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Savage Kings MC Box Set 2

Page 72

by Lane Hart

  I glance over my shoulder at Quincey and then back to him. “You’re the one that didn’t want to talk whenever I came to visit you, remember?”

  “You or Reece or someone else should’ve told me about this!”

  “I just did. The rest of the guys must have assumed you already knew.”

  “So, you’re rebuilding?” he asks even though it’s pretty damned obvious.

  “Yeah, the loft is almost finished, and we’re bringing in two more artists before the grand opening.”

  Finally lowering his voice so that it’s no longer at drill sergeant level, Ian asks, “Where are you staying?”

  “In the apartment right next to yours,” I grit out through clenched teeth.

  “Oh. I didn’t know.”

  “Like it would’ve made a difference?” I mutter. Then, because I still have a few southern manners and feel guilty about hurting her feelings last night, I ask the woman I would give anything to trade places with, “How’s it going, Quincey?”

  “Hi, Gabriel. I’m good, thanks,” she replies. “Did you draw all of these tattoos?” she asks when she turns to the photographs I’ve started hanging on the opposite wall.

  “Yeah, I did.”

  “Wow. They’re amazing,” she says, flashing me an easy-going smile.

  “Thank you.”

  “I bet you did the bald eagle on Ian’s chest too, right?” she asks.

  “He did,” Ian answers before I can. “I was his first customer the day the old Savage Ink opened.”

  That little reminder feels like a knife to my gut. It’s no wonder I fell for Ian when he was like my very own personal cheerleader those first few months I prospected, helping with the opening of Savage Ink and always making sure I had everything I needed. He was supposed to be giving me hell like Chase and the other guys gave Abe. But instead, he kept them off my back, telling them I didn’t have time for their bullshit initiations because I had actual work to do.

  “The feathers look so realistic,” Quincey goes on to say. She obviously got a good long look at Ian’s Harley Davidson’s eagle last night and today. “You’re really talented, Gabriel.”

  Fuck, I’m such a dick. It’s not her fault that Ian prefers women to men. She doesn’t have a goddamn clue that I would cut my heart out to be with him. And why would she? He sure as shit would never tell her.

  “Is Savage Ink hiring?” Ian suddenly asks.

  I know he has to get a job as part of his probation, so is he thinking about working here with me instead of managing the strip club? It’s stupid and not healthy for me when I’m trying to get over him. But at the same time, I want to see him all day, every day after all those too brief encounters once a week in prison.

  “We are, actually,” I answer. “There’s an assistant position that we still need to fill. You know, someone to answer the phones, greet clients, schedule shit for all the artists and do piercings. You interested?”

  “Ah, no, I’m not,” he responds quickly. “But Quincey may be.”

  “Quincey?” I exclaim a little too loudly.

  “What do you say, Curly-Q?” Ian asks her when he goes over and wraps an arm around her waist and kisses her neck. “Work here and stay with me?”

  “Are you serious?” I ask aloud because he’s out of his goddamn mind. “Don’t you think you’re moving a little fast. You just met her last night!”

  “We’re good together, and I can’t get enough,” Ian says. “That’s all I need to fucking know.”

  Quincey hasn’t yet responded to me or Ian. Her teeth are chewing on her bottom lip so hard she’s probably making herself bleed.

  “I do have six years’ experience answering the phone and setting appointments,” she eventually says. “The piercing part sounds a little scary, but I’m willing to learn.”

  “There you fucking go!” Ian exclaims.

  “Can I wear sexy outfits?” Quincey asks while I’m standing there in shock with my jaw on the floor and my paint brush hanging in mid-air, dripping red paint on the top of my boots.

  “Hell yes,” Ian answers for me. “In fact, that should be a requirement.”

  “Ian, what the fuck?” I ask him.

  “Oh, right,” the dickhead says as he licks his lips. “You’ll have to ask your boss what he wants you to wear.”

