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Nothing Personal

Page 4

by Jaci Burton

They stopped at the elevator and Faith turned to him, her blue eyes staring expectantly.

  "Are we going to your home now?" she asked in that soft voice that poured over him like a well-aged brandy.


  She swallowed and turned away to wait for the elevator. Without further discussion on the ride down in the elevator, they headed through the hotel and outside into the cool April air.

  Faith inhaled deeply, savoring the crisp oxygen and willed her hands to stop shaking. Involuntary shivers began as soon as they'd walked outside. The wind had kicked up and her sleeveless dress did nothing to avert the chill.

  "Cold?" Ryan asked.

  "A little."

  "Here. Put this on." He removed his tux jacket and draped it over her shoulders. Faith felt his body heat radiating from the silk lining and instinctively pulled the jacket tighter around her to get closer to his warmth. It carried his scent, a combination of musky cologne and something purely Ryan.

  The sleek black limousine pulled up and Ryan helped her inside.

  "These things always remind me of hotel rooms, minus the bed,"

  Faith said as she settled in and surveyed the expansive interior of the limo.

  She'd been in plenty of them before, but always as Ryan's assistant.

  She'd never paid much attention to what they looked like. Would she be riding in them more often now?


  Nothing Personal

  The seats were soft, cushiony leather that she sank into. Her voluminous gown billowed around her until she was surrounded by tulle.

  It was a full service limo, with a television, wet bar and telephone within reach.

  "It has its luxuries," Ryan replied dryly.

  "Why didn't we take your car?"

  "I thought you'd be more comfortable riding in the limo, considering your dress, rather than trying to stuff you into the BMW."

  "Oh. That makes sense." He'd put her comfort first. He'd actually thought about her. Amazing. Just like the entire evening--simply unbelievable.

  Faith focused outside the tinted windows, watching as passenger cars pulled alongside. She smiled as people in the other cars squinted as if trying to guess what celebrity lurked inside. She'd done the same thing before, wondering what life was like on the other side of the mirrored glass. Funny, she still felt like one of those people on the outside.

  "Would you like some music?"

  She nodded and Ryan hit one of the many buttons located on the door console of the limo. Soft classical poured from the speakers. She took a deep breath and forced herself to relax by closing her eyes and listening to the lulling sounds. She tried not to think about where she was going, or what kind of life she was heading into for the next year.

  They traveled well outside the city limits and into the residential areas of the county. The limo slowed at the gated community where the McKay mansion was located. It was very high security, complete with electronic surveillance cameras and a fierce-looking guard at the entrance.

  Ryan rolled down the back window, and the guard approached. He smiled when he saw Ryan.

  "Evening, Mr. McKay," the guard said. "Go right on through."

  "Thanks, Tom," Ryan said and rolled the window back up. 35

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  Once through the gate, Faith peered through the darkened windows to better see the enormous homes they passed as they wound their way through the streets of the community. It was dark, but the houses were all well lit. She'd been this way several times, but had never paid attention to her surroundings. Back then, this neighborhood didn't signify her home. Now it did.

  The limo stopped in front of a familiar imposing structure--the McKay mansion. Like something out of a movie, the brick facade and towers made it look more a castle than a house.

  Ryan exited the vehicle and held out his hand for Faith, which she gratefully grasped for assistance out of the limo. It wasn't easy maneuvering in this big, poofy dress.

  The heavy wood door loomed before her. She tried to swallow but her throat had gone dry.

  When they approached the door it opened automatically. He directed her inside and Leland Banks, Ryan's butler, greeted them.

  "Good evening, Mister McKay," the man said formally in his very proper British accent.

  "Evening, Leland," Ryan answered.

  "And a very good evening to you, Mrs. McKay. May I offer my congratulations to you both?"

  Ryan must have notified Leland of their marriage. Whatever thoughts the butler had about it were masked completely by his stoic demeanor.

