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Desires of Lady Elise

Page 6

by Rachel Ann Smith

  Bowing her head in defeat, a boot from under the carriage caught her eye. Had the coachman run right over a man? Narrowing her gaze in the dim light, she recognized Henry, her footman, who had a solitary finger over his lips. With the barest of nods, she winked at the brave footman.

  Elise slowly rose to stand, gathering the putrid-smelling coat about her shoulders and lowering the hood.

  Mr. Rollingsworth said, “No more antics, my lady, and you will survive the night.”

  Ignoring the man’s warning, Elise stomped hard on Mr. Rollingsworth’s toes.

  “You bloody bitch!”

  Elise swiftly made her way to the inn’s entrance, barely escaping Mr. Rollingsworth’s fingertips. Once inside, she couldn’t afford to make a scene. Would the innkeeper remember her from her prior visit? If she was recognized, the result might entail a life of misery with one of her kidnappers.

  Lord Tallow lounged against the reception desk. “Ah, there you are my love. The clerk has sent a maid up to ready the room.”

  Elise stopped as both men crowded her. Lord Tallow approached from the front and Mr. Rollingsworth from the back. She wanted to shout to the clerk for help, but as a peer, Lord Tallow outranked everyone in close proximity. She let her shoulders sag as the realization that even Henry, who had dared to follow, would not be of assistance.

  Grabbing her by the elbow, Lord Tallow guided her to the stairs. “Come, my dear. Let’s retire.”

  With her free hand, Elise tugged at the edge of the hood, making sure it covered her features. She bowed her head, and meekly followed. Every fiber of her body rebelled against the submissive behavior.

  As they reached the landing, Lord Tallow asked, “Have I finally tamed the lioness?” He squeezed her elbow hard enough; she was sure it would be black and blue by morning. “Such a pity. I was expecting much more from you. Much more.”

  A maid scurried from a room but left the door ajar. Lord Tallow shoved her through the doorway. She stumbled but refused to fall to her knees, grabbing the edge of the bed. As her hand touched the clean but worn linens, she pushed herself upright. She inhaled, and a whiff of horseflesh mixed with another fragrance that was familiar made her frown. Someone was in the room with them. Harold. She whirled about, but there was no sign of him.

  Lord Tallow blocked the doorway and faced Mr. Rollingsworth. “Wait downstairs. You can have her after I’m done. I’ll make sure she’s still awake and breathing. She’ll be begging to leave with you after I’m through with her.”

  Elise’s throat tightened, and her stomach revolted at the vile implications of Lord Tallow’s words. She stared into Mr. Rollingsworth’s eyes. The flare of anger indicated this was not part of their agreement.

  Lord Tallow moved to shut the door. Before it clicked closed, Mr. Rollingsworth replied, “Just make sure she is well enough to sign the registry and consummate the marriage.”

  Harold wanted to thrash the arrogant fools. To think that he had been banished by the ton while these degenerates were welcomed in their homes. The excitement in Lord Tallow’s voice was repulsive. Harold positioned himself, poised to attack.

  The door began to swing closed, revealing his position. Elise spotted him first. Her demeanor remained calm and unmoving as if she had known he was there all along. She flinched as her lips curved into a smile. The sight of her battered face had his hands balling into tight fists. Every muscle in his body strained to attack.

  Elise moved farther into the room, capturing Lord Tallow’s attention. Clever girl. The distraction allowed Harold to snake out an arm and wrap it about Lord Tallow’s neck. The door snapped closed. Harold used his height advantage and pressed his knee into the back of the man’s thigh. Lord Tallow buckled, and Harold’s neck hold tightened.

  Lord Tallow wheezed, “What the hell.”

  Harold restrained Lord Tallow’s left arm and twisted it behind the man’s back.

  Elise approached, eyes ablaze. Quick as lightning, she swung a fist that connected with Lord Tallow’s cheek just under the bone, delivering enough force to whip his head to the side. Caught off guard by Elise’s actions, Harold tightened his hold, cutting off the man’s airway. His chest swelled with pride at Elise’s bold actions. The sudden dead weight of Lord Tallow’s form confirmed he was no longer a threat. Releasing the breath he had been holding, Harold uncoiled his arm and released the unconscious Lord Tallow, who slumped to the floor with a thud.

