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I Dated a Deadly Auditor

Page 10

by Grace, Viola

  “Well, that is probably a good thing.”

  Khytten called in for landing clearance and took them directly to the roof of Z-Tech’s headquarters.

  She settled them gently on the roof and unbuckled. She came around quickly as Tirra was undoing her harness. Khytten chuckled and unbuckled her. “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah. You transported me like a baby. Thanks.”

  Khytten smiled and stroked her cheek. “I will let you out when security arrives.”

  Tirra blinked. “You know, this whole attraction thing is definitely new to me.”

  Khytten leaned in and kissed her. “Get used to it. You are perfect.”

  “I am far from perfect. My facial expressions can politely be described as goofy; I am thin, gangly, minimal curves.” She raised her hands and framed Khytten’s head as she kissed her back.

  “You are you, Tirra, and that is perfect.” Khytten laughed. “Now, if you need anything, we will be here in an hour. Or we can call Gorith, and he will be here in a few minutes.”

  Tirra swallowed nervously. “I don’t know if that would be worse or better than whatever peril I was in.”

  Khytten chuckled and cuddled up to her. They kissed softly for a few minutes, and then, Khytten lifted her head. “Security is here. Bastards.”

  “The sooner Krizt is done with me, the better off I will be. So, it is best that I get this started. You go home and take care of the little ones. I will be fine. I promise.”

  Khytten sighed. “I wonder if an escort can book a date with another escort.”

  Tirra blushed. “I can assure you I don’t know.”

  “You do. You made the protocols.”

  “Fine. You can and at a discounted rate that changes to standard if your patron is there.”

  Khytten grinned. “I knew you would know. Well, then, I look forward to your change in status.”

  Tirra blushed. “Right. About that. I think I might seek alternative status.”

  “You are planning on running?”

  “It has crossed my mind.”

  “Hopefully, your treatment will allow you to consider your options. You don’t have an airspace license to fly, and you can and would be shot down over any country other than Aksalla at this point.”

  “That is sobering.”

  “That is reality. Once you are registered, it will be worse. You will be on public record. That can’t be stopped now. Gorith has a lot of pull in the registration office. So, what he says on your forms is going to be what you are considered for the rest of your life.”

  “So, I have to wait until he tells me what I am?”

  “No, you have to wait until he tells everyone else what you are.” She led Tirra to the door and opened the hatch. Krizt himself had come to greet her, his silver horns gleaming brightly against his blue skin.

  Tirra stepped out and introduced herself. He nodded. “I have seen your files. You are a very interesting active. Oh, this is my assistant, Arcady.”

  Tirra looked into the eyes of Seventeen and smiled. “Of course she is.”

  Seventeen looked at her in surprise and said, “If there is anything I can do to make you more comfortable, let me know.”

  “Thank you, Arcady. Please, call me Tirra.”

  Khytten closed the hatch and took off in a far more violent move than Tirra expected. “That was not how she flew on the way here.”

  Krizt nodded. “We will run a full workup of scans, do a bone biopsy, and then, you will be given a room to rest in while we work on the exact nature of the treatment.”

  Arcady took her hand and led her into the building. Time to fix what nature had screwed up.

  Chapter Ten

  Under Krizt’s guidance, Arcady helped her into the scanners and took the samples that he needed. When they were alone in the lab between tests, Tirra had to ask, “Why did you join BDC?”

  Arcady smiled. “I have a crush on Krizt. So, since I can’t have him, I thought to find someone just as neurotic and irritated. Sadly, all the men and women I have been matched with are really nice. None give me the thrill of being ordered around that I get here.”

  “Oh. So, you like... Right.”

  “Yeah. Standard relationships don’t really do it for me. I am a people pleaser, but guessing what they want gets tiring. I like the refreshing directness I get at work, or I would not work for Z-Tech and this lab in particular.” Arcady murmured as she drew a blood sample.

  “How do your patrons react to your preferences?”

