Silent Sons MC Box Set

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Silent Sons MC Box Set Page 45

by Ambere Sabo

  “Girl, don’t play like you haven’t looked. He has some amazing arms, add the tattoos and its just yummy.”

  At the mention of Gunners tattoos, I freeze, “how do you know about Gunners tattoos? Or that he has nice arms? I thought you only worked with Snoopy?” I ask looking at her with brows drawn.

  “Calm down, Lilly. I know about all of the Sons. Have pictures too,” she tells me like that’s a normal thing.

  I bristle at that. Why would she have pictures of us? I stand from the stool taking a step away from her needing some distance. Was I wrong to trust her?

  “Lil,” she says looking hurt by the movement. “I had to make sure they were deserving of my help. I'm taking a very big chance of being discovered by helping Snoopy. Not everyone knows the things I do. If I’m not careful sooner or later they’ll start putting the pieces together and my life as I know it now will be over.”

  “Who will? Enterrador?”

  Nodding, “Or Diablo. Come on, I think you’ll understand a lot more shortly.”

  With that, I follow her to her command center, “I can’t watch this. I already know what happened but when you're finished I’ll be on the deck. The remote is in front of the screen just push play. You can also fast forward and…” She pauses taking a deep breath. “And make sure you watch it till the end,” she says quietly.

  With that, she leaves me to watch what has to be the most gruesome thing I’ve ever watched. The video is surveillance of a home I’ve never seen but from what Snoopy has told me I can only guess it was the man who killed Enterradors wives home.

  Enterrador is much younger, you can see it in his features. Aside from that, he looks almost emotionless if that’s possible to be while you kill a whole family. He slit the wife and daughters throats, quickly, but what he did to the man's son. I can’t even watch. As soon as he started cutting off fingers I had to fast forward it. He worked his way through each finger and toe before moving on to his arms. I can only assume he went into shock went Enterrador cut his throat too.

  The man was tied to a chair. Forced to watch as his entire family was annihilated before his eyes. Then he too was tortured only Enterrador started with his tongue. Possibly to keep him quiet, I'm not sure though the video has no sound, thank god. I push fast forward again, not needing to know every step he took with the man before he killed him. When he’s finally finished and the family is gone from this world Enterrador lined them together on the floor cleaned his knives and left.

  Pausing the video theirs still another four hours before the end, but the family is already dead? Letting it fast forward to the end takes time but there has to be a reason behind it. With less than ten minutes left I find out what she wanted me to see.

  A girl walks into the home, she can’t be older than I am at the time. Watching as her face changes to one of pure horror as she finds the family is heartbreaking. I can’t bear to watch her cry as she holds the little girl to her chest, I don’t need to. That young woman has the same face as the blue-haired beauty waiting for me on the deck.

  Walking out to find Mythic my feet feel like lead. She told me her family was gone but I never would’ve imagined she was an Armijo. I don’t know what it’s taken for her to hide this long. Enterrador has hunted that family line until the last living member was dead, or so I thought.

  As I reach for the door to the deck, I look out and see Mythic. She sits on the swing slowly swaying with tears coating her cheeks. I can’t believe she's been all alone for so long. My heart aches for her. When she sees me at the door she looks away, wiping her face as she does.

  Stepping on to the deck, I have no words. What the hell does someone say after learning that?

  “You saw the end?” She whispers.

  With a nod, I join her on the swing. I do the only thing that feels right, putting my arm around her shoulder I just hold her. She leans her head on my shoulder and silently cries.

  I don’t know how long it is when she finally stops crying. Its longer still that we sit there in silence. The sun is now setting and the air begins to chill. The lake is a mirror of purples and pinks in a sunset more beautiful than I’ve ever seen before.

  “You’re an Armijo. That’s why you worry Enterrador will put the pieces together.”

  With a shake of her head, “No, my daughter, was an Armijo.”

  With a gasp, I cover my mouth with my hand, “the little girl.”

