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Silent Sons MC Box Set

Page 50

by Ambere Sabo

  A shoulder bump pulls me from my thoughts. Looking to my right I see Cess with Phoenix on her hip. “Eat Lil you'll regret it later if you don’t.”

  With a nod, I give her a small smile causing her to huff out a breath. “Well if you won't eat, can you hold Phoenix for me for a little bit so I can before these fat asses eat up all the food?”

  “Hey,” Havoc exclaims.

  “Who you callin fat?” Dash asks patting his six pack.

  “Neanderthals, all of you,” Cessy replies with a roll of her eyes as she hands over my godson.

  Cradling him in my lap I watch as he blows bubbles with his spit. He truly looks just like Cess. He has her crystal blue eyes and button nose. He's going to be a heartbreaker with Venoms dark hair. It makes his eyes seem all that more blue. I may be scared to death right now but I will not let this be the last time I see this little man. Or the last time he sees one of his parents.

  It's time to go to war.

  Chapter 28


  The ride to Blue Bells was as uneventful as Id hoped. Enterrador and his men not showing their faces. But now we sit in Blue Bells preparing for a BBQ that isn't happening waiting for him to make his move.

  Aside from the girls that came from the clubhouse with us, we have a few of the dancers, and Rose milling about. Hanging streamers, setting out the plates and bullshit I don’t give a damn about. Mythic and Lilly hide in the office waiting for all hell to break loose.

  I've been watching Rose like a hawk. We know whoever has been feeding information is here, right now. They're pretending to be family as they plot behind our backs but Rose hasn’t left my sight since we got here. When the doors fly open and masked men come in shooting at the ceiling I know its not her.

  “Get on the floor,” one of them commands.

  For the time being, we all comply with their demands, as the bastard himself walks in. “Find her,” he growls to the man on his left.

  The men move quickly throughout the bar looking for Lilly. One who must not know shes colored her hair grabs Cessy by the hair, dragging her to her feet.

  “He doesn’t like tattoos, puto. I'm not the girl you're looking for,” she grinds out.

  Looking to Enterrador he shakes his head no and the man drops Cess back to the floor. I take the moment of his distraction to hit the call button on my watch. The loud ringing draws all the men's attention my way but at least they're moving away from the women.

  I have a gun pointed at the back of my head within a second, “Turn it off,” he demands. Reaching over I slide the button to end the call but it doesn’t matter. I know in less than three minutes this club will be filled with my brothers and we outnumber these fuckers at least three to one.

  ‘Where is she?” Enterrador screams.

  “She’s in the office, sir.” Says a voice from the other side of the bar.

  “Show me the way,” he yells.

  When Emily stands beside the bar I feel like a fucking idiot. How could we not have realized she was the bitch he was talking to all along.

  “Emily,” Rose questions as she slowly stands to her feet. Not caring that multiple guns are now trained on her.

  “Do not shoot her,” a man close to Enterrador growls. I can only assume its Evaristo.

  “How could you do this?” Rose asks shaking her head. “I brought you into their home. Vic gave you a place to live. And you're going to tell him where my sister is?” She asks getting louder with each question.

  “I hate these people. They only helped me because of you. When I was a dancer here. When I needed help. Where the fuck were they then, huh? No, Caine helped me. Not these bitches,” she says looking around at the women on the floor with nothing but disdain.

  “I don’t have time for this,” Enterrador snaps. “ Where is she?”

  “The office is this way,” Emily tells him. Leading him down the hall while his men stay with us. Each pointing an assault rifle at our heads.

  There's pounding on the door that I know is locked. “We will get in one way or another my love. The amount of damage is up to you,” Enterrador yells through the door.

  Waiting only a moment for her to reply, when she doesn’t he tells his man, “Shoot the lock,” he complies as we hear the bullet take out the handle before all hell breaks loose.

  Gunshots ring out as my brothers pour in from the hallway. The man with Enterrador is dead and any that turned to take aim were hit between the eyes before they even had a chance to get a shot off.

