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A Hurt So Sweet Volume One: A Dark High School Bully Romance

Page 7

by Rosewood, Betti

“Don’t you dare touch me,” I snarl at the mountain of a guy. “I’m going to tell my father.”

  “And what’s he going to do?” He doesn’t seem intimidated by this at all. “I can go up against anyone in this goddamn town, little girl. Can’t you see that?”

  I can see that. The guy is probably over six foot five and he’s built like a brick house. But I’m not about to admit it. If he really is like the wolf I compared him to earlier, he’s going to sense my fear. I need to stay strong and not give into his cruel demands.

  “Why don’t you come closer,” he says, not unkindly. “Come on, be a good girl and come stand by me. Maybe I won’t rip you apart completely if you cooperate.”

  He laughs cruelly at his own joke.

  “I’m going to scream when you touch me,” I say in a last-ditch effort to stop him from forcing himself on me.

  But his only response is a low, throaty chuckle.

  “Oh, you stupid girl,” he mutters. “You said when I touch you, not if. Seems to me like this little lamb has already accepted its fate.”

  I recoil from his touch just as there’s a knock on the door. Two long raps, two short ones. The wolf sneers at me before retrieving the key from his pocket. I don’t wait for him to turn back. I don’t even stop to grab my clothes from the bench. Instead, I turn on my heels as run as fast I can, past Lai, knocking him aside as I dart out of the locker rooms and into the hallway leading into Eden Falls Prep’s main building.

  I hear footsteps fall behind me moments after, and it’s not just one pair of legs. Risking a look over my shoulder, I look into Lai’s eyes. Dexter is catching up to him, sneering as he watches me get away. I lose my footing suddenly, slipping on the smooth marble floor of the hallway and plummeting to the ground.

  “Fuck!” I cry out just as they gang up on me.

  I grip my elbow which is throbbing painfully, and the two guys linger above me, blocking me from getting away.

  “Dexter! He tried to touch me!” I point a shaky, accusatory finger at Lai. “He disrespected you! You need to stop him!”

  “Stupid toy,” Dexter mutters under his breath. “You still haven’t figured this out, have you?”

  I give him a quizzical look as he kneels next to me, touching his calloused fingertips to the scratch on my elbow that’s lightly bleeding. Then, he brings his palm to his mouth, licking at the blood on his fingers. I recoil.

  “I rule this school. I rule this town. I even rule our friend Lai over here,” he informs me. “And if I tell him he needs to do something, you can bet your tiny little ass he’s going to be on it.”

  “But…” I’m trying to find a saving grace but coming up empty. “We’re engaged, for God’s sake!”

  “No one’s saying he’s going to fuck you,” Dexter smirks at my naivete. “Though I don’t even know if you kept yourself pure for me… Have you, little toy?”

  He takes a step forward, smearing my own blood over my face as he grips my cheeks with one hand.

  “If I find out you’ve been offering that prize between your legs to somebody – anybody – else, I’m going to beat that rebellious streak right out of you. Got it?”

  I’m so terrified I just nod. There’s no room to argue here. I’m too afraid of what he might do to me if I try.

  “Good,” Dexter mutters. “Now get the fuck up.”

  He doesn’t even offer me his hand, but Lai does, taking a step forward and giving me a pity-filled look that’s so different from the lust-filled gaze from before it makes me want to cry. I don’t accept his help, picking myself up clumsily instead.

  “Back to the changing room,” Dexter instructs. “We still got forty-five minutes. I suggest you stop running now, toy. Unless you want your whole class to watch you submit to me. But maybe that’s the kind of thing you like?”

  I think about what he’s saying. Being hurt here, without anyone watching, is still preferable to them torturing me in front of the other students. And I have a feeling they’d just love to discipline me with an audience present.

  “No,” I say quickly, realizing I don’t have a choice. “Please, I don’t want that. I’ll be good. I’ll behave.”

  “Remember your promise from the party,” Dexter reminds me yet again. “I’ll hold you to it.”

  They march me back into the changing room, my small body trapped between their strong physiques. My heart is pounding as I try to come up with a way to run the fuck away, but I keep coming back empty. Nothing’s going to save me now, unless a miracle happens in the next ten seconds. But it seems lately I’m born under an unlucky star. Surely things are going to start working in my favor now.

