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Savage Kings MC Box Set 2

Page 11

by Lane Hart


  The rest of the movie passes in a blur with Cynthia resting her head on my shoulder and my eyes trying to drift closed. I had forgotten just how relaxed I could get after fooling around. It’s different from when I get myself off alone, maybe because I get more worked up when I’m not just chasing a release but working hard to make sure my girl has one too.

  Our ride home passes in a nice companionable silence. I can’t help but wonder if Cynthia is still thinking about earlier, if it was as good for her as it was for myself, and if she’ll let me go down on her again.

  When we get out of the Jeep, I grab her hand and lead her up the steps to her floor, stopping in front of her apartment. I back her up against the wall for a quick kiss goodnight, but then it seems impossible for me to stop.

  Fuck, I want her to ask me to stay the night. But at the same time, I know I haven’t earned that privilege yet. This was only our sixth date if we count the nights we FaceTimed.

  We wouldn’t have to fuck, though. There are plenty of other things I could do for her…

  “Let me come inside and taste you again,” I say against her lips, swiping my tongue over them before thrusting it into her mouth to tangle with hers.

  “Mmm,” she moans before she pushes against my chest to separate us. “I want to, but we both know it wouldn’t stop there if we’re alone near a bed.”

  “I could stop there,” I say as I lick and nip my way down the side of her neck. “Probably.”

  “I wouldn’t,” Cynthia says.

  “Sorry,” I tell her when I finally remove my mouth from her.

  “You’re sorry because I want you?” she looks up at me and asks with a smile.

  “Yes. I’m impossible to resist, I know,” I joke.

  “You are,” she says, gripping the collar of my cut to lean up and kiss the corner of my lips. “Which is why I better say goodnight and get my ass inside before I climb you right here for all of my neighbors to see.”

  “You’re killing me, woman,” I groan at that mental image. “But you’re worth dying over.”

  “Goodnight Reece,” Cynthia says with a chuckle.

  “Goodnight,” I reply. “Video date tomorrow night?” I ask as she pulls out her keys from her purse and starts to unlock the door. “Eddie’s doing repos every night the rest of the week.”

  “Yeah, sure,” she looks over and says with a smile. “I like the video dates almost as much as I like the face-to-face ones since you have no choice but to talk to me.”

  “I hate talking to everyone but you,” I admit, shoving my hands in my jean pockets so I won’t attack her again before she gets inside. “See ya, sunshine.”

  “See ya,” she responds with one last look at me over her shoulder.

  As soon as she’s locked safely inside, I turn around and head back down to my truck, counting the seconds until I get to see her face again.

  Chapter Nineteen


  The rest of the week crawls by at a snail’s pace after my movie date with Reece. One thing is for sure, I’ll never look at movie theaters or It’s a Wonderful Life again without remembering what he did to me during the show.

  We only get to have two “video dates” because of the incident with Miles getting hacked the other night. Reece has been trying to identify and track down who it was that attempted to access his system. Since he’s the only one in the MC with the skills and equipment, he’s been working feverishly to “put up walls” and make sure it won’t happen again.

  Tonight, I’m finally getting another face-to-face date with Reece, although I have no idea where we’re going. It’ll be our ninth date, which causes nervous butterflies to take flight in my stomach. Sure, I’ve been with plenty of men before, but sleeping with Reece feels different since we didn’t jump right into it.

  There are all these worries swirling around in my head, like what if it’s a letdown for him or what if after we’re finally together I don’t hear from him again. The second one seems unlikely with Reece even though it’s a common occurrence for most men. I just don’t think that he’s the type to put in all this time and effort dating me to get only one hot night.

  Which also has me wondering…what happens after we sleep together? Does Reece want to be with me for the long term? If not, then I’m right back to where I was when I left the club, wanting to be with someone who could eventually be my husband, so we can start a family together.

  A knock on my apartment door snaps me out of those premature thoughts and puts me into action. I hurry over and check the peephole before opening the door for him.

