Silent Sons MC Box Set

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Silent Sons MC Box Set Page 47

by Ambere Sabo

  I close my eyes with a smile on my face and a full heart, falling into the best sleep I’ve had in months.

  Chapter 18


  Lilly lays curled into my side, snoring softly. With my arm behind her head, I play with her soft red locks, staring at the ceiling. Nothing could have prepared me for last night. I’ve been with my fair share of women over the years, but nothing can compare to watching my baby girl come undone. Knowing I did that makes me hard even now.

  While I’d love nothing more than waking her and spending the day showing her just how much she means to me I need to do this right. Sliding my arm from behind her head I roll over and get out of bed. Trying my damnedest not to wake her. Slipping on some basketball shorts and a t-shirt I sneak out of my room. Searching for the one person who could royally fuck up the high I’m on right now.

  Walking down the stairs I can hear Havoc and Angel talking. They’re sitting in the corner of the main room that Rodeo let the girls decorate. Couches, and tables, a proper sitting room Cess called it. Walking up to the back of the couch Havocs lounged out on I prepare myself for the worst.

  “We need to talk,” I tell him.

  Drawing his head back on the back of the couch he looks up at me, “you smell like sex,” he grumbles as the carefree attitude he had with Angel vanishes.

  Realizing his head is way closer to my crotch then what would be considered safe right now I take a step back. Sitting up straight he turns on the couch to face me.

  “Couldn’t you have at least washed the smell off before you came down here to talk to me about fucking my sister,” he spits out.

  “Havoc,” Angel scold from the love seat.

  Turning to face her, with a shrug he asks, “What?”

  With a frustrated breath and a glare in her lovers’ direction she looks up at me, “go on Gunner.”

  “Thanks, Angel,” I tell her with a nod. Realizing we have the attention of not only Angel but Cessy, Venom, and Dash who sit behind us at the bar. Running a hand through my hair I ask, “Can we talk in private, man?”. While I’m sure everyone either already knows what’s going on or soon will, I like keeping private matters private.

  “Nope, we can do this right here,” he says gesturing to the main room. “The more witnesses the better.” He adds standing from his place on the couch.

  “Look, Havoc, if you want to beat my ass. Do it. I’m not backing down from this. I love her.”

  “Aww, he loves her.” Cessy coos from behind us.

  “Can it, Cess,” Havoc snaps giving her a glare.

  “You love her?” he asks through gritted teeth.

  “I do,” I answer with a nod.

  “You can have my blessing under one condition,” he says with a wicked smile.

  “Name it.”

  “No weird sex shit,” he tells me taking me completely off guard. Weird sex shit, what the hell?

  Cessy bursts out into laughter while Venom and Dash chuckle. Turning to look at them, my eyebrows draw together with a shake of my head I ask, “How is this funny?”

  Dash is the one to answer me, “Because Havoc just basically told you, you couldn’t tie up his sister.”

  Understanding dawns on me and I think if it was possible my eyes would pop out of my head, “How do any of you know about that?”

  “Come on Gunner. Girls talk. You’ve had your fun with the club girls. We all know about the set up you have on your bed frame,” Cessy tells me.

  “Yeah, when the girls were here,” Dash grumbles.

  Cess turns her evil eye, as Angel calls it, on Dash and snaps, “Those girls are not living in the same house as my son. You want to see them you know where to find them.”

  “Yeah, yeah, Blue Bells, I know.”

  Cess got all the girls’ jobs at Blue Bells as either waitresses or dancers, the more seasoned girls took them in and they most have coupled up as roommates. Cess refused to let her son grow up where girls walked around half naked. Prez wanted them close and Venom didn’t want to leave either, so the girls had to go.

  “Ok, back to the subject at hand,” Cessy says looking between me and Havoc. “So, he likes to tie people up, blindfold them whatever.”

  “Cess, you not helping,” I growl. How did they know about all this shit and I didn’t have a clue?