  Those still left standing have their guns taken from them before being led into the private dance room. Dash and Jekyl following in behind them. Ready and waiting for one of them to give them any reason to shoot.

  Wraith and Prez coral Enterrador and Emily back into the bar area ready to shoot either in the head if they resist. Cessy grabs Emily by her hair as she pulls her to a booth in the corner. Her finger on the trigger of her glock the whole time. The rest of the Reapers come through the front after having taken care of the men that guarded the front of the building.

  “You may as well kill me now,” he bellows. “I will never stop coming for her.”

  Wraith pushes him into a seat at one of the round tables as Havoc and Prez take the seats across from him.

  “And have your cartel come after us?” Havoc says with a dark laugh. “What do you think we're stupid?”

  Looking back and forth between the two of them, “Then what do you want?” he growls.

  “I want my life back,” Lilly says from the hallway. She walks slowly to the table clutching a laptop to her chest. As soon as shes seated next to Havoc I take the seat to her right. Putting myself between her and Enterrador. He scowls at me when I do.

  “Your life became mine the minute your father sold you to me,” Enterrador tells her. Not seeing the crazy in what he just said. “Why do you have a laptop?” He asks raising his chin to the machine shes holding so tight her knuckles are turning white.

  “There's something we think you should see,” Snoopy says as he comes to her side. Leaning down he whispers in her ear, “Lil let me do this,” as he pulls the laptop from her grasp.

  As he walks to sit beside Prez he tells Enterrador, “We have a deal to make with you.”

  “There is nothing you have that could be worth more to me than her.”

  “What if we could show you proof that Jesus Armijo was not responsible for the death of your wife and baby?”

  His eyes have not left Lilly's face since she sat down at the table but the minute Snoopy finishes his sentence Enterrador cuts his eye to him. “My wife was taken for me years ago. You couldn’t possibly have anything to prove the information I was given was wrong.”

  “Then it won't hurt you to watch what we have will it?” Snoopy asks with a shrug.

  “You realize the longer it takes me to return the more men will come to bring me home?”

  Snoop looks over to Prez who nods and replies, “Then it won't cost you anything to see what my brother has found.”

  With a huff, Enterrador tells him, “fine.”

  No matter the façade Enterrador is trying to show right now, he's worried. You can tell by the way his leg bounces under the table. From the waist up he’s the picture of calm. Hands steepled in front of his face as Snoopy ques up the video footage and slides the laptop in front of him.

  I didn’t care to watch the video before but I can see the grainy footage now. There's a young woman holding a newborn to her chest on what looks like a bathroom floor. A man runs into the bathroom, I can only assume its Enterrador. When the younger version of the devil in front of me starts to speak Enterrador throws a hand out and yells, “Stop.”

  Snoopy reaches over to pause the video.

  “I lived this I already know what was said. I thought you said you could shed some light onto what happened to my wife?” He snaps.

  “Alright,” Snoopy says with a huff as he turns the screen towards himself. Pressing a few keys he grumbles under his breath
before turning the screen back to Enterrador and pressing play.

  The woman is alone on the floor now. The baby and man no longer on the screen. Her breathing is labored but at least she's still breathing. A few moments later two men walk in dragging another man behind them. They place the man on the floor not far from the woman. One bends to check the woman's pulse before pulling out a phone. We listen to a one-sided conversation.

  “Yes, Sir, she still lives.”

  “Yes, we have a dead Asesino here.”

  “Ok, we will take her to the compound.”

  “I will watch over her myself Diablo, Sir.”

  With that, he hangs up the phone. The pair gently picks up the woman and carry her from the room.

  With that Snoopy reaches over and stops the video. For a moment we all sit in silence waiting to see what Enterrador will do.

  “That’s it?” he asks gesturing to the screen before him. When no one replies he starts to chuckle.

