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I Dated a Deadly Auditor

Page 23

by Grace, Viola

  His dad chuckled. “You know you won’t always agree.”

  “I know, and she will not hesitate to tell me that I am an idiot. I am good with that, as long as I can hold her when the arguing is over, and she holds me in return. She’s a great hugger.”

  His dad nodded. “Then, keep after her, don’t give up. If the change in you stays, I will be willing to intercede if you two have a fight.”

  “If it doesn’t?”

  “Then I will be helping her kick your ass, my boy.” His father clapped him on the shoulder.

  “I might need your help designing some engagement rings.”

  His dad grinned. “I might know a jewellery designer.”

  “Thought you might.”

  “You don’t want to try your hand at it? You used to be very good.”

  “I will try, but I will need you to help me get to the final design.”

  “I believe I could put some time aside.” Yet smiled.

  “Good. I plan to be a very good customer, and she will be an excellent design model.”

  Yet looked at her, and his eyes glowed as he began to make a plan. “I think we might be able to exchange some goods for services.”

  “Wait until you see the result from the photos taken tonight.”

  “You were in photos with her?”

  “Yeah, so were Salat and Erodo.” He smiled. “The metalwork was shown to advantage in each image.”

  Yet looked at him and said, “Do you think she would wear a—”

  They discussed the different options and if Tirra would be willing to get some piercings. If it involved people-pleasing, she probably would do it, so Gorith would have to be careful with his requests. He liked her just as she was, not as a fetish model. Well, maybe some nipple piercings, but that would be a distance down their path together and strictly to get more jewellery on her. He liked her body enough as it was.

  * * * *

  Tirra was smiling and discussing what Gorith was like as a child when there was an announcement.

  “Would the single ladies please line up on the dance floor for the bouquet toss?”

  Maora nearly shoved Tirra into position with the other women. Tirra’s eyes were wide; she wasn’t supposed to participate in that kind of thing.

  Wellia looked at her and grinned. Khytten was standing with Salat, Torenne was on her own and smirking. The escorts were with their dates. Tirra edged to the side of the group the moment that the gathering of young ladies surged forward. Wellia glanced over her shoulder, grinned and did a one, two, three count.

  Tirra glanced behind her, took off, and the bouquet hit her squarely in the chest. She squawked, and Wellia turned and laughed.

  Tirra slowly landed with the cascade of flowers in her arms. She tried to give the flowers to the woman next to her, but the laughing woman bowed out.

  She felt the heat of a familiar body behind her, and she dismissed her wings. She turned slowly. “It isn’t legally binding, is it?”

  Gorith sighed. “I am afraid so.”

  “What does it mean, precisely?”

  “Ah, that you will be the next one engaged.”

  Wellia came over to her and hugged her. “And the next one married.”

  Tirra’s eyes were wide, and she stumbled back. Gorith carefully gathered her toward him. “Easy, Tirra. It isn’t an instant event.”

  Tirra looked down at the bundle of roses and ribbons. “What do I do with it? Can I get rid of it?”

  Wellia took her hand. “Come with me.”

  Tirra asked, “Are weddings contagious? What the hell is going on?”

  Wellia smiled. “It isn’t contagious. It is tradition. It is not legally binding no matter what Gorith says, and you need to calm down because your eyes are truly scary right now.”

  Tirra stopped when Wellia did, and the bride rapidly explained the tradition and stroked her cheek, pausing to ask, “Did you change your jewellery?”

  “No. Maora changed it for me. I wanted it a bit more personal, so it now has—”

  “A feather design. Very nice. It suits you. Tirra, I just wanted to thank you. You have made this evening a lot of fun, and there have been no disasters, which I can only attribute to your luck and your generosity in sharing it.”

  Tirra leaned into the touch on her cheek. “It has been a fun and educational evening. I am not really sure that Gorith’s explanations of the ritual aspects are accurate, but the dinner was nice, and the dancing was fun.”

