Silent Sons MC Box Set

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Silent Sons MC Box Set Page 46

by Ambere Sabo

  When Mythic takes the turn to head straight to the Silent Sons clubhouse I know… It's time to face the music.

  “You ready for this?” Mythic asks as we walk up to the door.

  I can’t even find the words to answer her right now. My hands are sweaty and my heart’s beating so fast I feel like it might jump right out of my chest. Instead, I just nod in response.

  “Ok, I’m going to wait out here like we discussed. Come and get me when you're ready.”

  Turning the handle I walk into the clubhouse. Ready to deal with whatever consequences I need to. These people have done everything to protect me, and I ran. With no explanation or care as to what it would do to them, I was a coward, and now it’s time to face the music.

  Cole is the first one to see me as I walk in, throwing his head back, he says, “Thank fuck,” before he jogs towards me and scoops me up into a bear hug.

  “Gunner, Havoc,” he yells out over his shoulder.

  Cessy comes around the corner with a face full of fury, “Cole, what the hell are…” she starts before her eyes meet mine, and she breaks out into a run to me. Pulling me from Cole and squeezing me tight. “What the hell were you thinking, Lil? We’ve been worried sick,” she scolds while stroking my hair.

  I squeeze her tight back and realize there's no longer a barrier between us. Leaning back to look at her, my heart stops, “the baby?” I ask with pure fear gripping my chest.

  “He’s asleep, that’s why I came out here ready to kill Cole for yelling,” she says with a giggle.

  I can’t help the breath of relief I pull in but looking at her, the tears streaming down her face fills me with shame. “I missed the birth,” I say looking at my feet.

  “You did, but you’ll have plenty of time to make up for it.,” she says lifting my chin to look her in the eye.

  I scared her, I scared all of them, but all I see looking back at me is understanding. It helps ease the knot in my stomach just a bit.

  The men start to filter out of church, and within moments I’m surrounded by them all. Each passing me around for a hug, each throwing out questions I don’t want to answer right now. Havoc pushes through and pulls me to him.

  “Don’t you ever fucking scare me like that again, Lil. You got me?” his voice thick with emotion.

  “Baby girl,” Gunner says from behind us. Stepping away from my brother, I come face to face with the man I love. A man that I’m sure I’ve put through hell this last month. I don’t even know what to expect right now. I deserve his anger, his hurt but instead, he puts his hand out to me, and I take it.

  Drawing me to him, I can’t bear to look him in the eye. The regret I feel at this moment is soul crushing. Hooking a finger under my chin, he brings my eyes to his and without a word crushes his lips to mine.

  My body melts against his. Savoring the feel of his lips on mine. Each stroke of his tongue against mine is like an electric current through my whole body. Losing track of where we are, who surrounds us. I can’t seem to care that we have an audience. That is until Havoc clears his throat beside me.

  Pulling away from Gunner I can feel my cheeks heat in embarrassment that only grows as Cessy says, “It’s about damn time.” The brothers all begin to chuckle with Havoc’s growl.

  Gunner leans down and whispers in my ear, ‘We’ll finish this later.”

  “Much later,” Havoc grumbles.

  Turning to face the members of my brother's club I can’t help the smile that is spread across my face. I’m home.

  “Where’s Snoop?” I ask when I can’t find him as my eyes seek him out.

  “Over here Lil,” he calls out from one of the corner booths as he furiously types away on his laptop, typical.

  “Mythic’s on the porch for you,” I tell him.

  Looking up from his screen, I see the confusion in his eyes, “You’ve been with him all this time?”

  I can’t help the laugh that escapes, “How well do you know Mythic?”

  “Better than you I hope,” Gunner grunts as he wraps his arms around my middle pulling me to him.

  “Um… I don’t know. Since all of this started with the cartel, we chat almost every day. Not as often this last month which makes more sense now. He’s been the main supply of information I’ve given y’all about Enterrador, why?”

  “Mythic,” I holler over my shoulder, “You can come in now.”