  “They try. They really do, but few can match what I need, and a few blow way past it. They can be kinda scary, but they reel it in when they figure that out.” Arcady held her gloved hand over the puncture and pressed down as she withdrew the needle.

  She managed equally well with her left and right hands, and it was fun to watch.

  Once the tiny wound was closed, she put a swipe of sealant over it and smiled at Tirra’s curious expression. “Was there anything you would like?”

  “Barbeque from Hartzers.”

  “Oh, we are in their delivery radius. What would you like?”

  Tirra rattled off her order, and Arcady chuckled. “And a pickle.”

  Tirra blinked. “Oh wow. You are totally right. And a pickle.”

  “I have a talent for knowing what people need, so that is my moronic activation. All I can be is an assistant. My activation is genuine but stupid.”

  “Intuition activations are awkward. I am an analyst. It was my secondary activation but still an important one.”

  “How many do you guess you have? Activations, I mean?”

  “I am thinking four, but because of my developmental delay, they just stacked up. The energy couldn’t come out, so it got creative.”

  Krizt came in, and he frowned. “You have depleted most of your bone density and destroyed your mineral balance. Are you an idiot?”

  She snorted. “No, but things have been moving rapidly, and after recovering from the scar tissue from the burns, regrowing hair and proper fingernails, I am back to looking whole on the outside.”

  He frowned. “Dr. Torenne didn’t mention recent healing. That changes all my calculations.”

  “I had three formal healings in total. One to replace the bulk of tissue, one to regrow nerves, and the one to help replace the surface skin.” She nodded. “The first two were regenerative programming, the last was a pain healing.”

  He made notes without looking up. “This would have been good to know before we ran a few of the tests. The pain healing is what drained you. That energy worked on your body like acid.”

  “Oh. Right. Well, I will tell Torenne to knock it off.”

  He looked up. “It was Dr. Torenne that had that effect? Interesting. I have never heard of that side effect from her before.”

  “The instability from the scope of the healing must have contributed to the effect. Or the healings were too close together.”

  “How far apart were they?”

  “Under a minute.”

  “Oh. That makes sense. It basically caused a degradation cascade.” He nodded. “We will try a light intervention and see what your response is. If it is successful, we will pursue a more aggressive treatment to complete your recovery.”

  There was a gleam in his eyes.

  “What do you mean, aggressive?”

  “The tank. It is new, and most folks are terrified of it, but I think it holds your best chance for a full recovery.”

  “Oh. Good. I think my luck is turning.” She smiled. “Thank you, Dr. Krizt.”

  “Is Arcady taking care of you?”

  “She is.”

  He nodded dismissively. “She’s good at that. Well, I will go work on the intervention, and you can have your last meal for the day.”

  She nodded. “Great. Thank you. Have a nice evening, Dr. Krizt.”

  Arcady had been nearly invisible when they spoke, and now that he turned and left, she stepped out of the little pocket in space where she had bee
n hiding.

  Tirra laughed. “You have a secondary activation, and I am fairly sure you know it.”

  Arcady blinked. “Oh, that? I am just good at not being noticed when he’s around.”

  “You folded space around you and hid. Wow, you really do have a fear of him noticing you.”

  Arcady went hot pink. “Um, yeah. Having had a few actives on dates, it is quite a rush when they take you in their arms, and I can only guess at how it would feel with Dr. Krizt.”

  “And you won’t tell him because...”

  “He says sex is overrated.” Arcady was defeated.

  “Oh. Wow.” Tirra smiled. “That means that he has a quirk. Some itch that sex will scratch, but he doesn’t want to burden anyone else with it. Possibly a projection. Hey, have you ever gone out with a tall gold guy? Broad shoulders and dark eyes?”

  “Well, the mask blurs the details. What would he be into?”

  “Uh...” She thought about it. “I have no clue. Oh, one of his fingers is about this thick.” Tirra held up her hand with two fingers together.

