Side Show: Lust & Chrome duet

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Side Show: Lust & Chrome duet Page 6

by Gigi Birtie

I say goodbye to Dane and thank him for the ride.

  “Call me when you get free time, later or tomorrow whenever. Don't feel like you need to check up on me.” I lean over and grab a quick kiss, but as I pull away Dane's hand tangles in my hair as he pulls me back for a longer and deeper kiss.

  “I'll call you later today.” He says against my lips. As he pulls back, he stares into my eyes while his hand slides down my neck, sending a shiver through my whole body.

  I just laugh at my body’s reaction to Dane's touch.

  I give him one more peck on the lips and I jump out of the truck, not too gracefully since it's so high up. I turn looking at him one last time, smile and shut the door and stroll into my school.

  I can't believe I've met a guy my brother doesn't mind that I hang out with. I finally get a shot at being a teenager in like not love yet and get to experience everything that my friends are, and damn if it doesn't feel good.

  Chapter 7

  After getting my late pass from the office, and being told I have detention after school for my 8th tardy, I make my way to home room. I walk straight to my seat in class that's situated next to Mona.

  Her eyes bulge at the sight of my bright orange cast.

  “What the fuck, Sloane?” She points to my arm.

  “I slipped and fell on some oil that spilled in my garage the other night.” I put my arm under my desk, so she'll stop staring.

  “Is that why you haven't been texting me back or taking my calls?” She asks.

  “Yes, amongst other reasons.” I blush while grinning from ear to ear.

  “What other reasons? Oohhh, don't tell me that hot guy from the other night at the club is other reasons?”

  I laugh at Mona's tone of implications, along with the expression of awe on her face.

  “Yes Mona, Dane is the other part why I wasn't calling anyone.”

  She smiles so big, flashing her beautiful white teeth at me.

  “No fucking way Sloane, your brother is going to kill him when he finds out.”

  “Well, actually he's Reese's roommate at the dorms, and Reese already knows.”

  Mona's jaw just drops. She's not saying a word just yet only staring at me with utter disbelief.

  “Girl, are you for real? Something isn't adding up here. Why would Reese, all of a sudden, be ok with a guy getting close to you that wants to defile his baby sister?” She laughs as she says defile, causing me to laugh with her. I can only hope that part happens soon. It's not like I'm a virgin but I might as well be, since it's been so long. Mona makes a good point about Reese though. I don't understand it yet, but I certainly don't want to question my brothers change of heart of me seeing anyone.

  “Look Mona, he's a great guy and actually some shit went down the other night as well and Dane helped me out. Reese has this weird stalker and I think she got into my garage somehow spilling that oil and when Dane was leaving;” I purposely left out why he was leaving and continue on, “that's when I slipped in the puddle and she was standing outside. It was a strange string of events.” I continue to tell her the rest of my time with Dane, how Reese took me to the ER, then Reese having Dane come back over again. She's listening to my every word like she's watching one of her damn soap operas on TV.

  “So, since they're installing some security system at the house can I stay with you tonight? Dane said I could stay with him at one of his dads houses, but I'd rather delay me being a dirty slut for him until after he's earned it.” I say winking at Mona.

  She breaks out into a boisterous laugh, causing everyone to turn towards us. Our teacher tells us to keep it down and reminds us that we should be using our time to study or get our assignments in order for the day.

  We both smile and go about looking like we're getting our work together for the day. Mona turns to me and whispers, “Of course, you can stay at my house, I'm alone tonight anyway so let's get Tala to come over too and we'll have a real girls’ night this time, no boyfriends and Tala and I can hear all about the new man in your life.”

  Mona's smile is so genuine, that it just makes my heart feel so full, at having such a beautiful and caring friend such as her.

  “So how long can you not drive for?” She asks.

