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Rock Star, Unbroken

Page 19

by Shade, S. M.

  “Another lame holiday romance, though? Who is the big city girl going to fall for this time? The baker? A dog groomer? Wait. I have it. A lonely artist who paints her portrait.”

  “Shut up,” she laughs. “Love stories aren’t lame. They could totally make a movie about us. The broody rock star and the innocent schoolteacher.”

  “Are you the innocent schoolteacher in this scenario? Because innocent women don’t suck cock the way you do.”

  Her mouth falls open and she smacks my chest.

  “That was a compliment!”

  There’s a knock at the door and I answer to one of the security guards delivering the new phone I asked him to get.

  “What’s that?” Naomi asks as I open the box.

  “Your phone.”

  “What? When I said I needed a phone I meant I’d shop for one when we got home.”

  “Now you don’t have to.”

  “What are you doing?” she asks, scooting closer to look at the phone as I add some contacts.

  “Adding the contact numbers for the security detail, Milo, Dani, the guys, and me, of course. I want to know you can always get in touch.” I glance over at her. “Too bad you lost Patrick’s number. You’ll just have to do without it.”

  “Patrick is a friend. If you think you’re going to limit who my friends are, you can fuck right off.”

  There’s the smart ass, take no shit woman I love. “I wouldn’t try to do that.” Her expression is still guarded when I ask, “Was there ever anything between you?”

  “No, nothing. It wasn’t like that. He’s a good guy but I was hung up on an asshole.”

  The amount of relief I feel at her words should worry me. “Good, Ichabod will have plenty of others to choose from once we’re on tour.”

  “Don’t call him that!” Naomi exclaims, smiling despite herself.

  “Babe, the man is six foot six with arms longer than my body. He’s a human tree. Besides, that’s the nickname he’s earned now. He likes it.” I plant a ghost of a kiss on her sore lips. “If you aren’t up to going to the dinner tomorrow, it’s okay. We can have something brought here.”

  “Miss out on Thanksgiving dinner? No way. Besides, I’m feeling better and better.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  My body still aches, though my toes are the worst of it, but I’m not missing Thanksgiving dinner with everyone. It’s no secret what I went through and I know the guys were at the hospital when I was there even though Ax didn’t let them in the room.

  The lodge doesn’t host many people on Thanksgiving. Other than our group, there’s one other, a family of five that sit across the room from us at their own celebration. I feel a little silly showing up in fuzzy slippers but they’re the only thing I can wear right now, and no one even points it out.

  Patrick walks in and makes a beeline for me. Without any hesitation, he gives me a careful hug. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.”

  He smiles down at me. “You know, Axton busted in my room looking for you when you went missing.”

  “Oh god, really?”

  “Yeah, he was scared shitless, girl.”

  I glance back over my shoulder and see Axton watching us while he talks to Jude. He grins and raises his voice. “What? Are you talking about me, Ichabod?”

  “I have better things to talk about than your self-centered ass, Axhole!” Patrick calls back, and Ax flips him off.

  “Axhole,” I snort. “I’m going to use that.”

  “I’m glad you’re all right.”

  “The cops caught her. I think everything is going to be okay now.” It’s certainly no secret who I’m talking about. One internet search showed me her arrest for her involvement with Caden’s kidnapping and my attack are plastered everywhere.

  Over the next few minutes, I’m approached by everyone the same way, and I can’t describe how it makes me feel, knowing I have this many people who were concerned. Who care about me.

  Once everyone has milled around and chatted a little, they start taking a seat at the table. Axton takes my hand and we sit together at one end. Throughout the delicious turkey dinner, I can see half hidden smiles and glances being thrown our direction at the way we act together, without the usual boundaries we tried so hard to keep.

  After dessert, Axton smashes any remaining doubt when he leans over and gives me a soft kiss. The hush that’s fallen around the table makes my cheeks heat. “What?” Axton demands. “If you don’t like seeing me kiss my girlfriend, don’t look.”

  Well, that cat came flying out of the bag.

  “About damn time,” Brysen says, and reaches out his palm toward Elliot.

  “I missed it by two weeks!” Elliot exclaims, slapping money into his hand.

  Jude shakes his head. “I had until after the new year. Just couldn’t hold out another couple of months, could you?”