  “I am glad you enjoyed yourself, and I am looking forward to seeing the result of your photos. My brother was very happy that you were willing to pose with him for fun.” She grinned. “And my cousin worships the ground you walk on.”

  Tirra didn’t tell her that it was just because Erodo liked the way she smelled. “I wish I had known more about gift-giving. I am not really well versed in it, and I have never turned my mind to figuring it out. I will analyze it, but that doesn’t do me any good today.”

  Wellia hugged her. “It is fine. You gave us luck on our big day and probably luck in providing Salmet with another grandchild. I just have that feeling.”

  “Oh. Well, she’s going to be swimming in grandkids soon.”

  Wellia smiled. “I always wanted to belong to a big family. Salat and Khytten are going to help make that come true. I hope you are around when it does.”

  “I plan to remain at my current occupation, so if you do get pregnant, I will be accessible.”

  “Good.” Wellia smiled. “I look forward to getting to know you. You can never have too many friends.”

  Gorith arrived as they had the final hug, and Tirra turned to him tiredly. “What’s next?”

  “Next, we go to our suite and have a pleasant evening in each other’s arms.”

  She sagged with relief. “That sounds amazing.”

  He cuddled her against him, and they made their way to the door, pausing only to let the happy couple leave before them.

  She carried her trophy to the room and put it in water in the bar sink per directions.

  She turned when he pinned her against the bar and draped her arms around his neck. “Are weddings always that tiring?”

  He lifted her and set her on the bar. He shrugged. “Yes. The closer you are to the family, the more exhausting an event like this can be.”

  She looked at him and smiled. “I just am glad it is just you and me at long last. I have been looking forward to that moment.”

  He reached behind her and opened her dress, causing it to gape at the neckline. He sighed as her breasts came into view as the fabric sagged. He kissed her neck, moved past her necklace, and kissed the upper slope of each breast.

  She shivered, and he eased the sleeves down her arms and brought his tongue into stroke slowly across her skin.

  She sighed happily as she slid out of her sleeves and reached for him again. He had taken off his suit jacket while she was playing with the flowers, and she slid her hand up to his jaw and lifted his head for a kiss. Their lips met, and the slow and gentle kiss started, continuing when he lifted her and carried her to the bed, her dress falling to her waist.

  Tirra stroked her hands through his hair as his tongue slid along hers, and she moaned, arching against him. He worked her dress off her hips, and she was left in the minimal and lacy underwear that he had provided her. He groaned as he looked at her. She reached for the necklace, and he whispered, “Leave it on.”

  She looked up at him with a quirked brow. “Really? You are into my wearing the markings of your family?”

  He blushed but nodded. “Oh, I am very into it.”

  He lifted her hand and stroked his finger down the metalwork. “I designed the fit, this etched rose here, this tiny flame, and seven tiny clocks are in the pattern.”

  She felt guilty. “Your mom changed it. Are they still there?”

  “They are. There is even a tiny Kraken engraved just here. So, if you are wearing this, you are wearing our relationship to date. I like the feather

  Her heart stuttered in her chest, and she stared at him as he kissed each of the marks flicking his tongue through the pierced work of the metal that encased her arm. She licked her lips and murmured, “Gorith?”

  “Yes, angel?” He continued to count the years marked by the seven clocks.

  “Can I have you nice and slow but really deep?” She bit her lip as the air rushed out of his lungs.

  He raised his head to her and smiled. “Why, yes, you can.”

  She loosened his tie and pulled it off him. “Just saving it for later.”

  He grinned. “You have had a tiring day.”

  “Sex with you perks me up considerably.” She smiled. “Unless you are too tired for a second attempt.”

  He paused while he was unbuttoning his shirt. “Are you taunting me?”

  She shrugged. “A little bit. Just enough to be fun and not enough to get me in trouble.”