  Where was Elise? His gaze locked on to bright clear eyes. Harold reached for her and pulled her close. She was safe and finally in his arms. He was never going to let her go again.

  Elise rested her forehead against his chest and inhaled. “How did you know where to find me?”

  Harold kissed the top of her head. Elise was remarkable. Instead of being in hysterics, she was calm and composed. As a duke’s daughter, she should have led a sheltered life.

  Harold was afraid to release her and bent to whisper in her ear. “Your dear friend, Miss Arnet, mentioned Lord Tallow has a preference for this fine establishment.”

  Lord Tallow groaned. Without hesitation, Harold stepped over the half-conscious man and reached under the bed to retrieve the rope that he’d left there. With decisive and well-practiced moves, he had Lord Tallow trussed up and gagged.

  “When did you learn such skills?”

  Elise was staring at him as if she didn’t know him. Her brows were creased, her eyes wide and alert.

  Harold’s attention shifted from Elise to the voices below. Fairmont had arrived. Did he not realize the need for discretion?

  The door crashed against the wall that had Elise jumping.

  Before Harold could place himself between Elise and the intruder, Miss Arnet rushed in and gathered Elise in a tight embrace. “Are you all right? Where is that no-good lout?” She turned until her gaze fell upon Lord Tallow, who was on his side, back arched, with hands and feet bound.

  Miss Arnet abruptly released Elise to stand over her abuser. “My papa knows exactly how to deal with your kind.”

  Fairmont strode into the room to stand next to Miss Arnet. “Love, no need to involve your papa. Since I intend for you to be my wife, I will take care of the matter.”

  Turning her ire toward Fairmont, Miss Arnet said, “I did not agree to be your wife.”

  Fairmont spun and held Miss Arnet by the shoulders. Not at all intimidated, she raised her chin and pointedly stared past his right ear to where Harold stood. Glad he was not in Fairmont’s position, Harold slid to stand next to Elise.

  Fairmont’s voice softened. “Dorinda…”

  “I refuse to answer any of those silly questions you have amassed… and you have not bothered to ask me to marry you!”

  Sneaking a glance at Elise, Harold was surprised at her wide grin. Her best friend had refused the Duke of Fairmont. Both their reputations were at risk. Elise’s eyes sparkled with mirth, and she raised her hand to cover her mouth.

  Harold turned as Fairmont got down on one knee and said, “Miss Dorinda Arnet. You know I love you. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  “Your Grace, what of your arguments as to why it was impossible for you to follow your heart? What of your list of requirements and questions?”

  “I was…”

  The patter of Miss Arnet’s foot tapping echoed through the room. “Yes, Your Grace… you were what?”


  Blinking hard, Harold couldn’t believe his eyes. Miss Arnet had managed to procure a confession from the stubborn Duke of Fairmont.

  Harold whispered, “She will make him the perfect wife.”

  “Without a doubt. But Benedict won’t win Dorinda with that singular admission.”

  Elise’s knowing smile brought warmth to his heart. He wanted to follow Fairmont’s actions and propose, but the timing was all wrong. To hell with timing. He asked, “Would you say yes?”

  Elise turned to face him. “Beg pardon?”

  “If I were to ask you to marry me, would y
ou agree and say yes?”

  “Are you asking? Or is this a hypothetical question?”

  “I am.”

  Lord Tallow grunted as Fairmont hauled the trussed-up man to his knees. Harold caught Elise’s gaze, and she gave him a slight nod. Was she saying yes to marrying him? Or was it acquiescence to assist her brother? Damn. He needed to deal with Lord Tallow and Mr. Rollingsworth.

  Setting his mind to do just that, Harold walked over to Lord Tallow, leaving Elise huddled in a conversation with Miss Arnet. With Fairmont on the other side, they each grabbed Lord Tallow by the upper arm and carried him out of the room.

  With Benedict and Harold gone, Elise sank to the bed, unable to stand a moment more. Dorinda sat beside her, wrapping her in another warm embrace. “Can you believe it? We will be sisters.” She flinched as Dorinda squeezed.

