Book Read Free


Page 21

by E. L. Todd

  “And don’t attack anyone that talks to me.”

  “Attack? When have I ever attacked anyone?”

  “When that guy at the bar brought me a drink, you flipped out.”

  “Well, you’re my girlfriend. That guy needed to know his boundaries.”

  “And how was he supposed to know I was taken unless he asked? I doubt he’s a mind reader.”

  “Whatever. I don’t like it when people hit on you—look at you. They are asking for a death sentence.”

  “God, I feel bad for our daughters.”


  I felt my heart stop. Damn, I shouldn’t have said that. It was way too soon to talk about marriage and kids. “Uh, nothing.”

  “You wanna have kids with me?”


  He grabbed me and pushed me against the wall. “I’ll make my question clear, baby. Do you want to be the mother of my children?”

  I looked away. “I don’t understand the question.”

  He grabbed my face and forced me to look at him. “I want to have kids someday. And I would love for you to be their mother.” I felt my heart start to beat again. I was relieved he felt that way. I thought he was going to run for his life. “Now, what did you say, baby?”

  “I feel bad for our daughters.”

  “And why is that?”

  “Because you’re a crazy asshole.”

  “Your point?”

  “Well, when our girls go on dates, you’re going to freak out.”

  “Why would they go on a date?”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Because they’ll be beautiful like you.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “It’s going to happen.”

  “I’ll pick someone I approve of.”

  “Are we having arranged marriages for our kids?” I asked incredulously.

  “No. But I know how to sniff out the dogs from the good guys. I used to be the worst dog on the block. I’ll know them when I see them.”

  “Aren’t you forgetting something?”


  “Now you’re the sweetest guy I’ve ever met.”

  “And I’m only that way for one person—you. You don’t know how many hearts I’ve broken, how many virginities I’ve stolen, and how many women I’ve played. I’m not a good person. Just because I’m in love with you and treat you right doesn’t vindicate me for my previous behavior.”

  “Well, I think you’re wonderful.”

  “You’re the only one who thinks that.”

  “Ethan, I love you.”

  His eyes softened. “I love you too.”

  “I’ll take care of the girls.”

  “I don’t think so. What kind of role model are you? You were going to sleep with me on our first date.”

  “But I didn’t lose my virginity until after I graduated college, and I’m going to sleep with one man for my whole life. I think that’s pretty admirable.”


  “That’s what I thought.”

  He smiled. “You have a point.”

  “I know I do.”

  “How about we talk about this later—when we actually have the kids. Hopefully, we’ll just have boys.”

  “And why is that any different?”

  “Because they are boys—they can do whatever they want.”

  “I don’t think so,” I snapped. “They are going to be gentlemen.”

  “Well, we can’t control that.”

  “It’s called good parenting, Ethan.”

  He smiled. “I guess we’ll talk about this when the times comes.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You can just stop being a sexist pig and we wouldn’t have a problem.”

  “I’m not sexist, but I admit that I’m a pig. I know how guys think. My little girl won’t be treated that way.”

  “Poor Becky.”

  “Don’t even get me started on that.”

  “She’ll go on her first date when she’s thirty.”

  “Maybe not even then.”

  I laughed. “Babe, let’s go. We’re going to be late.”

  He sighed. “I suppose. We shouldn’t talk about such serious things before we go out.”

  “I agree.”

  He grabbed my hand and guided me to the elevator. When we rode to the bottom floor, he kissed my neck, pressing me against the wall. I leaned my head back and let him run kisses across my skin. I was totally helpless against him. I ran my fingers through his hair and just enjoyed it.

  When the bell sounded, Ethan pulled away. “Damn.”


  “I want you.”

  “What’s new?”

  He started clapping. “About time!”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes, you finally convinced me.”

  “Good. I don’t know how many times I’ve had to fuck you to convince you. Or how many times I’ve had to tell you how goddamn beautiful you are.”

  I shrugged. “I’m hard of hearing.”

  “You’re deaf, actually.”

