Quarantined With My Ex

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Quarantined With My Ex Page 3

by Brynn Paulin

  “I’m pregnant. I’m not sick. I’m pregnant,” she repeated.

  “I… Were you planning to tell me?” My world was spinning as the future I’d envisioned spiraled away. I couldn’t give her what she wanted so…

  “Of course, I was,” she exclaimed. Then guilt filled her eyes and she looked down at her hands. “I decided I had to after I read your letter. You had to know why we can’t be together—”

  Bullshit. We would be together. I didn’t care. I’d fucking fight for her. Whatever had happened, it was part my fault. It hurt like hell to think she’d turned to someone else, but she was mine.

  “Whose is it?” I demanded.

  Kenna stared at me. Her mouth dropped open then thunderous anger rolled over her face, darkening her expression with fury. “Whose is it?” she repeated her tone low. “Whose is it? Whose is it? Whose do you think it is, you asshole?” she practically screeched as her agitation exploded.

  “Well, it’s not mine. I can’t fucking have kids. That’s why I said no to them.”

  She froze, her eyes narrowing, and her head tilting. “What?”

  “I was injured when I was younger. I can’t have kids.” Those last four words were enunciated like gunshots of truth.

  Kenna stared at me in silence, studying me, not an ounce of guilt or calculation in her gaze.

  “I haven’t slept with anyone else, Daniel. I never have. You know that. We were each other’s one and only. So this must be a second immaculate conception or something, then.” She closed her eyes, her shoulders slumped with weary defeat. “I’m tired. I’m going to take a nap.”

  Turning her back to me, she lay on her side, her arms locked around her middle.


  “Go. Away,” she muttered, her upset clear, despite being muffled by the pillows. I heard her betrayal and defeat.

  I couldn’t move. Frozen, I stared at her slim back. Kenna was pregnant? I still couldn’t regain my solid footing. Everything I’d known—or thought I’d known, anyway—shattered. She’d never lied to me before. Why would she now?

  “How far along are you? How long have you known?” My voice was a rasp, strangled by emotion at the prospect of something I’d never thought would happen for me. I was going to be a father?

  Looking over her shoulder, Kenna glared at me. Her glassy, tear-filled eyes sliced through me. Turning away again, she didn’t answer, but I could see the slight shake of her head.

  “Answer me,” I demanded.

  “Eight weeks. I found out a couple days after you left.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I breathed.

  She huffed and rolled onto her back. “So now you have convenient amnesia? You made it clear. You don’t want—”

  “Don’t,” I warned.

  “You don’t,” she growled, pointing at me. “You left because all we could do was argue because we couldn’t see eye to eye. I want children. You don’t, remember? You wouldn’t even discuss it as a future possibility.”

  “I never said that.”

  “You never said what? You were very clear, Daniel. No kids.”

  “I never said I don’t want kids. I said they weren’t in the cards for us and tried to tell you how great our life was with just us. I do want them. But I can’t.”

  Her hand flattened on her belly. “This begs to differ. But you know what? Believe it or don’t believe it. I won’t trap you into fatherhood. I was prepared to raise this baby on my own. I still will. I’m not asking anything of you. You don’t have to believe me, Daniel. But this is why we can’t just resume the physical part of our relationship. I can’t do that.”

  I reared back, her words as hard a blow as if she’d struck me. Like hell she’d raise my baby alone. Like hell my kid would think he or she was unwanted. And like hell would I not be in my child’s life.

  Kenna had never lied to me.

  Kenna wasn’t lying now.

  I knew it to my core.

  Stunned, in complete awe, I closed the physical space parting us, intent on eliminating the emotional space that separated us, as well. Some people might call me a fool, but I believed her. I wanted everything with her. Everything.

  Dropping to my knees, I wrapped my arms around her and pressed my face to her stomach. And I cried. Kenna and this baby were a complete miracle. My entire future, and I’d almost lost them without knowing it. I was such a fucking fool.

