Side Show: Lust & Chrome duet

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Side Show: Lust & Chrome duet Page 5

by Gigi Birtie

  “I'm sorry Dane. I'm not sure why you're even here, after the way I acted. I could have handled everything better than how I did. However, it was easy to believe all those rumors after your confession about Otto’s brake line.” I turn in Dane's arms this time, laying face to face now with his arms now snaking up my back. I look up to his face as he looks down on mine with our eyes locked.

  “Let’s be better friends Sloane, ones that will build a solid friendship on trust between ourselves, and not based on lies that others like to tell about us.” His eyes are soft and full of promise.

  “Okay, I would like that.” I whisper.

  I relax and rest my head on his chest loving how he's been lightly rubbing my back this whole time that I've flipped over. I let out a soft sigh and Dane kisses my forehead. I close my eyes and just live in this very sweet moment and try to enjoy what's happening between us. I've been deprived an emotional human connection since freshman year, I could feel how my body craved more of the contact and attention. Every hair on my body is standing at attention with a warm wave of goosebumps spreading across my entire body. With a slight moan I close my eyes and enjoy all the sensations my body is experiencing.

  The next thing I knew, I was asleep again this time though I was having a very erotic dream of Dane and myself. It's like I could feel his hands all over my body, exploring every inch. I arched at every touch begging for more. Dane slides my panties down my legs taking them completely off. His soft touch of his fingertips coming crawling back up to my knees and as he rests his hands there while taking in my naked form, Dane starts to spread my legs to where I can accommodate him between my thighs. The closer he gets the faster I pant as I anticipate him entering my body. As I'm about to enjoy the sensation of him sliding in, I'm suddenly jostled awake.

  “Noooooooooo.” I say with a soft sigh.

  Suddenly, I hear laughing by my ear.

  “Sloane,” Dane says. “Your dream is giving me the worst case of blue balls right now. Can we turn the channel, or can we make those dreams come true?” Dane laughs again.

  I'm glad it's slightly dark in the lounge or Dane would see how bewildered my eyes were still trying to grasp what's happening. I've always been slow to wake up.

  “What do you mean Dane, what if my dream wasn't erotic as what you're thinking?” I say with a heavy raspy sleepy voice trying to down play the situation.

  “Sloane, with the way your hand was clenched onto my arm, the bucking and grinding your hips into me, and all the moaning you were doing; its safe to say that I want to make your dream a reality." He says softly while gently rubbing the side of my neck with his nose.

  I close my eyes when he says my name with promise and enjoy the touch of his hand roaming my body.

  I can feel Dane's grip against my ass cheek which causes my chest to warm up and I too grin at the possibilities.

  “As much as I would enjoy seeing if my dream is as good as the real thing, you're going to have to earn it. I haven't slept with anyone for little over three years and despite what my body wants my mind is the true decision maker.” I end with confidence.

  If this is going to happen then I'm still going to want it to happen right. I may love all things guys do, but I'm still a woman at the end of the day. And I love all the hearts and flowers that come with dating.

  Dane kisses my forehead rolls me back to being little spoon.

  “This way there's no temptation to have your way with me while I sleep Miss Cates.”

  I giggle at Dane's joking around.

  “Good I need my sleep, before I have to go to school in the morning anyway.”

  “You're going to school?” He sounds surprised.

  “Yes, the school semester is almost over, I can't miss too many more days if I want to keep any of my scholarships.”

  “Oh, I see. Well how are you getting there then? Will you be able to drive?”

  His concern was endearing making my chest warm. I look in his green eyes and smile.

  “No, I'll walk. It's only a mile.” I say with a slight laugh.

  “I'll give you ride and pick you up.”

  “That's ridicules. You have a life Dane, go live it. Carve me out some time after your game this weekend though, and we'll hang out.” My voice sounded hopeful, not at all as the cool chick vibe I wanted to come across as.