  When the beautiful woman walks in from the porch, I swear you can see the drool form on Snoopys chin.

  “Your Mythic?” He asks incredulously.

  She hits him with a killer smile, before popping her hand on her hip, and sasses, “What? Think I was a guy because I’m a better hacker than you?”

  “Uh, well… yeah” Snoopy admits taking his beanie off and running a hand through his hair.

  “Not all hackers are guys you know,” she says crossing her arms across her body bringing her chest to full attention.

  “I know but… I’ve never met one as hot as you,” he blurts out. Realizing what he’s just said his face turns red. “Uh… I mean. That didn’t come out right,” he rushes.

  I can’t help but giggle at his reaction. Snoopy isn’t like the other brothers. He’s hot don’t get me wrong but with that smart loner guy kind of vibe. Mythic is the complete opposite. She knows she’s gorgeous and has no issue owning it. She’s going to love giving him hell.

  Speaking of hell… “Where’s Ma?”

  Chapter 16


  Today has been a rollercoaster of emotions. None of which even come close to the happiness I feel having Lil in my arms right now. Hiding out in my room just soaking each other in.

  I haven't even talked to Havoc about all of this, but right now I don’t care. Me being with his baby sister isn't something he’s going to be too happy about, but I won’t spend another day without her. Fuck, I’m lucky he didn’t take my head off when I kissed her.

  Her running was hell on all of us. Not being there to keep her safe everyday fucked with my head something fierce but if anything it made me see, shes it for me. No way around it, I can only hope he understands that.

  We spent most of the afternoon in church. There were questions that had to be answered about where she’s been these last two months. Hearing how Mythic found her and hid her from us doesn’t sit right with me. I don’t know that I can ever fully trust the woman that kept my girl from me. She’s hiding something I know it. Lillys asked me to trust her so I'll try, for her.

  After church, I got to witness my baby girl meeting her godson for the first time. I’d be lying if I said it didn't make me wish for the day where I get to see her hold a little piece of her and me. Those first few moments watching her with him were nothing short of amazing.

  Lil sits with a bundle of blue in her arms, “Please tell me you finally picked a name and I don’t have to keep callin’ him LV?”

  Venom grins at her nickname for his son while Cessy growls. She hated that Lil called him that. Really aside from his dark brown locks, he looks just like Cessy, but no one will tell her that. Not just yet anyway. It's too fun to fuck with her. Until she realizes we are anyway. Then she’ll have all of our asses but its worth it.

  “Lilly meet Phoenix Jagger Walters,” Venom says with a smile so big I think his face might crack. The brothers have taken to calling him Nix but Venoms not a fan so I’ll tell Lil that little tidbit later.

  “Hey, little guy,” Lilly coos as she rubs her thumb over his cheek. “I’m your godmother Lilly, but Angel says you can call me your nina. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here to meet you when you came into this world. I hear you gave your mama quite a bit of trouble. But I promise I’ll spoil you rotten over the next few weeks to make up for it.”

  And she will. I spent the next hour watching my baby girl fawn and fuss over Nix before he needed to go down for a nap. Now, she's right where she’s always belonged. Curled up to my side tracing the tattoos down my arm.

  “Whose initials are these,” she
asks as she traces the cross.

  I don’t even have to look down to know what she's talking about. “They’re brothers I lost when I was in the marines. They all gave their lives to save mine. It was the last mission I ever completed.” I whisper, swallowing hard when I think back to that day.

  “What happened?”

  “We got bad intel. The village we went to was supposed to be practically deserted. Only a few civilians that needed help getting out, but instead we were ambushed. I was set to re-enlist the next month but Benallys last words changed all that.”

  Putting her chin on my shoulder, “what did he say?”

  “The trouble is you think you have time. Time to marry your sweetheart, start that family, start your life, time is the most precious thing in this world and his was gone. They’d all given up the rest of their time for me. Felt wrong not to live my life to the fullest and my heart just wasn’t in the marines anymore so I came home.”

