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Beth's Eyes

Page 7

by A J Estelliam

  As she bent her head, I felt almost dream-like. Her mouth found mine and her lips gently touched my own. I sighed with sheer bliss and leaned into her, closing my eyes in surrender. Opening my mouth to hers and reaching to pull her close, passion exploded in a second and our mouths mated as if we were destined for this moment. We were completely in synch, and it felt so natural and right to be opening up to her in this way. Her clever mouth and tongue moved against mine, making me moan with need. She was an excellent kisser, using her lips to tantalise and caress mine. I had never felt so aroused; or loved. Her touch was so incredibly gentle and passionate. It was like nothing I had ever experienced. She cradled my face with her hands and kissed me as if I was the last woman in the world. Sighing with pleasure, I completely surrendered myself to her kiss.

  Anderson’s mouth didn’t stop. Our kiss went on and on, and as the passion built to bursting point, I groaned aloud. Anderson trailed one hand down my back and then up my side to cup my breast. Tearing my mouth from hers, desperate for breath, I gasped my pleasure as she ran her fingers across my tight nipple. It ached for her touch and as she rolled it between her fingers and thumb, I couldn’t help the sounds of pleasure which ripped from my throat. Deftly, Anderson removed my t-shirt and then quickly dispensed with my bra. Naked from the waist up, I felt my nipples pucker even more in the cold, night air.

  ‘You’re beautiful,’ Anderson said softly, as her wonderful eyes took in my naked breasts and torso.

  Bending her head, she gently reached out and licked one nipple lightly. I shivered involuntarily and arched my back in response. She bent again, lapping at my erect tip slowly and erotically, drawing out the pleasure by teasing my sensitive skin.

  ‘More,’ I gasped as she continued to lick. I needed more, and felt myself squirming for more of her then and there.

  ‘Mmm,’ she replied, capturing my nipple in her mouth and suckling deeply.

  I cried out my pleasure, arching up as she used her mouth, lips and tongue to tantalise me. Moving to my other breast, she took the nipple in her mouth and sucked it hard, making me gasp and moan.

  ‘You’re so sensitive,’ she whispered, making me ache more and more.

  I met her eyes and wanted nothing more than for her to make all the bad in the world go away. In her arms I found something I had never experienced before. A feeling of completeness. A feeling of everything being okay, so long as I was with her.

  Her mouth began a trail down my neck and down my stomach. As she kissed my body, her hand slipped into my jeans, searching for my burning core.

  The first touch of her fingers on my slick flesh felt so good that I cried out in pleasure. She rubbed me in gentle movements, easing her fingers inside of me and circling on my clitoris.

  As I threw my head back and groaned with desire, she pushed me back further and pulled at my clothing. Jeans and underwear came away swiftly and she parted my legs as I lay back on the sofa.

  I lay before her, splayed wide and waiting. My breath came in short, sharp gasps as I anticipated her touch. The desire in her eyes as she held my gaze was incredible to see and I found myself unable to look away, even as she bent her head towards me.

  Her eyes held mine captive as her mouth met my sex. She opened her mouth and used her tongue to trail along my soft lips. My clitoris responded immediately and I cried out, arching backwards. Spreading my legs wider, she used her lips, mouth and tongue to push me higher and higher towards orgasm. I was so aroused that I was there before I knew it, gasping and crying out my pleasure. Wave after wave came crashing over me and she pushed me through each one, extending my bliss even further.

  When I last I felt my body calming, I felt Andi move and as she stood above me, she stripped off her towelling robe and moved closer. Her eyes met mine as she lifted her leg over my shoulders to sit on my face. Eager to taste her now, I opened my mouth and trailed my tongue over her. She was wet and slick with excitement and she pressed her sex down onto my face with mounting desire.

  Using my fingers, I pushed several up inside her, thrusting them out and in to add to her experience. She moaned and rode me, moving back and forth on my face, her slick sex working avidly against my tongue. When she came, it was majestic. She cried out and arched her back, riding me fiercely. Again and again she called out my name before slumping down on top of me. Panting and breathing heavily, her low chuckle was testament to the pleasure she had felt in my arms.