  The asshole knows that I probably won’t find her sexy in anything except for maybe a strap-on.

  “So?” Ian asks. “What do you say, boy scout?” When I don’t immediately respond, he tacks on, “Do we need to take this to the table for a vote? Or will you do me a solid and just hire her already?”

  And there it is — his reminder that I owe him a helluva lot more than a few blowjobs.

  “Fine,” I mutter with a heavy sigh. “Get an application from Reece. He has to run background checks on all employees before the Kings can officially hire them.”

  “Fuck yes. Thanks, man,” Ian says. “We’ll leave you to your dragon.”

  “Yeah. See ya,” I reply in defeat.

  How the hell did I let myself get roped into not only keeping Ian’s fuck buddy around even longer, but having to deal with her working right under my nose?

  Oh, I am definitely taking the hot chef up on a date now. I need it now more than ever for my own sanity.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Are you sure Gabriel wants me to work here?” I ask Ian as he helps me climb back on his bike in front of Savage Ink.

  “Oh yeah. Definitely,” he responds. “And since you’re going to be working right down the road from the Savage Asylum, you may as well stay with me.”

  “You want me to stay with you? Like live in your apartment?” I say in surprise.

  “Fuck yeah,” he says excitedly when he tugs on my hair to pull my head back so he can place a kiss on the side of my neck before letting me go. “I like having the company after five years of mostly solitude. And I get the feeling that the rest of the Kings are busy with their own lives nowadays.”

  “And the easy access to pussy probably doesn’t hurt,” I add with a grin, since I’m sure that’s his biggest motivation in making me such an offer.

  “And the easy access to pussy doesn’t hurt at all,” he repeats with his own smirk. “But you said earlier that you were worried about finding another job and a place to stay, right? Now you have both.”

  “So, I would live with you and work at the tattoo studio with Gabriel, pending my approval by the Kings. And in exchange, you’ll get to have me whenever you want?”

  “Sounds like a sweet fucking deal to me,” Ian replies. “Now what do you say we head back to our place to have a drink and order a big, greasy ass pizza?”

  “I’m in,” I agree. “And I’ll think about your offer.”

  Once we’re back in the Savage Asylum parking lot just down the street, Ian heads inside to call in the pizza. I stay outside and wait until no one is around and then give Peyton a call.

  “I was wondering when you were gonna roll out of bed and call me,” my best friend answers. “Last night was so HOT!”

  “Ah, yeah it was,” I agree with a smile she isn’t able to see.

  “I can’t believe you did that or that Dalton and I did that!” she goes on to say. “We’ve screwed in a lot of places but never in front of other people.”

  “I think everyone was caught up in the moment,” I tell her.

  “And? How was the rest of your night and today? Have you been screwing the ex-con twenty-four seven?”

  “We’ve done…things but haven’t had sex since last night in the bar,” I admit.

  “Really? I thought he would’ve kept you up all night.”

  “I sort of fell asleep after we went back to his room and fooled around,” I tell her. “Then this morning we woke up and went to the beach.”

  “Was it good, though? All you could hope for?” Peyton asks.

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Best sex you’ve ever had?”


  “Yay! Sounds like you had a lot of fun that was just what you needed!”

  “It was,” I agree.

  “So, do you need me to come pick you up?” she asks. “I can be there in half an hour.”

  “Ah, no. Not yet. Ian asked me to stay for a few days even though I told him I needed to be job hunting and looking for an apartment, and then he sort of offered me both. Here.”

  “What?” Peyton asks.

  “Ian talked to Gabriel, who needs an assistant when the tattoo shop opens up again. And, um, well, since it’s just down the street from the Savage Asylum, Ian said I could just stay with him.”

  “Do you really think that’s a good idea, Quincey?” she asks.

  “Well, I don’t know what else to do!” I reply.

  “You can stay with me and Dalton however long you need,” Peyton says. “And then you can take your time looking for a job…”

  “I don’t want to put you guys out,” I tell her.