  “How’d you end up in the Sons?”

  Tilting my head down, my eyebrows draw together, “ I thought you knew?”

  “Nope,” she says with a shake of her head. “We always talked more about me, what was coming with Enterrador or the present. I always felt like asking about your past was intruding.”

  Reaching up to cup her cheek, looking into her beautiful blue eyes, “You can always ask me anything, Baby girl.”

  Clearing my throat, I look back to the ceiling. Looking at her like that will only lead to one thing and answers isn't it.

  “Rev found me in Dallas. Coming home was easier said than done. My parents died in a car crash right after I graduated. The Marines gave me back my sense of family. Leaving took that away and I wasn’t living my best life. He’s actually my father's cousin, the only blood family I have left.”

  “I didn’t know that,” she whispers. “ About Rev or your parents. I’m sorry.”

  “When I came home and truly felt the loss of my parents. I wanted revenge on the driver who took their lives. The charges didn’t stick due to a fuck up with the blood work. Without the proof, they’d been drinking the charges were lessened. The detective who worked their case gave Rev a heads up that I was asking questions and he came up. Tried to talk some sense into me. Told me if I wanted it I’d have a home here.”

  “So you came with him?”

  I could leave it at that. Not tell her the whole truth but I need her to see me. The real me. And know that I’m not perfect. Hell, I’m far from it.

  With a sigh, “ No, I still wanted justice. Since the detective wouldn’t help me I found her on my own.”

  “Her, it was a woman?”

  “Yeah, she served less than four years for manslaughter and was out, free. Living her life while my parents would never see the man I’d become. Not that they would have been very proud of me at that time.”

  “What did you do when you found her?”

  “I wanted to kill her. I would have too. Was loaded and ready to put a bullet right through her heart until her little girl came out calling for her. Taking that little girls mama would’ve made me no better than her. I drove straight to the clubhouse and never looked back.”

  No one besides Rev knows I almost took that woman's life. It's not something I admit without a sense of shame but I don’t want to keep secrets from my baby girl. She deserves to see all of me. Even that which I’d rather keep hidden.

  Chapter 17


  Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought Gunner would be capable of killing someone. Grief will make you think about doing some crazy things.

  “They know the man you’ve become, Gunner. You know that, right? They may not be here beside you but they’re looking down on you, on us, right now. And they see the same thing I do. A man who would do anything to protect those he loves. Who puts together every BBQ and fundraiser for the kids in town. Never letting a single one go without for anything.”

  Reaching across him, I prop myself up on my hands caging his body in under me. Looking him in the eye, so he can see the truth in what I have to say. “I’m not perfect either Gunner. I’m the one who ordered the death of my own father. But together were perfectly imperfect and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  He closes the distance between us in a heartbeat and in an instance has me on my back. Switching our positions so now I’m the one caged in. “There’s nothing imperfect about you baby girl,” he tells me before crushing his lips to mine.

  He reaches up and tangles his hand in my hair as he softly strokes my lips begging me for full access to my mouth. Opening for him, I arch my body into his. Not wanting an inch of separation between us. He snakes his other arm behind my back fusing our bodies together.

  Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, the kiss that started off soft and sweet becomes nothing but want and need. When he takes my bottom lip in his mouth and sucks I can’t help the moan that escapes me. My body is on fire in ways I never thought possible.

  Pulling away from my lips he rests his forehead on mine. As we both try to catch our breath he pants out, “If we don’t stop now Baby girl I won’t be able to later. I don’t want to rush this but right now I want you more than air.”

  “Your shaking Gunner,” I whisper as his body practically vibrates next to mine.

  “I know Baby Girl, I want you so fucking bad.”

  “Then take me,” I tell him reaching up to pull his face back to mine. Arching back into him as he devours my lips.

  Reaching down with shaky hands I pull his shirt up breaking the kiss momentarily to rip it over his head and throw it to the floor. My arms wander his back and arms as I hold him to me.