  “Are you sure? I think I'll enjoy taking care of you.”

  Dane's rubbing my hip at a soothing pace.

  “Seriously I'm fine, but I'll take a ride to school and that's all.”

  I seriously don't need a shuttle service, though my driver here is easy on the eyes.

  “Okay, just wake me when you're ready to go.”

  “Thanks Dane.”

  Looking at the time, it's only two in the morning.

  I smile into my pillow, closing my eyes and have the feelings of being the happiest I've been in long time. Having all these feelings ignited by the way this man speaks to me, touches me, and comes across as truly genuine; makes my body feel out of control with emotion. I'm excited in seeing how this will all work out, but first sleep or school will be brutal.

  Chapter 6

  I woke up earlier than normal. I had too much sleep yesterday, plus I didn't eat. That and I knew my shower was going to take longer than normal, since I had to bag my hand and wash with only the other one. Dane had offered to help me, but I figured after our official second or third date I'd let him have his way with me. My cheeks pink up just thinking about his hands washing my body. Oh boy, did I know how to day dream about this man. I shook that thought quickly though, or else I would end up being in here for another hour with my vibrator.

  Once I emerged from the bathroom dressed, in one of my bitching Kill Yourself or Die Trying crop tops and some skinny ripped up jeans, I was ready to start my day. I make my way to the kitchen, and see Dane had breakfast for me at the counter.

  I stood there blinking a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Hell, the last time anyone made me close to a real breakfast was Reese, throwing me a package of unopened pop tarts and calling it good.

  Here I had scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast with butter and raspberry jam.

  “Oh my god Dane! Thank you! I'm starving!” I say, as I sit and take my first bite.

  I look up and Dane is just smiling at me, like a cat that ate a canary.

  “Why are you smiling at me like that? Did you drop these eggs on the floor?”

  “What? No,” he laughs out. “I'm just glad to see you moving around and eating is all.”

  “You're weird, you know that, right?“ I laugh.

  “Only when it comes to you it seems so, and yes I've noticed and it's annoying.” Dane says, while rolling his eyes.

  “Are you going to get in trouble for missing practice?” I ask through a mouth full of toast.

  “No, I should be fine I just might not get to play in Saturday's game.”

  “Oh, I'm sorry Dane, I know all those games are important. Please stop trying to help me if it's going to jeopardize your future.”

  Dane just looks at me like I've grown two heads and I'm talking in a foreign language that he doesn't understand. “What did I say?” I ask as I take another bite of my bacon.

  “Don't worry about me and football Sloane, I'll be just fine if I don't make it into the NFL.”

  That is the oddest thing I have ever heard come out of a man before. Most guys who don’t even get the chance to play college ball, want to have the chance to play in the big leagues.

  “Well, since we’re in the getting to know one another phase; can I ask if you don't go on in football what are you working towards as your major?”

  “That's funny you asked. Everyone just assumes all I want is football or would do sports medicine or anything sports related, but my major is in English.”

  My mouth drops open in complete shock.

  “What? Don't give me that look, Sloane, it's not a bad major. Tell me what are you planning on going into hot shot?
” Dane says with a smirk.

  “I…umm…I plan on making photography my major.” I utter in barely a whisper.

  I'm so thrown off by his major, as I too am as guilty as all the others, who woudn't assumed he would be working towards something in sports. I feel awful for making a snap judgment again about Dane. So, I keep my eyes down not wanting to look at him and show my guilt.

  “What college are you planning on going to Slone?” He asks, pulling me back out of my thoughts. I cringe, as I'm still undecided, and I need to choose by the end of this month which is only two weeks away.

  “I'm not sure. I was excepted to apply at all the schools I want to attend, but I'm narrowing down my first choice now.”

  “Did you apply to Cal?”

  I can hear the hopefulness in Dane's tone.

  “I did, but I'm not sure attending there is a smart decision.”