  Arcady shook her head. “I would remember that.”

  “Ah. Okay.”

  “Uh, is Krizt registered with BDC?”

  “Not actively.” It was as discrete an answer as she could give. He was registered, but he was still going through clearances.

  Arcady smiled. “I have to go down and get the food. You stay here.”

  Tirra looked at the med bed, her wrapped gown, and the IV with essential minerals plugged into her hand. “I promise.”

  The silence was unusual, so Tirra called Stillnar. “Hey, Stillnar. How are things going?”

  He paused. “Holy shit. Is that you, Ms. Argent?”

  “Just Tirra now. Have the patrons and escorts arrived?”

  “Yes, Tirra. They have .”

  “Good. Keep Sarado away from Twelve. Those two have history, and it’s a little rough.”

  “Nice tip. Was there any catalyst? ”

  “They had a threesome with Thirteen, and she and Twelve started seeing each other away from work. Sarado told management, and they had to either break up or lose their contracts. Both are students, so they want to keep the income.”

  “Oh, shit. Gotta go.”

  She sighed, and Stillnar bolted from the office without disconnecting the call. She cut the call and rubbed her forehead. She was guessing that the charming Thirteen and the stoic Twelve were heading for a rendezvous in the public baths.

  She shook her head and checked the schedules, moving any conflict points and sending suggested activities to the different patrons. The project took her about half an hour.

  Arcady returned with two huge bags of BBQ, and the med bed picnic commenced.

  “So, Tirra, how many dates have you been on?”

  “Ah, not a fair question. I have been on over a hundred, but that was to test out hotels and venues to make sure that they were safe for our ladies and gentlemen to conduct business in. I have eaten out a lot, but all my dates have been platonic.”

  Tirra saw the flick of blue near the door. “How many have you been on?”

  “Two dozen in the last two months. Ten different patrons, six repeaters.”

  Tirra smiled. “How many were platonic?”

  “Well, I would say eight were second base, and the rest were... not.” Arcady laughed.

  “Any invitations to the resort?”

  Arcady turned pink. “A few, but I don’t have any holidays and am not really up for spending my weekends having sex and then having to come home and do my laundry for the week.”

  “And you don’t want to not be here in case Krizt needs you.”

  “That as well.” She chuckled and handed Tirra her banana pudding.

  Tirra heard the specific sound of footfalls, and Krizt came around the corner. His head down and staring at his tablet. “Arcady, can you double-check these numbers for me?”

  Arcady had been fading, but his words pulled her back into reality. “Oh, sure, Dr. Krizt.”

  She got off the bed and reached for the tablet.

  He shook his head. “The full scans are in my lab. Please, verify them on the main computer and send an acknowledgement.”

  “Yes, Dr. Krizt.” Arcady reached back. “But I am bringing the pudding.”

  He sighed deeply and shook his head as she left. He turned to Tirra. “So, you are an escort for the BDC as well?”

  “Not really. I am a training officer. I have created the protocols that the rest of them use.”

  He chuckled. “Same job, different focus.”

  She nodded. “Pretty much. So, you know about Arcady’s sideline.”

  “It came up on a security sweep a few weeks ago. I applied immediately after.”

  Tirra smiled. “So, you want her.”

  “Yes, but it is inappropriate to engage in those practices while at work, and there has ever seemed to be an ideal time to ask her out. I do not readily socialize.”

  “Uh-huh. And you bite.”

  He blinked. “Um, yes. How did you know?”

  She chuckled. “Practice at seeing fangs. I have a primary effect that involves kissing, so mouths are a focus for me.”

  Krizt sighed. “I would like to investigate your condition further, but I don’t think that will be approved.”

  “Approved? By whom?”

  Gorith walked in in one of his pristine black suits and rich red tie. “By me. At the behest of the teams, I am running an audit of the research arm of Z-Tech.”

  Gorith looked at the wreckage of the barbeque. “Can I have any leftovers? I drove through lunch.”