  “You wouldn’t be putting us out!” she replies. “Can’t you see that you’re about to get into the same situation you were in with Clint?”


  “When you two broke up, you lost your job and your home,” she explains. “I don’t want you to have to go through that again.”

  “It’s not really the same,” I assure her. “Gabriel would be my boss, not Ian.”

  “Yes, but the Savage Kings all stick together. They’re a brotherhood, and they look out for each other. If you end things with Ian, Gabriel is probably not going to let you keep working in his shop.”

  “How do you know I’ll end things with Ian?” I ask her.

  “Because he just got out of prison, Quincey! He’s a convicted felon! That’s not exactly marriage material, which is what you want, right?”

  “Eventually. And you’re the one who suggested I hook up with him in the first place!”

  “Yeah, for one night! Ian may be fun and sexy, but he’s probably just going to be a waste of time if you stay with him too long. He can’t give you the type of future you want, not unless you want to live in the basement of a bar, work at a tattoo studio, and be with a man who runs a strip club.”

  “Strip club? What?” I ask.

  “Dalton told me that since Cooper gave up his job managing Avalon that one of the other guys would have to step up and do it. Ian was the obvious choice since he’s not married and doesn’t have any other job prospects, you know, because of his criminal record.”

  “Ian’s going to be working at the strip club? Every day?”

  “Yes, Quincey. Every day. Every night more specifically, surrounded by beautiful, naked women. Why do you think Cooper gave it up? Because his wife Liz wasn’t going to put up with that shit.”

  “I didn’t know all of that,” I tell her.

  “That’s right, Quincey. You don’t know anything about Ian because you met the man yesterday! He just got out of prison after serving years, so do you really think he’ll be loyal to you after one night?”

  “I…I don’t know,” I say honestly. There’s a reason I always went out with the good, boring guys that were cute but not hot. That’s because they’re less likely to stray. Ian, though? God, he’s gorgeous and sexy and no doubt very horny. He’s the opposite of everything I want in the man I hope to marry someday to start a family.

  “Just don’t jump into anything without thinking it through, okay?” Peyton asks.

  “I haven’t agreed to the job or to move in with Ian yet,” I tell her. “I told him I would think about it.”

  “Good. Think carefully and make a smart decision. Not another impulsive one that you’ll regret.”

  “Okay,” I say. “But I’m going to stay here tonight anyway. Cynthia had an extra toothbrush and let me borrow some of her clothes, so I’m all set. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Have fun. Just not too much fun,” Peyton warns before ending the call.

  And while I want to be mad at my best friend for raining on my parade, I know she’s probably right. Ian even admitted he wasn’t looking for commitment last night. Just because he asked me to stick around doesn’t mean he’s changed his mind.

  I am rushing into things with him and need to slow down and just enjoy our weekend together before I make any important, long-term decisions.


  I’m on my way back from the bar with our pizza delivery when Gabe comes out of the apartment next to mine wearing a slim-fitting navy-blue suit that hugs his body like it was made for him.

  “So this is your room, huh? What are you all dressed up for? Where’s your cut?” I ask in a rush.

  “I have a date.”

  “A date?” I repeat in surprise.


  “Who’s the lucky lady?” I ask.

  “I didn’t say it was a woman.”

  “So you’re going out with a man?” I whisper.

  “Why the fuck do you care? Shouldn’t you be screwing Quincey?” he snaps at me, deflecting the question.

  “Are you going out with a man or a woman?” I demand again.

  “Fine! Yes, it’s a date with a man. My first, actually.” He sounds excited and nervous, and I want to choke this unknown man who is going to be his first date.

  “Where did you meet him?” I ask around the knot in my throat.

  “What does it matter?” Gabe huffs.

  “Just answer the damn question!”

  “Fine. We met on that app, Grindr. Happy now?”

  “Is that one of those booty call apps? Are you gonna fuck him?” I ask.

