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Breaking Nora

Page 3

by Matt Tims

  She glanced up once again to find two strikingly dark eyes staring down at her. It was an all too familiar look. It was the same glare Tom had received after criticizing her, and one that had been sent her way when she’d declined his original offer for a milkshake.

  “And then I had a teacher in ninth grade tell me I would never be accepted into college because my grades weren’t good enough, so I decided to start applying myself. School is wrapping up and I recently found out that I’m the salutatorian of my class. I wasn’t happy to hear that. I spent the past four years striving to be our valedictorian, but what am I supposed to do about Amy Matthews? I mean, the girl’s a genius.”

  Their conversation over dessert made it very clear that he was intelligent, but she hadn’t expected to hear this. He was the salutatorian of his class? She hadn’t come close to being in the running for any of those kinds of honors in high school. What else was he hiding from her?

  “Guess what I want at this very moment?” he asked.

  She didn’t have to think twice to answer that question. The pair of lips which were moving closer to her mouth made it fairly obvious that she was next on his list.

  But an expected wave of electricity didn’t shoot through her body. Her toes didn’t tingle and her hands didn’t turn to goo. There was no magic moment of lust, because his lips never reached hers. Instead, they stopped mere millimeters from her mouth.

  “For you to suck my cock.”

  Her heart stopped. A kiss would have been taboo. She would give it to him, but it wouldn’t feel right. She wasn’t a girl who slept around or had one-night stands. She was a woman who enjoyed sex in a meaningful relationship with someone she loved.

  This, however, was so far out of the realm of possibility. A blowjob? And who asks that way? Who demands that someone suck their cock?

  She watched him slightly pull back and place his glass of water on the kitchen counter. His hand had a clear mission. It had a target and nothing could stop it. Whether she was okay with it or not, it was coming for the top of her head.

  She shivered from weight of his palm now resting on her brown hair. That hand could probably pick her right up off the floor if it wanted to. But any ideas of being sent skyward were swiftly corrected. She wasn’t going up. No, Nora was going down.

  “Get on your knees.”

  One little push immediately sent her to the kitchen floor. Was there a way out of this now? There wasn’t a hand on her head any longer, but this jock’s imposing frame had her trapped. Or did it? Why couldn’t she tell if she really wanted this or not? Life isn’t that hard! Most questions can be answered with a simple yes or no; but like most problems in her world, she went with a maybe.

  Her fingers journeyed up the mesh of his athletic shorts at a snail’s pace. There were no orders to do this part. Her hands were instinctively going for his waistband, eager to reveal the growing bulge hidden from her view. All of a sudden, she froze.

  What about Brad?

  They were just taking a break! Yes, technically they weren’t together, but it wasn’t like they had gone through some brutal breakup. A break was meant to figure things out—to take some time to reflect on the relationship they once had—but Mike was special. She couldn’t explain how she knew it, but she did. There wasn’t a Mike on every college campus or dating app. Guys like him didn’t pop up randomly throughout her day. No one had ever made her feel this way. No one had the ability to bring her into a conversation the way he’d done. No guy could get her to suck his cock an hour after meeting him, but that was exactly what she was about to do.

  Her fingers scurried up his shorts until they locked inside his waistband. One firm tug sent them south, and a loud thud echoed throughout the kitchen as a result. She didn’t need to look down to see what had caused that sound. She could feel it.

  With the back of her head positioned against the refrigerator door, she slid to the right as the warmness of his manhood moved along her neck and chin. He wasn’t even smiling. His demeanor was so confident. It was like he expected her to be down on her knees for him.

  The touch of his manhood vanished from her skin, her eyes moving away from his face. She peered at a particular part of him which had felt rather big, and immediately questioned her ability to estimate.

  Had she honestly expected anything else?

  Six-foot-three, over two hundred pounds of rock hard muscle, and a personality which scream of self-assurance. All the signs were there. The rivers of veins running the length of his now erect cock made her second-guess what a real man looked like. The sheer size and girth caused her to question just how big Brad really was. A glisten of precum oozed from the tiny slit on the big head. A pair of big, low-hanging balls complemented his powerful penis to a tee. He was perfect. But then it hit her.

  His scent.

  It was masculinity. His trimmed pubic hair gave off the smell of an eighteen-year-old who was on a different level than his peers. He may have been in high school, but he didn’t carry himself as such. He didn’t act like the idiots on her campus either. His manhood represented him exquisitely. It was what she fantasized about. It was attached to a guy who caused her to think and explore deep parts of her mind. It belonged to a man who could discuss space one minute, and order her to her knees the next.

  She couldn’t go further though. She had to stop herself. She could still back out now and hold onto her self-respect. Nothing actually happened: they didn’t kiss, she hadn’t put her mouth on him, and it was just a mix of lust and frustration. All she had to do was get out of here and walk home. She should be thinking about how to make a relationship with Brad actually work, or focusing on improving herself over this three month break. Anything would be more productive than giving into her primal desires.

  “Open up,” he firmly demanded.

  And with that, Nora lost her last shred of dignity.