  Putting a finger up to silence me she continues, “And the bruises you gave Angel last week? How is that any different?” When Havoc looks at the ceiling, not responding, she pushes forward. “You like to fuck up against a wall, We,” she motions between her and Venom, “Like counter tops, bar tops, the washer, tables…”

  “Ok, Cess,” Havoc exclaims, interrupting her. “I get it. I do not need to know where the hell you two like to fuck,” he says throwing his hands in the air.

  “Bar tops?” Dash questions eyeing the bar behind him.

  A grin and a wink from Venom are the only answer he gets. God lets hope they cleaned it after.

  “My point is,” Cessy says walking over towards us. “Everyone has their kink. His may be different from yours, but I doubt Lil will be getting bruises from some ribbons.” Putting her hand on Havoc's shoulder, she whispers, “We just got our girl back, don’t push her away.” With a kiss on his cheek, she announces, “I’m going to check on Phoenix now, play nice boys.”

  Looking back at the ceiling Havoc huffs out a breath, “Why does she always have to make so much damn sense,” he grumbles.

  “I won’t hide who I am from her, Havoc, but I would never ask my baby girl to do anything she didn’t want to.”

  Pushing his hand out telling me to stop, he grabs the bridge of his nose, “I really don’t want to know what my baby sister likes to do in bed. I’m getting a fucking headache. Lil will do what she wants regardless but if you break her heart I’ll break your face,” he tells me as he turns to walk out of the room, Angel not far behind.

  “Told me pretty much the same shit with Cess,” Venom says with a chuckle after Havocs out of hearing distance.

  “I’m going back to sleep,” I tell Dash and Venom, walking towards the stairs.

  “Sure, ya are,” Dash calls out to my back. Both the fuckers laughing as I flip them off and continue the climb to my room.

  Now that I know the whole fucking club knows what I like in bed I need to find out what my baby girl knows. Fucking chatty ass women.

  Chapter 19


  “Sir,” Evaristo says coming to the door of my office. “The girl has returned to the clubhouse.”

  My head snaps up from the documents Diablo sent over regarding the company we are looking to take over. Its easier to clean our dirty money with the guise of a reputable business.


  “It seems she’s been home a few days, at least.”

  “Did she call you?” I seethe.

  “No sir,” he answers with a shake of his head. The gulp he takes is noticeable. He knows just as she does what will happen if her usefulness runs out. The only reason she lived long enough to make it back to the Sons was because we saw the advantage it would be to have someone in their inner sanctum.

  None of our spies could make it into the clubhouse, let alone find out what was being discussed during church. She proved useful in the beginning but now has become nothing short of a blubbering woman.

  Grabbing my phone from the desk drawer I call the burner phone we got her before she left the compound. The phone rings three times before I hang up. Setting it on my desk I tap impatiently waiting for her to call back. It takes almost five minutes before she does.

  “What took you so long,” is the greeting she gets.

  “I'm sorry, sir. I had to get away from any of the girls that might hear me,” she stammers out.

  “Is one of those girls Lilly,” I spit at her.

  “What?” she breathes out.

  “Lilly, she’s home. How do you not know this?” I yell at her.

  She starts to sob into the phone, “Cessy,
the jealous bitch, made all the girls leave the clubhouse. We haven’t been allowed back since her son was born. No one at Blue Bells knows Lilly’s home, sir. Please, I’m no good to you here anymore. Just let me come to him.”

  “No,” I say through gritted teeth. “If you ask me that one more time before she’s in my arms I can promise you’ll ever see him or anyone else ever again do you understand me, girl.”

  When she doesn’t respond but only cries louder I hang up on her. I don’t have the time or the patience for this shit. She’s not my woman to worry about anyway.

  “If she can’t do her job she is no longer of any use to us. Can you take care of her? Or do I need to send someone else to do the job?” I study his face to see if he’s still the soldier I brought up through the ranks with me or if he too will need to die. Putting my hand on the gun in my drawer I wait for his answer.