  I really don't want to be under the watchful eye of Reese.

  “Why wouldn't it be? It has an excellent photography program there.”

  “Yes, but Cal isn't as known for that as their specialty programs in the arts. I want to make sure I get the best education money can buy, sadly I'm sensing that is maybe in NYC.” I say, letting out that a possible decision is going to be moving to New York.

  “You're considering moving across the country for school?” He grinds out.

  “I don't know yet, but yeah it's a possibility, all depends on some new things that have recently developed whether where I attend.”

  Dane stares at me for a beat. “Well, you have to do what's best for you and the education you want, but I'm definitely going to be working hard to make you see the best option is here.” He grabs my good hand that was just resting on the counter, leans in and starts licking my fingers.

  Oh, wow a shiver runs up my arm and shoots to my heart, making it pick up its pace.

  “Whoa,” I breathlessly say, before he lightly bites my finger tip. He releases my hand leaving me in a bit of a daze.

  “Are you ready to go, Sloane?” He purrs.

  He clearly knows how he makes me fell.

  I bring my hand to my slightly wet hair and fix myself.

  “Yes.“ I clear my throat that is thick with emotion and desire.

  I get up grabbing my backpack, and Dane joins me as he grabs his backpack as well. I leave my dishes on the counter, since I will clean up when I got home from school. We round the counter together and make our way down the hall towards the garage. I open the door and I see the mess of oil has been all wiped up. I turn around and ask Dane, “Hey, did you clean up that oil spill that I slipped in here?”

  Smiling at me, he replies, “Yeah, I couldn't rest knowing you like a clean garage more than any room in your house.” He laughs.

  “How did you know that?” I demand in a playful tone, while smiling ear to ear.

  “You're a car chick, a classic car chick at that, it's a given, and I was right.” He laughs again.

  He was very right. That spill was in the back of my mind the whole time I was in Dane's nest the last day and a half and to say it wasn't driving me crazy was an understatement.

  “Did you happen to look where the oil was coming from?

  “I looked under your car, but I couldn't find the source, I don't think it came from the Olds, I checked all your fluids and they were all right on the money. So, I'm not sure.” Dane says.

  Right then I knew someone had been in my garage. I didn't see it when I pulled in though, but I rounded the opposite side of where it was spilled, or it happened after Dane and I pulled in. All of a sudden, I remember that odd girl looking for Reese.

  I stop in my tracks. Reaching to pull my phone out of my back pocket, and I call Reese.

  “Damn it, Sloane. The one morning I get to sleep in.”

  Reese sounds pissed. Too bad

  “Hey, I just remembered something, there was a girl at the house looking for you the other day. She was dressed odd and looked half crazed do you have a clue who that might be?”

  “Can you be anymore vague that's half the women at my school.” Reese laughs but stops short.

  “Wait, was she wearing a tube top, crazy hair with makeup everywhere?”

  “Yeah! That was her, I think she may have found her way in the house but when I found her she was outside by the garage door. That oil I slipped in was not from my car, Dane looked when he was cleaning up.”

  I hear Reese's teeth grinding to break his deep concentration I ask again. “So, do you know her?”

  “Yeah I know her, is Dane with you?”

  I look to Dane and concern was written all over his face, with his shoulders very tense.

  “Yeah, he's taking me to school right now. Why?”

  “Let me talk to him.”

  I hand my phone over to Dane without saying anything.

  I try to listen, but I can't hear a word. I watch Dane's body, and what I thought looked like he was tense before doesn't come close to how much more ridged he becomes, as he listens to Reese. He has his eyes down cast, but he knows I'm watching him.

  Suddenly, his eyes swipe my body. A frown mars his beautiful face.

  “Okay, I'll tell her, but you should have done that as soon as you had any idea about this broad.”

  Dane sounds mad, while putting my brother in his place. They had to be close friends, because not just anybody could talk to Reese like that and not get punched.