  "Thanks, Leland. Could you show Mrs. McKay to the second bedroom? It's late and I still have some things to catch up on."

  "But I thought the contract said..." Faith clamped her lips shut and looked to Ryan, not knowing how much he had revealed to Leland about the terms of the will.

  "I know the contract states we sleep in the same bedroom," Ryan explained, "but Stan and James won't arrive until tomorrow and I don't want to keep you up all night. I have work to do."


  Nothing Personal

  Which meant he really didn't want her in his bedroom. Faith pushed aside the feeling of being dumped. After all, this two month waiting period had been her idea. But still, they would have to sleep together, so why not tonight?

  She was being silly. Instead of feeling rejected, she should be glad for the one-night reprieve.

  Ryan disappeared down the hall and Leland led Faith to the staircase beyond the huge marble foyer. "If you'll come this way, ma'am."

  Faith had been in the house a few times to assist Ryan with business functions, but had never been in more than a couple of the rooms downstairs.

  They took the spiral staircase to the second floor. Leland led her down the right side of the hallway toward a set of double doors. He opened them for her and stood aside, beckoning Faith to enter the room.

  When she did, her mouth dropped open in shock. This wasn't a bedroom, it was a house. The thick Berber carpet felt like pillows under her feet. In the center of the room was a king-size bed covered in a duvet of soft cream and roses with a matching canopy. It looked like a harem paradise, with pale cream and rose carpet and a very light, intricately arched headboard.

  "Would you like something to eat, Mrs. McKay?"

  Faith had all but forgotten Leland was in the room. "No, that's okay.

  It's late. I'll just wait until morning."

  "Nonsense," Leland said. "Have you eaten tonight?"

  Now that she thought of it, Faith hadn't had a thing to eat since lunch. "Not really."

  "I'll bring something right up then."

  While she waited, she explored the room. The bath was separated from the bedroom by white double doors. Faith walked through the doors and gasped as she stepped into a closet larger than her entire apartment.

  She could have fit her living room furniture in there. And it was completely empty, except for a breathtakingly beautiful satin nightgown. 37

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  No other clothes. Big problem.

  Leland's knock at the door brought her attention from the closet to her stomach. The tray he carried was filled with more food than Faith could eat in a day, let alone one sitting.

  "Thank you so much for this, Leland." Faith's mouth watered at the feast Leland set on the table.

  "You're welcome, Mrs. McKay."

  "Please," she said, offering a small smile. "Call me Faith."

  Leland shook his head. "It wouldn't be appropriate."

  Faith frowned at him. "Why not?"

  "Because it's not done. You are the mistress of this house, and I am a servant."

  "Well, that's silly."

  "It's the way things have always been done. We all have our station in life."

  Did the man ever smile? Faith sat on the edge of her bed and studied
the McKays' butler. "That's so middle ages. This is the twenty-first century, Leland. I think the lines between the social classes have smudged more than a little. Besides, it's not like you don't know me. I'm no different now than I was before."

  Leland clasped his hands behind his back, his frame rigid and unyielding. "Oh, but you are, madam. Perhaps in your circles the masters and servants mix, but not in mine. I have been butler to the McKays for more than thirty-five years, and it has always been this way."

  Faith drew her shoulders back and blew a frustrated sigh. She could tell she'd get nowhere with Leland tonight, and was too tired to debate.

  "Enjoy your dinner, ma'am," he said as he inclined his head toward her and left the room.

  The food made her stomach grumble, but first things first. A change of clothes. She did not want to attempt a meal with tulle stuffed up under her chin.


  Nothing Personal

  The moment she stepped into the dressing room it hit her. There was no way she could get out of her wedding dress without help. It was after one in the morning, and she had no idea where Leland had gone, or for that matter, her new husband. So who could assist her?

  Maybe if she opened the door and yelled for help someone would come running. Faith pondered that option as she stepped out.

  The hall was long and led to another set of double doors at the end.

