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Cowboy Bikers MC: Werewolves

Page 3

by Esther E. Schmidt

  And the guy surprisingly works out fine. The way Opal described him made me think he needed a lot of work to get him acquainted to the tasks at hand, but either he’s used to the work or a natural. He’s a great extra hand around the stables, knows how to handle horses, and is an experienced rider.

  Ash mentioned this morning how the guy should be a prospect the way he fits in. And yes, we would accept someone who isn’t a werewolf to become a member. Though every member of this MC is part of my pack, Tobias would be the first human, and an exception. Like I mentioned; he fits right in.

  Ash jumps off his bike and closes the gate, locking the Quarter Horses inside. The faint scent of raspberries taunts my nose and I instantly know Opal is around. I throw my head in the air and filter the different scents to get a sense of direction.

  I dig my nails into the ground and push off into the direction of my cabin. I hear Ash’s bike rev before he’s riding beside me. The moment I see a glimpse of her standing near my cabin is when Ash slowly falls back.

  I hear his voice echo through my head. It’s more laughter with the words, “Ah, the curvy one got you running. I’ll see to the herd. Talk later.”

  Ignoring him, I fully focus on the woman which I’m closing in on. She’s wearing a floral, blue sundress and matching cowboy boots. Her strawberry blonde hair is up in a messy bun and a large shoulder bag is thrown over her shoulder.

  Her gorgeous blue eyes hit mine as I slow my pace and trot closer. She eyes me curiously and doesn’t back away from my wolf form as I inch closer. Werewolves are bigger than normal wolves but a hellhound or a guardian’s wolf form is much bigger. I’m curious how Opal looks once she’s able to shift.

  I can sense her inner wolf. Though wolf and human are one, the ability to shift is always right there at the surface. Except for Opal, hers is tucked away, as if she’s been waiting for me to awaken her inner desires to shift, to run, to mate.

  Trotting right up to her I bump my head against her leg and seek out her hand with my muzzle. She sinks her fingers into my thick, black fur and I have to close my eyes to relish in the feel of her touch.

  Her bag hits the ground when she sinks to her knees, fingers still sliding through my fur as if she’s greeting, and petting, a family dog. I don’t even care if she’s unaware of the feelings it ignites inside me; I relish in the fact that her hands are all over me.

  She hums and I have no clue if she’s aware but I also hear her inner wolf release chuffing sounds at our intimate contact. Finding the hem of her dress, I easily slide it up her bare legs in an effort to close the distance between my nose and her pussy. I’m prevented from sliding closer when her fingers tighten in my fur and she roughly yanks my head up so her nose is touching mine.

  “Naughty, Figor. The way you were herding the livestock made me think you were highly trained, and now this? This makes me think you’re just a simple horndog.”

  She stands, grabs her bag, and turns to stalk into the direction of the house and before she enters, she says, “Come on, Figor, shift back, we have things to discuss.”

  Yeah, we do. But I get the feeling we have different topics and ways in mind because my thoughts of discussing involves her underneath me naked while my cock and her pussy swap pleasantries.

  I trot into my house and shift to my human form without any effort. Being a pure breed allows me the strength and experience to shift fluidly, almost within a blink of a second. Yes, the first few times growing up was the whole breaking bones and shifting into position, but through the years you obtain control and strength. For anyone watching a shift it’s as if seeing a tornado whirl. One moment you’re human, a blur, and the person comes out as a wolf.

  Having two forms molded into one provides loads of emotions and abilities. Some might say the wolf lives within us, coming out when we shift. But we’re one and as a person, always fully in control. Animal instincts are our born instincts.

  If a werewolf goes rogue it’s due to mental issues like any other human struggles with their inner battles. Except we have a natural born killer running through our veins, making us a danger to the world.

  This is also the reason why we took Bevin in to guide him through the process since he was bitten and not a born werewolf. Being bitten also means he can’t shift on demand and can only turn during a full moon. Without knowledge or guidance, he can hurt himself or others.