  He took my hand and guided me from the building and out to the street. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we maneuvered down the sidewalk. Women walked by in their dresses, heading to restaurants and bars. Groups of guys walked down the street, checking out the beautiful ladies they passed. Ethan didn’t seem to notice anything. He only paid attention to me—me alone.

  When we got to the bar, Ethan opened the door for me. As soon as we walked inside, I felt overwhelmed. There were so many people crammed into the place. The women were even more glamorous than the ladies on the streets. Every man was dressed in his best attire. I immediately felt nervous but then I realized I didn’t need to feel that way. Ethan was there.

  Ethan hugged me close and guided me through the crowd. He seemed to know where he was going because he headed to a table in the back.

  “Hey!” A man stood from the table and shook hands with Ethan. He was tall like Ethan and bigger—more muscular. I could tell they were brothers just by looking at them. He had the same blue eyes that Ethan had—the same ones I stared at when we made love.

  “Hey, man,” Ethan said.

  “Who’s this?” he asked with a smile. His eyes moved over my body, taking in every curve of my breasts and the shape of my hips.

  Ethan squeezed me tighter. “She’s mine.”

  His brother laughed. “Calm down.”

  Ethan turned to me. “This is my brother, Kyle.”

  I smiled. “Hello, Kyle.”

  “Whoa, that’s a beautiful smile.”

  Ethan glared at him. “Like I said, she’s mine.”

  “Chill, brother.” Kyle embraced me and hugged me tightly. When he pulled away, he looked at me. “I’m very happy to meet you. I’m glad my brother finally pulled his head out of his ass.”

  “Me too,” I said.

  Kyle smiled. “Welcome to the family, Sadie. If you ever need anything, even if it is just to talk shit about my brother, let me know.”

  I laughed. “Thanks.”

  Ethan looked at me. “He means it. You can call him for anything.”

  Kyle nodded. “My brother pisses me off, but I got his back no matter what.”

  “That gives me some peace of mind,” I said.

  “And if you ever want to go out to dinner—”

  “Kyle,” Ethan snapped.

  Kyle rolled his eyes. “Relax. I’m just joking—sort of.”

  I smiled. “I believe you.”

  Ethan sighed. “And I have another one.”


  “Another brother,” he explained.

  “Well, I’m sure he’s great,” I said.

  Ethan shrugged. “He’s okay.”

  A man stepped over to us. I knew this was the other brother immediately.

  “Hello, gorgeous,” he said with whistle. “You got a sister?”

  Ethan glared at him. “Scott.”

  He smiled. “You’re such an easy target. I love pissing you of

  “Good for you,” Ethan said.

  Scott extended his hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Sadie.” I shook it. “We already know everything about you. We dragged it out of Ethan. I feel like I already know you.”

  “I hope that’s a good thing,” I said.

  “I think so,” Scott said. “Thanks for coming tonight. We won’t be too annoying.”

  I smiled. Both of his brothers were very handsome. I could see why Ethan was threatened by them. They were both tall and muscular, charming and sweet. They probably fought over girls their whole lives.

  Ethan pulled me toward the table and placed me in front of it. He placed his hands on the surface, on either side of me. I was totally caged like an animal. I felt his chest against my back. I felt safe and protected in his arms. There was no doubt that we were together. When his crotch was pressed against my ass, I felt his erection. My thoughts started to wander.

  “Ethan, what’s happening?” A man sat across the table, drinking his beer.

  “Hey, man,” Ethan said. “This is my lady, Sadie.”

  “I’m Joe,” he said to me. “It’s nice to meet you.”


  Ethan sighed. “Finally. Someone who doesn’t hit on my girlfriend.”

  Scott stood by us and gazed across the room. “I see a lot of potential,” he said as he drank from his glass.

  Kyle nodded. “I can’t decide.”

  I assumed they were talking about women. Ethan didn’t follow their gaze.

  He leaned toward my ear. “What would you like, baby?”

  “Wine is fine.”