  Chapter 10

  Lying in the bed in the dark, I felt an inner peace which I had never felt before. It was coupled with intense fluttering of butterflies and awareness which ran through my body like fire. It was the most amazing feeling to sense that I had met a woman who I could spend the rest of my life with and be both happy and stimulated in every way possible.

  ‘I need water,’ Anderson groaned, her face in the pillow beside me.

  I chuckled, deep and low, knowing exactly why she was feeling such thirst. I had heard of sexual marathons but never experienced anything even close. What Anderson and I had shared together was beyond words, more than any grand statements you could make. I sighed in contentment and stretched like a cat.

  ‘I’m just going to get some water,’ she said, pulling on a robe. ‘You want anything?’

  ‘Yes, water too please,’ I smiled.

  She smiled down at me before leaning down to kiss me gently on the lips. ‘Back in a minute gorgeous,’ she said softly.

  I smiled up at her, deliriously happy in that moment.

  I watched as she tied the cords of her robe around her middle and then headed out of the room. I lay back, smiling to myself. Life couldn’t get much better than this, I mused.

  Lying in the soft moonlight, I thought back to how this had all began. It seemed almost impossible that we had been through much together in such a short space of time.

  A loud slam shocked me into a sitting position and my heart began to pound.

  ‘Andi?’ I called into the darkness. When she didn’t respond, fear snaked its way through my veins. ‘Andi?’ I called again, my voice quavering with the threat that I felt resting on my shoulders.

  Easing to my feet, I pulled my clothes on quickly. Creeping out of the bedroom, I tiptoed as quietly as I could to the top of the stairs. Looking down I could see nothing. Where was Andi? Where the fuck was she? I thought to myself, feeling panicked.

  I crept down the stairs, trembling at the idea that there was someone else here; a killer ready to attack. Oh God, where was Andi? Please, please don’t let anything of happened to her, I prayed to myself.

  I reached the downstairs and realised I was cold. Eyes darting all around, I saw the reason for my chill-the door which led out from the kitchen was open, and as I inched closer, I saw glass and blood on the floor. Dropping to my knees and crying aloud, I clasped a hand to my mouth to stop the noise. Glass and blood. Blood and glass. What had he done to her? Where was he? I had to find Anderson. I couldn’t be without Anderson now. It would be a life unlived. I got to my feet, pulling myself together and ran for the door. I wasn’t going to let him take her away from me. Not if I had any breath left in my lungs to stop him.

  When I reached the door, I looked for anything useful I could use to help me find Anderson. The window had been broken from the outside and the glass lay on the floor, littering the kitchen. Drops of blood led from the kitchen counter towards the door and then out on the patio. I followed them until it grew too dark then headed back to find a torch. Once I had one in hand, I searched again and found that the blood trail led down the path and then outwards into the forest. He had gone towards wilderness on foot, I mused. How far could he get with Anderson in tow? Surely not that far?

  I rushed back inside and scanned the room. I was looking for anything useful that might help me on my mission to find Anderson.

  After grabbing my bag, I shoved inside the torch, several knives, water and another jumper. I didn’t know what I was doing or how I was planning to help Anderson but I did know tha
t I needed to do something.

  I left by the door that Anderson had been stolen through. I followed the blood trail for as long as it lasted and then when that was lost, walked forwards with no destination in mind. I followed the path in my head, through darkness and to an unbeknownst place. I knew nothing but the next step and on I went, without fear and reason, to help the woman I loved.

  Stopping dead in my tracks, I comprehended what I had just realised. I was in love with Anderson. As impossible as it may be, I had fallen for her. She was the most wonderful, intelligent, positive and inspiring person I had ever met and every minute of being with her felt right. I knew, without doubt, that I had to find her. I had to save her.

  Walking on, I felt the deep, penetrating cold air seep into my body. Tonight would see freezing temperatures, I was sure. Without assistance, a person would die in the cold this evening.

  I stopped in a clearing and closed my eyes. Breathing in and out, in and out slowly, I tried to see the path he had taken. A vision came gradually, inching into my mind step by step.