  Once we reach the locker room again, they force me into the shower and turn on the showerhead above me. I’m reminded of my own prank, the one I’d played on Brazen, as I become instantly soaked to the skin.

  “To drown out your cries of pleasure,” Lai tells me with a wicked grin, and I feel goosebumps erupting all over my body at the sound of his voice and the dark promises it holds.

  “Please,” I beg for the last time, not sure whether I should address my pleas to Dexter or his friend. “I won’t tell anyone what you did here. We can just go back to normal tomorrow. I swear I won’t tell a soul what you tried to do to me.”

  “Hear that, Lai?” Dexter smirks without taking his eyes off me. “Little toy is already making more promises, before we’ve even touched her. So naïve, isn’t she?”

  “So naïve,” Lai confirms with a nod, his hungry eyes devouring my body.

  To my absolute horror, I realize my nipples have formed stiff peaks under the thin fabric of my pale pink bodysuit. They’re stretching the fabric of the undergarment, and it’s only a matter of seconds before they catch my abusers’ eyes. Hoping they won’t notice; I cross my arms defensively in front of my body.

  “Where should we start?” Dexter taps his chin thoughtfully, and I hate him even more intensely for drawing out the inevitable.

  “Just get it over with,” I bark at him. “Whatever you’re going to do to me, just get it the fuck over it. And don’t think you’re going to break me. That’s never going to happen.”

  “Okay, let’s get this party started. Toy’s request.” Dexter smirks at me before nodding at Lai. “Hold her arms up. Above her head.”

  His errand boy advances on me, and my back hits the tiled wall in the showers as I realize I have nowhere else to run. The cold water is hitting me from all angles in the shower now, and both Lai and I are getting drenched. But neither of the boys seem to care. There’s a certain hungry glint in their eyes that sends waves of fear rushing through my body.

  Lai grabs me by the wrists, making me gasp out loud. He pins my arms above my head, firmly holding me in place as he smirks at me. I struggle against him, but I’m powerless against his strong grip. Once again, I know I’m going to have bruises when they’re done with me. What’s wrong with these people? Why are they so intent on causing me pain?

  I feel Dexter’s eyes drinking me in, lingering on the now soaked-through bodysuit I’m still wearing. I become painfully aware of my puffed-up nipples, and I know my leotard is probably see-through by now. But I don’t give him the pleasure of crying out in frustration. Instead, I return his gaze, focusing my eyes on him, almost daring him to say something. And he doesn’t hesitate, laughing in my face before addressing Lai again.

  “Don’t you think she looks pretty like this?” he asks the taller boy. “So helpless. So powerless. I love it when she struggles.”

  “Me too.” Lai’s words leave his lips in a low growl and I flush a dark red shade as they regard me. “How soon do you think she’ll start begging us to let her go?”

  “Let’s see.” Dexter taps a finger against his chin, inspecting me with a gaze that doesn’t miss a single movement I make. “Would you like us to let you go, little toy?”

  “Fuck you,” I snarl in response.

  They both laugh at my words, as if I’ve just said something utterly ridiculous. It
’s at that moment that I make a promise to myself, swearing up and down in my head that I’ll never let them humiliate me again. Dexter may think he owns my body, but I don’t have a wedding band on my finger yet. As far as I’m concerned, this marriage is as fake as my stepmother’s nose.

  “Now, now,” Lai says, trying to placate me. “I don’t think you should be quite so brave, little girl. We’re going to break you eventually. The sooner you admit that to yourself, the fucking better.”

  “Never,” I grit out. “Dream on, beefcake.”

  Dexter approaches, wrapping his strong fingers around my throat and slamming my back against the shower tiles. I groan as the pain radiates up my spine, hating him with every fiber of my being. He regards me with a sort of morbid curiosity that gives me the creeps. Like I’m a doll. A collector’s items meant to be placed on a shelf and never be taken out of the box. Although I have a feeling Dexter won’t be afraid of fucking up the packaging. As I’ve already come to realize, he doesn’t hesitate before maiming his playthings.