  Opal places her bag on the couch and her eyes hit my body, sliding down to look at my hard cock, pointing right at her.

  “Holy shit balls. Clothes, Figor!” Her eyes hit the floor while her face flushes.

  Fucking adorable.

  “Not happening, sweets.” I give her a wolfish grin and stalk right by to get to the kitchen. All the running has made me thirsty.

  Grabbing a bottle of water, I drain the contents in one go.

  “Need something too?” I question.

  Her eyes are on my ass when she mutters, “Clothes on you would be nice.”

  “My house, my rules.” I chuckle and stalk right up to her, cup her face with both hands and slam my mouth over hers.

  Her lips part from shock and I take advantage to swirl my tongue around hers. Some things are meant to be, and her taste on my tongue is a perfection I’ve been waiting for my whole life.

  The need to fuck and claim her is roaring through my veins and I regretfully find the strength to pull back and end the kiss. Taking a few steps back I brace myself on the counter and close my eyes to get a fucking grip on myself.

  Her delicate fingers slide over my back.

  “Back up, Ophelia. You’re walking a very thin line by getting close and putting your hands on me. You call to every fiber of my being. My heart is beating with every breath you take to make our bodies pulse in sync. I can’t–”

  “Shut up,” she snaps. “It’s hard to ignore when everything inside me craves to be near you. I worked day and night to stop myself from coming here these last few days. I know this is inevitable. There’s no ignoring an eternal mate. And it would be disrespecting something that’s a part of us. Many have been searching for decades, left with craving dreams and failing to find their missing other half. But you have to understand it’s hard for me to comprehend when I’ve been living a human life for years. Not to mention, you’re a freaking werewolf, Figor. How do you think my father will react?”

  During her rant I turned to face her. She switched to pacing the kitchen while I’m leaning against the counter and watching her sundress sway with the sharp turns she makes.

  “Your father will deal,” I simply say, getting her attention back to me. “He’s the president of the Death by Reaper, Hellhounds chapter and found an eternal mate in a woman who was part human, part witch, and half guardian. I’d say he wouldn’t mind his daughter hooking up with a werewolf.” I slowly close the distance between us and whisper right next to her ear, “One who can make his daughter’s guardian wolf purr.”

  “I. Do. Not. Purr. Cats purr. Neither dogs nor wolves freaking purr,” she huffs, or at least she tries to but it comes out breathlessly.

  My cock is nestled against her belly and even the thin fabric of her sundress doesn’t diminish the heat building between us. And it would be very damn easy to guide her sundress up, slide her panties to the side and bury myself in her tight pussy. But her words mean something; she’s not some woman, she’s my woman.

  One I will commit to the rest of my life. And since we’re immortal it’s a long-ass time. With her living a human life for years and being a mixture of breeds, I know very well what she means by telling me it’s hard for her to comprehend.

  “Okay, you didn’t purr, but the underlying chuffing sound I picked up was wolf-like and coming from you. And I can’t wait to go for a run together.” I brush my lips against the skin where her neck meets her collarbone. “We will find your strength. We will be one. And we will find our way. We were meant to walk side by side, Ophelia. Either placing one foot in front of the other or pushing our paws into the

  I tear myself away from her and stalk out of the kitchen. Heading for the bedroom I storm inside and grab some jeans. Pulling them on, I walk into the bathroom to splash some water on my face. Rubbing myself dry, I throw the towel into the hamper and head back to the kitchen.

  Opal is sitting at the table and is sipping a bottle of water. Our gaze collides and there’s a hint of vulnerability simmering in hers when she asks, “Do you really think I can shift into a guardian form?”

  I take a seat across from her and nod. “I sensed your inner wolf the first time we met. The second time was outside, just now, when you put your hands on my wolf form. You fucking purred.”

  She points a finger at me. “Wolves. Do. Not. Purr. We’re not telling anyone about us being eternal mates, and we’re not mating any time soon either, not until I can shift.”