  “Alright. I’ll be right back.” He kissed me on the head then walked away.

  When he was out of earshot, Kyle looked at me. “So, you met Elisa?”

  I smiled. “She’s lovely.”

  Scott raised an eyebrow. “Are we talking about the same person?”

  I laughed. “Yes, I think she’s great.”

  “A great pain in the ass,” Kyle said with a smirk. “So you like my brother?”

  “Obviously,” I said with a smirk.

  He smiled. “I like her,” he said to Scott. “But you’re serious about him?”

  “I think that’s obvious too.”

  “No need to get defensive, darling. I’m just wondering. He’s fallen for you. I would really hate to see him get hurt.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that,” I said.

  Kyle nodded. “Fair enough.”

  Scott leaned toward me. “Seriously, you got a sister?” he asked with a smile.

  “No. But I have a brother.”

  He grimaced. “I’ll pass.”

  “How about some cute girlfriends?” Kyle asked.

  I shrugged. “I might.”

  Scott looked at his brother. “We need to behave now.”

  “I’m not going to introduce my friends to guys that just want to sleep around,” I said.

  “Well, maybe we’ll change our minds when meet them,” Kyle argued.

  “I doubt that.”

  “You didn’t doubt Ethan,” Scott said.

  “That’s totally different,” I said.

  Scott rolled his eyes. “He claims it was love at first sight. Seriously, my brother is totally pussy-whipped. It’s ridiculous.”

  “Maybe he’s found the right pussy,” I said.

  Kyle laughed. “I like her attitude. You’ll fit in well with us, Sadie. I know we come off as assholes, but we really aren’t that bad.”

  “I hope so.” I looked over my shoulder and saw Ethan standing at the bar. Two of the women at the bench were eyeing him like he was a piece of meat. Another woman stared at him from a table. The jealousy spiked in my blood stream. Now I knew how Ethan felt when people looked at me. The girls were so blatant about it. I took a deep breath and looked away. I had nothing to worry about. I had to just let it go.

  Kyle caught my look. “Sadie, don’t worry about it. My brother wouldn’t do anything.”

  “I know.”

  “Then don’t let it get to you. We are hot. It comes with the territory.”

  “At least you aren’t conceited,” I said sarcastically.

  Kyle shrugged.

  When Ethan finally returned with our drinks, I breathed a sigh of relief. I wanted everyone to know he was mine—not up for grabs.

  “They being nice to you, baby?”

  “Yeah,” I said.

  A gorgeous woman with long blonde hair approached Ethan. I felt my heart stop when I saw her. She was thin and beautiful with prominent breasts sticking out of her top. Her tans legs could be seen under the dress and she had noticeable curves.

  “Hey,” she said as she touched Ethan’s arm. “I’m Stacy.”

  “Hello, Stacy,” he said politely. He wrapped his arm around me. “This is my girlfriend, Sadie.”

  I smiled, relieved that he wasn’t provoked by her obvious beauty.

  She nodded. “Oh.”

  “But let me introduce you to my brother, Kyle.” He grabbed Kyle and pulled him over. “Have a good evening.” He stepped away and returned to me. “Sorry about that, baby.”

  “It’s okay.”

  He stared at me for a moment but didn’t speak. I was upset by the incident but I had no right to be mad or angry. It was out of Ethan’s control. He didn’t do anything wrong. He behaved the exact way I would have hoped for. It wasn’t his fault that every woman’s ovaries screamed when they saw him.

  Ethan pressed his lips against mine and kissed me for a moment. His kiss was gentle at first but turned hungry seconds later. His tongue circled mine and made me gasp. When he pulled away, I felt my legs burn. “I’m yours, baby.”


  “Don’t ever forget that.”

  A woman’s voice broke our moment. “Ethan?”

  I groaned. I already knew I was going to be pissed.

  Ethan turned around. “Hey, Abby.”