  She nods and I feel her tears on my shoulder. “Jesus was her uncle but he was the only father figure I had ever really known. He didn’t hurt Alex, he would never have. His death, their deaths, are on my shoulders.”


  “Enterradors wife. Jesus was set up, because of me. He would never have hurt a pregnant woman, never.”

  “What? Why would he be set up because of you?”

  Shaking her head, “Now you know why I will never let Enterrador hurt you. My baby, my family, he has already taken too much.”

  Chapter 13


  “If someone doesn’t come out here and tell us something soon I’m going back there. I don't give a damn what that fucking nurse says,” Wraith says earning a glare from the nurse sitting behind the reception desk.

  “Maria is only doing her job Wraith, now stop your shit before she calls security on you. I can’t help you with them,” Vic scolds with a huff.

  Wraith damn near got kicked from the waiting room not thirty minutes ago. He lost his shit because the nurse, Maria apparently, said she couldn’t give him any information on Cessy because he wasn’t family. He tried to explain we were all family but she abruptly cut him off and asked if he was a blood relation. He spits out no and she simply shut the glass partition in his face. It took Rodeo and three members of the Reapers to get him seated when he tried to throw a chair at the glass. Vic used to volunteer here so she helped calm the situation down and has been pissed as hell since.

  Tensions are high with all the brothers of both the Sons and the Reapers. Cess will always be a princess to both clubs with her relationship to Wraith and Prez. That holds even stronger than her marriage to Venom. Right now, all we know is there was a complication and none of us are allowed back to see her until the doctor says everything is okay.

  “Venom could at least come out and tell us something,” Wraith whines.

  It happens so fast if I hadn't heard it I never would’ve known what happened. The loud thump that comes when Vic turns and slaps Wraith upside his head has everyone's attention. You can see Rodeo poised to snatch Wraith up if he needs to.

  “James Douglas White if you don’t stop this bull shit right now I will call your mama. Do you hear me? Venom needs to be in there helping our girl bring that beautiful baby boy into this world. Not out here giving your impatient ass an update. Now quit your shit do you hear me?” Vic seethes.

  For a few minutes, you could hear a pin drop as Wraith just looks at Vic in shock.

  “You would not call my mama,” he says in pure terror.

  “You bet your ass I would,” she threatens with a glare.

  Rodeo bursts into laughter and shortly every brother in the waiting room joins him. Even Vic cracks a little smile.

  “She told you,” Prez says with tears forming in his eyes.

  “Shut it,” Wraith grumbles as he slides down in his chair and crosses his arms over his chest like a properly scolded child. Guess we all know Wraiths weakness now, his mama.

  The next few hours feel like they take days. The brothers taking up a majority of the chairs. Some pace the room and roam the halls. All I can think about is how upset my baby girl is going to be that she missed this. When Cess and Venom asked her to be the godmother she cried. Later she told me it was the biggest honor she could’ve ever asked for.

  The minute Cessy and Venom found out they were having a boy she started buying him things. I swear one weekend after she went shopping her apartment looked like a Babies R Us exploded in it. Shes bound and determined her godson is going
to be a heartbreaker and she wanted to make damn sure he looked the part. And all the animals, Lord the animals, I didn’t know they made so many blue animals.

  Venom comes out wearing scrubs, smiling bigger than I’ve ever seen. He has everyone's attention when he says, “He’s here. He was a stubborn little shit but he’s here. He and Reine are both doing well.”

  There are a few hell yeahs yelled out with congratulations as everyone whoots and hollers before Maria shushes us.

  “When can we see her?” Wraith asks as soon as it quiets down. He never had his own children so Cessy is the closest thing to a daughter he has. If anyone didn’t know how much he cared for her they do after today.

  “As soon as she gets out of recovery, they had to do a c-section but they should be ready for visitors soon. I'll let you know as soon as they move her to her room but right now I need to get back. Reine just wanted me to let everyone know they were good.” With that Venom rushes back down the hall to the delivery rooms.

