of yours. Did you do everything to protect her?”

  “You know I did.”

  “Would you purposely do anything to hurt her?”

  ‘Never,” I exclaim.

  “Do you love her?”

  I can’t even answer her. I know the answer is yes but saying it out loud. I just don’t know if I can.

  She pats my shoulder, “To love, honor and protect, Gunner. That’s what every girl like Lil wants, and you already do all that. Havoc will come around.”

  Cessy turns to leave me with my thoughts stopping in the doorway. She stands there for a second holding the door jam before looking back at me. “Um, Gunner,” she says.

  “Yeah, Cess.”

  “Can you get Venom for me. I think its time.”


  “Time,” she says pointing to the puddle forming at her feet.

  Chapter 12


  Mythics place is in Tahoe California, and it has to be one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. I’ve had a lot of time to wander the lake and little town here while Mythic has been holed away in what she calls her command center.

  At first, I thought she was joking, but that room is no laughing matter. I thought Snoopy’s lair was extreme but its got nothing on Mythics. She has at least six different monitors and more tech equipment than I have ever seen. I tried to sit in there with her my first day here but got bored as hell.

  She tried to explain what she could to me about what she was doing, but I could tell she was starting to get irritated when I kept looking at her like a deer in headlights. Really I just wanted to keep her talking about her past. I learned a lot on the seventeen-hour drive here, but she still has only given me bits and pieces about herself.

  I know she lives off of more red bull than can possibly be healthy for any one person to consume. She loves underground hip-hop and will try her damnedest to sing along. She’s thirty-four years old and has no living family. Anytime I tried to ask more about her past she suddenly became incredibly interested in whatever song was playing and the subject was quickly changed.

  I want to know what it is that happened to her to turn her into the person she's become. From what I can tell when she’s not playing babysitter to me she’s here all by herself. Other hackers her only form of relationship. I don’t know why but that makes my heart hurt for her. It had to have been something really awful to make a person not trust the outside world.

  Sighing as I take one more look at the lake I head inside. Hoping maybe today's the day she’ll open up. Tell me something more than she plans to make Enterrado
r and the cartel pay for what they’ve done.

  “Oh, hi,” I exclaim, “I wasn't expecting you to be here,” I tell Mythic as I almost run into her as I walk into the kitchen.

  With a snort, “I do live here, Lilly.”

  Laughing, “I meant that you barely come out of your command center is all.”

  “Well, I figured today I’d beat you to the punch.”


  Laughing she heads to the fridge and pulls out everything she needs for a turkey sandwich. “You make me lunch and bring it to me as a way to try to get me to talk to you.”

  “That transparent huh?” I say taking a seat at the island.

  Nodding, “Yup. Look talking about my past is something I haven’t had to do in a very long time. Something I never wanted to do ever but I get why you want to know. It took me a little bit but I found something I want you to watch.”

  “Okay,” I tell her standing from my stool.

  Grabbing my arm, she tells me, “after lunch Lilly.”

  Looking down I can see the way her hand shakes when she pulls away from me. Whatever this is, it must be big…

  Nodding, I sit and watch as she makes us each a sandwich. Letting her come to terms with what she's about to show me. Not saying anything when she picks at her sandwich and takes her time with each bite. I know what it's like trying to keep your past hidden.

  No one in nursing school knew anything about my family or their less than legal biker ways. Well, until Gunner started following me around campus anyway. I can’t help the sigh that escapes thinking about Gunner drawing Mythic out of her head.

  “What's up?” she asks.

  “Nothing, just thinking about home,” I tell her with a shrug looking at the countertop.

  “Uh-uh, that face isn’t one a chick makes when they're just thinking about home. Spill it.”

  “Gunner… I was thinking about Gunner.”

  “Ah, the chocolate hotness. Or Mr. Arms as I call him,” she says with a nod.

  I can't help the laughter that bursts out of me, “Mr. Arms?” I ask her.


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