  ‘Dirty, fucking hoare. You’re nothing!’ he yelled, spitting down onto the fierce-looking woman. Her eyes stared back, full of defiance and it made me feel even more anger towards her.

  ‘Let me go,’ she said, staring up, unafraid.

  ‘Never,’ I snarled, enjoying seeing her wrestle against the chair I had bound her in. ‘In fact, let’s make you a little more secure…’

  I walked to my bag and pulled out several long nails and a hammer. Walking back, I smiled at her. It was more a sneer than a smile, but I felt good at the thought of hurting her. ‘Ready for some pain, bitch?’ he asked.

  ‘Fuck off,’ she snarled, spitting at me with disgust.

  Anger furled through my system like a volcano ready to erupt. ‘Big mistake, fucker,’ he growled, and lifted the hammer.

  Bringing it down blindly, it slammed into her shoulder. Bringing it back, with flesh and blood clinging to it gave me immense satisfaction. Hearing her pain and her cries excited me even more. I reached for my nails and placed one on the hand I had tied to the table. ‘Ready? I said, smiling at her maniacally. I slammed the hammer down heavily on the nail, forcing it through her flesh with riveting ease. I did the same to her other hand, while she cried out her pain, screaming and clenching her body tightly against the pain.

  Throwing my head back, I laughed and laughed, enjoying her anguish. It sent ripples of pleasure through me to see the torment in her body. Wanting more, I picked up the nearest knife. Stepping towards her, I wondered where to cut first.

  I came too, curled on the forest floor. My body ached and I knew I must have been fitting as I experienced the vision of Anderson. Terrified and panicked, I looked around as I sat up. Where would he take her? Where in the middle of the forest would I find a room with navy curtains which had little boats sailing across in white.

  Realisation struck me like a blow to the chest. I stood, turned directly around and began to run.

  No pain was allowed to penetrate my consciousness. I didn’t let it in. I ran as fast as my body would go, my legs pumping underneath me furiously. He had double-backed back round to the cabin. I understood that now. It was why the trail had stopped and my confusion had grown. He had known I would follow and he was enjoying my anguish.

  I ran and ran, exhausted beyond measure, but not allowing that to slow me down. I had to get there before the vision I had seen became reality. I couldn’t let him hurt Anderson in that way. Especially because I now knew it was for me. All the killing was for my benefit. He had issues with me, and that was why he was trying to get my attention. I didn’t understand it, but I sure as hell was going to do something about it.

  I reached the cabin after about ten minutes. I had been running flat-out and I felt just about ready to drop. Standing at the door, panting hard, I took several moments to catch my breath so that I was ready for whatever faced me. If I wasn’t composed, I knew I would never survive against this mad man.

  One more, deep breath and I headed into the cabin. I didn’t make the effort to go quietly as I knew that he was waiting for me. I could feel it in every inch of my being.

  ‘I’m here,’ I yelled. ‘I’m yours! Don’t hurt her. It’s me you want.’

  I stopped, listening, inching closer into the cabin. I knew he was waiting for me but I just didn’t know whereabouts he was.

  I went room by room, looking for them. The fear in my chest was palpable; my heart felt like it would explode. At the final room downstairs, which was an often-unused study, I stopped at the door. Somehow I knew this was the place. This was where they were.

  I lifted a trembling hand to the door and waited. Then, taking a deep breath, I pushed it open and faced my nightmare.

  His black, cloaked figure stood behind Anderson, who was bound to the chair. She looked terrified but I quickly averted my gaze to the man who was attempting to destroy my world. I wanted to know why and I wanted to stop him right now. He stood poised with his hammer and nail, holding it ready on the top of Anderson’s hand. I swallowed hard at the sight, desperate for him to not complete the act of violence against the woman I loved.

  I looked into his eyes; they were the only part of him that I could see as his face was masked by a thick balaclava. ‘Please,’ I begged. ‘Don’t hurt her,’ I pleaded.

  A low, amused chuckle sounded in the man’s throat. He lifted the hammer and slammed it down on the nail. The answering scream that emitted from Anderson’s throat tore me apart.

