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Romancing the Recluse

Page 7

by Michelle M. Pillow

  “Whoa, buddy, hold up there!” Samantha hollered back, struggling to get free. Great. Go figure. He was delusional. “First of all, let me go. Second, I never said I’d marry you. Third, you don’t own me and you sure as hell don’t have a say in what I do with my body.”

  Okay, so she’d never get an abortion and she doubted she’d even be able to go through with an adoption, but he had no right to get mad at her about some hypothetical kid.

  “First,” he ground out, putting his face near hers, “I warned you that this cannot be undone and that you must want it. I will not let you out of our agreement, even if that means locking you up in a cave until you come around.”

  “What?” she gasped. His eyes shifted, filling in with flames. This time euphoria and desire didn’t cloud her vision. She saw the supernatural effect clearly and stiffened in fear.

  “You said, ‘yes, I want this to happen’.”

  “I thought you meant the sex,” she answered weakly. “You kept saying you were going to mold my cunt to your… I thought you meant sex! I…”

  Her words failed her. The fire in his eyes burned brighter and when he opened his mouth, she witnessed his teeth lengthening and molding into sharpened points.

  “What are you? Vampire? Werewolf?” Samantha couldn’t tear her eyes from his deadly mouth. The look of it was powerfully seductive.

  Viktor tossed back his head and laughed. It was a hard, bitter sound. “I knew better than to claim a woman. I should’ve learned from the past. No matter, Samantha. You are mine and you will never escape me. You signed your fate the moment you kissed me. Like it or not, our lives, our very fates are intertwined.”

  “But…” Samantha felt lightheaded. She blinked, trying to focus on what was happening. Things like Viktor didn’t exist. They couldn’t. Not in the real world. “I was giving you CPR.”

  It was a weak defense, made even weaker by her frail tone.

  “You are my mate, Samantha,” Viktor said. The red lightning that had seemed so seductive before was only terrifying now.

  “What are you?” Tears blurred her vision and she blinked them back. The pleasure from earlier faded completely. Bewildered, she repeated, “What are…you?”

  “You want to know, madam? Then I’ll show you.”

  Viktor let go and stood. Samantha didn’t even try to run. She knew instinctively that it would only anger him and she’d never get away. Besides, where was she to go without her clothes on? Who would she tell? What would she tell them?

  Hey, policeman, there is this strange supernatural man in my room trying to eat me after we had the best sex of my life. He says I’m his mate. Help.

  Yeah, they’d have her in a straightjacket for sure.

  Viktor’s sharpened mouth opened wide and a low growl sounded. It turned into a roar as his mouth elongated and shifted, popping loudly in the otherwise silent room. His dark flesh hardened, rippling and tightening as black scales grew over his naked length. His muscles bulged, becoming thick and deformed. Falling forward, he landed on his hands and knees. Even his cock turned into an impossibly hard and long scaly weapon—so huge he’d kill her with it if he wanted to. She naturally clamped her thighs together.

  Giant wings grew from his back, expanding out behind him even as a long tail grew. It swept around in a long arc and struck her nightstand, splintering it into small pieces. Perfume bottles flew with the shards, hitting her wall and breaking. Samantha screamed, jolting with fear. His height was crowded by the tall penthouse ceiling.

  “Dragon,” she whispered, staring at him unable to move. “You’re a dragon.”

  Viktor blew fire from his elongated nose. It streamed across the room like a river of flames, flowing over her head along the ceiling. Samantha screamed, scrambling back on the bed to get away from him. When the flames stopped, the ceiling was scorched black. The fire alarm went off, adding chaos and noise to the already panicked situation. Water sprayed from the ceiling sprinklers, hitting her naked flesh and soaking the bedding around her.

  Viktor lurched forward, his taloned hand swiping for her. She didn’t stand a chance as he caught her. Grabbing the wet blanket tight around her, he pulled her toward him.

  Then, just when she didn’t think her situation could possibly get any worse, he flapped his wings. A breeze stirred all around her, whipping her wet hair in her face. She blinked, doing her best to see in the rising wind. The fire alarm kept beeping, but the water stopped spraying from the ceiling.