  “Hey,” I say with a smile and a relieved exhale when I see him close enough to touch. I realize I’ve missed him more than I thought this week.

  “Hey,” Reece echoes before he sweeps me up in his arms for a quick but potent kiss. “You ready?”

  “Yeah. Am I dressed okay for where we’re going?” I ask. He told me on the video chat yesterday to dress comfortably and not sexy. When I asked why not sexy, he simply told me that he was trying to be good and didn’t need any temptation to be bad.

  Intense silver eyes sweep down my body, taking in my brown sweater and black leggings, down to my comfy Ugg boots.

  “Your ass may look too good in those tight pants,” he replies seriously. “Turn around so I can see.”

  “My sweater is big enough to cover my entire bottom,” I tell him as I turn my back to him and lift my sweater to show him.

  “Damn. That’s a shame because your ass is amazing. Probably for the best to keep it hidden from me, though.”

  “Done,” I say when I lower the fabric again and then turn around to face him.

  “Fair warning,” Reece starts. “I’ve made plans for us to stay out all night; but if that’s a problem, I can bring you home whenever you say the word.”

  “Understood,” I agree, even though I already know that I won’t ask him to cut our night short, not when it’s been too many days since I’ve been near him. “Is there anything else I should know before we go?”

  “You know about my fear of blood suckers, but you never told me what you’re afraid of,” he says. “It’s not anything that lives in the ocean is it? Sharks maybe?”

  “Ah, no,” I respond. “I can’t swim, but the only thing I’m truly scared of is currently locked up behind bars.”

  “Good,” Reece says with an exhale. “Then let’s do this.”

  I grab my phone, purse and keys from the apartment, then lock up.

  It’s been a nice, sunny, December day with highs in the sixties, so we took Reece’s bike. Even if the wind is a little chilly, I prefer riding close to him than in the comfort of his Jeep.

  We take a few backroads from the highway until we’re in the middle of nowhere. The only thing around is signs for the aquarium, but that can’t be where we’re going. They close at six and it was already a few minutes after when we left my apartment.

  Still, Reece keeps following the signs to the aquarium entrance and parks his bike in the parking lot that’s empty except for one single truck.

  “Ah, Reece? You’re not planning another B&E tonight, are you?” I ask after he kills the engine.

  “No,” he laughs while climbing off and removing his helmet. “I called in a favor from someone who is a big-time customer at Avalon. He’s getting a month of free admission and beer in exchange.”

  “In exchange for what? An after-hours tour?”

  Reece reaches over to unbuckle my chin strap and then removes my helmet before he answers. “Not an after-hours tour, but a sleepover with the sharks.”

  “A what?” I ask while blinking at him in confusion.

  “We’re sleeping here tonight in the tunnel,” he says. “I brought the sleeping bags and all over earlier.”

  “Sleeping in the tunnel? With the fish swimming above us?” I say in disbelief.

  “Yeah,” Reece responds. “That’s why I asked if you were scared of sharks. They’ll be swimming above us

  “Oh my god. This is going to be so awesome!” I tell him as I hook my arm through his to start dragging him toward the entrance.

  “Glad you approve,” he says with a chuckle. “I figured this could go one of two ways, with you loving it or begging me to turn around and take you home.”

  “I definitely want to stay. How often does someone get a chance to sleep with sharks?” I say.

  “They actually let groups sleepover, like boy scouts or whatever,” he tells me. “But tonight, it’s just you and me.”

  “Sounds perfect,” I reply as we walk to the front and a small, skinny guy holds open the door for us.

  “I’m going to lock up, but I’ll be back early in the morning to let you out,” the young man tells Reece. “Don’t worry if you need to head out early, just use the side door over by the stingrays.”

  “Thanks again,” Reece replies. “I already got your name on the list at Avalon, and made some arrangements with your friend, ‘Sapphire’, for you.”