  “Where does it hurt?”

  Her whole body ached, but the joy within dulled some of the pain.

  There was a scratch at the door, and a maid entered carrying two beautiful gowns, one constructed of rose-pink silk and the other in vibrant forest green. As she laid them on the bed, the maid said, “Compliments of Lady L.”

  Lady L was here? Elise desperately wanted to thank the lady for her assistance. A year ago, at this very inn, Lady L had worn a rich lavender dress, and a veil masked her appearance. She helped Elise ensure Lady Esme was safe from Lord Tallow’s schemes. The mysterious Lady L and her team were extraordinarily proficient and had vanished before Elise ever had the opportunity to thank the woman.

  Elise stepped in front of the maid. “Is Lady L in residence?”

  The maid dropped into a curtsey and spoke directly to Dorinda. “Lady L wishes you much happiness with the Duke of Fairmont and advises you to keep him in check.” She turned to address Elise, “My lady also wishes to extend her congratulations on your upcoming marriage to Lord Thornston. She asks you to protect his valiant heart and soul and love him as he deserves.” The maid whipped around her and scurried out into the hall.

  Dorinda moved to the bed, inspecting the spectacular gowns. Elise remained rooted to the spot. How did Lady L know of Harold? Her message inferred she knew him intimately. Was Lady L one of Harold’s old paramours? Blood drained from her face. Elise struggled to take a breath; it was as if all the air had left the room. Then strong arms gently wrapped about her waist and a kiss was placed upon the crown of her head. Harold held her, and even when she tried to pull away, he didn’t release his hold on her.

  A rustling of material had Elise peering around Harold. Dorinda held up a gown, providing them with a modicum of privacy.

  Turning her attention back to Harold, Elise asked, “How is it you are acquainted with Lady L?”

  Harold’s brows furrowed. “Lady L?”

  “Yes. The woman is known for assisting in covert investigations. I’ve even heard rumors she assists the Home Office.” Elise squared her shoulders. “Lady L sent these magnificent gowns up for us, and her maid conveyed her best wishes, informing me I should love and protect you.”

  With a chuckle, Harold lowered his head and whispered, “I suspect that Lady L doesn’t exist. A woman working for a department of the Crown. Ridiculous.”

  “I know she is real.” Elise narrowed her eyes and in a hushed voice, asked, “How is it that you are involved with Crown’s activities?”

  “To my knowledge, I’ve never come into contact with Lady L, if in fact, she is real.” Harold softly cupped her cheeks and guided her face to meet his. Inches apart, he solemnly said, “I do believe that we should marry.” His eyes blazed with intensity. “Elise, I never stopped loving you.”

  Harold’s lips were upon her, and she flinched at the pressure. He eyed the cut on her mouth. She didn’t care about the pain. She wanted him to kiss her again. Rising on her tiptoes, she gently pressed her lips to his.

  Her brother’s voice interrupted her happiness. “You two are not married yet. I haven’t given Thornston my permission to wed you.”

  “I’m of majority. I don’t need your permission, but I do hope you will wish us well.”

  The grin she caught on Harold’s face was that of a young lad who had just won the grand prize at the local fair. The loud pounding of footfalls from the hallway had Harold pushing her behind him.

  She could only manage to see boots appear in the doorway before Harold said, “Kilman. What is the matter?”

  Elise pushed Harold out of her way and faced Kilman. “What are you doing here?”

  Kilman nodded to Dorinda and then stared directly at her. Pure fury fired in his eyes. Elise took a slight step back and found herself pressed up against Harold’s chest.

  Hurt and sadness flashed across Kilman’s features. He had been her protector for years. She should have expected the visceral reaction to her condition. He was only a few feet away from her. She needed to explain. Elise took a step forward.

  Kilman held up a hand, halting her. “I was on my way back to Town. I stopped to change horses when I saw your brother and Thornston hauling Lord Tallow out to the coach.”

