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Page 17

by Blake, Remy

  “She borrowed against her business for her children. Admirable, really.”

  “Get to the point,” I grit out.

  “Okay. Okay. Where was I?” He taps a finger to his lips, and it takes everything in me not to grab it and break it. “Then comes Anthony with his gambling addiction, using your mom’s generosity to work in his favor.”

  Knowing what’s coming next, the bile in my throat begins to rise.

  “He managed to forge his way into a $500,000 debt.” He pauses for dramatic effect and it works, because the reminder of just how much money I was paying off had me open the car door and vomit all over the road.

  The stiff prick has the nerve to hand me a tissue and tap my shoulder. “Thank you for not doing that in car.”


  When I’ve composed myself just enough to turn around, I steel my gaze at him. “So let me guess, you make it all go away, if I leave Connor.”

  “You almost got it, but not quite there. Let me do the honors”

  He pulls out another paper, one more resembling a contract.

  “You sign this and walk away from Connor, I’ll pay off your family’s debt.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “He’ll get kicked out of King and I’ll make sure no other school takes him”

  This part stuns me. “Why would you do that to him?”

  “Connor has been trying to evade my rules for as long as I can remember. He needs to be reminded, when he’s living of my dollar that’s not how it works.”

  “So, you would just tarnish his reputation like that?”

  “Not just his.”

  My head is reeling from the information overload, my mind absolutely repulsed by the way this man demands such power.

  I knew Connor had it bad, but this is beyond anything I could’ve ever expected. I can’t just walk away from him knowing he’d be at the hands of this man, to twist and turn our story into something so ugly and meaningless.

  Yet there’s more at stake if I stay.

  “I don’t want your money.”

  “You don’t have a choice, Harper,” he says sternly. “I can’t trust that you’ll go and stay away from him. Whereas, if I have proof you picked money over him, then I can do a wonderful job reminding him that you’re not that much different to everyone else.”

  I snatch the papers off him, and push the door open. Before I slam it in his face, the vicious tone of his voice comes through one more time.

  “Ms. Martínez. Dean Billings is waiting for you. He has the paperwork for your resignation.”

  * * *

  I sit in my apartment, frozen. Unable to decide which way is up and which way is down. I should’ve gone to Billings after my encounter with Mr McAdam, but I couldn’t face another money hungry, power driven man today.

  I’d hit my quota and I just needed to take a moment and work out my next move.

  I didn’t want the money. It was tainted and it would destroy Connor, and I wanted to limit that as much as possible.

  Furious knocks beat down my door, and I open up to let in the cavalry.

  Cole is the first to arrive and I break down in his arms.

  “Hey,” he coos. “I came as soon as I could. What happened?”

  Just as I’m about to lead him inside, Sadie arrives. We share a look and the tears fall even harder.

  “What the hell did I miss?” Cole asks, his eyes darting between us. “I only just spoke to you the other day.”

  “Remember Connor,” Sadie informs him.

  “The guy she’s seeing?”

  “He’s a student here.”

  His eyes light up and the fucker has the nerve to smile. “Don’t you fucking dare gloat about it,” I shriek.

  “Okay, okay,” he says, raising his hands up in defeat. “So, tell me you broke up and it’s not something worse.”

  “Do you know who Connor McAdam Sr. is?” I ask.

  “The name vaguely rings a bell, why?” Cole answers while a loud gasp leaves Sadie’s mouth.

  “Tell me you weren’t dating his son.”

  Nodding, I expel a loud breath of air and sit down on the nearby couch.

  “Ok, let me get you some water,” she says, rushing off to the kitchen.

  When Sadie returns, she and Cole sit on either side of me, waiting patiently for me to tell them what’s wrong.

  I start at the beginning. For Cole’s sake I don’t just rehash today, I tell him the very things he’s been trying to get me to tell him for months.

  I explain what happened with Anthony, and how much debt he left me in. I tell them how I didn’t take the job at King initially because I didn’t want to be away from him. I confess that I felt so responsible, I punished myself to pay off his debt.

  Then I explain to them both Mr. McAdam Sr.’s ultimatum.

  “He really hasn’t given you many options, Beauty.”

  “No shit,” Sadie sneers.

  “I have to leave,” I announce, standing up too fast. “The longer I ignore Connor, it gives him more time to catch on to what’s going on. I need to be in California by the time that happens.”

  “Don’t you think he deserves more than that?” Sadie queries.

  “Of course I do, but I can’t let him get kicked out of King. Not when his dad wants to make the rest of his life a living hell.”

  “And what about the money?” Cole slips in. “You could be really taking the load off your own shoulders if you take it.” I’m just about to argue when he puts a hand over my mouth. “I know you’re a good person and I know money is the least important thing to you, but that debt is too big for you to pay on your own. You’ll be hacking at it for the rest of your life.”

  “I can’t take it without consequence, Cole. Even if I walk away from Connor, he had to know that money was not more important than him.”

  My eyes fill with tears for the millionth time today, but this time for tears I didn’t think I’d ever cry. Being here was the hardest experience of my life, but in such a short time, a handful of people have made it okay.