  She smiled. “I don’t think Arcady will mind.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed, causing it to creak ominously. It held. “Hello, angel.”

  He went straight for the ribs and then worked his way through every box, tub, and bag they had. She got the feeling that his groceries were expensive.

  She smiled and asked, “How was your drive?”

  “Boring. I had been looking forward to talking to you, but then, you were spirited away by a rogue kitten.” He smiled. “How was the flight?”

  “Good. Most of the analysis has been completed. You know Dr. Krizt, right?”

  He nodded. “We have met. So, has your treatment started?” He gestured to her IV.

  “No, I think they did this to keep me in bed.”

  Krizt actually snorted in amusement. “Maybe a little.”

  Gorith finished cleaning up with a wet wipe, and he took her hand. “I can think of other ways to keep you there.”

  She shivered, and when his gaze flicked to her tight nipples under the medical tunic, she sighed. “At this point, dropping five pounds on my foot would do the job.”

  He lifted her hand to his lips, kissing her palm again and tracing gently with his tongue.

  She sighed and tried not to soften her expression as he handled her delicately. It was difficult. She really appreciated being handled with care.

  Krizt looked at their hands, and a wistful jealousy crossed his features. “So, you two are more than just acquainted.”

  She cocked her head. “We have known each other since I was a child. We have just become reacquainted on somewhat more equal footing.”

  Arcady came back in and stopped. “Uh, Dr. Krizt, your calculations are confirmed.”

  He smiled. “Thank you, Arcady. I will set the chem lab up to make the serum, and we can begin treatment as soon as it’s ready.”

  Gorith had packed all the empty boxes together and tied the bag shut, so Arcady whisked the trash away and nodded. “Right, you have my number. Call me if you need anything.”

  Dr. Krizt nodded. “I will be back in approximately three hours.”

  Before she could ask them to wait, they were gone. She looked at Gorith, and he smiled. “Alone at last.”

  “Um, yes, but you... I am hardly in any shape for any kind of romantic activity.”

  He laughed softly. “You have no imaginat
ion. I have been thinking of all the ways I could please you without injuring you, and the one I would most enjoy is the simplest.”

  She pressed her lips together.

  He grinned. “Aren’t you going to ask?”

  She shook her head. “Definitely not. The gleam in your eyes says you want me to ask, which is my hint that I shouldn’t.”

  “Oh, but I want you to.” He brought her hand to his lips, and he traced something on her palm.

  “Ohmygod. You are spelling angel.”

  He grinned. “I like the idea of a private angel.”

  “Yeah, but if I am authorized for intimate activities, you are going to have to get in line.”

  “Not if I request exclusive authorization to you and you agree.”

  He had a hand under her blanket and was stroking up the inside of her calf. As she lay there, she gasped as he slid his fingers behind her knee and then stroked up her inner thigh.

  “I am pretty sure that there are monitors in here.” She reached to catch his wrist.

  He chuckled. “I am sure there are.”

  He bent her leg, flipped up her sheet, and his head disappeared between her thighs.

  “What are you doing?”

  He murmured against her sex. “Figure it out.”

  Tirra gasped when his tongue teased her clit and stroked her folds open. When he slid a finger into her, she moaned, and when he added a second, she shuddered. His tongue kept working on her clit, swirling around and around. She touched the top of his head with her free hand, and the hand with an IV in it gripped the rail of her bed. Each touch of his tongue was hot, wet, soft, and took her higher and higher. The moist sounds of him lapping at her and her body’s wet response to the contact had her back arched, and low moans came from her constantly. Fuck the cameras.

  * * * *

  Arcady watched the display, and colour flooded her cheeks. So, that was the guy Tirra had been asking her about. His affections seemed to be firmly fixed.

  “How is the patient?”

  Arcady whirled and stood to keep herself between Krizt and the display. “She’s fine.”

  He looked at the readouts. “She’s in some kind of distress.” He frowned.


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