  Elise searched his features, but Kilman had erected an invisible wall between them. He was distancing himself from her, and the ache in her chest was physically stealing her breath. She cared for him. Their friendship had been instrumental in her surviving the gossip and chatter about Thornston throughout the years. Pain was the last thing she wanted Kilman to experience.

  Kilman turned to face Benedict. “Fairmont. Thornston. We need to transport those imbeciles downstairs to the docks.”

  Swiveling on his heel, Kilman left without another word.

  Elise wanted to go after Kilman, but she was at a loss for what to say.

  Harold leaned down and placed a chaste kiss upon her lips. “He will be fine. He needs time.” He straightened and ran his hands down her arms and clasped her hands. “We have arranged for a coach to take you and Miss Arnet back to town. I will call for you once everything has been taken care of.”

  Chapter Seven

  Covered in travel dust and exhausted from the journey home, Elise ordered a bath to be drawn immediately upon her return. Dismissing her maid’s assistance due to the late hour, she had soaked and scrubbed her skin raw in an attempt to rid herself of the foul smell of Lord Tallow that clung to her skin. She was barely able to pull her nightgown over her head. Her body ached from Lord Tallow’s abuse and the jarring of the coach as Benedict had ordered they journey back at a breakneck pace.

  Elise wearily crawled into her bed and nestled into soft lavender-scented sheets. But as soon as her eyes shut, Lord Tallow’s voice echoed through her mind. His threatening words of what he had intended for her played over and over. Throwing back the covers, she quickly donned her robe and ventured into the cold and empty hall. Without thought, Elise wandered through the darkened house with John, now assigned to be her bodyguard, following her the entire time.

  She found herself entering her favorite room—the library. Elise rested the back of her head against the arm of the settee and curled up into a tight ball as she closed her eyes. The heat from the fire and the comforting smell of books had her muscles finally relaxing.

  Settled, Elise fought back a yawn. “John, you may retire.”

  “My lady, my orders were to see to your safety until His Grace returns.”

  “You haven’t slept the entire journey. I’m certain you must be exhausted.”

  The latch to the library door rattled, and Elise’s eyes flew open. John stood at the ready.

  Benedict appeared in the doorway. “Ahh… John, my thanks for your diligence, but go and seek out your bed.”

  “Yes, Your Grace.”

  Elise began to sit up, but Benedict gently pushed her back down. To her surprise, Benedict perched on the edge of the settee and covered her with a throw, tucking it under her chin. His gaze filled with remorse.

  Had something happened to Harold?

  Benedict said, “I’m sorry.”

  Filled with worry, Elise str
uggled to sit up and winced with pain as her back brushed against the settee. “What happened? Is Harold all right?”

  “Thornston is fine.” Benedict focused on his clasped hands in his lap. “I meant I’m sorry I haven’t been a very good brother.”

  “Whatever do you mean? You have been generous, and you didn’t force me into marriage as some might have.”

  “You mean like Papa.”

  Elise rested a hand upon his.

  Benedict continued, “I realize now that I let Papa’s extensive lectures on roles and responsibilities change my character upon inheriting the title. There were days I would look in the mirror, and I too did not recognize the man staring back at me, but I behaved and carried on, mimicking our papa. I even foolishly convinced myself that a proper duke wouldn’t marry for love.”

  Elise lowered her voice, impersonating their papa. “Love is for fools.”

  There was a slight change in Benedict’s posture as he said, “I truly am sorry. Forgive me?”

  The cut on Elise’s lip prevented a smirk from forming. “Only if you promise to marry Dorinda.”

  Grinning Benedict replied, “Well, I shall need your assistance in convincing her to accept my proposal.”

  “Perhaps you should make a list of reasons why she should marry you. Show her you are worthy of her love.”

  “And what if I’m not worthy?”

  Their gazes collided and Elise solemnly said, “But you are. You. Are. Not. Papa.”

  Her brother released a deep breath. “There is one more thing I must share with you. It is not at all pleasant.” He clasped her hand between his and raised his eyes to meet hers. “Mr. Rollingsworth was furious at being forced to board a packet to Australia. Kilman tried to restrain him, but Mr. Rollingsworth managed to steal a knife from Kilman’s boot.”

  Elise gasped at the news.


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