  The corner of my mouth twitches. As if there’s such a thing as ignoring or rejecting your eternal mate. But again, she has lived a human life for many years. Though, I have an underlying suspicion this is about showing her family she’s able to since they might have given up on her shifting into a wolf and want to support her by letting her chase her own dreams.

  And to be honest, why should they put unnecessary pressure on someone when you’re unable to trigger a shift? I mean, the sole reason I was able to sense her wolf was because it recognized mine as its mate.

  “Whatever you want, I’m yours,” I tell her in all sincerity.

  She rolls her eyes but turns serious the next instant. “The reason I came here was also because of Allen Miles, or Melvin Parkers, one and the same and a few more other names he used. He was found dead two days ago. Two towns over and do you want to hear something crazy?”

  I raise my eyebrow, curious what else she found out since the information about Allen being dead comes as an unexpected surprise.

  “They ruled it as an animal attack.”

  “You’re fucking kidding me,” I grunt.

  “Nope.” She pops the P and continues. “And there’s more. All the money he squeezed from people who filed a report against him? Gone. I’ve called my dad and asked if he could put a few feelers out if there was any supernatural activity in the area.”

  “And?” I growl, getting pissed and deep down already know the answer.

  “He called me back about an hour ago. There’s a rumor about a rogue werewolf extorting humans. They haven’t been able to locate the one responsible but the so-called animal attacks are getting out of hand.” Her face sparks with pride when she says, “My father handed me the responsibility to solve the case.”

  Her grin is contagious and I shoot her a smile. “Sounds like your father is a smart man, leaving it in his daughter’s very capable hands and brain.”

  Her cheeks pinken and she swallows hard. “I was thinking we could work on it together. With your pack involved and the one responsible being a werewolf, I thought it would be better if–”

  “If you had backup. Smart thinking, must have inherited from your dad.” I shoot her a wink and I get another roll of her eyes. But the smile tugging her cherry lips is warming my heart. “My pack would be happy to help, whatever you need.”

  “I have some files, would you like to go over them with your pack and get back to me?” She stalks to her bag without looking back and I’m left to follow her.

  “Why don’t we pick up your horse and some of your stuff so you can spend some time here while we sort all of this out?”

  Her eyes widen at my request but before she can throw words of denial my way, I add, “Tobias is going to spend a few days here as well. He’s been doing a great job, and since we’ll be actively searching for this fucker, I’d say it’s smart to stay together and have your horse looked after as well.”

  Her mouth opens and closes and I can see the turmoil in her eyes but it really is the best option.

  “Fine,” she huffs. “But no funny stuff. I meant what I said, no mating until I can shift.”

  “No sex until we’re a few weeks into our relationship, you mean? Like human standards, dating before getting hot and naked.” I smirk, not caring one bit I’m teasing her with the way she’s acting.

  “There’s nothing wrong with developing feelings and getting to know the person you’re meant to spend the rest of your life with. It’s like an arranged marriage: there is no choice. Except feelings might be involved due to the attraction caused by our bond, but my brain needs to play catchup.” Her voice changes into a hard snap when she adds, “Do you have a problem with that?”

  “Hey, don’t get snappy with me. I’m the one who straight up mentioned what your hesitation is. I’m not judging or fighting; I’m accepting and bringing it into our discussion.”

  “I’m not hesitating,” she grumbles and her shoulders sag. “I know what we have is real and special.”

  I reach out and cup the side of her face. “Let your brain play catch up, Ophelia. There is no rush, there’s only us. We don’t have anyone else who dictates our every move. And yes, my suggestion of you moving in here while we’re working this case is also my intent to be close to one another. The whole dating thing might be overrated, but getting to know each other involves spending time together. You moving in allows us that time.”

  She leans into my touch and whispers, “Okay.”

  Fuck, yes. First step goes a long way. Even if we take the long road, we’d still be heading the same way together…and I can’t wait to see what the future has to offer us.


