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Nothing Personal

Page 13

by Jaci Burton

  Through a cloud of passion his velvet voice coaxed her, encouraged her to let go, to let him possess this secret part of her. Ecstasy was within her grasp, and finally she could hold back no longer. She arched her back and screamed as the orgasm overtook her. Her body writhed against his greedy mouth, as if she could somehow escape the intensity of the gift he gave her.

  He held her, stroked her until some semblance of sanity returned.

  Her breath came out in raspy moans as she struggled for coherent thought.

  Before she could gather her composure he laid his body over hers, a satisfied glint in his smoke-filled eyes. He positioned his cock against her throbbing core, awakening it yet again as he slid slowly and delicately along its slick folds.

  "I've waited an eternity to make love to you, Faith."

  His words brought stinging tears to her eyes as the sincerity of them tugged at her heart. She raised her hips and wrapped her legs around him, feeling the tip of his shaft penetrate her, her moist heat welcoming him until one quick thrust later he slid inside her completely.

  There was very little pain. She was beyond feeling anything but the satisfying fullness of him as he withdrew and entered her again.

  Incapable of words, she clutched at him, only able to gasp her delight as tears rolled over her cheeks. She hoped he'd understand the intensity of the experience--what it meant to her. They weren't tears of sadness, but joy that such delight existed. That it could be this way between two people.

  "It's heaven on earth to be inside you," he breathed in short rasps against her ear. 129

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  She threaded her fingers through his hair and pulled his head back.

  Their eyes met, their lips tangling together in wild abandon as he steadily increased his thrusts.

  She felt that sweet tension build again as he lengthened within her, his strokes measured and quickening like his breathing, taking her with him in a wild storm of passion. He moved, and she met his thrusts with an arch of her hips. His hands swept over her fevered flesh like a reverent caress, urging the raging storm inside her. The jolt was like rapid lightning, arcing through her ever faster. When she whimpered, feeling the tempest approaching, he roared out her name as he spilled inside her. She went with him gladly, both her body and her heart forever a part of him.

  She was his.

  Long moments passed before Faith could breathe normally. Their sweat-soaked bodies remained joined. She didn't want to be separated from him.

  For the first time in her life, she belonged to someone.

  She belonged to Ryan. Maybe not forever, but for now she was his, and he belonged to her. Only her.

  He swept the moist tendrils of her hair away from her face and smiled down at her. "Are you all right?"

  She nodded and stroked his back. "Never better."

  "Did I hurt you?"

  "Not at all."

  He cradled her face in his hands. "I need to ask you a question."

  She nodded.

  "Why now? Why tonight? What changed your mind?"

  "You mean about making love?"

  He nodded and smiled sheepishly. "I have to admit, I tried everything to get you in bed. Jewelry, a new wardrobe, even the trip to Hawaii. And nothing. So why now?"


  Nothing Personal

  She should have been angry with him, trying to buy her virginity like that, but she wasn't. On some level she understood the type of women Ryan normally associated with. He could buy his way into their beds. But that didn't work on her.

  "It was the kitten."

  His eyes widened in surprise. "The kitten? Why?"

  She smiled and ran her fingertip along his jaw, loving the erotic feel of his stubble against her skin. "You brought me that kitten because I felt bad, and you wanted to make me feel better. That's what convinced me."

  "The kitten?"


  "I didn't get you the kitten to get you into bed, Faith."

  "I know. But Ryan, the best gift is always the one that comes from the heart."

  His eyes clouded over and he bent down, touching his forehead to hers. Then he took her lips in a tender kiss. She felt his heart in that kiss--the depth of feeling he was unable to verbalize.

  "You amaze me, Faith. Every damn day you amaze me."

  "Is that a good thing?"

  He nodded. "A very good thing." He rolled away and trailed his finger over her stomach and hips. She shivered at the loss of his warmth against her skin.

  "Are you sure I didn't hurt you?"

  "On the contrary, I've never felt so good. Now I wish I hadn't insisted on waiting so long. Why didn't you tell me what I was missing?"

  He rolled his eyes and grabbed her around the waist, tickling her.

  She squealed with laughter and grabbed for him, discovering he was extremely ticklish himself. He jumped off the bed and headed into the bathroom. 131

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  She followed behind him, admiring his magnificent rear end with a new wifely appreciation. "Well, you're the expert here. How was I supposed to know how great it was going to be?"

  He turned on the shower and leaned against the bathroom counter, ogling her. She should have felt self-conscious, but didn't. He'd already seen everything anyway, had touched her in ways more intimate than anything she could have imagined. Modesty would be pointless from here on out.

  "And if I had told you what you were missing, would you have believed me?"

  Her lips quivered in a futile attempt to remain straight-faced.

  "Probably not. I didn't think you really wanted me anyway."

  "Didn't want you? I've wanted you from the minute I saw you in that wedding dress, looking like a princess. As soon as I touched you, I knew I had to have you."

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the oversized shower, turning her back to him so he could soap her. "Besides," he added as he lathered her back, "you insisted on a waiting period so you could be convinced of my incredible charm before agreeing to gift me with your virginity."