  “Guess it depends on how our date goes,” he answers with a smirk.

  Why do I hate the idea of him with another guy so much? Would I feel this same annoyance and rage if he was going on a date with a woman? No, I don’t think so. I just prefer to be the only man he fools around with, which is stupid since I told him we’re done now that I’m no longer locked up and lonely.

  For some idiotic reason, though, I find myself blurting out, “If you ditch your date and stay here, you could join me and Quincey.”

  “W-what?” he asks, dark eyes widening, mouth gaping.

  “The girl wants a threesome, and I aim to please.”

  “No, thanks,” he mutters, but I don’t miss the way his tongue snakes out to lick his lips. “You know I prefer men. I’m not gonna sit back and watch you fuck her again when I need you to fuck me.”

  And there it is, what he’s wanted from me for months and refused to ever say before now. It’s what he was thinking about every time he sucked my dick. He wanted it inside of him.

  “Never gonna happen, boy scout,” I tell him, tacking on the nickname to piss him off. “So, you can take my offer or leave it. I don’t give a shit. I’m sure we can find someone else if you’re not interested. The prospect’s single right? And he has to do everything I tell him to. You remember those days, right?”

  “Don’t,” Gabe grits out as he glares at me. “Don’t drag Cedric into your bullshit.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it’ll fuck with his head, and he will do anything you tell him to do,” he explains.

  “Sounds fucking perfect to me,” I reply. “I can tell him to lick Quincey’s pussy and he will, which is something we both know you wouldn’t do.”

  “I’ve gone down on women before,” he assures me.

  “Didn’t like it, though, did you?”

  “Not really, no, but I soldiered through.”

  “I bet the prospect would loooove to get his face all up in her pussy,” I tell him.

  “God, you’re disturbed,” Gabe mutters with a shake of his head. He pulls his door shut and says to me, “And I have to go. Do whatever the hell you want, like usual.”

  Chapter Twelve


  Goddamn Ian!

  I can’t stop thinking about the fucking threesome idea that he just had to go and put in my head before I left.

  Right now, Cedric could be in bed
with him and Quincey, their fingertips brushing accidentally, balls slapping as they both hammer into her body at the same time…


  “Ah, yeah?” I ask Emmitt, the man sitting across from me and my first ever date. Not just a date with a man, but my first official date.

  “You sort of zoned out there. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, just had a crazy thought in my head,” I reply, trying to shake the images out.

  “Oh, yeah?” he asks with a grin. “Let’s hear it.”

  Leaning forward on my elbows so no one else in the restaurant will hear me, I say, “Have you ever had a threesome, with a woman?”

  “Are you propositioning me?” he also leans forward to whisper.

  “No. No! I was just wondering how they work or whatever because I’ve never had one.”

  “Oh. Well I haven’t had one either, but I’ve watched enough porn that I could practically be an expert,” he responds.

  “Do the men sometimes, you know, fool around with each other?”

  “Uh, I don’t know. I guess it’s possible, depending on the guys and if they’re openly bisexual,” he says. “And by the way, this topic is a great first date ice breaker.”

  “Right,” I agree. “I bet the chances are higher than they would be normally between just the two men, especially if the other guy refuses to be alone in the same room with me.”

  “So this is about you? You were invited to have a threesome?” Emmitt asks.

  “I was, with a guy I’ve fooled around with in the past. But he ended it, and he’s been avoiding me until tonight when out of the blue he asked me to screw this girl with him. The thing is, honestly, I’m not a huge fan of women. I mean, sure, I enjoy being inside of them, and blowjobs are always great, but they’ve never been anything spectacular. Not like when I’m with him. I mean men! Like when I’m with men.”

  “Whoa. That sounded like a slip there. I’m starting to think you’re still hung up on this guy.”

  “You know what? I think you’re right,” I say as I get to my feet and throw the cloth napkin down on the table. “It was really great to meet you, but I need to get going before they start without me and with someone else.”


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