  “You expect me to believe Diablo, the head of the Infierno cartel had my wife and child killed? The same cartel I'm apart of. To what end? What does killing her benefit him?”

  Snoopy and those of us at the table sit dumbfounded. Perhaps we should have been prepared for questions. I don’t fucking know this wasn’t part of my plan. I… want to put a bullet in this fuckers head. Standing from my seat I pull my gun from my belt but before I have the chance to even take aim…

  “Gunner, stop.” Mythic says from the hallway with a waiver in her voice.

  Walking over she takes the seat next to Snoopy. Looking directly at Lilly she has a sad smile.

  “Ah the infamous blue-haired woman,” Enterrador chides. “Can you answer my questions?”

  Turning to face him, Mythic looks him straight in the eye, “I can, brother.”

  Chapter 29


  I feel like I’ve just taken a punch to the gut. What the fuck did she just say?

  “Did she just say, brother?” Cessy asks from across the room.

  “Selena,” Enterrador whispers. “ How? How can this be?” he asks reaching over to brush her cheek.

  When she flinches he actually has the sense to look hurt.

  “Why have you let me think you were dead for all these years? How could you do that to me? To Alex?” He asks. His voice getting louder with each question. “You have no idea what your death did to her,” he yells.

  “Do not talk to me about what I’ve done to Alex, Adan. Not when you just watched proof showing you are father was responsible for her death,” Mythic seethes.

  “Hold the fuck up. Did she just say, father?” Cessy asks again. The only one voicing their confusion right now. Snoopy simply sits back in his chair damn near in shock. His eyes moving back and forth as he processes everything we just learned.

  “Why would Diablo want you dead if you’re his daughter,” I whisper.

  Looking at me I see nothing but regret reflecting back at me in her eyes. “I was taken by the Asesino at the behest of my father. A rival had found me and threatened to take me. Diablo beat them to the punch. He doesn’t allow weakness. The minute I became one I had to be taken care of.”

  “He wouldn’t do that. He couldn’t. You weren't there when he came home. He looked for you,” Enterrador exclaims.

  Looking to Enterrador she glares, “The night Alex believed I died I met our father for the first time, Adan. I know what I was told. He left me in that hell hole, with his hired killers to do whatever they pleased. I was sixteen, Adan! Sixteen! I spent the next two years begging for my life. Begging to live another day, though why I don’t know. Another day to be beaten, raped, repeatedly. I lived that life, Adan. Me! So don’t you dare tell me what our father would or wouldn’t do,” she screams as she slowly stands from the table. “Jesus saved me. Stole me away in the night when he found out I was pregnant.”

  “Pregnant?” he questions.

  “Yes, and do you know what happened to my baby girl, Adan? The night you came for revenge on Jesus you took her life. That little girl whose throat you slit was mine.”

  He sits back as if she'd slapped him, “No.”

  “And you ask me why I let you think I was dead? You turned into the man Diablo always wanted you to be. After he took Alex from you. Because he thought she made you weak,” Mythic hisses.

  “And look at you now,” she says gesturing to the man before her. “Buying a woman, hunting her because she looks like Alex. She would be ashamed of the man you’ve become brother. I know I am.”

  Without another word, Mythic walks back to the private room. She disappears inside it before returning with Enterradors men. Dash and Jekyl in tow.

  “You will never bother her again,” she says pointing at Lilly. “ Do you understand me?”

  Enterrador cuts his eyes to her, not liking that she chose to show her power in front of his men. He nods with a scowl planted firmly on his face.

  “Go back to your hotel in Austin, I’ll be there shortly.”

  Enterradors men look back and forth between the two. Not sure if they should leave or what the fuck they're supposed to do. I doubt they’ve ever seen someone stand up to him, let alone a woman like Mythic.

  When he turns to leave without a look her direction Emily yells, “Sir. Sir. You can’t leave me here you promised if I helped you I would get my son back.”