  “Rip that top off her.”

  He delivers the words calmly, making my body struggle with resistance as Lai’s hands mercilessly attack the bodysuit I’m wearing. I’m struggling, trying my best to get away, but it’s useless. Lai overpowers me easily, and he’s just one guy. God forbid Dexter joins in. I’m powerless against them.

  The fabric of my bodysuit rips, and Lai tears it off my body in pieces. I realize that I’m just in my thong now, exposed to their hungry eyes and feeling more vulnerable than ever. I hate them. The need to have my revenge on the duo radiates through my body, and I promise myself to channel all that inner rage into making them pay for what they’re doing to me now.

  “Ready to admit defeat?” Lai asks me sweetly, hovering inches away from my face.

  I shake my head, glaring in return. “You’re never going to break me.”

  “Agree to disagree,” Lai grunts, his grip on my wrists tightening and leaving painful marks on my skin. “Now I would just love to hear you admit how much you love this.”

  I grind my teeth together, refusing to give him what he wants.

  “Spread your legs, toy,” Dexter barks at me next, and I grit my teeth, shaking my head no.

  They’re devouring me with their eyes. I can feel my fiancé staring at my tits like he’s trying to get an eyeful. Lai isn’t far behind, and the needy grunts that are emanating from me send fear reverberating through my spine.

  “I said, fucking spread your legs.”

  Dexter’s repeated instruction comes out in a vicious snarl this time, but I still don’t obey. He sighs out loud, approaching me and confidently grabbing my thigh. His calloused palm is huge compared to my skinny leg. He grabs each thigh with one hand and pulls me open. My feet shift on the ground, my body involuntarily opening for him. I’m acutely aware of the fact that I’m only wearing a white lacy thong now. It’s the worst luck that I dressed this way this morning, and I hate myself for not realizing something like this was going to happen.

  “There, that’s better,” Dex mutters, his fingers lingering on the inside of my thigh.

  He walks them all over my skin, fingertips touching my intimate places and making my cheeks erupt in red blotches.

  “You know, if you obey me, I can make it feel good. Really, really fucking good.”

  I close my eyes tightly. I’m never going to admit anything to him. He doesn’t deserve it.

  But he forces me to look at him again, his hand swiftly slapping the side of my face as he grinds out, “Don’t look away from me. I didn’t give you permission to do that.”

  “Fuck you,” I snarl in his face.

  “Soon, toy,” he responds with a cruel smirk.

  His fingers brush against the lacy fabric of my thong, right at the most sensitive spot between my legs. He snaps his eyes back up to me, his expression one of surprise. We both know what he just found. We both know when he moves his fingers away, they’re going to be wet with my arousal. And I’ve never hated him more.

  He chuckles low in his throat, and I’m shocked he doesn’t inform errand boy of his findings. Instead, he raises his soaked fingertips to my lips and presses them into my mouth.

  “Time to suck, fiancée,” he mutters. “Fucking lick them clean.”

  Despite not wanting to obey, my body reacts on instinct, my tongue wrapping around his pointer finger and my mouth tightening around his knuckles. I hate myself for responding. I hate him for making me see this nasty side of myself I never wanted to admit was there. And I hate Lai for just letting this happen.

  I snap my eyes away from Dexter, watching the other boy. There’s a bulge in his uniform now, his clearly monstrously sized cock pressing firmly against the fabric of his expensive clothes. He groans, rubbing his right palm over the swollen part of him that I’m so afraid of. I watch him in disgust. Any other girl would think him a heartthrob. Someone they’d be unable to resist.

  I tell myself my body is only responding because they’re trying to overload my senses. I tell myself it’s not my fault I’m getting turned on. But still, a lone tear fights its way down my face, admitting my body’s defeat.

  “Aww, look, we made her cry,” Dexter remarks, smirking at me as my bottom lip wobbles.

  “How precious,” Lai joins in. “Maybe she thinks we’ll go easy on her if she can make us feel sorry for her.”

  “If she does,” Dexter says thoughtfully, pulling his fingers out of my mouth with a pop. “She’s dead-fucking-wrong.”