  ‘Please, please!’ I cried, falling to my knees to beg the man. ‘Please, let her go. You don’t want her. It’s me you want. Me! Let her go!’ I begged.

  He walked towards me, slowly and defiant in his stance. Lifting something out of his back pocket, he turned it on.

  I realised in an instant that it was a taser. When he held it forwards, I felt the fear rush through me. Then, instead of hurting me, he turned and tasered Anderson in a quick movement. She collapsed down onto the desk whilst he turned back to me. One step brought him directly above me. Angry eyes stared down at me and then he struck, savagely striking me with the taser gun. I collapsed to the floor, shuddering with intense pain before losing consciousness. Lost in a world of blackness, I could do nothing to help myself.

  When I next woke, my whole body hurt. I moaned and tried to move, but nothing could shift my captive body. I blinked and found my eyes were heavy and slick with something wet. Sweat or blood, I concluded as I tried to keep myself from blacking out once more.

  Anderson! The sudden thought came to my mind with a wave of panic. Anderson! Was she okay? Was she hurt? Had the police got there in time? The one good thing that I had done before being kidnapped by my crazed killer was phoning the police. They would have reached the cabin shortly after I was taken. I took a deep breath in and out, telling myself that Anderson would be okay. The police would get there in time. Her injuries had not been life-threatening. Taser and nail through her hand…unless he had carried on her assault on her after I was unconscious.

  ‘Uh…’ I moaned, trying to lift my heavy head.

  Complete and utter silence filled the cold room.

  ‘He…’ I tried, attempting to call someone to help me. Deep down though, I knew there was no-one. He would have taken me somewhere secure and secluded. It wasn’t going to be anywhere that I could be found. The first killing hadn’t quite panned out the way he had planned. This time, I knew that he wanted to finish the job.

  As I sat on the hard, wooden chair, I had nothing but my mind to keep me company. I let myself drift into happier times, and all I could think of was Anderson. I relived every minute of our time together, from start to finish. Her eyes fluttered through my head like little rays of hope. It gave me a feeling of happiness, in this most awful of situations.

  Thinking of Anderson in those long, quiet minutes kept me sane. As long as I had my memories of her, I knew I would be okay. Every time a negative thought came into my head, I’d push it away
and think of Andi. There was nothing but her. Nothing could hurt me while Andi was present in my mind.

  Sudden footsteps alerted me to someone returning to my location. It sounded like steps down a flight of steps and I wrestled my hands against their constraints, desperate to get away.

  Something was ripped away from my face and suddenly, I was blinking in the dim light.

  ‘Fuck,’ a male voice muttered.

  I blinked against my wet eyes, trying to focus on the man who stood before me. My vision was blurred and all I could see was a watery outline of a person before me.

  ‘Christ sake,’ he was saying, pacing back and forth as he kept glancing at me.

  ‘Help,’ I said, croakily, my voice betraying my fear.

  ‘Fuck,’ he muttered again, rubbing his face with his hand.

  I blinked again and again, feeling a strange sense of familiarity snaking through me. Why did I know this man? I wondered. There was something that I knew…something about him that was…familiar.

  As I blinked my eyes, the water cleared and the man came into view. The way he moved, the voice…it was familiar. The balaclava covered his identity, but I felt like I knew him.

  ‘I know you,’ I said, my voice low and breaking.

  His head whirled towards me and he leant down into my face to snarl at me. ‘Yeah, you fucking know me, bitch!’

  ‘Who? Who…are you?’ I managed, looking away from him, trying to turn away from the fierce violence in his stance.

  Without warning, he whipped the balaclava of his head and stood before me, staring down at me with wide-eyes. His face looked like he was battling insanity and as I realised who held me captive, my stomach twisted with disgust.

  ‘Ray?’ I stuttered in stunned, disbelief.

  He clenched his jaw and almost growled at me.

  ‘What the fuck, Ray? Why are you doing this?’ I cried, completely stunned. My adoptive sister’s gentle husband stood before me, looking about as crazy as someone who was criminally insane.


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