  “I haven’t heard from you in a while.” She placed her hand on his shoulder and moved close to him. She was totally oblivious to his hand around my waist. I thought it was obvious we were together, but then I realized Abby might think it meant nothing. Since Ethan slept around a lot, she probably assumed I didn’t mean anything to him. “I miss you.” Her brown hair trailed across her shoulders. I felt my heart fall. It seemed like Ethan only dated super models. I was feeling more hideous by the minute.

  “I’ve been busy with my girlfriend,” he said coldly.

  She nodded. “I thought that was just a joke.”

  “Well, it’s not,” he said. “Please stop calling me.”

  She shook her head. “Whatever, Ethan. I’m sure I’ll hear from you eventually.”

  Ethan stared at her for a moment. “Have a good night, Abby.”

  She rolled her eyes and walked away. Her ass fit in her jeans perfectly and her arms were toned and tight. She had legs for days. As stupid as it sounded, I felt my heart break. I wasn’t good enough for Ethan. I would never be beautiful and sexy like the other women he’d been with. What did he even want from me?

  “I’m going to the bathroom,” I said as I walked away.

  “What?” Ethan asked as I yanked my hand away.

  I ignored him and kept going. I pushed through the crowd and reached the hallway on the other side. I knew there was a bathroom around there somewhere. When I broke through the people, I felt the tears of frustration pour down my eyes. Why was Ethan with me when he could have someone so much better? Before I opened the door, a hand grabbed me.

  “Knock it off,” Ethan snapped.

  “Leave me alone.”

  “No.” He pushed me against the wall and let the people pass by. No one paid attention to us as they came and went. I heard the music from the next room. I tried to avoid Ethan’s gaze but he wouldn’t let me. “I can’t stop them from pursuing me. You have no right to be mad at me.”

  “I’m not,” I said quietly.

  “Then why are you acting this

  “Just let me go to the bathroom.”

  “No.” He pressed his body against mine. “Tell me.”

  “I—I just don’t understand why you chose me. All the women you’ve been with are so fucking gorgeous and I’m just—just plain.”

  His eyes widened. “I told you to never fucking say that again.”

  “It’s true, Ethan! Why would you want to be with me when you could have Abby? Or that other girl? I’m nothing compared to them.”

  He stared at me for a moment, fire blazing in his eyes. I wasn’t sure what he would do. He seemed furious. He grabbed my arm and pulled me from the wall. When he dragged me into the men’s bathroom, I felt confused. What was he doing? Two guys were standing at the urinals doing their business when we passed. They didn’t glance at us. Ethan opened a stall and pushed me inside.

  “What are you doing?” I hissed.

  Ethan grabbed my dress and lifted it up then pulled off my underwear, shoving them into his pocket. “You don’t get it,” he whispered. He undid his pants and pulled his dick out. “You don’t fucking get it and I’m sick of explaining it to you.” His voice was loud and full of anger. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. He grabbed my ass then pushed me against the wall of the stall. I automatically wrapped my legs around his waist and he slid inside me. “Maybe now you’ll fucking get it.”

  He moved inside me hard and fast. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he pounded into me. The stall shook under the force of his thrusts, but neither one of us cared. Everyone in the bathroom knew we were fucking, but no one was stupid enough to call Ethan out.

  “I love fucking you,” he said to me. “I love it. I’m the only man that’s done this to you—the only one who ever will. I love that you’re so naïve about your looks even though you make those other girls look like shit. And you don’t even try, baby. You don’t do anything and you look amazing.” He increased his pace and his breathing became deep and shallow. I moaned loudly. “I love that you don’t care about looking hot, wearing expensive clothes, having money, or any of that superficial bullshit. You care about people. You gave me a chance when I didn’t deserve one, saw the love I have for you, and every day I wonder how I got so lucky.”


  “I told you that I loved you. I mean it, Sadie. You are the only one I’ve felt this way about.”

  “I love you too.”

  “So you shouldn’t be comparing yourself to these women that you find to be so gorgeous. They have nothing on you, Sadie. There’s no goddamn comparison—none at all.”


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