  He nears me again, his face lingering mere inches away from mine. My breath catches in my throat. For a second, I’m convinced he’s going to try and kiss me, but he doesn’t make the move. Instead, his lips remain a breath away from mine, taunting me with their closeness and the faint hint of the toothpaste on his breath.

  “You want it yet, toy?” Dexter breathes against my lips, and I turn my head to the side. “Is that a no? How about now?”

  His fingers find their way to my tits, and he grabs onto my nipples with both hands. His fingers are holding me in a vice-like grip, and he twists painfully, making me cry out in frustration.

  “And now?”

  I look deep into his eyes, gathering all my strength and spitting into his face.

  He laughs out loud, wiping away the wetness from his face and touching his now soaked hand to the front of my already wet panties.

  “Thanks, toy. Just what I needed.”

  He pushes my thong to the side, but not before glaring at Lai and muttering, “Don’t look at her cunt. That’s all mine… for now.”

  His friend groans out loud in frustration, but does as he’s told, palming his dick while he focuses on my hardened nipples instead.

  “Well, look at that,” Dexter murmurs as the lace of my thong rips. “You’re not even shaved. Didn’t think it was worth getting ready for your fiancé, did you, little slut? You’re going to have to pay a little visit to the salon. I like my toys bare and smooth.”

  Surreptitiously, I remember Araminta’s promise to take me to a beauty parlor. I hate myself for wondering if they do waxes. I despise myself, knowing I’m going to ask when she takes me there.

  Dexter’s fingers circle my pussy. I want to tell him to stop, but my voice has stopped functioning. The part of me that wants to fight this has retreated deep into the recess of my mind. It’s almost an out-of-body experience. That is, until Dexter’s Booth fingers press firmly against my center.

  “Feel that?” he mutters in my ear. “That’s your needy little pussy begging for me to fuck it.”

  And I do feel it. My cunt is contracting, eager to accept this intruder in its silky depths. I shake my head, frustrated at the things he’s making my body do. And then, he pushes his fingers inside me unceremoniously. I cry out in protest, but Dexter only stops when his fingers meet resistance.

  He looks confused at first, but in the next moment, his eyes light up with this new discovery.

  “So, it is true,” he mutters under
his breath. “You’re not worthless after all.”

  His firm finger outlines the skin that’s the only thing left of my innocence. He’s ripped everything else away. With a start, I realize it won’t be long before he’s taken that, too.

  “Get your hands off her, Lai,” Dexter mutters, retrieving his hand and wiping his fingers on my chest.

  I hiss when he leaves a wet mark on my tits. His friend looks confused, but loosens his firm grip on my wrists nonetheless. My arms fall, numb and useless as I rub the already marked-up wrists, glaring up at the two boys.

  Dexter ignores me, addressing Lai instead. The boy stares at me with unfulfilled hunger, sending shivers down my spine with the intensity of his glare.

  “You’re not to touch her without me present,” Dexter instructs his friend. “Tell the others as well.”

  “But you told us-” Lai starts, but Dexter holds his hand up, and he shuts up.

  “I don’t give a shit,” my fiancé says. “I said hands off her unless you have my explicit permission.”

  “Fine,” Lai barks, glaring at me as if this is somehow my fault. “She’s not that hot, anyway.”

  The bulge in his pants says otherwise. He smirks at me before turning his back on me and leaving.

  I’m shivering, soaked through and through and still naked. Dexter regards me with a cool expression before pulling off his varsity hoodie and tossing it at me.

  “Here, cover yourself up before the other girls get back.”

  I catch the hoodie mid-air, pulling it on. I’m still shivering.

  “I’ll see you later, toy,” Dexter tells me as the bell announces the end of the lesson.

  He lingers, as if wanting to say something else, then takes a step forward, touching his fingertips to my skin. I look up, hating myself for being so fearful.

  “The guys are not going to hurt you.”

  “But you are,” I point out the obvious.

  “Of course,” he smirks. “That’s what you were made for, after all.”



  Kelley picks me up along with Brazen in front of the school. My brother doesn't even give me a second glance as he gets into the car, lighting another blunt as I join him on the luxurious leather seats. Our driver doesn't comment on what he's doing, which makes me wonder how many things he's seen, and kept quiet about.


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