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Return to Earth

Page 2

by Brad Stucki

  Nemesis was taken aback. He certainly hadn't expected this.

  "From what I have learned from my sister and her friends, there is much more at stake than I certainly comprehend. It makes me wonder just how much you understand. And obviously," Manos gestured around at the room where the Archive interface sat, "you are seeking knowledge."

  Manos smiled. At least Nemesis thought he smiled. It was hard to tell with this species. "You should know that my sister is well guarded. She will never be alone, and will be hidden both in terms of location and in other ways you are familiar with. Again, I don't pretend to understand your powers and your Gift, but I'm very observant.

  "The only way you will have the knowledge you seek is to come, asking, and being willing to give as well as get. To work together with my friends, discovering all there is to know, so the whole of creation can be saved."

  Manos stopped speaking and folded his arms across his chest.

  "I will remain here. I will be your source of contact. Be warned, I do not know where my sister is, so there is no reason to read my mind as I know you can. She will contact me regularly, and I can convey to her . . . and to the others, when and how a meeting can be set.

  "You should take us up on the offer. It is to your advantage as well."

  Nemesis was tempted to strip his mind anyway and do it in such a way as to permanently damage this creature! But he stopped himself. In spite of how much it galled him, the creature was right. He needed that information. Until he could find another way to retrieve it, he must maintain at least an appearance of considering.

  Rather than say anything else, Nemesis focused his resonance back to Earth. Back to the past where he could safely hide and ponder his next moves. The information from the Archive was critical! There must be a way he could retrieve it without putting himself within reach of his enemies -- no matter who they were.

  Chapter 5

  Javin, Sauros and Kokos had gathered after a long interval of rest and eating to regain their strength. The deep sleep had done wonders in allowing Javin to begin assimilating all that had flowed into him. Not only were Saruos' memories and knowledge downloaded, but Kokos' memories and knowledge acquired from the Archive were as well. There were also the memories from Nemesis gleaned from Sauros.

  Javin had been particularly interested in getting those, and reviewing them in depth. The sheer volume was tremendous. Javin was amazed at his brain capacity, that it could hold so much and still function without driving him mad at all the unfamiliar images, memories and concepts flashing in and out. Pondering this brought another thought to his mind, and he knew from where it came. The Crystal embedded in his breast was, among other things, a storage device. That is how he could handle all he'd been given. It also acted as a sorter, a search engine, where he could literally search at will.

  Javin shook his head wryly. That phrase, Search Engine, had surfaced from his blocked memories. It was frustrating he had all this hidden knowledge, but couldn't access it except by accident.

  Enough of this wool gathering, he told himself. It had happened again! Woolgathering, another odd term from his blocked identity. Accessing those memories had to be addressed at some point, but the last time they'd tried it had almost killed all three of them in the backlash of energy. Of course, that backlash had been triggered by a psionic wave sent out by Nemesis, but Javin wasn't sure he was ready to try that again any time soon.

  Still, there had to be a way to unlock what was still in his mind. He was sure it would give them added perspective they desperately needed. For now, they would sort through what they already knew, see what they could piece together, then determine their next steps.

  They had gathered around a table, the remains of their meal cleared away and now they were ready for the task at hand -- Seeing if they could get a glimpse of what the heck was going on, and what they could -- should -- do about it.

  Kokos took a final drink from her goblet, handed it to the server, then cleared her throat.

  "I think I'm ready to begin. And in fact, maybe I should lead out, since I've had the longest to assimilate the Archive. I also have the background of being a Keeper as well. It may provide more context from which to view the information."

  "That's a good way to start," Javin agreed. Indeed he'd not had as much time to assimilate as Sauros or Kokos. Listening to Kokos would actually help that.

  Sauros didn't say anything, only nodded. He wasn't much of a talker anyway. Javin smiled at his friend.

  "I'll begin, then," Kokos said. "I've been thinking about this quite a bit, trying to sort it all in my own mind, and talking will further help that process. Hopefully for both of you as well. Let me just talk through it all, first, then we can go back and discuss, if you don't mind. If you interrupt, it may interrupt my thoughts, and I may get lost in the details. Are we agreed?"

  Again, Sauros nodded. Javin, mocking did the same, but his smile took the sting out of his teasing. Sauros smiled back, and nodded to Javin. It was clear, Sauros had been concerned about the revelation that at some future point, Sauros was going to have to kill Javin in order for them to succeed in whatever it was they were supposed to be doing. Javin could tell that his gentle teasing of Sauros was reassuring to his big companion, that their friendship was unaffected by the revelation. And indeed it wasn't. Javin was still getting his mind around that revelation, but at the moment, it was buried far back in his mind, with more pressing things in front of them. Besides, Javin figured once they knew more of the Big Picture, other options, or at least more context, would be provided.

  They both turned to Kokos for her to begin. She closed her eyes to aid in her focus and began speaking:

  "The Archive is not from the Guardians as we thought. Instead it is from the Ancients. They are a race that came before the Guardians. We have been wrong in thinking that it's the Guardians behind all our history, the pyramids, Portals – what we’ve been calling Archways - and Articles of Power. It's really the Ancients.