  – OPAL –

  “Just look at them,” I tell Tobias as we’re both leaning on the fence to watch Night and Luna take sharp turns as they chase each other through the pasture.

  Tobias shoots me a huge grin. “They love each other and their names match too. Luna and Night.”

  I return his grin. Tobias makes it sound so simple and yet it is. Some think the path of life is mapped out, leaving you to fill in the blanks and add some color. Each little step along the way guides you to monumental moments where you feel the sense of belonging and righteousness.

  This for me is such a moment. Earlier in the day Figor asked me to move in for the time we spend working on the case. There were many emotions running through me, but I have to admit the days after I met him were very unsettling. Because how on earth can you miss someone you just met?

  I had to dive into work in an effort to pull myself together enough not to seem like a lovesick puppy and run to his doorstep, begging for him to take me in. I’ve never felt the kind of longing and desire toward a man. Until Figor. And he’s a werewolf for crying out loud.

  Werewolves are known to be loose cannons. My family has been hunting them down to bring order for decades. Yes, I know most keep themselves in line but if a supernatural goes havoc, the usual suspect is a werewolf. Imagine me bringing one–as my eternal mate–home to meet the parents.

  Like I said, it’s unsettling. Both the knowledge of my eternal mate being a werewolf and the fact of finding my eternal mate. But on the other side it’s true what Figor said–while I denied it to him–my wolf does react to him. The moments I’ve felt my inner strength pull at him or look in his stunning eyes and see his wolf…all of it is overwhelming.

  I’ve never been able to shift or feel so much as the urge to do so. Yet now it’s as if there’s a craving set loose inside my veins, taunting me to let go and simply give in. And it scares the shit out of me.

  “You’re right,” I tell Tobias. “As if it was meant to be.”

  “I like it here, Opal.” His face grows serious. “Everyone is nice and I can do the work they ask me to do. I want to live here forever.” He leans in and as if he’s sharing a big secret with me, he whispers, “They asked me to stay and showed me a room with a bed and a closet, it’s perfect, Opal.”

  My heart squeezes with joy for this young man. Ever since his mother died I haven’t seen any happiness in his eyes. Now? He’s overjoyed by something as simple as belonging somewhere to d
o a simple job.

  I reach out and squeeze his upper arm. “I’m happy for you.”

  Tears overflow his eyes and he quickly wipes them away with the sleeve of his shirt.

  I’m caught by surprise when he suddenly throws his arms around me and hugs me tight. “Thanks so much, Opal. I know I would never be here if it wasn’t for you.”

  “You would be, Tobias,” Figor says as he pulls me from Tobias’ embrace. “We would never pass up on good help. And you, boy, you know how to handle horses. Even the skittish ones.”

  “Smooth,” I mutter.

  He places a kiss on the top of my head and murmurs, “I can’t see you in another man’s arms, even if I know it’s your friend, my wolf can’t deal. And it’s you who wants to hide what we have. The sooner I can claim you for all to see is the day my wolf would somewhat be settled, even more when you’re knocked up.”

  I gasp and smack his chest.

  “Figor,” I scold. I can’t believe he said that.

  The man grins and the crinkles around his eyes tell me he’s deliberately ruffling my feathers and yet there’s an underlying truth to it. A werewolf instinct thrives on claiming his mate and won’t condone any other male sniffing around his woman.

  By the way he just responded I’d say he’s sticking to his promise to me. He’s taking it slow and is handling his possessiveness quite well. But the knocking up part? I know werewolves love a large family, but the whole taking it slow is a no-brainer for not getting me pregnant anytime soon.

  “Come on, let’s head inside.” Figor laces his fingers with mine. “Tobias, Ozzy was asking for you in the stables. Something about the young foal you were crazy about?”

  “I’d better go check,” Tobias says and makes a run for the stables.

  I narrow my eyes. “Did you just chase him away?”

  I try to pull my hand from his grip but his fingers tighten.


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