  “2 weeks, then I go back to the doctor and they'll take the hard cast off. I'll have to wear a soft cast after that. It was just a hairline fracture, also I won't be able to go back to work either.” I explain. I'm actually happy about not having to go back to work at The Java Pit, making coffee was easy but at night it was so boring and almost a waste of my time, though I could never voice that as I would hate for it to get back to Mr. Cutter.

  “Why you took that job is just ridiculous. I mean you went in there to ask to hang your photography work up. Which you end up getting that and suckered into working there, it is so beyond me Sloane. Especially since you'll only be here for a couple more months before going off to college. Plus, your dad says your only job is school, he's going to be pissed. If Mr. Cutter blabs to him that he hired you, your ass will be grass”

  Shit, I didn't even think about any of that, but hopefully my dad will take this as me wanting to be more responsible in life. I doubt Mr. Cutter will have time to tell my dad, since he's been coming home less frequently, so I may be alright.

  “Oh, Mona he won't be that bad besides it's so part time it's like I'm not even working to begin with.”

  “If you say so, Sloane” Mona laughs as she rolls her eyes.

  The bell rings for next period.

  We both get up and start walking towards the door.

  Mona grabs my elbow and gently turns me around

  “Wait a second, you never said why you chose this shitious orange color for a cast. Are you wanting people to ask you all day what happened?” More laughter, as Mona holds my cast in her hands, looking at it like it's the ugliest thing she's ever touched.

  “No Mona, it was the only color they had.”

  “Yeah, sure it was.” She laughs again. “Cute, you already have your first autographs here.”

  Looking at where she pointed, I see a message from Reese saying; Those are the breaks Grace. I just roll my eyes at my brothers nickname for me. I've never been one to not stumble around or just fall over her own two feet. I wonder when he wrote that on there?

  Then I notice a cute little heart with Dane and my initials, I trace my fingertips over it and melt at the sweet gesture.

  I'm so lost in this sweet moment, that I didn't hear Mona digging in her bag for a sharpie.

  “I need my two cents on here too girly.” Mona says, laughing something evil and I'm now scared what exactly her two cents are going to be. As I look down, I notice she's not writing something clever. Oh no, she's drawing and before I can pull my arm away after I realize what it is, I have a big hot pink dick on my arm. I grimace at how good it actually looks.

  “Come on Mona, that's not cool. I have to wear this for the next two weeks.” I whine.

  “Sloane, you're already thinking about the D non-stop now, so might as well just have it out there.” She laughs.

  “That doesn't even make sense Mona!” I stomp my foot at her.

  “Think about it, see you in fourth period Grace.”

  She gives me a wink and turns to walk away.

  I hate when she uses my brother’s nickname. I know better than to ever let on how much I hate that name, as it will stick even more than it does.

  I turn to walk to my next class, that thankfully I have with Tala. I know Tala has some artistic skill, and since it's our art class, we can get away with the penis coverup project.

  I go through class having to tell Tala all the same stuff I just told Mona. Tala has the same sweet reaction as Mona, and I knew my friends would be happy for me in this new beginning with Dane.

  By the end of class, Tala turned Mona's dick into a space rocket which made me die laughing. I swear I still see the resemblance of a dick.

  At lunch Mona, Tala, and myself went to our local taqueria across f
rom The Java Pit. I was starving, and a big burrito was calling name.

  While we ordered, my phone was vibrating my ass off.

  I pull my phone out of my back pocket to see that I several messages from Reese and Dane, along with one from Mona saying to answer my damn texts. I look up at her and just laugh.

  I read Reese's texts first and he was just asking how my day was going and if everything was all right.

  I tap out a quick everything is good text and hit send.

  Then I look at Dane's text and it was along the same lines of asking me how my day was. He was so sweet and considerate. I thought for sure I wouldn't hear from him for at least a couple of days. He has so much to catch up on, with missing two days of school and practice. I know the coaching staff at Cal are very strict with their players and I'm sure after this afternoon’s practice he'll be wiped out. They have their last two games of the season coming up both being televised, and I know this is important because that's all Reese has been telling me for months. Every NFL recruiting team will be at these games, and this is when they start looking to see if you can make the cut.