  She laughed at him, half turning to stick out her tongue. "I'm still waiting to see this so-called incredible charm of yours."

  He pulled her around, slid his soapy hands around her and grabbed her ass, pulling her tight against him. Her eyes widened as she felt his growing erection.

  "It's right here," he said with a mischievous grin.

  She threw her head back and laughed, then slid her arms around his neck, wiggling closer to his hardened length. "Charming," she replied as she opened her lips for his kiss. "Incredibly charming."


  Nothing Personal

  Chapter Eleven

  He'd created a sex monster.

  Ryan propped his exhausted head on the pillows and listened to Faith singing in the shower. The predawn light filtered through the curtains in their bedroom, promising a warm and sunny day.

  He wished he could stay in bed through all of it and catch up on the sleep he'd lost the past few weeks.

  The woman was insatiable, wanting him all hours of the day and night. Scandalous too, seducing him in his office in broad daylight, hundreds of staff members just down the hall.

  He'd tried to resist, he really had, but finally just gave up, realizing he'd have to stand ready to appease the lust-starved dynamo he'd married.

  No doubt about it, he was having the time of his life.

  He grinned as he listened to her sing, cheerful as she could be. She wasn't getting much sleep either, yet didn't seem to care.

  Life with Faith was full of surprises and Ryan thought he was long past surprise. He knew women well. Knew how to seduce them, what pleased them, how to let them down with kind words and token gifts so there were never any hard feelings. Yeah, he knew how to buy them off.

  He thought he knew everything.
/>   Wrong. He didn't know Faith.

  The fact she'd made love with him because he'd brought her the kitten touched him. But he didn't tell her that. He'd been taught quite well never to reveal his emotions to anyone. His grandfather had never been comfortable with any type of outburst or expression of feelings. 133

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  Whenever Ryan had reacted emotionally to his grandfather, he'd received a lecture. Emotions made one vulnerable.

  And Ryan McKay was never vulnerable.

  So he enjoyed the time he spent with Faith. Which didn't mean he had feelings for her. He couldn't have feelings for her, wouldn't allow it.

  The last thing he needed was to fall in love with his wife. That wasn't in the plan.

  "Morning, tiger," she purred as she exited the dressing area clad in a skimpy towel. She leaned over and kissed him.

  He admired her legs. "Are you talking to me or the ferocious beast trying to grab your towel?"

  She followed his eyes to the kitten who'd trailed a loose thread from the towel, attacking it with all the tenacity of a jungle cat. Tiger even growled--mewled was more like it, but to the kitten it was surely a fierce roar.

  She laughed. "You're my big tiger, he's the little one."

  "Your big tiger is exhausted. Are you trying to kill me so you can take all my money?"

  She gave him a look that melted him to the mattress. The same one that crossed her face three or four times a day. The one that never failed to arouse him. She stroked him over the covers, once again firing up his passion. With a sigh he scooted over for her to join him.

  "At least we'll both die satisfied," she said with a wicked smile. As she wrapped her hand around his rapidly hardening flesh, he let loose a low growl of his own.

  Oh, the sacrifices a man had to make to keep his wife happy.


  They were going to have a mystery date. Faith couldn't be more excited if she were seventeen years old. Ryan told her he'd pick her up at eight, and to wear comfortable, casual clothing.


  Nothing Personal

  And then he told her to wait for him out front, instead of inside.

  What was the man up to?

  She was about to find out as she saw headlights coming up the drive.

  That wasn't his car. It was a big SUV.

  Ryan pulled around the circular drive and hopped out to open the car door.

  "Good evening, wife," he said with a boyish grin.

  Though he'd said the word before--wife--it held new meaning now.

  Before it had seemed fake. After making love with Ryan, it seemed real.

  "Evening, husband," she replied. "Where are we going?"

  "It's a surprise. Hop in."

  She slid inside, running her hands over the leather seats. The vehicle had every gadget imaginable inside. If it were any bigger they could live in it. "Whose SUV is this?"

  He shrugged. "Ours. I bought it today. Like it?"

  She looked around. "Yes, but it's huge." She met his amused gaze.

  "You bought it today? Why?"

  "I needed it for our date tonight."

  "You needed it bought this monstrous vehicle just for our date?"

  "Uh huh."

  She couldn't begin to imagine why they needed a house on wheels.

  What on earth did he have planned for tonight?

  He kept her guessing as they drove outside the city to a neighboring town, fairly small by Las Vegas standards. More like a bedroom community, where all the amenities of suburban life could be found.

  Like a drive-in movie.

  She'd never have guessed it. "You're kidding."

  "No, I'm not. Have you ever been to a drive in?"

  "Of course I have," she lied.

  "Really." He cast her a dubious look. "When?" 135

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  "I thought so." He pulled into a spot near the rear, centering them in front of the screen. He kissed her cheek. "You know I love to be the one to give you all these firsts."

  She shivered as his breath tickled her ear. The warmth in his voice held a promise she had grown accustomed to hearing.