  Was that Ryan's room?

  She maneuvered the dark hallway until she reached the door at the opposite end from her own. She placed her ear against the door, listening for any sounds. Nothing. Well, whoever was in there was about to be awakened because she wasn't going to eat or sleep in her wedding dress.

  Three swift knocks and she stepped back to wait. No answer. Maybe the room was empty and she was wasting her time. She knocked again, this time louder, and the door flung open, light shining on her from the brightly lit bedroom.

  Ryan was still in his tux pants, but he'd removed the jacket and tie and almost completely unbuttoned the shirt.

  Faith tried to find her voice, but the sight of her bare-chested husband took her breath away. He had an impressive build and a firm, muscular chest with a sprinkling of dark, curling hair.

  He leaned against the doorway waiting for her to speak. "Did you want something?" he asked.

  "I...I need some help." Now she stammered like a teenager. Wonderful impression she was making on her new husband.

  "What kind of help?"

  He didn't even invite her in. She felt like a salesperson attempting to sell a vacuum cleaner, fully expecting to have the door slammed in her face at any moment.

  "I can't unbutton my dress."

  Was she speaking another language? Why was he frowning?

  "What do you mean?" he asked. 39

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  "I mean this," she said with more than a little frustration. She was tired, hungry and wanted to get out of the dress now more than anything in the world. "Look," she said and turned around for him to see her dilemma.

  "I see. Okay, let's go."

  "Go? Go where?" By the time she had the words out Ryan was heading towards her room. She lifted her skirt and hurried after him.

  He entered her bedroom and waited for her to catch up. "Turn around," he commanded.

  Faith did as she was told, more than a little embarrassed to have her new husband undressing her, despite the fact it was exactly what should happen on her wedding night. On a normal wedding night, maybe, but not this one.

  She tried to stand patiently while Ryan slowly slipped each satin covered pearl button from its tiny loophole. But his touch did things to her sense of equilibrium. She shivered each time his warm knuckles brushed the bare skin of her back.

  "Are you cold?" Ryan's voice whispered softly against her ear.

  "Not really."

  "You're shivering."



  "I don't know." Liar.

  Ryan's hands stilled. "Does my touch bother you?"

  His touch most definitely bothered her. But not in the way he thought.

  "No, it's fine. Go ahead."

  She steeled herself against any more outward signs of his effect on her. It wouldn't do at all to fall into bed with him, no matter how much his skin on hers made her tingle. She'd made a bargain for two months and needed that time to get to know her new husband.


  Nothing Personal

  These were new sensations, new feelings, and her senses were already on overload from the day's events. She couldn't handle much more without a complete meltdown.

  But then his hands moved lower as he freed the buttons near her bottom. The chills returned.

  "I think there's enough undone now that I can get out of this thing,"

  she stammered.

  "Just a few more," he said, ignoring her request. Obviously his touch on her skin didn't affect him at all. "Do you need me to help you take it off?"

  "No!" Faith cringed, not meaning for her denial to sound so forceful.

  She turned to Ryan. His gray eyes darkened like smoldering storm clouds. Maybe he wasn't so oblivious to the contact between them. "What I meant to say was, I can get this off by myself. But thank you, anyway."

  He threw her a crooked smile. Now that her dress was all but slipping off her body, why didn't he leave?

  "I'll just wait here while you change, in case you need me again. No need wandering the halls half-naked for help."

  Half-naked. Her cheeks flushed with heat. The dress was completely open in the back, and she had her hands firmly pressed against her chest to keep it from dropping to the floor. "It's almost falling off me right now, Ryan. I hardly think I'll need any more assistance. But thank you for your help. Goodnight."

  Hoping he'd grab a clue that she wanted to be alone to undress, she fled to the dressing area.

  The satin nightgown. She had no other choice. It was either that or eat her sandwich naked. Bet Ryan would like that. The way his eyes had gleamed when he saw her in her wedding gown led her to believe there might be a spark of interest.