  All I want to do is stay out of their way and be the last thing Reese and Dane worries about. With this next game on Saturday, I think I'll be able to avoid any complications.

  I text Dane back telling him my day has been uneventful except for this big ass burrito I was about to snarf down and I send him a picture of me about to take bite.

  Mona and Tala both laugh at me and of course I join in on the laughter.

  “I don't think we've ever seen you this cheesy before Sloane, I for one am loving it.” Mona says.

  “I have to agree with Mona, you seem so different after just two days. Normally, you'd be sitting here with a mean scowl on your face constantly looking at your watch, and what I would guess is you thinking of when you get to go do stupid shit at those side shows.” Tala plainly puts it out there.

  I guess its confession time from my friends.

  “Look I still like going to side shows and doing my photography, but with a fractured wrist I really can't do either. So, I'm just slowing down for the mean time, and I'm not done with either of those, by any means.”

  I give them both a stern look.

  “Okay, this isn't an attack on you, Sloane, but we are happy with the results that the last two days did. We just want you happy like we are with River and Rylan. You just seem like you've had this tough edge about you since that whole mess with Taze, and with Reese being so overly protective it's good that your walls are coming down. It's like the old Sloane, from way back, is finally back.”

  Mona had me really thrown, by all this talk of me being different from what had happened. I'm sure if I had told them the whole story of what went down they would understand why I was always on guard, why my attitude had to be tough and exactly why I had to be in survival mode.

  I could never forget what happened with Taze, if I did, that situation could be repeated. Taze can strike again, and he will take that opportunity to destroy me in any way he can.

  I had to shake the details of that day with Taze so long ago, before I start to cry. I already fell my eyes beginning to sting as my throat grew thick with emotion.

  I took the last bite of my burrito, chewed it up and swallowed it down. I seriously could live off these burritos.

  The girls finish their lunch just as I do, and we made our way back to school while talking about what we were going to do at Mona's for the night.

  Tala was coming over, which I was thankful for, so we all could really have a girls’ night in.

  As we were just setting foot on campus, a shadow fell in front of us. I shield my eyes I saw it was the same girl from the other night!

  I took a sharp inhale but calmed myself quickly. I need to find out what this crazy bitch wants with me and my brother.

  “I need to talk with, Sloane.” She bits out.

  She eyes Tala and Mona like she wants them to leave, but I give them both a look of concern.

  “Hey girls, wait for me a minute.” My voice sounds off.

  Mona looks like she knows something is up, as her whole body goes ridged, but her and Tala walk toward the steps of the school, that are only a few feet away. Once my girls were at a safe distance, I turned to the woman.

  “Well, you seem to know where I live, what my name is, plus where I go to school; but I don't have a clue in the slightest who you are. You feel like clueing me in here, before I kick your ass?”

  My whole body is vibrating with adrenaline as I look closer at her appearance. She wasn't that old just disheveled with ill fitting-clothes, crazy yet wild curly hair. If she had cleaned up a bit from the last time I encountered her, she could actually be very beautiful, but it was clear she was having a manic episode.

  “My name is Kat I use to date your brother. We had a good few of weeks and then out of the blue he told me he was drunk and was just out having a good time and that was all.” She took in a deep breath to steady herself, before she continued. “He led me on and hurt me in the end. Who says they were drunk for three weeks like you were a mistake from only the night before?”

  Yeah I had to agree with her, if that is true is a dick thing to say, but it didn't warrant her to stalk him through me.

  I take a deep breath and bring my hand to my face pinching the bridge of my nose.

  “Look, Kat, if that did happen then, yeah, that was a total dick move, and if I was you I would be pissed, but you're coming off as crazy right now. You need to check yourself, because you can't keep coming to my house and to my school to get to my brother through me. He won't be coming, he won't be here to see you.” Before I could finish my sentence, there they were running right towards us, Reese and Dane.