  I’m going to miss them. Cole, Sadie, Miles. I’ll miss them until I can see them again. And Connor. How did I not see myself falling in love with him? The signs were there. My heart was there. With his.

  I wipe my eyes on the backs of my hands and then on my pants. I can’t think about myself right now. I need to think of all the things Connor will lose if I don’t get the hell out of here.

  Cole finally nods in understanding and pushes stray strands of hair off my face. “So, what’s the plan?”

  I look between him and Sadie. “I guess I’m going home.”



  Hurrying down the steps of Connor’s Brownstone, my usual walk of shame in yesterday’s clothes is starting to get really old. He’s offered a million times to make space in his wardrobe for me, but moving things in seems like a step my job and our circumstances just can’t allow. I’m very much aware this isn’t just a tryst with my student, and that my feels for Connor are above serious and very much in the potentially falling territory. But my only problem is I don’t know where to go from here. I don’t know how to take the next step or what the next step would even mean for us.

  I’m just about to check how far my Uber is when a town car pulls up to the side walk. I look around to see if there’s anybody around me who would be waiting for it, but the street still hasn’t woken up yet.

  I watch as the tinted window slowly rolls down. A salt and pepper colored head of hair becomes visible first. Features begin to morph together till I’m staring at none other than Connor McAdam Sr.

  D.C. royalty stares back at me, and the churn in my stomach tells me he knows exactly who I am.

  “Ms. Martínez,” he calls out, his condescending tone hard to miss.

  “Mr. McAdams.”

  “Oh good, you know who I am. So now we can skip introductions.”

  I stand there waiting, with no idea on what I’m supposed to do n

  “Get in the car, Ms. Martínez.”

  “Excuse me?” I look around wondering if anybody is watching and whether or not I should run back up to Connor’s place.

  “Get in the car unless you want the whole sidewalk to hear about you sleeping with your student.”

  Instinct told me it was coming but the words still feel like a hard slap across my face when he said them.

  His one statement had reduced what Connor and I have to something wrong and dirty. I want to run. I want to scream, but just as Connor has often told me about his father, the only thing you can do is play along.

  I school my features and walk around the nose of the car. Slipping into the opposite side, I let my back rest on the closed door trying to put as much distance between us.

  “I’m glad you used your common sense and decided to get in the car.”

  “Is there something I can help you with?” I ask, trying to keep my voice calm and steady.

  “Actually, today is the day I can help you.” He hands me a yellow dossier and my face furrows in confusion.

  “What’s this?”

  “Open it and see. I don’t want to ruin the surprise.” His voice is like nails on a chalkboard, my body cringing with every single thing he says.

  I open the folder and find a stack of papers. There are spreadsheets, bank statements, pay slips and photos of my house with Anthony and mom’s business.

  “How do you have all this?” I refuse to look up at him, refuse to give him the satisfaction of knowing he just pulled out the one card I will fold for.

  “What a silly question. Maybe in between all the sex Connor forgot to tell you how much money I really have. One of the best law firms in the country didn’t hurt my cause either.”

  I whip my head up, and stare him down with everything I have. “What do you want?”

  “For you to leave my son of course.”

  “And what does this.” I shake the papers at him. “Have to do with that?”

  “Let’s spell things out shall we.” He straightens his tie as if he’s about to give his final deposition. “You were engaged to Mr. Anthony Denton and when you announced you wanted to buy a house, your generous mother said she’d help you, just like she helped your brothers get their business loan.”

  The amount of depth there is to his story makes the hairs on the back of my neck prick up. There’s absolutely nothing he doesn’t know about me. He’s adamant to see the back of me and he won’t stop until I’m gone.

  “She borrowed against her business for her children. Admirable really.”

  “Get to the point,” I grit out.

  “Okay. Okay. Where was I?” He taps a finger to his lips and it takes everything in me not to grab it and break it. “Then comes Anthony with his gambling addiction, using your mom’s generosity to work in his favor.”

  Knowing what’s coming next the bile in my throat begins to rise.

  “He managed to forge his way into a five hundred thousand dollar debt.” He pauses for dramatic effect and it works, because the reminder of just how much money I was paying off has me open the car door and vomit all over the road.

  The stiff prick has the nerve to hand me a tissue and tap my shoulder. “Thank you for not doing that inside the car.”


  When I composed myself just enough to turn around, I steel my gaze at him. “So let me guess, you make it all go away, if I leave Connor.”

  “You almost got it, but not quite there. Let me do the honors”

  He pulls out another paper, one more resembling a contract.

  “You sign this, I’ll pay off your family’s debt and you walk away from Connor.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “He’ll get kicked out of King and I’ll make sure no other school takes him.”

  This part stuns me. “Why would you do that to him?”

  “Connor has been trying to evade my rules for as long as I remember. He needs to be reminded when he’s living of my dollar that’s not how this works.”

  “So you would just tarnish his reputation?”

  “Not just his.”

  My head is reeling from the information overload, my mind absolutely repulsed by the way this man demands such power.