  Dane hands me back my phone after he ends the call with a softer expression on his face for me.

  I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and shove my phone in my back pocket.

  “What's up Dane? What's going on?”

  Dane closes the small distance between us wrapping both of his arms around my waist hugging me close to him.

  I look up into his beautiful green eyes, not even wanting to know what's happening but rather taking a moment to get lost in the depths of his green eyes. I smile at him while falling deep in that moment.

  Dane doesn't answer me right away, it looks like he's having his own moment with me as well. His arms tighten around me further, pressing me harder into his body.

  “Dane.” I breathe out, and he loosens his hold on me when I didn't want him to.

  “Okay, it's nothing too bad, but it should have been told to you, so you could take extra precautions in locking up and being more aware of your surroundings.”

  “What are you talking about, what extra precautions?” I feel so confused.

  “Well it looks like your brother has a bit of a stalker, which I find hilarious, since most women want nothing to do with him after he does the whole love’em and leave’em routine.”

  My laughter bubbles up, as I realize what he's getting at. So, Reese has his first jilted ex-lover slash stalker.

  “That's too hilarious Dane.” I grab my sides as they're starting to hurt from laughing. Dane finally lets me go but takes my hand to walk me towards his truck.

  “Yeah, well, you'll need to come stay with us, until a security system is put in at your place.”

  I can't believe he thinks I'm going to be staying with him and my brother at the dorms while a security system is put in. That's a definite no.

  “Look here, I appreciate that you want to make sure I'm taken care of, but there is no way that I am staying at your dorm room with my brother. I'll be fine, and I'll take extra measures in locking up the house, so no one gets in, but absolutely not, no way, am I sharing a room with you two together.” I made sure I was firm in stating what I wasn't doing. I haven't had to share a room with Reese since I was six and I still have nightmares about his clothes piled in the corner and what could live in that mess.

  “Okay, I understand. We can stay at one of my dad’s houses in the Berkeley hills or over in Piedmont then. You can't stay at home by yourself anymore. Those days are over.”

  I step back from Dane. Did I just hear him right? Never be alone again. There's no way I can do that, I like my solitude. Plus, my Je Joue rab
bit will want some alone time after all this cuddling that's been going on the last two days.

  “No! That's not going to happen!!” I'm ready to argue my case, but Dane cuts me off.

  “This isn't up for discussion Sloane, this is the way it's going to be. Even if we didn't meet, your brother would be moving home to make sure you had someone here after what this girl has done. It's more than what you've just seen and with someone that mental, it's not the time to not take this seriously. So, whatever you're going to say, you lose, cause either your brother will be with you or your father can come home until you graduate. It's up to you.”

  Dane lays it all out there in what my options are. I personally didn't like any of them.

  “Come on; I need to get you to school, so get in.”

  Dane opens the truck door, and as I am looking at the height and trying to figure out a way of getting into the truck, Dane is already lifting me up by my waist and puts me in the passenger side seat. I can't help but smile at how sweet that just was and Dane smiles right back at me as he squeezes my thigh sending a chill through my body

  He closes the truck door and I watch him close the garage before coming back to the truck and stepping up to get in. It's not that much of a height issue for him as it was for me.

  “Look I'm going to stay at Mona's tonight, so you can have a moment not thinking how you're going to fix this very odd situation. She lives in a fortress with 24-hour staff and security, but I need you to relax on me, we’ve just met, and this isn't how I want to start a relationship under stress.”

  I soften my face and grab his hand, “now let's just chill on all this urgency ok?” My thumb begins to rub circles on the back of his hand and he visibly relaxes.

  “Okay, I'll chill the fuck out, but we can't start a relationship if something happens to you. Understand?” Dane says.

  I smile at his concern.

  He holds my hand or try's too since it's my broken hand the whole way to school which I'm slightly late for. I'm glad that I am since there won't be a crowd of people out front wondering who this is giving me a ride to school.


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