  "These Ancients had a thriving civilization, very advanced, where they'd built a network of Portals to allow them to roam the galaxy and watch over other, younger races. The races we know as the Guardians were the most advanced of these younger races.

  "The Ancients spread throughout the Galaxy and inhabited many habitable worlds, and in some cases, seeded life on worlds most advantageous to that species. They were there to help and nurture other races, at that races’ own pace and own way, and in some cases, allowing those races to destroy themselves.

  "The right to choose one's own destiny was precious to the Ancients. They would never take that right away from any race, even those intent on destroying themselves. However, they did always open a path for any race to advance and move forward.

  "If a race chose wisely, the Ancients subtly provided insights and abilities to certain of the Thinkers and Leaders in those civilizations, which advanced and benefited the race as they were ready. In this way they guided younger races, hoping and waiting for the time when the Ancients could make themselves known, and unite their race with the younger, and welcome them to the unity of the whole galaxy."

  Javin wanted to jump in and ask a question, then saw Kokos' intense concentration and remembered he'd agreed not to interrupt until she was done.

  "And then their . . . Star Gazers -- Astronomers . . ."

  Javin could tell Kokos struggled with the word, seeking to find context for herself. Javin unconsciously knew the word and what it meant, but also realized it came from within his blocked memories. Kokos continued.

  "These noticed something far out in the cosmos heading in the direction of their civilization. It was a tremendous darkness blocking out all light behind it. They took measurements, they observed it, and found it was moving. Not only that, but it was moving in the direction of their civilization. It was large enough it would encompass nearly their whole galaxy."

  It was at this point Javin's own memories started to kick in from the sharing. As Kokos was explaining t
hings, Javin found he accessed those parts of memory -- knowledge -- Kokos referred to. Even through her cursory explanation, the knowledge within triggered and a richer content came forward in his mind. He looked at Sauros, felt outward with a slight reach and could tell, as Sauros glanced at him, acknowledging the touch, he was experiencing the same thing.

  Kokos continued her explanation.

  "Through their study and observation, the Ancients realized whatever the cloud passed over was left completely lifeless. The light of stars, the pulse of energy, the cosmic winds were all left dead in its wake.

  "This was something new in their vast experience, and they had no way to counter it. Their civilization was doomed unless they could do something. They had time, though. At the cloud's present speed, they had 7,000 thousand years until it arrived. This was a long time, but in cosmic terms very little time indeed. Still, unless they did something, they, and all life in this galaxy would be snuffed out.

  "There was great speculation as to whether it was a sentient life-form, a natural phenomenon they had heretofore never seen, or some construct of yet another alien civilization they had yet to encounter. The bottom line is that it was headed their way, and they didn't know what to do about it.

  "The Ancients, realizing they could not turn the Dark cloud away, sought another solution. They created a giant Portal, using their travel technology, and found another place to live, away from the path of the Dark.

  "They created a massive matrix system that not only Moved themselves, but whole systems of worlds along with their Suns to the new location they had found and set them in synchronicity within this new space where life had yet to form on any world they could detect. It would be a fresh start for them, far removed from the great Dark coming to consume their old galaxy.

  "They had a way to escape but couldn't bear thoughts of those races whom they were nurturing to be left behind. They couldn't and wouldn't interfere in their natural development. Instead, true to their philosophy, they set a path whereby the younger races in the galaxy could escape in the same way. If they were able to develop and learn to work together as a race, and with other races, a way was left for them to Move their civilizations too, out of the path of the coming Dark and be saved.

  "The way was prepared, the matrices set, and the Articles and Artifacts left available for the races to find their way of escape. They built the pyramids on the different worlds, essential parts of the Matrices necessary for trans-positioning. They created the Articles of Power and the Gestalt Stones to allow one within each race, a special member among each race, who would have their powers enhanced. This would enable them to activate the great matrix in conjunction with others, and be able to move each of their worlds to safety within the new galaxy, and be welcomed by the Ancients as equals and friends.

  "The key was that each race would have to be able to find peace among themselves, and further, each race would have to work together with each of the other races in order for it to work. If they didn't, they would not survive the coming Dark.

  "The path was laid clear and the clues given. Just enough information that each race could grow and learn and progress at their own pace, and discover the clues given as they moved along the right path. It was hoped the 7,000 years would be sufficient time."

  Kokos took a deep breath and was silent for a time.

  "That is the gist of the plan. The Archive was put in place so when the races got to the point they were beginning to work together, they would come to our world, work with us, and access the Archive. It contained enough of the whole picture that we could start to see their plan, and why.

  "Each race has an essential part of the process needed to activate the giant Matrix, enabling each race to pass through the giant Portal and be taken to safety.

  "The key is we all have to work together or it will fail, and we'll all be destroyed. According to the Ancients, the key to a successful, long-lived civilization lies in working together for a common good while not subsuming unique differences, thereby having synergistic strength of the whole."

