Side Show: Lust & Chrome duet

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Side Show: Lust & Chrome duet Page 7

by Gigi Birtie

  He presses the call button again and this time a nurse comes in with a tray in her hand that had a little paper cup on it.

  “Welcome back lovely girl.” She says smiling at me and then to Dane.

  “I'm your nurse for the night. We took you off the morphine drip earlier and that's probably why you've been sleeping so long, but I brought you something a bit less intense so you can stay awake. Later today we're going to need you walking around so you can go home with this amazing boyfriend of yours.” She winks at me while handing me the paper cup.

  I take it happily but still thrown by her last words.


  “Well, the doctors will be in around nine am and right now it's only,” she looks at her watch, “four am. Definitely too early. Now if you have any discomfort or need anything further just give me a ring.” The nurse turns to Dane, “you too if you need any extra pillows or blankets let me know.” She smiles adjusts my bed to where I'm sitting a bit further up and turns to leave.

  Dane comes and rushes to my side and strokes his hand to the back of my cheek, I lean into his touch as my body was craving more contact

  “Don't pass back out on me this time, Sloane, I don't think I can handle that agony again”

  I felt confused, what did he mean pass back out? How many times have I woken and gone back into my deep sleep?

  “What do you mean? How long have I been sleeping?

  “Well you've been out for almost two days, you lost more blood than sustaining any substantial injuries, you're definitely a bleeder by the way,” he laughs at his own comment which makes me smile with him. “You had to get a blood transfusion, which I was I perfect match for. We're blood sisters now,” Dane laughs as he shows me his hand where they drew his blood. “Also, I had the best plastic surgeon in town stitch up your neck. There won't be any scars after his handy work heals.”

  My hand goes to my neck, I feel the bandage and it was right then that the tears of frustration spill over. Dane climbs onto my bed and he gently takes me in his arms. I melt into his form as he whispers reassuring words by my ear. I take a deep cleansing breath and wipe my nose on Dane's shoulder

  He laughs, “gross Sloane.”

  I lightly laugh with him.

  “Sorry,” I say with a smile. “So, where is everyone?”

  “Reese went back to school and your dad went home, they both needed the rest. Of course your friends have been by to see you too, especially Mona.”

  I lift my head from his shoulder.

  “My Pops is here? Oh, wait is Mona okay? One of the last things I recall is Mona taking over on that nut job Kat.” I ask.

  “Yes, Mona is fine. That girl can handle some serious business.” My face falls, but Dane instantly senses why. “You got in the hit that mattered Sloane, that shit and how you broke her nose was gnarly. You and Mona definitely aren't your typical girls that just pull hair.”

  The amazement on Dane's face makes my chest swell, I’ve never wanted to be known as defenseless, especially after Taze.

  “Anyway, your dad got here as soon as Reese called him, he's been so worried about his baby girl. I was able to convince him though, to go home and shower and rest for a bit. I like your dad Sloane he's a good man like your brother.”

  You can see in Dane's eyes that he was being genuine about my dad.

  It's good to know my pops likes Dane as much as Reese does since he trusts Dane enough to watch over me while he went home for a bit. This would make us being together some much easier.

  “Just so you know Sloane, he has to leave soon for another contract. I know he feels bad about it all, but I put him at ease letting him know you'll be recovering at my house. I've decided on the one in the Berkeley Hills it's the nicer of the two and closer to my school. You'll be doing your classes online until you're feeling better. The doctors say you'll need bed rest along with someone watching you for the first couple of days.” Dane beams after saying that. He is really happy about getting to watch over me.

  That was all certainly a lot to taken in. I was out for two days, I have had a plastic surgeon operate on me, a blood transfusion from Dane and now I'll be staying up in the Berkeley Hills as Dane dotes all over my needs. I do like that last part, but I'm not sure how in depth his care taking skills will go.