  “Looks like it’s going to be a good night for both of us,” he beams as he steps outside, locking the door behind him. With a final wave, he heads out into the parking lot as Reece takes my hand and leads me into the darkened aquarium.

  “Oh my God, this is awesome,” I gush as we explore the exhibits. “This place feels so much larger without the crowds.”

  “All of the animals seem more interested in us, too,” Reece says. “Check out the otters over there. They’re all keeping an eye on you.”

  “They’re so cute!” I practically squeal as I rush over to their exhibit. A group of the otters is pressed right up against the glass, bobbing up and then diving down to look at us from different angles. “They must not be used to seeing people this late. They seem so excited!”

  “Probably hoping we’ll feed them,” Reece grunts as he walks over to join me. “Who knows, though, maybe they really want you to come in and play. They do seem friendly, don’t they?”

  I spin around and wrap my arms around Reece’s neck, then pull him in for a kiss. He responds enthusiastically; and for the next few moments, we give the otters a show I’m sure they’re not used to. When Reece finally pulls away from me, breathless and panting, it takes him a moment to recover before he grabs my hand and leads me away.

  “Let me show you the best part,” he smiles. Further inside the aquarium, I can see a green and blue glow coming from the entrance to a tunnel formed completely out of transparent panels. The tunnel twists and turns through the center of a huge tank filled with every sort of marine life, including sea turtles, sharks, and hundreds of types of fish I have no name for. As we walk down to the halfway point of the tunnel, where it loops back towards the main aquarium, Reece points out a pile of gear and a picnic basket with a bottle of wine sticking out of the side.

  “Reece, this is by far the sweetest, most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me,” I tell him as we settle in on our matching army-green sleeping bags and he pours me a glass of red wine. The wine is Triton, which he remembered is still my favorite, despite all the ones we tasted at the vineyard. “I had no idea that you were even capable of planning something as incredible as all of…this,” I say gesturing to the stunning view around us, the amazing way the blue rippling water reflects on every surface, even on our skin.

  Rubbing his hand over his lower jaw, he says, “Honestly, I think I surprised myself a little with this one. Like I said, it could’ve been a huge bust if you hated marine life or were scarred for life by Jaws.”

  “True,” I agree, glad that I don’t have any problems with big fish with lots of sharp teeth.

  “I’ve never even thought about doing something like this for anyone else before,” he tells me. “You make me want to do crazy shit just to try and make you happy.”

  “You do make me happy,” I tell him. “I don’t think I’ve ever been happier than these last few weeks we’ve spent together.”

  “Honestly? Me too,” he agrees. “Kind of makes me wish I had gone after you a little sooner.”

  “I know,” I say. “But I think I needed the time to heal first. And for whatever reason, the club helped me with that. It was easygoing and fun, a place I felt safe. I knew the guys wouldn’t hurt me and that they would be there for me if things got bad.”

  “If your husband found you?” Reece supplies.

  “Yes,” I respond. “I may not have been anyone’s old lady, but the Savage Kings always take care of what’s theirs.”

  “We do,” he says reaching up to brush a strand of my hair back from my face and cup my jaw. “And you’re mine. I’ve been taking care of you since day fucking one.”

  “Yes, you have,” I agree with a smile. “Even though you made me think it was a bothersome chore that you didn’t give a shit about at the time.”

  “I always gave a shit,” Reece says with a lazy smile that has actual dimples appearing on either side of his lips. “I was pissed at myself for giving a shit, but that didn’t change the fact that I did,” he explains.

  “Thank you for caring and getting involved even when you didn’t have to,” I tell him.

  “What can I say? I’m a nosy bastard who ends up knowing everything about everyone,” he jokes.

  “Only because you’re looking out for them, trying to take care of them.”

  “Yeah,” he agrees. “And I want to take care of you every day and every night,” he says, running his fingers through his short hair. “When you’re not around, I feel like…like I’m gonna go insane. I want to sleep in the same bed with you and hold you so that I don’t have to worry.”