  His hands roam my ass and sides causing a giggle when he hits the bottom of my ribs. Looking down at me a small smirk spreads across his face. “I’ll have to remember that for later.”

  Moving to sit on his knees he reaches down and slowly lifts the tank top I’m wearing bending to kiss my stomach as he reveals it. Inch by inch he moves it up my body. I shudder when he draws one of my nipples into his mouth. I can’t help but moan when he sucks it deep into his mouth. By the time he moves on to the other, I can feel the wetness between my legs begin to pool.

  “Gunner,” I whimper.

  “Do you like that baby girl?” he asks.

  His hot breath on the already sensitive skin causes goosebumps to break out across my arms and stomach. I can’t seem to find my words, so I nod in reply. Lifting my arms, he complies with my request and pulls the top the rest of the way up my body before it meets his shirt on the floor.

  Sitting back on his knees he undoes the top button of my shorts. His eyes roam my body as he rises up to push them past where his body has me pinned to the bed. Slowly backing off the bed as he drags them down my legs. Lastly, he slips my flip flops from my feet. Standing at the end of the bed he scoots my legs apart. Slowly he trails his fingers up my legs as he climbs on the bed between them.

  When he reaches the top of my thigh he wastes no time dipping two fingers into me. “Your so wet for me baby girl,” he tells me as he pulls his fingers to his mouth and sucks.

  “Please, Gunner,” I whimper as I squirm beneath him. This man has me more worked up than anyone before him and we haven’t even fucked yet.

  Leaning down he draws my clit into his mouth and I just about buck off the bed. He uses one arm to pin me at the waist to the bed. He nips and sucks while his fingers find my sweet spot. I can see him watching me as I continue to fall apart. My back arches up off the bed as I scream his name. I see stars as my body shakes while I come down from the best orgasm of my life.

  I don’t know how long it takes me to catch my breath it could be minutes or hours but when I finally open my eyes I see him. At some point, he’s taken off his pants and I didn’t even notice. He watches me as he strokes his dick.

  “That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever fucking seen baby girl,” he rasps out. “You ready for more?”

  Slightly sitting up I reach for his d
ick but with a shake of his head, he pushes my body back. I can feel his dick on my clit as he rubs it back and forth. “Are you ready baby girl?” He asks me again.

  “Yes,” I whimper.

  Leaning his face to mine he kisses me as pushes inside. There’s nothing slow and sweet about it. He goes balls deep in one single stroke. Waiting for just a moment for me to adjust to his size before slipping out and doing it again. Over and over he does this, causing pleasure with the pain.

  Leaning back, he reaches for my feet, placing them on his chest. His change in angle has him hitting my sweet spot with every stroke. He picks up a brisk pace that has me coming undone in minutes. He gives no signs of slowing or stopping as he continues to plunge into me over and over as I ride out the orgasm another hitting me almost instantly.

  This time he comes with me dropping down to his elbows as he holds himself up from collapsing on me. My legs are shaking to the point that I couldn’t move if I tried. I can feel the vibrations of it up in my arms and shoulders. When he sees my body is giving no signs of calming he begins rubbing my legs.

  “Breath, Baby Girl, breath,” he coos.

  Taking in a deep breath I slowly release it as my body still shivers. Covering me with a blanket he moves to the side and draws me closer to him.

  When I finally catch my breath and my body calms I peek up at him, “That was fucking amazing,” I whisper on a shaky breath.

  “Just wait baby girl. I wanted to worship your body for hours, but you just felt too damn good. Next time I plan on you not being able to walk all damn day.”

  ‘Next time? I don’t think I can walk now,” I tell him with a sigh.

  “Good, I’ll go get you something to eat then,” he tells me as he climbs out of bed.

  I can’t help but laugh, “Isn’t that supposed to be the other way around?’

  “Baby girl, if you can make me a sandwich after I’m done with you I didn’t do my job right.” He says with a smirk as he slips a pair of shorts on before he heads out the door.


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