  Turning right before he’s reached the door, he looks at her and says, “You think this was helping me?” he spits. “Stupid woman, you should’ve known about all of this,” he says gesturing to the show of force the two clubs met him with. “Your son is gone, you will never see him again. In truth, you were an idiot to believe I would ever give him up. Caine was our family, his son will be raised with us. You were meant to be killed today but I'll leave that up to them.”

  Looking at Prez, “If you don’t kill her we will come for her. She now knows too much about who I am.”

  Without another word, he and his men walk out the door as Emily loses it. “You bastard,” she screams to the empty space at the door. When she tries to run past Cessy, she slaps her across the face, gun in hand. “Sit the fuck down. We would’ve helped you, you stupid cunt. But instead, you turned to the enemy and almost cost Lilly her freedom. Don’t think I won't shoot you right here and now for that shit.”

  Holding her cheek she laughs, “Like you’ve helped Rose get hers back.”

  When Cessy raises her hand ready to strike again she has the brains to shut the fuck up. Looking at Mythic Cessy yells, “You better start fucking explaining.”

  “Cessy, don’t,” Snoopy snaps.

  Looking at Snoopy Mythic opens her mouth to speak multiple times but can't seem to find the words. “Ashton,” she whimpers.

  “Selena,” he grumbles as he slams his chair back and stands from the table. Without so much as a second look, he walks away.

  “Please let me explain,” she pleads to his back but he never turns around as he walks into the storeroom and out of Blue Bells.

  Looking at the floor Mythic takes a deep breath before looking up at me. “You’re so much like her, Alex, at times it hurts. I understand why he latched on to you like he did. Alex was the best friend I ever had. I wish every day that my mother had never moved us into their home. Maybe she would still be alive if she’d never met us.”

  “I don’t understand why you didn’t think you could trust me,” I say quietly.

  Walking to me she reaches up to cup my cheek, “Look around you, Lilly. Look at how your family looks at me now. Being the daughter of a cartel boss isn't something to be proud of. I never wanted to have to be that girl but now…” she says pushing her shoulders back. “Now I don’t have a choice. He has to be taken down, one way or another my father must pay for what he’s done. I just hope I don’t go down with him.”

  “You could run again?”

  “You watched that video just as I did,” she says pointing to the laptop long forgotten. “I have to know if shes truly dead Lilly. She�
��s still breathing when they take her. I can’t do that if I run again.” Shaking her head, “No its time I stop hiding.”

  Looking to the brothers around the room and finally to Prez, “You run a good club. I wouldn’t have helped you if you didn’t. I can’t even begin to thank you for all you’ve done for me this last week. Know that if you ever need anything all you need to do is ask. Hate me or not Snoopy can always find me.”

  Reaching forward she takes my hand in hers, “You made me realize everything I was missing in life Lilly. I'll never forget that.” With that, she walks out of Blue Bells. Leaving all of us staring as we try to fully understand everything that just happened.

  ‘What the actual fuck,” Cess exclaims throwing her hands up drawing our attention the booth shes standing at.

  Before we can even see it happen Emily lunges forward and grabs the gun from Cessys lax hand. She aims and shoots one shot before Cessy is on her, wrestling the gun from her hands. In a blink Cessy has Emilys head slammed into the wall before pushing her unconscouse body back into the booth.

  Looking around a scream tears from my throat as I see Gunner on the ground. Terror grips me as I drop down beside him. I did not go through everything and come out on the otherside with my life back only to lose the man I love.

  “Gunner,” I whimper before placing my hand on his chest. The liquid pooling there squishes under my fingers and my hands start to shake. In a moment Rodeo is beside me checking for a pulse.

  Grabbing both shoulders he shakes me, “Snap out of it,” he bellows. “No one here can help Gunner more than you Lilly. What do we do?”

  In this moment I want to crumble, but he’s right. This is what I went to school for. It may not be a childrens hospital but working with the sons will never be mundane.

  “I need his shirt off, I don’t know where the entrance wound is,” I stammer.


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