  “Viktor?” Fredrick appeared in the doorway, his face pale. “What are you doing? You can’t… Not here. Viktor, stop! Someone will see you. People are coming up. The alarms…”

  “Fredrick!” Samantha screamed, trying to free herself enough to reach for him. Her arms were caught at her sides beneath the blanket. Jerking, she hit her head against Viktor’s chest, trying to head butt him. “Fredrick, help me! Please!”

  “Sammy, darling, don’t worry. He won’t hurt you. He’s just angry right now,” Fredrick yelled.

  She barely heard the man. Her body bounced hard as Viktor flapped again and she was forced to stop struggling. She caught a glimpse of Frederick coming to her aid only to be shoved back into the wall by the gust of wind Viktor produced.

  Viktor pulled her off the bed, drawing his arms close to his reptilian stomach. Samantha let loose a long series of screams, unable to stop. Fear overtook her every thought as she fought him. It was no use. He was too strong.

  His scaly chest pressed against her cheek, hard and unforgiving yet oddly soft underneath, like the belly of an alligator. He snorted smoke and Samantha coughed as it drifted down into her face.

  Then, with a leap, Viktor dove, lowering his head to break through her bedroom window. Samantha’s voice died in her throat and she stopped fighting him. The red drapes fluttered around her as they broke into the light. The curtains drifted down twenty-four stories to the far away street below.

  “Oh, goodness,” she whispered, petrified. It was bad enough that she was being carried by a giant lizard, but to see herself so high off the ground made her stomach jump. She couldn’t take it. “Oh. My. Goodness.”

  It was too much. Giving in to her terror, Samantha let the darkness have her.

  Viktor didn’t stop to think as he flew off with his mate. He was so livid that she’d dare to take back her word. And, what was worse, she’d even hinted at ridding herself of their child. She chose him! She said she did. Then why the change of heart? Was she mad that he didn’t take her gently that first time? She hadn’t acted mad, but what else could it be?

  Elise, a voice whispered in his head. She’s just like Elise. That is why she changed her mind. She doesn’t love you. She can’t love you. You’re a reptile. She only wants what you can give her. She wants your immortality. She does not love you. She does not love you.

  If that is so, if she does not love me, Viktor answered his inner voice, then I will make her love me. Either that, or she will pay dearly for binding me to her. She will pay like Elise should’ve paid all those years ago. I will not be taken for a fool again.

  Stretching his body, he shot up into the low clouds, using them to hide. His giant wings would take him far and fast, away from the big American city. He would go home, to Norway, back to the safety of the mountains, back to where he belonged. Only this time, he wouldn’t be alone. Samantha would be with him. Forever.

  Chapter 11

  Samantha coughed, unable to see in the incessant blackness that surrounded her. The air was cold and stale, so much so that it choked her to breathe it. Chilly stone covered in dirt and pebbles slid under her hands as she tried to sit up.

  She pushed her hair out of her face. Her fingers tangled in the messy locks. Becoming aware of her body, she realized she was still naked, wrapped in a blanket. By the rough texture amidst the silk, it felt like the comforter from her bed.

  Where am I?


  What’s going on?

  What have you done?

bsp; She remembered him saying he’d lock her away in a cave. Had he done just that? Since she’d passed out, she had no idea where he’d taken her. Then the full force of what she was facing hit her.

  “He’s a dragon,” she whispered, but the sound of her low voice brought her little comfort as it faded into the eerie silence.

  No, no, I imagined that. I passed out and that was a dream.

  Samantha gave a nervous laugh. “Men do not turn into dragons.”

  She was almost too scared to move, but she forced her hands to glide over the stone as she felt around in a circle. Her whole body shook. The floor didn’t seem to end. She didn’t hit a wall or larger rock or anything.

  “It just goes on and on,” she said to herself, trying to bring some small comfort with the sound of her own voice. It didn’t work. Tears slipped from her eyes, gliding over her cheek in a slow, hot trail. “No. Now is not the time to cry, Samantha. Get a grip.”

  She only cried harder.