  It wasn’t her fault! His words had some kind of power over her. Her body couldn’t fight what her mind told her to turn away from. The demand to “Open up” caused her lips to promptly part. His cock pushed inside her accepting mouth without a hint of fight from the busty brunette. She was screaming at herself to stop. How could she ever trust herself again after this?

  Nora pulled her mouth away from him. “I-I-I have to go.”

  A big hand met her when she attempted to get to her feet. It found her forehead, and gave her a light push back down to the floor. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  “No, I can’t,” she protested. “I’m not that kind of girl.”

  “Suck my cock, slut.”

  “I’m not a slut!” she shouted.

  His grin didn’t agree with that. This wasn’t the same guy she’d enjoyed a milkshake with. What happened to their discussion about life and space? Where was the man who demanded that she not waste her intelligence? It was like the guy who valued her mind mere minutes ago, now looked at her as a piece of meat.

  Her eyes left his chiseled face and moved down to the head of his penis which glistened with remnants of her spit and saliva. Why wasn’t she protesting this? Why was she allowing some high school punk to speak to her this way? A slut? She wasn’t a slut. She was a responsible college student with a—

  Her thoughts were derailed by two hands gripping the sides of her head and pulling her mouth onto his dick. His thrusting hips repeatedly sent his thick meat down her throat, causing her to choke as a result of her gag reflex being hit. Her obvious discomfort didn’t bother him in the slightest. He just kept right on using her.

  “Fuck yeah,” Mike grunted, now firmly pulling her into him in an attempt to make his manhood disappear. “Give me that fuckin’ throat.”

  Nora may not have been a slut, but she sure felt like one at the moment. Here she was, on some stranger’s kitchen floor, with tears pouring down her face thanks to what felt like a baby arm being forced down her throat. But the sluttiest part of the entire experience was the soaking wet mess her panties had turned into. Why couldn’t h
er mind and body work in unison? Why couldn’t she realize that nothing good would come from being some eighteen-year-old’s porn star fantasy? God, why did all of this feel so good?

  He pulled back, finally allowing her a chance to breathe. Her lungs were desperate for air, but the only thing her mouth desired was his cock. No one had ever forcible taken her before. Brad had gotten rough a few times, but it involved some light spanking and the faintest of choking. It also required that she ask for it. What Mike had just done didn’t resemble any type of sex she was familiar with. She felt the urge to be used. She wanted to be his little slut. Nora didn’t realize; but with every passing second, she was becoming more and more turned on.

  Mike’s big balls dropped over her mouth while she recovered. She immediately began lapping at them. They bounced slightly as he stroked himself and she lunged at them, taking each one into her mouth in turn.

  So what if she wanted to have a little fun with a guy who possessed a bit of a nasty streak? Was that really the end of the world? Shit, Brad hadn’t even existed for the past ten glorious seconds. Her ex-boyfriend didn’t matter. Her classmates, the guys who flirted with her, and cute boy who lived next door: they were all erased. It was only her and this amazing hunk that every girl would kill for a chance to be with.


  He dropped his dick and it thudded down on her face. That was how he looked at her, didn’t he? As a piece of ass. As some girl down the block who was waiting hand and foot to take care of his needs. But she realized something as she soaked in the feel of his heavy manhood resting on her nose; covering the insides of both her eyes and pressing against her forehead, before finally coming to an end up in her hair. Nora’s body came to a conclusion that her mind couldn’t process: she needed this.

  She needed to be someone’s plaything. She needed a man who took what he wanted. Brad had been a good boyfriend; but deep down, every girl wants a bad boy. There wasn’t a woman alive who could turn down the dangerous combination of traits Mike possessed. Knee-weakening good looks, rugged features, a body that belonged on a Hollywood action star, and a cock she’d only seen in porn: where else could she find a man like this? But there was one more quality of his that did it for her like nothing else. It was a certain something that drove her insane.

  His confidence.

  He hadn’t flinched for a single second—even while she protested his actions. He made his intentions perfectly clear. He saw something he wanted, so he took it. Maybe she hadn’t fully appreciated the situation. She was that something this unbelievable guy wanted. She was the girl on his mind—not his classmates, teachers, or God knows who else he could get. Part of her loved that.

  Mike took control of his dick and shot her that grin she was growing rather familiar with. “Who’s my little slut?”

  She wasn’t actually going to say it, was she?

  “Nora, who’s my little slut?” he repeated.

  Engaging in dirty talk would be crossing the line. There was something emotional about not only dirty talk, but talking during sex at all. It represented a line of trust with someone. Was she really already there with him? It took years before she got nasty with her ex-boyfriend, but she was already acting slutty for Mike.

  “I am…”

  “I can’t hear you,” he told her.

  “I am,” she firmly stated, now gazing up at his handsome face. “I’m your little slut.”

  There was a smirk of accomplishment being sent her way. It was a look of achievement. He’d taken this smart, personable, savvy girl, and broken her down to her truest form: a slut. And he was just getting started.

  He took a few steps to the right before snapping his fingers. “Follow me.”