  “Reece…” I say as I start to melt over his sweet words but then he surges forward, grabbing me by my hips to pull me onto his lap. His mouth on mine stop any words I was going to say. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back with everything I have to give.

  When he grows long and hard between my legs, I can’t help but grind down on him, making Reece grunt out a curse against my lips.

  “I want you,” I whisper to him while reaching between us to start unzipping his jeans.

  His hand covers mine to stop me, causing my eyes to lift to his silver ones. “Are you sure?” he asks. “This is only our ninth date, and that’s if we count all of the half-ass video ones.”

  “That’s true,” I agree, deflating with disappointment because while I want Reece, I want to stick to the promise I made myself even more.

  Then a recent memory hits me. One where all of this started.

  “What about the first night you came over to my apartment?” I ask.

  “What about it?” Reece asks.

  “Well, we had dinner together. Shouldn’t that count as our first date?”

  The response I get is a wordless growl. Reece kisses me again, and then we’re moving as he eases my back to the floor with him following me down. His tongue possesses my mouth with the same intensity that I know will soon correspond with how he’ll possess my body.

  More than ready for this moment with this incredible man, I push his cut off his shoulders and get his shirt off, but the rest of his clothes are currently out of reach thanks to the way he’s pinning me to the ground with his weight. And god, I love it, having him on top of me, hot, heavy and hard. He only breaks free to pull my sweater off, and then my bra follows, jerking it over my head, too impatient to fool with the back clasp.

  Reece’s lips dip down to capture one of my nipples, taking the entire thing into his mouth and lavishing it with eager flicks of his tongue. Ones that remind me of how his tongue moved so spectacularly between my legs at the movie theater. I gasp, and my back arches at the memories.

  Lifting his head to stare down at me with silver eyes blazing with lust, Reece asks, “You need me to kiss you somewhere else, sunshine?”

  “Yes, please,” I answer with an enthusiastic nod of my head.

  “Show me,” he demands. So I do. Cradling his head in either of my hands to run my fingers over his short hair and push hi
s mouth lower. Still watching me, Reece’s mouth clamps down on my mound, right through my leggings and panties, releasing a hot breath that travels through both layers of fabric to my core, making me squirm.

  “God, Reece,” I pant. “I-I need your tongue inside of me. Now. Please!”

  “You’re already wet and aching for me?” he asks against the material.


  “I’m aching to taste you again too,” he says, giving the leggings a quick jerk down my thighs, a powerful tug that nearly rips them apart. My panties are tugged down next, and then Reece’s head is between my legs, my boots on his shoulders with my bottoms just bunched down around the tops of them. He runs one thick finger down my slit, making me shiver, and says, “Don’t you ever get rid of this pretty, red muff or you’ll have to wait for it to grow back before I lick your pussy again.”

  “Yes, sir,” I promise while my hips bounce, impatient for his mouth. “Oh, god!” I cry out when he finally gives it to me. The wet slurping sounds should have me feeling embarrassed, but it’s impossible when the pleasure has me soaring so high with every flutter and every lap of his hot, slick tongue.

  My thighs clamp down on the sides of his head and my hands on his head press him closer to my body as Reece’s mouth works what can only be described as a miracle inside of me. I’m so close, right on the edge of heaven when I lift my head to watch him. His silver eyes lock with mine, demanding I surrender to him.

  How could I not? He’s the sexiest, most amazing man in the world, and he’s all mine.

  “Reece!” I shout his name in gratitude as my eyes slam closed to ride out the waves of bliss rocking my entire body.



  I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want Cynthia right now. Hell, like I’ve wanted her for three years.

  But as she recovers from the orgasm and I finally remove her boots and bottoms, an unfortunate thought occurs to me – I didn’t bring any protection. Even knowing we would likely be spending the whole night together for the first time, I didn’t think this would happen yet, especially without a bed in sight. And I’ve never been the type of man to walk around with a condom in his wallet. Even if I did, it would be well passed expired by now.


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