  “Viktor, please,” Samantha begged. “Get me out of here. I don’t know what I did to piss you off, but please. Don’t do this. I’m a very important woman. People will be looking for me.”

  Okay, that wasn’t true, but he didn’t necessarily know that. No one, but maybe Fredrick, would even know she was gone. The only problem she saw with that was Fredrick was Viktor’s cousin. And he’d known what Viktor was.

  Viktor, please…

  She sniffed back her tears.

  “Samantha?” Viktor’s rich, deep voice cut through the darkness like a knife to her soul. The sound brought her such pleasure and comfort, but yet at the same time such fear and agony. He was her kidnapper, and yet she yearned for him to hold her. Just knowing he was near turned her on, making her body wet with desire. “Samantha, what is it?”

  Samantha felt a hand on her arm, moving up to rest on her shoulder. She yelped, jolting back in fear, hating herself for being turned on by him.

  “Dragon,” was all she managed to squeak out in response.

  A low, long sigh answered the word.

  “Dragon,” she repeated, trembling worse than before. The air was so stale it was hard to breathe. Darkness ate away at her senses, like a tomb she couldn’t escape. Her mind yearned for someone to light the way. “Dragon. I saw…dragon.”

  “Shhh, I won’t hurt you,” Viktor soothed. “Don’t be scared of me. I could never hurt you.”

  Samantha’s eyes rolled around in her head before settling where she thought to sense him in the darkness. Not hurt her? What was he doing now? She was kidnapped and locked in a dark cave! Not hurt her? Was he insane?

  “Samantha, hush, just take slow, deep breaths. You are safe, I promise. Nothing here will hurt you. This is my home. You are safe.” Viktor’s hand touched her again. She knew it was him, felt that it was. A strange yet somehow familiar vibration worked its way from his touch up her arm and around her body. He tried to soothe her nerves, but she clung to her panic, not wanting to once again fall under his euphoric spell.

  “You’re having a mild nervous attack,” Viktor soothed. “I’ve seen these fainting spells before. Just breathe. I won’t hurt you.”

  Samantha tried, but she couldn’t force herself to pull away. His lips hovered close. She could feel the heat of his breath against her mouth, caressing it in steady, light whispers of a kiss. With each pass, his mouth got closer until finally he joined his lips to hers. The gentle probe of his tongue slipped into her mouth, putting pressure on her teeth until she opened to him.

  How could she resist the taste of him, so powerful and sweet? Everything about this man called to her, drove her crazy with lust until she could think of nothing else. Viktor moaned, growing bolder as he slipped his hand from her arm to her chest. The blanket fell away. He palmed a breast, running his fingers over her nipple until it peaked with desire.

  So sweet…

  Viktor began to push her over onto her back.

  Mm, so sweet…

  “No,” Samantha protested, pushing hard to get him off her. Breathing hard, she stated louder, “No. This can’t be happening. Who are you?”

  “Mm, Samantha,” his voice urged, “come here. Kiss me.”

  “Who are you?!”

  “Viktor. I’m your husband, Viktor. You know me. You feel me inside you. Feel me.”

  “No,” she shook her head in denial. Husband? Why was he still persisting they were married? “We didn’t… I can’t… You are… What are you?”

  “I’m a Dracodomus. When you took my seed inside of you, we were mated. You are my bride for all eternity and I am your hus—”

  Samantha screamed, loud and long. This was a nightmare, some weird science fiction delusion that she would wake up from any minute.

  Any minute now…

  Any minute…


  Oblivion was easier to face than the madness. Samantha let it have her, thankful for the escape from the dragon, even if it was only an escape of the mind. As her body went limp, she felt Viktor grabbing hold. He called her name, but the darkness was taking over. She didn’t have the strength to answer him.

  Chapter 12

  “Samantha? Samantha!” Viktor demanded, shaking her. His body was tight with desire for her. It was a feeling that never completely went away. Even after they had sex he wanted more of her. He wanted to take her inside of him, keeping her close to his soul. When he looked at her, he wanted to devour her with his kisses. But he couldn’t. Not now. Not when she was unconscious. He may be a beast, but he wasn’t a monster. “Samantha!”