  “Listen here Dane, I appreciate you wanting to take care of me and how you got my pop to go along with it is truly baffling yet amazing, however I'm going home to rest and I can easily attend class where I can see my friends and finish this year off with not another incident. Why don't we just concentrate on our second date than playing house as me being an invalid?” I raise an eyebrow to him daring him to argue with me.

  I instantly feel bad as his face falls for just a brief moment but recovers quickly slipping a neutral expression in its place.

  Taking a deep breath Dane counters with “I understand we hardly know one another. It's weird, this is such a strange kick off to us but why not embrace the time we can spend with each other.”

  He makes a good point but no way.

  “Not my style Dane besides you have football and school you need to attend too, I don't like being involved with someone with out ambition to want to succeed in something in life.” Before he can say what I know he's about to say I cut him off rushing my words, “and taking care of me is not it! Nobody likes a pussy, I need some of that alpha male to show through, not a lot but just enough.” I wink at Dane and it's like the light bulb above his head turns on and every word just falls into place.

  “I get it babe, you'll get your alpha.”

  Right as I'm looking into his eyes I feel that he knows what I need.

  “I'm a strong girl who needs a strong man not one who wants to appease my every whim. I want to get to know the guy I met before we go cohabitate,” and I add to be clear, “not too much alpha though, just enough.” I smile widely.

  Dane leans in and kisses my lips softly at first and as I moan slightly, he applies further pressure.

  This kiss makes me wonder why I just said I'd stay on my own and go to school. What an idiot

  As Dane breaks our kiss, I sigh wishing it didn't stop.

  “Fine Sloane, have it your way. You're still going to need help for a day or two with showers, since your hand is still in that cast plus your cuts need special care too. So, if it's not me you'll need to find someone else to have their hand all over you.”

  I didn't think of that and the last thing I want is my dad or brother or Mona or Tala doing it.

  “Okay Dane, how about this we stay at your house and you can help me take care of me." I roll my eyes, "but you still go to school and football, and I still go to school. If I lay around for a week I'll get bored.” I huff.

  A smile spreads across Dane's face, that I absolutely melt for. Beneath those juicy lips is his perfectly white and straight teeth that make me lean in for another kiss to seal the deal.

  This time when we kiss, I take my good hand and hold Dane to my lips by wrapping it around the back of his neck so that we make out just a bit longer than him cutting me off.

  He deepens the kiss, and my body responds by pressing closer to his. Dane's hand finds its way to my uninjured side of my stomach. I tremble at his touch anticipating where his hand will wander. His hand moves up to my breast, we both moan as he massages me making my nipples harden further than what they were.

  We hear a clearing of a throat from the doorway. I slightly jump at the intrusion and wince at the pain in my side, only to see it was the nurse. If it has been my brother or dad we would have both been dead!

  “Alright you two,” the nurse says while moving at a rapid pace. “Young man you'll need to step out while I give Miss Sloane here a sponge bath and get her dressed. So, go have breakfast and come back in an hour.”

  Looking to Dane with horror in my eyes. A sponge bath is not something I want from this woman; my stomach was twisting making me feel ill.

  “Look Sloane isn't comfortable with gett
ing a sponge bath with you, no offense.” Dane says firmly and here is my alpha male.

  The nurse looks to me and I nod in agreement to what Dane just said, knowing how I just couldn't do it.

  “Well you can't leave without washing, I'm sure maybe the doctor can do it, but we need to get the blood and iodine off.”

  That's even worse of a suggestion, I have to act quick before they say I can get hosed down by an orderly.

  “I would like my boyfriend to assist maybe with a shower?” Looking to Dane his smile of approval tells me he's alright with helping me.

  “Alright but nothing more, no fooling around, no sex, I don't want to see any of those stitches break! Do you both understand?” Her face is stern with piercing eyes indicating that she means business.

  We both nod as she beings telling Dane how to clean around my injuries all the while as she takes out my IV.

  “Now, you'll have some difficulty getting up, since you've been laying down so long but take your time Miss Sloane. Do you need to use the restroom before you shower?”