  At this point Kokos opened her eyes and sat back to rest. Clearly the effort of bringing out the information was taxing. Javin understood that. He had been following along and felt it as well as she. Then something occurred to him.

  He hesitated before speaking, looking at both Kokos and Sauros. Both of them were staring back at him expectantly. They could feel he was anxious to say something, and the look in their faces told Javin they were probably thinking the same thing. It was odd they each had this tight bond from the Sharing and from the Gift - Crystal - Gestalt Stone - as the Ancients had called it. Odd, but strangely comforting.

  "I know you are both thinking the same thing as me." Neither spoke, just continued to look at Javin.

  "What about the Guardians?" Javin looked at the confirmation in both Sauros' and Kokos' eyes. "If all the races in the Galaxy have to work together to save us, why are the Guardians fighting amongst themselves?"

  The Sharing that Sauros had with Nemesis brought to each his memories of the Dark Guardians, which were entirely different from the Guardians that were supposed to help and protect -- at least according to legend that seemed to pervade the two cultures Javin had come in contact with.

  The Light Guardians hadn't been too helpful so far, either. Indeed, the only experience Javin had with them is the memory he'd gotten from Chahzuu of the Pontu' gi on Sauros' world. That experience wasn't overly helpful, either. At least they didn't seem to interfere, as Nemesis' memories seem to indicate the Dark Guardians had no compunction about doing.

  "So what do we do about it?" Kokos asked.

  "Good question," Javin answered.

  They sat silently for a while.

  "It appears the only option we have is to move forward and see what we can do to unite the races and hopefully, we'll have a chance to affect the Guardians, both Light and Dark, as we can," Sauro said.

  "Trust Sauros to sum it up," Javin said, smiling. "You don't speak much, my friend, but when you do, it's always to remind us it's time to get off our rear-ends and do something."

  Sauros looked askance at Javin. "You want us to stand?"

  Kokos giggled. "I see what you mean about Javin spouting nonsense at times. By the context I judge he means you are a man of action and anxious to be doing something productive.

  "And I agree," Kokos said hastily so as not to offend Sauros. "The question is what?"

  Javin looked expectantly at Sauros.

  "We came to this world because we knew it was time to move forward," Sauros said. "I think we found what we needed on this world. Kokos can maintain watch over the Archive and be ready for when we bring the other races back here for the final instruction prior to activating the Great Matrix."

  Javin knew Sauros was right. It was time to take a Portal to the next stop, wherever that was. But they'd have to watch their backs. Nemesis was still out there with two Articles of Power. There were also the Guardians fighting amongst themselves. They were still a mystery, a race with tremendous powers, but completely out of sync with what was needed in order to save the galaxy. Javin had a sense the Ancients hadn't exactly envisioned this lack of cooperation. They'd hoped for better from the younger races. The irony is the most advanced of the remaining races was the biggest problem hindering their Grand Plan.

  "So when do we leave?" Javin asked Sauros.

  Chapter 6

  Nemesis paced the small confines of the secret chamber within his safe-pyramid back on earth. He had taken himself back in time again so he wouldn’t be disturbed by his former Masters or Javin and his group of do gooders.

  It was irritating that Javin seemed to have the upper hand now. It should be Nemesis who was calling the shots. Not this upstart, sniveling weakling who thought he was the savior of the galaxy. The gall of those people to invite him to join them. That would never happen! Nemesis had vowed never to be under anyone’s control again. And that’s the way it would be!

  He had to f
igure a way to take control of the situation. He had just enough knowledge to know the information from the Archive is what he needed. But how to get it? At least he had the two Articles of Power and a knowledge of how to use them.

  The room he was in was dank and dark. Nemesis hadn’t bothered to set the lighting to a higher level since he’d returned. It matched his mood. How could he get the information he needed? By this time Javin surely had that knowledge, as did his companion, Sauros. Those two were joined at the hip.

  Nemesis needed to trap them again. He’d done it before. This time he would take greater care. Nemesis had underestimated them once. Never again. It was clear they didn’t understand the power they wielded both with the Gestalt Stone and the 3rd Article of Power. Nemesis would use that against them.

  The problem was where to find them? Nemesis began to search his acquired memories and knowledge. Perhaps that would have a clue to help. The images flashed through his mind and he tried to calm them, to try and use his thoughts to pull up what would be relevant. It was a difficult thing because he didn’t know what thoughts would cause the relevant information to flow into his mind.

  Then Nemesis hit on something. It had to do with traveling. Surely Javin wouldn’t stay in one place too long. After all, he was busy trying to save the galaxy. One couldn’t do that by staying in one place. That line of thinking brought up the memories of Javin traveling from one place to the next. And then the right memory slid into Nemesis’ mind.

  Javin and Sauros traveled from world to world just by stepping into a portal and allowing it to take them to the next place necessary on their quest. Would they do it again? Probably. What else could they do? The only other thing they might do is try and track Nemesis down, but he was shielded. They wouldn’t be able to find him using a Portal like they’d done before. Nemesis had learned his lesson from that one. No. They would most likely step through a Portal again and have it take them to the next world, as part of the Plan they were following.


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