  “Daniel,” she whispered, and my arms tightened, so she didn’t try to squirm away from me.

  “I never thought it could happen. I knew you wanted it, but I didn’t think it was possible.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” she whispered.

  “Because I’m a dumbass and thought you’d leave me.”

  “So you ruined everything, instead?”

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Kenna. I messed up everything. I hate that you thought I wouldn’t want this baby. That you thought you couldn’t tell me for fear I’d reject both of you. That you thought you’d have to do it alone. You’re never alone. You never will be. I love you so much. I’ll love this baby so much.”

  “Daniel,” she gasped. Raising up, I climbed onto the mattress and crawled up to lie side by side with her, so we faced one another. We clung to each other, the wall separating us crumbling and leaving our souls bared and vulnerable.

  Chapter Seven

  ~ McKenna ~

  Was this really happening? Daniel’s arms were wrapped around me, so tight, as if he’d never ever release me. I pressed my face into his chest, breathing him in. The scent of fresh air from outside and the underlying smell of the city clung to him, but under it was pure Daniel. Daniel, my comfort, the man who’d been my rock before everything had just crumbled beneath us.

  “We have to talk about things.” His words rustled my hair as he spoke into the top of my head then pressed his lips there. “Not about this situation, but about everything. We can’t shut each other out. I know this is my fault. God, I was so afraid. I can’t believe I almost destroyed everything because of it. So stupid.”

  My arms squeezed him. “Shh… It’s over. Past. We’ll… We’ll go forward from here. Consider this a lesson learned. I’m pissed that you didn’t think better of me, though. That you thought I’d leave because of that.”

  He sighed. “I’m a dumbass. I wasn’t thinking straight. I’m sure guys aren’t supposed to be worried about having kids or not, but it’s been…kind of this albatross hanging on me. Like I wasn’t good enough.”

  Pulling back, I looked up at him. “You’ll always be good enough. Daniel, you’re one of the best men I know. Look, I’m not saying this because of the baby, because I’m already pregnant, but I would have been okay. We could have adopted or something. Heck, we might still. I don’t want this one to be an only child.” I smiled self-consciously. “Is that too much?”

  “No.” His eyes filled with such genuine intent and love that I knew he spoke the truth. It was almost as if I heard the pieces of us clicking back together, making us whole again. We still had to work on things but…we would. We would work hard to make sure we didn’t let anything like this happen again.

  His hand strayed down to my belly. “How are you feeling?”

  “Baby’s fine.”

  “No, how are you feeling? You were throwing up a lot. Not just now, but ever since I got here.” His brows drew together. “Do I need to try to get you to the doctor?”

  I shook my head. “Morning sickness. And…I think, maybe, stress was making it worse. I hated not telling you. I hated that you might be mad about the baby and feel like I was trying to trap you. So I didn’t tell you, and it was making my stomach upset—well, more upset than normal, anyway.” I shoved his chest hard. “I cannot believe you thought there was someone else.”

  “I’m sorry. I…”

  I huffed. “I wouldn’t ever cheat on you.”

  “Well, we were broken up, so…as much as it’s a stab in the heart, you could have met someone.”

  “Were we?” I knew we were, but in my soul, I’d still been with him.

  “Maybe not really. I know I spent every day thinking of you. All of me is yours and has been since the day we met. I love you so much, Kenna. You’re everything. Everything.”

  Our mouths met, and it was as if I’d come home. When we’d kissed earlier, there had been passion. Now, I felt the frayed threads of our beings knitting back together and binding us tighter than before. My leg lifted over his waist, so I could get closer. Daniel canted his hips into me, pressing his restrained erection into my center where I was so needy for him.

  Tensioned coiled inside me, while my core grew soft and wet. I needed him, and I throbbed to have him fill me, to make us one once again.


  “Is it okay? I don’t know anything about pregnancies and what’s safe.”

  I pulled back to give him stern, narrowed eyes—well, as stern as I could be with as happy as I was. “I’m telling you here and now that the only one unsafe will be you if you leave me like this. Anything we normally do is safe.” Unable to help myself, I’d read up on all those chapters in the pregnancy books I’d gotten.