  I thought about having her help me, so I can relieve myself.

  “Would you help me? I'd prefer somethings didn't happen in front of Dane.” My cheeks feel like they're on fire.

  Dane just laughs, but still walks closer to the bed. My heart races wondering if he didn't just hear me.

  “I'll help you to the bathroom Sloane, and the nurse can take it from there, I just want to make sure that you don't fall.”

  A sigh of relief washes over me. We haven't even had our first official date as boyfriend and girlfriend, the last thing I want to do is pee or shit in front of him.

  As I sit up further and swing my legs over the side, I unexpectedly get a bit dizzy. Dane steadies me but the urgency to use the bathroom now takes hold, but I can't move faster. My body begins to shake as I hold it in.

  Dane leans in, “what's the matter?”

  “I really have to go, but I can't move.”

  Before I can even finish the sentence, Dane has me in his arms and is carrying me off to the toilet. The nurse is quickly behind us ready to help but keeps saying, “be careful of her stitches!”

  As soon as he sets me down there's no holding it and I might as well as die of embarrassment.

  “Get out, hurry!” I rush.

  Being the gentleman that he is, Dane rushes out the door closing it behind him.

  With the Nurse standing right there for assistance looking straight ahead at the door giving me the only privacy that she can. She asks one last time if I'm sure I don't want just a sponge bath.

  “We can just clean the injury sites and wash your face”

  I look to the shower as there is a bench in there with a removable shower head and the thought of Dane with all the control of bathing me makes me excited and right now that can't be a good option.

  “You know I think I can handle that; can we do that while we're in here now?” smiling I ask her.

  Once I flush and wipe up I'm still sitting, as the nurse turns on the water and fills a basin and gets the toiletries ready to use for me. I grab the railing to raise myself up, I was sore all over, so this was more difficult than imagined. As I'm standing Dane comes back through the door with long strides and instantly by my side.

  He gives a look to the nurse.

  “Listen Dane I'm just going to have the nurse help me clean up. After some thought I want your first time seeing me wet and naked to be special, not like this." I cast my eyes down.

  “If that's what you want, it's more than fine. I'll wait outside for you and get your things ready. Also, your brother brought over some clean clothes for you to change into.”

  I smile with gratitude and with that he helps me up and walks me over, so I can sit down in the shower area and he turns to leave. Before he's fully out though the nurse was moving too quickly and had the hospital gown off before he could shut the door giving him a full look of my naked body.

  A deep blush went across my whole body, but I didn't cover myself I let him look though I shouldn't have, instead I know he wasn't seeing my body but all he saw was my injuries. With the fading bruises of my accident, my broken hand, and the stab wounds it was definitely not a turn on. My moment of showing my assets backfired.

  Chapter 9

  After I finish cleaning up, I feel refreshed and ready to go home. Luckily everything went pretty fast after that.

  The doctor came in examining me one last time, while the nurse gave me instructions in how to care for my wounds.

  My father had called Dane, telling him that he and Reese will be at the house waiting, instead of driving to the hospital to only drive back. Dane was sweet saying it wasn't a problem and that I would be there shortly. I think he preferred taking me home anyway.

  All I could do was smile at this man and his thoughtfulness. How did he even happen? It hasn't even been that long, yet it feels like he's been in my life for years. The only thing that's needing to change is; for me to spend time with him, go on dates, and see what we would be like as a couple.

  “What's the matter Sloane? Are you in pain?” Dane pulls me from my thoughts, and I realize I'm frowning causing a crease to form down the middle of my forehead.

  “I'm fine, just thinking about a few things.”

  Reaching over Dane places his hand on my knee, since my hand is still in a cast, and makes for awkward hand holding.

  I give him a slight smile, which in turn causes him to give me that side grin, that I'm growing to enjoy more and more each time he shows it to me.

  Not long after we hit the road we arrive at my house. My father’s truck is parked out front and I'm suddenly excited to get to see him.