  He removed his shirt and unbuckled his belt. In her underwear and jewellery, she knelt on the bed and waited for him. He paused with his hands at his waistband. “Now that is an image I wish I had to refer to later.”

  She looked down and then up again. “I guess you will just have to ask for me to wear it again.”

  He smiled. “Underwear off, please.”

  “Huh. I thought it would slow you down.”

  “Nope. Stripping you is very stimulating.”

  She shrugged and removed her bra with one hand, catching it with the other and dropping it to the ground where her dress was lying. She went up on her knees and undid the small hooks on either side of the panties, and he stood in front of her, shock in his expression.

  “Where did you get those?”

  “You specified that it had to be easy to remove.” She grinned and sat back on her heels with the panties dropping off the bed.

  He spoke in a low voice. “Lie back.”

  She reclined and turned to one hip, bending one leg and holding her hand out to beckon him in.

  Gorith groaned and crawled over her. “You are becoming entirely too familiar with what I like.”

  He kissed her, and she whispered, “Men are visually aroused, and women are too to a certain extent, but plotting on how to set the guys off is arousing to the ladies.”

  “I am only concerned with one lady.” He cupped her hip and then slid his fingers between her thighs. He hissed when he found her slick and hot, sliding two fingers in to test his guess.

  She undulated her hips against his hand and held his shoulders as she fucked herself with his fingers. “Told you.”

  He grinned and withdrew his fingers, sucking on them. “You taste more delicious than usual today.”

  She watched him as he bent and soon was licking at her opening and the honey that continued to keep his interest. She started moaning as his nose bumped her clit. She tried to grab his hair, but she couldn’t gain purchase. She whimpered and clutched at the bedding under her, confident that they were going to wreck some sheets.

  Her breathing picked up as he tongued her clit and then returned to her desperate crevice. She panted and then whined as she tried to keep his tongue inside her.

  He continued to lick at her clit until she slumped and tried to catch her breath. He moved up her body and kissed her. She tasted herself, and he was right; she did taste better than normal.

  He lined his cock up against her and eased inside, but he eased in deep. “Is this what you wanted?”

  She nodded. “Yes, please.”

  She raised her legs, and he raised a brow and moved her and him until her legs were draped over his arms. He slid in deep, withdrew, and did it again. She groaned. “Oh, yes, please.”

  He smiled and continued the slow advance and retreat that brought her gradually to the edge of control, and then, she tried to move against him, but the position she had let herself be put in was one that pinned her down.

  He continued the slow thrust and retreat, sweat coating him.


  He blinked at her slowly. “Yeah?”

  “Do you remember when I said I wanted it slow?”

  He chuckled. “Yeah.”

  “Can I change my mind?”


  She whispered, “Please?”

  He paused, deep inside her. “What will you give me?”

  “What do you want?” She dug her silvered nails into his shoulders.

  “Pictures of you wearing nothing but the jewellery.”

  “Fine. With wings?”

  “Yes, Tirra.”

  “Done, now just please fuck me fast.”

  He didn’t answer with words, but she was soon rocketing to orgasm as he thudded into her. She pulled his head in for a kiss and screamed into his mouth as her nerves caught fire and her senses scattered to the wind.

  He let out a growling shout and thrust into her, holding himself inside as his cock pulsed and twitched. He pressed his head to her shoulder.

  She blinked and licked the sweat from his neck. He tasted just right.

  “What exactly did I agree to?”

  He raised his head and gave her a slow smile. “Nothing too invasive. Everything will be covered.”

  She tried to remember what he had asked for, and all that came to her was a roaring in her ears. “Uh-oh.”

  He grinned.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Tirra pulled up at the lake house a month after the wedding. Time for tea with friends.

  She headed up the walk and smiled at Melker. “Afternoon.”

  “They are out back, as normal. The babies are down for a nap.”