  Nora rose to her feet before a loud “Down!” caused her to stop. Mike was glaring at her.

  His finger pointed straight down at the floor. He’d directed her to follow him but he wanted her back on her knees? How was she supposed—

  It suddenly made sense.

  She dropped to her knees and extended her hands along the laminate flooring. This was degrading, humiliating, and rather embarrassing, and she’d never been more wet in her life.

  “Let’s go, bitch.”

  Correction. She was now at her most wet.

  A senior in high school ordered her to her knees, referred to her as a “Bitch,” and demanded she crawl behind him. Light tingles burned in her bare knees after every jolt forward. The floor turned to hardwood as she continued to trail his path, now out into the hallway. How would someone react to walking in on this scene? Would anyone even be able to look her in the eyes? What kind of graduate student behaves this way? Future NASA employees don’t act like porn sluts. Confident women don’t crawl around on all fours like a dog. But it all felt so good!

  Mike took a few steps up the stairs before shooting her another demanding glance. No words needed to be exchanged to understand what he wanted. There wouldn’t be any easy route up those twelve daunting wood steps.

  She crawled her way up, carefully ascending behind a now grinning Mike.

  She finally made it to the top where he was already at the end of the upstairs hallway. Her eyes caught a hint of his white t-shirt before he slipped into a room on his left.

  There was really no going back from this now. The journey down the hall represented her world officially changing. If Mike treated her like a worthless whore in his parents’ kitchen, then what did he have planned once they moved to his bedroom? It was sure to be something completely new to her rather sexually-reserved world.

  Nora hustled down the hall, still on her hands and knees. Mike wasn’t anywhere to be found, but she could still feel him. His glances and glares lingered. His open door was just feet away and she couldn’t get there fast enough.

  Finally! Her knees met blue carpet as she let out a deep breath of relief. No more hardwood floors!

  She attempted to familiarize herself with her surroundings. This sure looked like a high school boy’s bedroom. There was a flat screen TV with an Xbox in the entertainment center below it, random pieces of clothing scattered along the floor, and a wooden desk that had what appeared to be books for school on it. But then her view became a little blurry. The surprises just kept on coming.

  A strong hand gripped the back of her neck and dragged her toward the bed. She was half crawling and half being pulled to a mattress resting on a wooden bed frame. This kid was treating her like a rag doll—like a dog that had pissed on the carpet. She’d been softened from years of love and respect from her ex-boyfriend. Her body was quick to jump on board with this new type of rough treatment, her mind; however, was still far behind.

  Suddenly, she was on a roller coaster. Her body flew through the air and landed on the comfy mattress below. His strength was intoxicating. The way he manhandled her was effortless. He’d picked her up and launched her into the air with only his right hand!

  She couldn’t help but wet her lips as he pulled his t-shirt over his head and tossed it to the side. He was on a beeline right for her.

  His weight caused the bed to bounce when he jumped up to join her. But that was the last thing she saw. His hand found her neck once again, and buried her face down into the comforter.

  “Get that fat ass up in the air.”

  The firmness of his cadence gave her chills, but his presence was soothing. It was a blur of emotions as her shorts and panties were yanked down and tossed to the floor. Was this the part of him that took what he wanted? There wouldn’t be any lit candles or long make out sessions, were there? And she wasn’t exactly expecting oral sex. Not that she needed it. She had never been more ready to go in her life.

  That pair of strong hands gripped the back of her pink tank top and ripped it apart, resulted in a surprised screech from the somewhat stunned brunette. Her bra was next in line to be roughly removed. Naked, blind, and completely vulnerable to anything and everything: it was unfamiliar territory for her. It was a feeling of helplessness that she was beginning to enj

  “What do you want?”

  Nora didn’t respond.

  Mike viciously slapped her on the ass, causing her to yelp out in pain. “I asked you a question, whore.”

  Twenty minutes ago, she was sitting at a picnic table, having one of the most enjoyable conversations of her life with a guy she barely knew. Now, she was face down and ass up on his bed, being spanked because she hadn’t answered his question. What happened to the guy she’d discussed space with? Where had those handsome eyes and that soft smile gone? And more importantly, why was she wiggling her butt at him? She had no control over her body, but her mind was still attempting to fight back.

  She decided to stay silent. She couldn’t admit to what she really wanted. She’d already told him that she was his little slut, and it resulted in her crawling throughout his house. Wait, didn’t she kind of like that though? Shit, she couldn’t tell anymore!

  “You aren’t going to be able to sit for a week if you don’t answer my fuckin’ question,” he firmly stated, his deep voice showing no signs of weakness.

  This was no longer playful. There were consequences for putting herself in this position, and she was quickly learning just how harsh they could be.

  “To get fucked…” she quietly answered.

  “You can go on Tinder for that,” Mike chuckled. “That’s not why you’re here.”

  He was right. That wasn’t why she was here. Her ex-boyfriend, the married husband stocking shelves at the grocery store, or some cute guy on a hookup app could fuck her. There was a long list of men who’d be willing to wait in line for a chance with her. She needed something more than just sex.


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