  Dane parks his truck next to my brothers and hops out as I wait for him to help me out. His truck is too high for me to get in or out on my own, even without my injuries, so his assistance is needed.

  Reaching up to take my hand Dane gently helps me into his arms as he lowers me to put my feet on the ground. He kisses my cheek and we slowly walk in the house together holding hands.

  As we enter the main house, I hear my dad and brother arguing. I stop in my tracks as my heart sinks, on occasion those two do have their disagreements, but I have a feeling I know what this one is about.

  Once they get quiet, I start to pull Dane along and the closer we get to the kitchen the arguing starts again. It's apparent that my dad feels Reese hasn't been looking after me well enough, and that the way he treats women is disrespectful, which in turn almost got me killed. It seems Reese didn't disagree at that, but felt my dad was overreacting a bit.

  I clear my throat to announce that I was there and they both turned in surprise.

  My dad’s face lights up, turns back to my brother and says, “We’re not done, so don't go sneaking off, understand?”

  “Yes, sir.” Reese looks annoyed but gives me a warm smile.

  “Hey, pops!”

  My dad walks with a wide stride as he places me in a gentle hug,

  “Hey kiddo, I heard what happen.” He turns to Reese and gives him a glare, then turns to Dane with a soft expression. “Thanks for bringing my baby home, young man.”

  “Not a problem, sir.”

  Reese rolls his eyes at the exchange, which makes me laugh.

  “I'm glad to see your spirits are high, Sloane. How are you feeling today?” My dad asks.

  “I'm a bit sore and a bit shaken still, but I'll pull through. What happened to Kat after I blacked out?” I ask.

  Reese gets up from the kitchen table rounding over to where I stand.

  “Well after Mona was pulled off of her, Kat was taken to the hospital as well for her injuries, then she was arrested and is being held in jail.”

  A sigh of relief washes over me, knowing that she's locked up and hopefully she will get the help she needs while she's there. Reese takes my good hand into his and looks me in eyes.

  “I can't tell you just how sorry I am for all this, Sloane. You know I would never want anyt
hing to happen to you, right?”

  My heart breaks seeing how Reese is feeling. I know he's looked after me my whole life, while our parents were off living their lives, and leaving us together to raise one another. I pull him into a hug and whisper in his ear,

  “I failed you, Reese. I should have taught you more about us girls in how emotional we can get when someone we like hurts us. How we would do almost anything, to either get them back or make them hurt as much as they hurt us.” I lean back so I could now see his face “I love you, Reese, it was just an off chance that one of these chicks was going to lose it, but do me a favor will you?” I pull further back from our hug looking him in the eyes again and see a smirk on his handsome face.

  “What is it?” He asks carefully.

  “Be a bit classier when you end things, and try to find that girl that's going to stick around for a long time not just for the meantime.” I say giving a soft smile.

  “I'll try. Love you sis, and don't worry it won't happen again. You have nothing to worry about with Kat, I'll see to it that she never gets near you again. Although, I'm pretty sure Mona took care of that.”

  Reese laughs, and I can tell he's recalling what happened.

  I'm going to have to text her once I'm in my room, so I can get the rest of what happened, since these guys don't want to elaborate. I know it has to be good, Mona was quick, and she's been in a fight or two, before making her kind of scrappy. I've seen how she can handle herself and it's nothing short of amazing.

  “Well sweetie, I need to finish talking to Reese so we’re going to go to the study. If you need anything I'll be home the rest of the day. Plus, I arranged to be home, this week for work to make sure you're okay.”

  My face lights up knowing I'll get to spend some time with my dad, but I know he'll be working twelve-hour days, so really we’ll just get to have dinner every night and that's about all.

  He works so hard, so Reese and I have a better life than he did growing up, but I'd rather have his time than a new car, designer jeans, or the latest fad in shoes. I'd say I didn't want new car parts too, but that would be a lie. Luckily, my dad knew it's a passion of mine, and though he didn't have the time or energy for the restoration of the 442, he still helped out financially.


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