  “Well, now that we know both mama and baby are good I need some coffee,” Vic announces.

  “I can go with you Ma,” Havoc offers as he starts to stand from his place next to Angel.

  “No, I think I’d like it if Gunner went with me.”

  I can’t help the surprise on my face when my eyes open wide and I ask, “Ma’am?”

  “Come on Gunner, I won’t bite,” she says with a smirk.

  “No, she’ll just sick your mama on you,” Wraith grumbles.

  “Hush,” she tells him before standing and looking over at me expectantly. Looking at Havoc he shrugs at me. Lord, I hope I didn’t do something to piss this woman off.

  We make it halfway to the cafeteria before she says anything. “What are you thinking over there?

  “Trying to figure out if I did something wrong,” I say without thinking. My mind working a million miles a minute trying to remember anything I might have done.

  With a laugh she asks, “Why do you automatically think you’ve done something wrong?”

  “Well, with all due respect. You can be a little scary ma’am.”

  “Its Vic, please,” she says placing a hand on my arm and with a smile says, “I’m only scary if I need to be. Now I have a question for you.”

  Slowing to a stop I turn and give her my full attention.

  “You love my baby?” she asks, crossing her arms over her chest. “And don’t you dare lie to me.”

  Her question takes me back to the porch when I dropped Lilly off for the last time and I look at the floor unable to deny it, “Yes, I know I shouldn’t, but yes I do.”

  “And why shouldn’t you?” She snaps at me and I look up at her. Hands on her hips she glares at me.

  “Because she’s my brothers baby sister. She is supposed to be off limits. Havoc has already told me all the things he’ll do to me if I so much as lay a finger on Lil. And…” Running a hand through my hair I blow out a breath and finish, “Because she deserves better than me.”

  The anger melts from her face and is replaced with sadness. She reaches up and puts her hand on my cheek, “The only person who thinks you aren't good enough is you, Gunner. My son loves his sister but even he can see how much you care for her. It's time to remember your worth son. If it comes to it I can handle Eric.”

  My mouth drops open when it hits me in the chest. Could I really be the only reason Lilly hasn’t been in my arms all these months? This is my doing. Without another word, Vic starts towards the cafeteria and I trail behind her in a daze. God baby girl how could I be so stupid.

  “Ma’am,” I start before correcting myself, “I mean Vic?”

  “Yes, Gunner,” she says turning to look at me over her shoulder.

  “If it comes to it, I’ll take whatever Havoc can dish out. If I have to fight for her, I will.”

  With a smile, “Its about time you got your head straight.”

  Chapter 14


  Its been almost two months and no one can find her. How a girl can just disappear without a trace I don’t understand. I learned very little in Flagstaff. She pawned the bracelet I sent her for her birthday. I had Javier kill the pawn shop clerk for the ridiculous amount he gave her for it. And they say were criminals.

  The hotel had next to none when it came to video surveillance but I did get a glimpse of this blue-haired woman. Shes Hispanic but she made sure to avoid looking directly at any of the cameras. Something that just doesn’t sit well with me. There's something else going on here. I know it. I can feel it in my gut. When I figure out what that is I’ll find my prize and Lilly will be mine.

  For now, we’ve come back to Mexico. The trail ran cold in Arizona and I’d rather be here getting my home ready for her arrival. She can’t stay hidden forever. Sooner or later she will go home, and then she’ll be mine. When she is I want everything to be ready for her arrival.

  “You know we have people to do this for you?” Diablo says in disgust as he wipes his hands on a handkerchief.

  Everything in my home was covered in dust two days ago. I have spent hours removing the covers from the furniture and preparing the rooms for Lilly. I had all of Alex's belongings moved to storage years ago. The only piece of her still left behind is the collage of her and my sister Lena in the dining room. Diablo stands before it now looking over the pictures of his lost daughter. I can’t deny the look of disgust he has when he sees Selena confuses me. Not that much about him makes sense most days.