  They had popcorn, soda and a candy bar. He made her feel like a teenager on her first date. The movie began, and he held her hand. It was a date movie, about a couple obviously wrong for each other. They surmounted incredible odds, including their own stubborn hearts, until they finally realized their love and couldn't live without the other.

  Faith was into it, enjoying every romantic moment.

  Until suddenly a hand snaked to her breast and squeezed gently.


  He laughed. "Would you like to go make out in the backseat?"

  "You can't be serious."

  He inched closer, sliding his hand along her thigh, his lascivious grin making her laugh.

  "Aww c'mon, baby." he teased. "Just a little kiss. You know I'll respect you in the morning."

  How could she resist an offer like that? His outrageous charm thrilled her. "Well, okay, but only if you promise to behave."

  They hurriedly crawled into the roomy backseat, and Faith was surprised to find herself actually feeling shy. As if she really were a teenager in the throes of her first romance.

  But then reality took hold as Ryan gathered her in his arms and lowered his mouth to hers.

  She sighed and let herself be swept away. By the romance, the thrill, the heart-shattering intensity of his ever deepening kiss. Her mind numbly registered the movie's dialogue. The hero and heroine confessed their love for each other, and how foolish they'd been to ever think that one could live without the other.


  Nothing Personal

  She felt the same way.

  Ryan pressed her back onto the leather seat and slid on top of her, smiling in the dark, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. Her thoughts ran rampant. What if someone walked by? The windows were tinted--no one could see. What if someone heard? The movie was loud enough to block out any sounds from other vehicles. What if...

  Oh, the hell with it.

  She wound her legs around his back and pulled him against her moistening heat. In desperate need, she wrestled with untucking his shirt until, with one hand, he yanked it over his head. She buried her hands in the crisp curls on his chest, her fingertips lightly grazing his hardening nipples.

  He sucked in a breath and crashed down on her, crushing her delightfully with his weight. He moved against her, the feeling so erotic because they were still partly clothed, almost as if they were doing something they shouldn't.

  Actually, they were doing something they shouldn't. Which made it all the more thrilling.

  His hands roamed her body, over her clothes, flicking her nipples with the tips of his fingers, then with just a gentle touch, caressing them with his fingertips. She died in ecstasy. The heat of his hands seared through her thin bra and tank top. He followed his touch with his mouth, cupping her breasts between his lips. His hot tongue melted through her clothes, flaming her senses until she was delirious.

  "Ryan, please."

  He leaned back and swept his gaze over her, his breathing as ragged as hers. "What do you want, Faith?"

  She reached for the waistband of his shorts. No zipper, thankfully.

  She tugged them down over his hips and he grinned at her.

  "Want me?"

  "Yes," she managed through rapid breaths. "Now, Ryan. Now." 137

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  He met her demands with fervor, yanking her shorts down and throwing them on the floor along with his own.

  There wasn't even time to completely undress. She needed him, wanted him, right now.

  With a savage groan he plunged inside her, covering her moans with his mouth. His tongue matched hi
s movements, driving her wild with soul-shattering sensation.

  She tightened her legs around him and rose to meet his every thrust until they were both drenched in sweat and racing toward the finish line together.

  With a muffled gasp she buried her face in his neck and moaned his name as her orgasm hit with furious intensity, carrying him along with her in a fantastic rush of pleasure.

  Their sweat-soaked bodies clung to each other. With Ryan still on top of her, Faith was unable to move.

  The night, the date, the lovemaking--everything was perfect. Ryan had become utterly unpredictable, and never ceased to surprise her.

  He feathered light kisses against her brow and touched her lips gently. "How about a hot dog? I'm starving."

  She laughed, her heart full of love for the man who'd changed her world.

  Ryan had no idea how the movie ended. Nor did they ever get that hot dog. But Faith exclaimed with great pride that they were now experts on lovemaking at the drive-in.

  They walked into the house well after midnight, still laughing over their fumbling attempts to find their clothes which had somehow scattered from the back to the front of the SUV.

  "Looks like you two had a good evening."

  James stood in the entryway, glaring at them.


  Nothing Personal

  "Did we stay out past curfew?" Ryan was in too good a mood to be irritated by his cousin. The evening with Faith had turned out better than even he could have imagined.

  "Hardly," James said with a thinly disguised sneer. "Just got in myself. So where were you off to tonight?"

  "We went to the drive in," Faith said.

  James raised a brow. "Really? Whatever for?"

  She turned to Ryan and they both broke out in a fit of laughter.

  "To see a movie, of course," she replied, muffling her giggles behind her hand.

  "And what movie was that?"

  They walked past him and headed upstairs arm in arm.

  "I don't recall," she said and waved goodnight.

  Ryan stopped to watch her sway into their bedroom, remembering the feel of that sassy behind in his hands, the way she moaned and wiggled and...damn he'd had a great time tonight.

  He'd meant it to be fun for her, because she deserved it after putting up with him for so long. And she'd made his life enjoyable for the first time in...well, forever.


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