  Evaristo isn’t a stupid man. He knows exactly what I’m asking him and what this means for his woman. Pushing his shoulders back he replies, “No, sir. I can handle the woman.”

  Pulling my hand from the gun I steeple my hands on my desk and tell him, “Good, get everyone ready. You can handle her when I take my prize. We leave in a week.”

  Chapter 20


  “Mythic,” I call out to the blue-haired beauty, jogging to catch her before she slips back into Snoopy's lair.

  Turning to the sound of my voice she smiles around the potato chip she just shoved into her mouth.

  “Hey, Lil. What's up?”

  “Nothing much, haven't seen much of you the last few days. Just wanted to see how you were settling in.” In truth, I missed the girl. Spending damn near every minute with her for two months built a friendship I’ve come to lean on. Right now she’s an outsider to the club, something I can understand. Hell, I practically had to beg Rodeo to let her stay and work with Snoopy.

  In the end, the only reason he relented was because Snoopy convinced him they could get more information on Enterradors movements with Mythics help. If we know where he is, and where he's going there's less of a chance he’ll be able to get to me.

  The letters and presents stopped when I ran so we have no doubt he knows I left. But does he know I'm back? And if he does its not a question of if, but when he’ll come for me.

  Mythic brought as much of her command center with us as she could. Said she wasn’t sure she’d ever see her home again anyway. I know enough of her story to let it be but I can’t help but think there's something else she's hiding from me.

  “Eh,” she says with a shrug of her shoulder. “The brothers here don’t trust me so they give me a wind berth. At least they didn’t fuck up any of my babies when they unloaded everything from the car. It's nothing I can’t handle though Lil I’m used to being the outsider. Besides, whatever shade they give me is worth it. I think we might get the last of the information we need today. We only have one more encryption to break through.”

  My eyebrows scunch up, “Encryption? I thought you were trying to break into Enterradors security systems. Why would they be encrypted?”

  “We are but he’s moved back to his home in Northern Mexico. Its only a few hours south of the border but the security system there is much more complex. Someone spent a lot of money on upgrades sometime in the last few years. They wanted to make sure it was difficult to access.” Laughing, “You have that look again Lil. Come on I’ll show you what I’m talking about,” she tells me motioning for me to follow her.

  “Did you remember the pickles this time?” Snoopy asks.

  “Yes, fucker I did. Next time you want to bring up that I forgot the damn pickles one time. One freaking time, you can make your own sandwich,” Mythic sasses back. “Here,” she tells him handing him his plate. Without missing a beat he continues typing god knows what with one hand as he grabs the plate. It's like a well-known dance they way they interact and I can't help the giggle that escapes.

  That catches Snoopys attention and he damn near spills all the chips from his plate before he steadies it when he turns to see who’s in his space.

  “Damn it,” he exclaims brushing the chips from his keyboard as Mythic joins in my laughter. “Um, hey Lil. What's up,” he asks after finally composing himself. You can tell he’s not used to anyone being in hear with him, aside from Mythic, by the way, his brown eyes dart around the room.

  The brothers know how valuable Snoopy is to the club. But that doesn’t mean they understand what he does in here and from time to time they can be assholes about it. That kindergarten bully mentality. I don’t know what the fuck you're talking about so let me tease you instead of looking like an idiot. Because of this, Snoopy doesn’t let anyone in his lair. A nickname Lynch gave for the space ages ago.

  “I was trying to explain what we're doing with the security systems but figured it’d be easier to show her,” Mythic tells him with a shrug.

  Looking at Mythic with a side-eye, he replies, “I see.”

  “Oh come on Snoop, she won’t bite,” Mythic says with a roll of her eyes taking her seat.

  She pulls up what I assume is footage on three of her screens. Pointing to the top screen she looks back and tells me, “This is Enterradors villa in Mexico City. No one has been there for weeks. He seems to only use it when he has business in the city.”

  She moves to the screen below it on the left, “This is his condo in San Luis, most of the high ranking cartel members have places there as that’s where Diablo lives. No one knows exactly where he lives though. He always comes to them. Never inviting people to his home.”