  She pushed the thought aside. Ridiculous. Ryan McKay had never been interested in her. Why would he be? She was nothing like the women he escorted. Not even close. 41

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  Attempting to redirect her thoughts to her hunger, she removed her underthings and slipped the gown over her head. Unable to resist, she ran her hands down the cool satin. A quick glance in the mirror shocked her. The gown molded to her body like a lover's hand, clearly showcasing every minimal asset she had.

  Why hadn't she heard the door close? Surely Ryan had left by now.

  Faith waited a few more seconds for the sound of the door closing, but didn't hear anything.



  He was still there but his voice was muffled.

  "What are you doing?"


  "Oh." She peered around the doorway into the bedroom. He sat at the table next to her bed, eating one of the sandwiches Leland had fixed for her.

  "You haven't eaten yet, Faith. Come out and have one of these sandwiches."

  "No, that's okay. I'm not that hungry, really." Right. She was surprised Ryan couldn't hear her stomach grumbling in the other room.

  "Don't be ridiculous. Come out here now and eat with me."

  Fortunately the gown had a matching satin wrap that she quickly donned. Hunger won out over modesty. She wanted to get some food before he ate it all. She tightened the belt on the robe and entered the bedroom.

  As she crossed in front of him, his eyes widened. Faith clutched the edges of the robe over her chest, feeling less than adequate in a gown that should have been worn by a goddess like Erica, not by her. She didn't do it justice.

  "Hungry?" he asked.

  Faith nodded
. "Starving. I hadn't realized that I hadn't eaten until Leland mentioned something about food."


  Nothing Personal

  Ryan smiled. "I know. When I saw the food on the table my stomach reminded me I hadn't eaten since breakfast. You don't mind, do you?"

  "Why would I mind?" She grabbed a sandwich and tried not to shove it in her mouth. With as much dignity as she could muster considering the depth of her hunger, she took a bite of the delicious turkey sandwich.

  He sipped a glass of tea and watched her eat. At first she was self-conscious, but then her appetite took over and she downed the sandwich in no time flat.

  Satisfied, Faith sat back and took a drink. And still he stared at her.

  "Is something wrong?" She knew he wanted to say something, but didn't. She chewed her lip in anticipation.

  Without a word he reached across the table and drew his thumb against the corner of her mouth, then slowly dragged it across her bottom lip. Faith watched in rapture as he brought his thumb to his mouth and licked it with agonizing slowness.

  "You had mayonnaise on the corner of your lip," he said, his voice low and oh-so-sexy.

  Was he deliberately trying to drive her crazy? She grabbed the napkin and swept it across her mouth. "Thank you."

  His dark eyes warmed her. "It was my pleasure."

  She couldn't tear her gaze away from him, despite knowing she should stop whatever was happening between them. She simply could not deal with any more today.

  Thankfully, Ryan stood. "I'm sure you're tired. I'll let you get some sleep."

  Faith rose from the table, nodding. "Thank you for your help with the dress."

  "You're welcome," he said and stepped toward her, taking her hands in his. He pulled her against his chest and slid his arms around her back.

  The crisp hairs of his chest rubbed her breasts. The thin silk of the gown and robe did little to keep the heat of his body from hers. Her 43

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  nipples hardened against him, the rush of desire almost dropping her.

  Her limbs turned to gelatin and she felt weightless and lightheaded.

  "Two months, Faith," he said softly as his head dipped towards her.

  "That's a very long time. Are you sure?"

  This wasn't fair. No one had ever held her like this, made her feel such uncontrollable need. She wanted so much to experience these feelings, to step toward that desire and know what she hadn't known before. Blood pounded at her temples and liquid heat pooled deep within her. She was certain Ryan could sense her reaction because he tightened his hold on her, his hands softly kneading the muscles of her back, gradually sliding lower and lower.


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