  Tirra walked through the main floor and out the back. Khytten got up, and her belly was now definitely making itself known. Tirra went in for a hug and a kiss that got a little risqué, but Khytten pulled away with a smile. “Thanks for that.”

  Her lips were silver, and Tirra winced. “Sorry. I used too much luck. Your mouth is silver.”

  Khytten smiled. “I will take it. Thanks to you, I am reasonably confident in my ability to get this to a viable term.”

  Torenne got up. “Where’s my kiss.”

  Tirra wrapped her arms around the woman her own height and pulled her tight before kissing her savagely until the healer pushed back. There was the tingle of analysis, and Torenne pulled back. “Tirra?”

  Tirra let her go and sat down to pour herself some tea. “Torenne, is something wrong?”

  Khytten was looking between them with concern.

  Torenne sat down with a thud. “Not really. I mean, maybe. When did you have your last period?”

  Tirra looked at her. “My what?”

  “Period. Bleeding. That time of the month. Menstruation.”

  Tirra picked up a tiny sandwich. “I don’t have those.”

  Khytten’s eyes went wide. Torenne asked the question. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I didn’t have them before activation, and then, I was stuck pre-puberty for a while, and then, the scar tissue was in place, and it kept me from gaining enough body fat to have a period.” She shrugged. “Since the healing, I haven’t had one. Why?”

  Torenne and Khytten were both slapping their heads.

  “What? Is something wrong?” She put the sandwich down.

  Khytten smiled. “Well, Tirra, it looks like Cira, Ciro, and the triplets are going to have a friend in another eight and a half months.”

  Tirra blinked. “What?”

  Torenne took her hand. “You are pregnant.”

  Tirra blinked rapidly, got to her feet, sat down, got up again. “I have to go.”

  Khytten got up and came around to hug her. “Stay.”

  “I... there is no provision in my employment contract for this. I can’t work at the resort pregnant.”

  Torenne chuckled. “Come on, some guys are into that.”

  Tirra knew that her eyes were rolling in panic.

  Khytten held up a vial. “Drink this. It will calm you down.”

  Big, fat tears
started rolling down Tirra’s cheeks, and she shook her head. “Nononononono. I haven’t researched it.”

  She was feeling blind panic, and she tried to break Khytten’s grip. She didn’t want to hurt her friend, but she needed to get away.

  She got free and headed skyward, climbing up the mountain until she was in a place no one would climb. She had two hours until she was expected at work. Two hours to figure out what she was supposed to do.

  * * * *

  Gorith had gotten an emergency call and driven to Salat’s lake house. When he arrived, he got out, looking for Tirra, but Khytten was standing with red eyes, and Torenne was looking skyward, which let Gorith know that whatever had happened, Tirra had flown off.

  Torenne looked at him and sighed. “First off, Tirra is physically fine. Normally, I would let her tell you, but she’s pregnant.”

  Gorith was shocked; the chances of conceiving in standard actives were fairly low. “Great, what’s the problem.” He tried to keep calm when he felt like screaming for joy. He knew he was her only sexual partner, no matter what her hands and mouth did. No one had cum in her but him.

  “The problem is that Tirra didn’t know she could get pregnant. Because of her delayed development, she hasn’t ever had a noticeable cycle, so she just thought that it wouldn’t happen. Surprise.”

  “What happened?”

  “Well, her eyes started to roll around with panic. She said she hadn’t researched it and that her contract didn’t allow for it. I think she’s afraid of losing her job.” Torenne shrugged as if she couldn’t understand how that could be the greatest fear.

  Gorith sighed. “Which way did she go?”

  Khytten pointed to a peak, and she said, “She’s near the summit. You aren’t going to be able to get to her. Wait. I think I see her.”

  Gorith looked up and saw the small speck gliding downward toward the lake house. He moved into the shadows, and Khytten nodded, gesturing to Torenne to sit at the table.

  They sat and poured a cup of tea for Tirra as she landed. Gorith flinched. She still looked terrified.


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