  Everything happened so fast, Kat pulled me to her then brandished a switch blade knife.

  “Fuck.” I hissed. The look on everyone's face let me know this was going to be a lot worse than I thought, and all of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my side then another in the same spot. I screamed at the pain, but then felt her knife at my throat. The guys stopped dead in their tracks. Kat’s breathing was ragged, behind me accompanied with some incoherent gibberish before she spoke up loud and clear.

  “You said you were drunk that I meant nothing to you Reese. Now I'm going to fuck you over like you did me and watch the same pain you caused me happen to you.” Kat finally spits out.

  What does that all even mean.

  She was shaking as she said these words. I knew she planned to stab me more in front of everyone. The knife was now pressing harder to my throat to where the warm sticky sensation was flowing down my neck.

  All of a sudden, it was like survival mode kicked in for me, I wasn't going to stand here and be Kat’s pin cushion, so she could hurt my brother. Looking at Dane's face, he was so pale, but his features were murderous. I wasn't about to lose my chance with him either by being killed, then I looked to Mona who had moved a lot closer, we exchanged a glance that I had to act fast as my side was getting very wet with warm blood and I was starting to feel weak, but Mona and I could take Kat down. As Kat was focused in on my brother, I gathered all my strength and flipped her over my shoulder, sort of I'm not that skilled, but it was pretty close. Then Mona grabbed Kat by her arm knocking the knife out of her hand. We took Kat to the ground and I crawled on top of her. I grabbed a good handful from her hair and slammed her face into the side walk. You could hear it as I broke her nose and blood sprayed everywhere. She throws her hand to her face and began to roll on the ground and I climbed off her. Mona took over after that, as I stood panting like I ran a marathon the adrenaline left my body and I stumbled as I heard the sirens. I heard the rush of bodies coming towards me. Which had me falter in my step and I lost my footing to where I began to fall, a strong set of muscular arms encircle my waist right away, I know it's Dane by the way I fit so perfectly to him. I relax and go limp.


  That was the last word I heard from Dane, bu
t I knew I was going to be safe, I was in Dane's arms. I felt him all around me, but a sudden need to sleep was beckoning to me something fierce.

  Chapter 8

  My mouth is as dry as the desert, and my eyes were extremely heavy. I tried to generate some moisture in my mouth, but it wasn't working. I slowly open my eyes and I feel someone squeeze my hand, I look to my right and I see Dane sitting in a chair by my bed.

  I smile the best I can, but everything ached.

  “Hi.” I barely get the whisper out.

  “Hey Sloane, how are you feeling?” Dane whispers back, with his eyes soft yet filled with concern.

  “I'm very thirsty and my body hurts everywhere.”

  I try to sit up but the weight of my limbs are too heavy to move. I let out a soft moan. Dane is now moving towards something behind me and I hear a voice come over an intercom, which is asking if help is needed.

  “Sloane is awake and she's in pain. She also needs something to drink now.” his tone is soft but clipped.

  I close my eyes knowing Dane is there taking care of me, but I feel his panic instantly.

  “Sloane!” He says patting my cheek a few times.

  Dane must have thought I passed out.

  I keep my eyes close but respond.

  “Don't worry I'm just resting my eyes, they're so heavy”

  I don't think I was ready to fully wake up, because when I opened my eyes again it was very dark in my room and Dane wasn't by my side anymore. My heart felt heavy with disappointment that he was gone. I look around the room and I see flowers and balloons everywhere but in the chair at the foot of my bed is Dane. He was curled up with a blanket. He looked worried even in his sleep. There was no peace across his face and that made me feel sad that I had caused that.

  Shifting to sit up, this time as I am more awake than last time, I see some water on the night stand by my hospital bed. I reach for it but before I get to it pain shoots up my side and I gasp at the stabbing needles generating through my body. Before I know it, Dane is right by my side again helping me breathe through the pain while helping me layback down.


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