  I knew Connor had it bad, but this is beyond anything I could’ve ever expected. I can’t just walk away from him knowing he’d be at the hands of this man to twist and turn our story into something so ugly and meaningless.

  Yet there’s more at stake if I stay.

  “I don’t want your money.”

  “You don’t have a choice, Harper,” he says sternly. “I can’t trust that you’ll go and stay away from him, whereas if I have proof you picked money over him, then I can do a wonderful job reminding him that you’re not that much different to everyone else.”

  I snatch the papers off him, and push the door open. Before I slam it in his face, the vicious tone of his voice comes through one more time.

  “Ms. Martínez. Dean Billings is waiting for you. He has the paperwork for your resignation.”

  * * *

  I sit in my apartment, frozen. Unable to decide which way is up and which way is down. I should’ve gone to Billings after my encounter with Mr. McAdam, but I couldn’t face another money hungry, power driven man today.

  I’d hit my quota and I just needed to take a moment and work out my next move.

  I didn’t want the money. It was tainted and it would destroy Connor and I wanted to limit that as much as possible.

  Furious knocks beat down my door, and I open up to let in the Cavalry.

  Cole is the first to arrive and I breakdown in his arms.

  “Hey,” he coos. “I came as soon as I could. What happened?”

  Just as I’m about to lead him inside Sadie arrives. We share a look and the tears fall even harder.

  “What the hell did I miss?” Cole asks, his eyes darting between us. “I only just spoke to you the other day.”

  “Remember Connor,” Sadie informs him.

  “The guy she’s seeing?”

  “He’s a student here.”

  His eyes light up and the fucker has the nerve to smile. “Don’t you fucking dare gloat about it,” I shriek.

  “Okay okay,” he says raising his hands up in defeat. “So, tell me you broke up and it’s not something worse.”

  “Do you know who Connor McAdam Sr. is?” I ask.

  “The name vaguely rings a bell, why?” Cole answers, while a loud gasp leaves Sadie’s mouth.

  “Tell me you weren’t dating his son.”

  Nodding, I expel a loud breath of air, and sit down on the nearby couch.

  “Ok, let me get you some water,” she says rushing off to the kitchen.

  When Sadie returns she and Cole sit on either side of me waiting patiently for me to tell them what’s wrong.

  I start at the beginning. For Cole’s sake I don’t just rehash today, I tell him the very things he’s been trying to get me to tell him for months.

  I explain what happened with Anthony, and how much debt he left me in. I tell them how I didn’t take the job at King initially because I didn’t want to be away from him and my family. I confess that I felt so responsible I punished myself to pay off his debt.

  Then I explain to them both Mr. McAdam Sr’s ultimatum.

  “He really hasn’t given you many options, Beauty.”

  “No shit,” Sadie sneers.

  “I have to leave,” I announce, standing up too fast. “The longer I ignore Connor it gives him more time to catch on to what’s going on. I need to be in California by the time that happens.”

  “Don’t you think he deserves more than that?” Sadie queries.

  “Of course I do, but I can’t let him get kicked out of King. Not when his dad wants to make the rest of his life a living hell.”

  “And what about the money,” Cole slips in. “You could be really taking the load off your own shoulders if you take it.” I’m just ab
out to argue when he puts a hand over my mouth. “I know you’re a good person and I know money is the least important thing to you, but that debt is too big for you to pay on your own. You’ll be hacking at it for the rest of your life.”

  “I can’t take it without consequence, Cole. Even if I walk away from Connor he has to know that money was not more important than him.”

  My eyes fill with tears for the millionth time today, but this time for tears I didn’t think I’d ever cry. Being here was the hardest experience of my life, but in such a short time a handful of people have made it okay.

  I’m going to miss them. Cole, Sadie, Miles. I’ll miss them until I can see them again. And Connor, how did I not see myself falling in love with him? The signs were there. My heart was there. With his.

  I wipe my eyes on the backs of my hand and then on my pants. I can’t think about myself right now. I need to think of all the things Connor will lose if I don’t get the hell out of here.

  Cole finally nods in understanding, and pushes stray strands of hair off my face. “So, what’s the plan?”

  I look between him and Sadie. “I guess I’m going home.”



  Tank and I walk outside from the vets and pause on the sidewalk. Bending over, I pat his head. “How are you doing, buddy? Are you feeling better?”

  He looks up at me in reply and I can tell he’s already improved. He hasn’t vomited and his ass hasn’t exploded in over an hour. Whatever they gave him for medicine worked. I never realized dogs can get sick too.

  Leading him on his leash to my Jeep, I scoop him up into the passenger seat and close the door. Moving around to the driver’s side, I climb in. “Okay, Tankman. I’m bringing you to your grandparents’ house. Gram will nurse you back to health while I’m at school. Take it easy playing ball with Gramps though.”

  My grandparents live in McClean, VA, about a fifteen minute ride from here. “Lie down, bud and get some rest. I’ll wake you when we get there.” Tank does as I tell him as if he understands every word I say.


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