  “Uh, cousin, I don’t think she is going to answer you right now. I’d leave her be.” Laurence said from the cave entrance. He lounged against the frame, grinning and looking perfectly at ease in Viktor’s old linen shirt and tight breeches. The fact that he wore them told Viktor that he’d flown right behind them to the cave from New York. With a bare toe, the man lightly traced patterns in the dirt. The cave was pitch black, but they saw each other with ease. “Besides, you do realize that she can’t exactly see in the dark, don’t you? Humans don’t have our sight. She was probably more frightened by the fact that she couldn’t see you in the darkness and didn’t know where she was than just your presence alone.”

  Viktor felt like someone hit him upside the head. Of course! That’s why she’d been looking around with the panic on her face. She was in blackness. How easily he forgot such things. He was so remorseful for what he’d done in bringing her to his lair that he didn’t stop and think about finding lights. He never used them and didn’t need them.

  “I forgot,” Viktor said.

  “I noticed,” Laurence answered, chuckling. “Well, you can’t very well keep her in this cave when it looks like this. You’re going to need some lights. Also, this place needs cleaning. I can’t believe you spent nearly a century holed up in here. We evolved from this kind of existence in the Middle Ages. For crissakes, man! It’s a cave.”

  “And I’m a dragon,” Viktor defended. Laurence only laughed harder.

  “But she isn’t.” Stepping in, Laurence glanced down at Samantha and sighed. “She deserves more than this.”

  “You mean more than me, don’t you?”


  That was all Laurence got out before the urge to punch his cousin took over Viktor’s self-control. He struck Laurence square in the jaw, sending the man sprawling onto his back. For a stunned moment, his cousin looked up from the hard stone floor. Then, with a growl, Laurence leapt, slamming into Viktor’s stomach. They both went crashing to the ground, rolling on top of each other as they sparred, each trying to get the upper hand. As they came near Samantha, Viktor felt his cousin shift his weight to roll them away from her. He gladly complied, but not before he got a good, solid punch to Laurence’s jaw. Laurence retaliated with a knee to Viktor’s side.

  Viktor roared, managing to straddle Laurence’s waist as he punched his face. Laurence hit back with a fist to Viktor’s jaw. Viktor’s head snapped back and
he fell to the side.

  “I didn’t sleep with her,” Laurence said, breathing hard as he stayed on his back. “And I never said you weren’t good enough for her. You read too much into my words. This cave isn’t good enough for her. Hell, in my opinion it isn’t good enough for you. It’s a dirty, filthy, shithole of an existence you have going here.”

  Viktor glared at his cousin, stopping in mid-motion, halfway off the floor to ready himself for another attack. Laurence took another deep breath. His lip was bleeding, but then again, so was Viktor’s. Both men ignored the injuries.

  “I said I didn’t touch her, not like that. I kissed her once or twice, but I never took her to my bed. There was something about her. I knew she was meant for my family, but not particularly for me. I was surprised it was you, but after seeing you two in the same room, I knew that she was destined to be with you. I never touched her. Never. Not like you’re thinking. I do love her, Viktor,” Laurence paused, glancing across the floor to where Samantha lay unconscious, “but not like you. Not as my mate.”

  “Then what are you doing here?” Viktor demanded.

  “I told you, I love her. I care for her. I wanted to make sure you didn’t harm her. She’s…” Laurence took a deep breath, sitting up.

  Viktor relaxed his stance. His fist was raw from scraping along the stone, but he didn’t care. The wound would heal.

  “She’s delicate,” Laurence finished. “Not like the women you’ve known.”

  Viktor followed his cousin’s gaze, wondering if the man was hiding more emotion than he let on. “I plan on taking her back. I just lost my temper, thinking of Elise and she said some things that—”

  “She is a far cry from that bitch,” Laurence swore. “She is nothing like Elise Fenton.”

  “I know that. Deep inside, I know. She just denied our marriage and I couldn’t think straight. It won’t happen again. I’ll take her back and we’ll start over.”


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