  “I wanted to do it myself. It’s the only way I’ll know everything is done correctly.”

  Giving the pictures of Alex and Selena one last look he turns to me, “I don’t like you moving this far north again. It will take too long for you to get to me if you’re needed.”

  “You’ve already told me this,” I say turning away from him so he doesn’t see the roll of my eyes. “My answer hasn’t changed. We will come to San Luis once Lilly and I are married. I want her away from all the chaos of the cartel to start.”

  “And an heir? When will you give me an heir?” he demands.

  “When she's ready.”

  The laugh that erupts from him has me bristling. “Do you really think she’ll come to you willingly? Son, you’ll have to take that one and break her. I’ve seen the surveillance of her that you’ve been keeping. She is nothing like Alex, she has a fire in her, and she will not give herself to you by choice. Ever.”

  Within a blink I'm across the room, snatching the collar of his shirt I pull him to me. Through gritted teeth, ‘You know nothing of my Alex, remember that, old man. Lilly will be mine and only once I have her willingly will you get your heir. I am not like you. I will not take her by force.”

  His men surround me with their guns drawn. Even in my home, he has his army with him. He trusts no one, least of all me. Diablo knows his son is gone, he died the day Alex took her last breath. Enterrador was who he wanted me to become but the minute I did he no longer trusted me. He finally knew what I was capable of. I could kill him just as easily as I have all those that took Alex from me and he knows it.

  “Than you will die before you ever remake the family you lost. And you are a fool,” he hisses at me.

  “I was a fool for ever becoming the man that could snap your neck before they even get a shot off,” I say cocking my head at his men.

  “Let. Me. Go,” he commands.

  With a shove, I do. “I’ll let you know when we’ll make our way to San Luis. I don’t care if it takes years to get her to love me in return. Now, get out.”

  “I choose the wrong child,” he grumbles just loud enough for me to hear.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Nothing,” he says as he straightens his suit jacket.

  Diablo is always the picture of perfection in his Armani suits. His salt and pepper hair stays without a hair out of place. Looking at him now you’d never know his father let him grow up in the ghetto of Mexico City before he came for him. The only difference between the way we were left
to believe our father was dead is I found love in Alex. Diablo had nothing, and it made him into the cold detached man that walks away from me now.

  Turning to me before he reaches the door, he looks me straight in the eye. Look the devil in the eye and you’ll see he has no soul. “You have three months, son. If you aren’t in San Luis by then she won't be the only one coming to me against her will. Do you understand?”

  Without even waiting for a response he and his men walk out the front door. The glass vase from below the pictures of the two women to ever hold my heart smashes against the door just as it closes. Lilly is my second chance, I know it, and I will not let him take this from me.

  Chapter 15


  Twenty-seven hours. That's how long it takes to get from Tahoe to my home. We have less than an hour left and I think I might be sick. Mythic stopped trying to talk to me four hours ago.

  “Lilly, earth to Lilly,” Mythic says interrupting my internal battle.


  “Damn, girl. Do you need to go to the bathroom? There's a rest stop up ahead,” she says pointing to the sign on the side of the road.

  “Oh, no. I’m good,” I tell her with a shake of my head.

  “I think I liked the drive to Tahoe better,” she says with a huff. “You may have asked a shit ton of questions but at least I wasn’t talking to myself. Look, Lil, they love you. They will forgive you for running.”

  When I look back through the window, not replying to what I hope is true she grumbles under her breath before turning the music back up.

  I knew eventually I’d be coming home. Hell, I didn’t plan to be gone the two months I have been. Still, that didn’t stop the knot that formed in my stomach when Mythic came and told me it was time. She needs Snoopy's help to get the last piece of information to use against Enterrador.

  I have no clue what all shes compiled but shes certain what she has will get Enterrador to back off and leave me alone. In all honesty, I don't care what it is, as long as it gets me my life back.


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