  He dropped a kiss on my cheek then my chin before settling his mouth over mine again. In minutes, we’d managed to shimmy out of our clothes. Daniel knelt over me. His inquisitive gaze and hands roamed along my body. Then his fingers skimmed along my side, traced over my ribs and moved down to where my waist nipped in. Goosebumps lifted in the wake of his feather-light caresses. My breathing shuddered as I grasped his forearms. Not stopping him. Just clinging to him while he lit up my receptors and made me shiver.

  He palmed my still-flat belly. His brows drew together. “You’re thinner.”

  “It’s a common phenomenon, I hear. I promise,” I added when he appeared unconvinced. “It’s weight loss because of morning sickness and stuff.” I shrugged, the movement causing my breasts to jiggle and catch his eyes. Immediately, he cupped them. I moaned as he brushed his thumbs over the ultrasensitive tips.

  “These aren’t smaller, though. I think they’re a little larger.”

  I chuckled then moaned again as the movement caused friction with his hands. “My bra seems to think so. I didn’t realize how much more… They’re so much more sensitive.”

  Testing that, he ran his fingers over the tips once more then lightly pinched. Lightning pulsed down to my core, and I arched, crying out.

  My breathing caught as tremor after tremor threaded through me. A climax loomed, sensation upon sensation piling up and pushing me toward the edge. Just from his fingers’ manipulation of my nipples! Would I actually come from it? Could I?

  His name ripped from my lips when my climax rushed forward and blurred my senses to everything but his touch and the vibrations throbbing through me in waves. I clutched at him and touched him everywhere I could. My man…my lover. I’d missed him so much. My soul sang from having him like this, from finally being together again.

  My body jerked, and I cried out when his mouth covered one of my swollen nipples. His fingers played at my cleft, his thumb rubbing circles on my clit. I was begging by the time two fingers sank inside me.

  “Yes,” I choked out, my hips rocking into him.

  Not to leave him as the only one giving pleasure, I stretched to wrap my fingers around his wide length. Slowly, I jacked him, squeezing and tracing the ridges of the shaft. My thumb swept over the moisture gathering on the tip and smoothed it around the glans.

  “Kenna,” he gasped against my breast. His warm breath wafted across the wet tip. I shivered and tried to get closer to him. Intense need drove me to practically climb inside him, to get as close as I possibly could.

  “Daniel, I need you. I…”

  “You need to be ready.”

  “I am ready. I’ve missed you so much.” I spread my legs, bringing my knees up around his waist and drawing him closer. “I just…please.”

  Chapter Eight

  ~ Daniel ~

  Having Kenna beg me was enough to break any resolve keeping me from sinking into her. I notched the tip of my cock against her opening and groaned as fiery moisture enveloped the head.

  “Kenna, baby,” I groaned.

  “Daniel…” Her lips canted into me. I sank forward, burying myself to the hilt. Her walls clenched, squeezing me in tight welcome. Home… She was home.

  “Good?” I gasped, wanting to make sure she was okay, not knowing how I needed to adjust for her and the baby.

  “Perfect. Daniel. I… Just fuck me…like normal. I promise it’s okay. I need it.”

  Requiring no other assurance, I pulled back then drove back in, over and over, while McKenna cried out, meeting me thrust for thrust. My hands laced with hers, holding them captive against the mattress while I took her with fervor. My body showed her how much I’d missed her, told her all the things I couldn’t verbalize.

  She called out her pleasure and cried my name, clinging to me while we came together, reaffirming our love and our joy at being together again—my joy at her news, the miracle I’d never believed could happen.

  Leaning in, I kissed her then dragged my lips over her jaw, across her shoulder. “I love you,” I gasped. Boneless, we collapsed to the mattress and I pulled her tight to me.

  “I love you.” Her fingers grazed over my arm. Up and down in a slow skimming path.