  “Paranoia at its finest,” Snoop interrupts with a sneer.

  Mythic looks at Snoopy expectantly, waiting to see if he's going to continue. One thing I have learned is Mythic hates being interrupted. Putting his hands up in defeat he goes back to whatever the hell he’s doing.

  Pointing at the last screen to the right, “This is his ranch in Juarez, it's not far from the compound they held Rose at. Just far enough away for privacy. One of the tunnels from the compound runs directly to this property. He spends a majority of his time here. I hacked into the security feed forever ago but now he's gone to his home outside of Monterrey.”

  “Snoopy is trying to break through the last firewall. I was just about to jump in and try to help him.”

  “I don’t need your help, I got this,” Snoopy boasts.

  “Just like you ‘got this’” Mythic says with air quotes, “with the ranch a few months back?”

  Looking at her, “ why ya gotta bring up old shit huh?”

  With a smirk, “Because I can.”

  Looking at me, “Does seeing it help it make more sense?”

  Nodding in reply I scan all the surveillance of Enterradors three homes. They’re all very plain. Nothing on the walls nothing to help me understand who this man is.

  With a sigh, “Thank you Mythic it does.”

  “As soon as we get into the Monterrey home I’ll let you know what we find.”

  Standing from her chair she pulls me in for a hug. I can see Snoopy peek a look at us his eyes squint a bit as he does.

  “Now go enjoy your time with Mr. Arms. From what I hear he likes to tie people up,” she says wagging her eyebrows at me. I can feel the heat in my cheeks before the first giggle passes her lips. Turning as fast as possible I head straight for the door.

  Gunner told me everything after he spoke to Havoc. I've seen the system of ribbons and cuffs that run under his mattress. He wanted me to hear everything from him and not anyone else but in truth… I don’t know how I feel about being tied up. Not being able to control my limbs. A part of me is scared to death and the other… well, its incredibly turned on by it all. Confusing doesn’t even begin to explain it.

  Chapter 21


  “There you are,” Lilly says as she comes up behind me in the kitchen. Reaching around she pulls her body to mine, resting her cheek on my back.

  Placing my free hand on hers I chuckle,
“You're the one who wasn’t in bed when I woke up this morning. You avoiding me baby girl?”

  I can feel her tense at my back, moving my hand from hers I cover the chili I've been cooking and turn around in her arms. Looking down at her I ask, “What's wrong?”

  She takes what feels like forever to answer me. “I don’t know how to feel about being tied up Gunner. I'm not sure it will ever be something I'm okay with but I don’t want to lose you,” she says looking away from me.

  Wrapping my arms around her I place a kiss on the top of her head. “You never have to worry about losing me baby girl. I'm not going anywhere.”

  “Even if I'm never okay with it?” She says into my chest.

  “Yes, baby girl, even then.”

  Changing the subject I ask, “ So where’ve you been all morning?”

  “I was with Ma for a bit. She and Maribel are going back to the house today.”

  “I heard. Colt is going back with them to make sure they're safe.”

  With a nod, she says, “Let's hope Ma doesn’t kill him.”

  Chuckling, “I'm more worried about Maribel killing him. He sure knows how to get under her skin.”

  “Maribel just might,” she says with a giggle. Stepping back from our embrace she hops up on the counter beside me and the stove. “After they left I was with Mythic. She was showing me what she and Snoopy have been working on.”

  Going back to chopping onions for the chili I try to keep my body relaxed. I don’t trust that damned woman but I know she and my baby girl made a connection while she was gone.

  “Yeah? They getting any closer to finding that fucker?”

  With a shrug, “He’s in Monterrey. But they're having a hard time getting into some system they need. I don’t really understand it all. Hopefully, they’ll know more in the next day or two.”

  “Well, at least he's not here. That’s all I give a fuck about right now.”

  “He’ll come eventually Gunner we all know that,” she says with a sigh.


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