  “I’m so sorry everything got so out of hand and I’m a dumbass. I’m—”

  Her fingers pressed over my lips. “Shh… We were both dumb. I should have just told you and let you decide what you wanted to do. I just didn’t want to trap you since you were so adamant.”

  “I get it. Just the truth from now on.”

  “I agree. I’m glad that cop dragged you home.”


  “What?” She leaned up and eyed me with suspicion.

  “That was Geoff. He’s one of my friends. I thought if I could stay here, that maybe we could work things out.”

  “You weren’t wrong, but I should be mad at you. We can’t keep on like that.”

  “I know, I know. If it makes you feel better, I haven’t lied about anything else important.”

  “Well then, what else have you lied to me about?”

  “Just one thing. It’s not like I’m a compulsive liar. But babe, I hate your mom’s tuna casserole.”

  She laughed and pressed her forehead into my shoulders, her own shoulders shaking. “Honey, no one likes it.”

  I pressed kisses to the top of her head. My arms tightened around her, just so thankful that we were here, that we’d mostly worked out our issues, and that we had a miracle on the way. I vowed I wouldn’t screw this up. Kenna was my everything.

  * * * *

  I sat with my back against our headboard, McKenna’s head resting on my lap while we watched a Hallmark movie. The blanket covered me to my waist, but otherwise, I was naked, while she’d pulled on my T-shirt and opted for a throw over her legs. I was sure it wouldn’t be long before we reached for each other again. We couldn’t get enough.

  She trailed her fingers along my thigh, and I thought she was engrossed in the action on the screen until she spoke. “You’re really happy about this?”

  Without her clarifying, I knew what she meant. Of course, I was thrilled that we were back together, but I knew that wasn’t her intention with the question.

  I turned her to look up at me. Bending forward, I pressed my lips to hers. “Happy doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel. I’m thrilled that we’re pregnant. I never dreamed I could be so blessed.”

  She smiled up at me. “Since we’re pregnant, you can take the next month of morning sickness, okay? I’ll just do the get fat part.”

  I smoothed the hair back from her face. “You know I would if I could. I’d do anything for you Kenna. As for the fat part… You’ll be round with our baby and you’ll be more beautiful than ever.” I blinked hard, feeling tears burning in my eyes at the unbelievable emotio
n clawing through me.

  Kenna sat up and straddled me while I tried to hide the depth of my emotions. She cupped my face with her hands, forcing me to look at her. She knew. She knew how I tried to be strong all the time. I didn’t cry. Not when anyone could see. That first night away from her, while I lay in my van and stared at the blank metal ceiling, knowing I’d lost everything because of my stupidity, my sorrow had shredded me. Yet, I’d been helpless to give her what she wanted. That night, I’d cried for the death of our relationship and all we’d lost.

  This was different. This was…being overwhelmed by all I’d gained.

  Her thumb ran along the underside of one of my eyes. She smiled softly. “You love me,” she whispered. “And the baby.”

  Not questions…

  “More than I will ever be able to tell or show you. It’s everything. You’re everything.”

  The blankets had shifted when she’d climbed over me, and my exposed cock pressed to her slit. Without much thought, I slid into her while we both groaned. We needed this. And even though we’d come together countless times today, this moment was…different. Our bodies might be connected, but more importantly, our souls locked together.

  My hands slid up beneath her shirt while she rocked, her palms flat on my chest. Her head was thrown back, but I could still watch the pleasure coursing over her expressive face. Corresponding pleasure tingled through me. It already gathered at the base of my spine while her walls clenched around my shaft, the wet heated vise dragging me toward completion.

  Sliding my fingers around to her front, I cupped her heavy breasts in my hands and played with the nipples. Her walls clenched tighter, and Kenna cried out. I watched her blissed-out expression as she went over the edge, just seconds before my lids squeezed shut and I followed her over into my own climax.

  She collapsed into me. Her face buried in my neck. I stroked her hair while we just held each other. Nothing in life could be more perfect than that moment.


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