  Axton stares at his friends. “You assholes actually had a pool going?”

  “Dani started it,” Brysen volunteers, and Dani throws a napkin at him.

  “All right,” Elliot says. “Who wants to start taking bets on the wedding and first baby?”

  Everyone laughs, and Axton’s gaze meets mine. I smile and let him know I’m fine. There won’t be a first baby. I can’t have my own children but if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that you never know what the future is going to bring, and I’m more than happy with what I have now. I hope Ax is too.

  As if we haven’t had enough surprises, Jude drains his drink, leans over and kisses Dani full on the lips. He regards Axton. “Fuck it, I’m tired of hiding it from you. I’m in love with your sister. We’ve been seeing each other for the last few months.”

  The only one at the table who doesn’t seem shocked is Clara. It makes sense. All those nights Dani said she was spending with her, she was just covering for Dani and Jude. A collective breath is held while Axton and Jude glare at each other.

  Finally, Axton points a finger at him. “If you fuck her over, you’ll have me to deal with.”

  Jude nods at him. “I know that.”

  “Ugh,” Elliot groans, his head falling back. “You Yokos are going to Ono the fuck out of this band.”

  Laughter breaks the tension, and I lean over to hug Dani. “I’m happy for you. And I want details later,” I whisper.

  “As long as you promise never to give me details.” Axton watches us laugh together and shakes his head, a smile cracking his face.

  Later, when everyone has split up and we’re walking back to the cabin with Caden, Axton chuckles. “I didn’t see that coming. Those two hooked up once and then despised each other. Now they’re in love.”

  “It’s a thin line. We ought to know.”

  He shifts Caden in his arms and grabs my hand. “I never despised you.”

  His eyes match the forest and there’s amusement stamped on his face when I reply. “I despised you at first, but you always had your moments.”

  Our laughter echoes around the snow packed forest as the moon shines down on a world that no longer seems so lonely.


  Four months later


  Caden races through the house, back and forth, squealing like a madman with Woof on his heels. We were cautious introducing Woof to him. You never know how any dog will react around kids, but Woof is patient and protective. Caden adores him.

  It’s hard to believe how fast the house Axton had built was completed. It’s beautiful, and I’m in love with the serene setting. We had a few months of peace from the paparazzi and media but as the trial for Beverly draws closer, we’ve been on their radar again. Axton has spared no expense on security for this place, cameras and alarms around the perimeters, full time security guards to monitor and respond if there is a problem, but it won’t be nearly as confining or intrusive.

  Since he’s put the house in an alternate name, we’re hoping we won’t be found too quickly anyway. Either way, he owns a
ll this land and it’s a good buffer to keep people from getting too close to gawk or take pictures.

  I had to be here today to discuss a few things with the guys who are coming to install an in-ground pool and to take delivery of some new furniture. We had to wait for the ground to thaw a bit, but these first few weeks of March have been warm and it’s time for them to dig.

  Dani is supposed to be meeting me here to get Caden. Ever since she moved into her own place a couple of months ago, she says she can’t stand more than a week without an overnight with her nephew, and we sure aren’t complaining about a night to ourselves occasionally.

  “Knock knock,” Dani calls out, walking into the empty living room. “God, this place is gorgeous. I hate you a little bit.”

  Caden comes darting around the corner and crashes into her. Woof takes advantage of him lying on the floor and licks his cheeks, sending him into a fit of giggles.

  Dani scoops him up. “Are you ready to spend the night, monster? We’re going to get pizza.”

  “Pee-za!” Caden shouts and squirms until she puts him down. He runs over to the door and throws her a look that clearly says, well, what the hell are you waiting on? “Pee-za!” he repeats.

  Laughing, I hand her his overnight bag. “Good luck. He’s been a terror today.”

  “Jude wants to take him to Chuck E. Cheese. He’ll wear him out. I swear, he’s more excited to go than Caden.”

  “That’s sweet.”

  “It’s like having two sugared up kids on my hands.” She slings the bag over her shoulder.

  “You love it, though.”

  She beams at me. “I really do. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Caden is a step ahead of her out of the door, and I chuckle when she races to keep up with him. That kid has boundless energy.

  Two furniture delivery trucks pull in the driveway right after she leaves and the next hour is spent directing the delivery men where to put everything. This place is so huge and between what we’ve bought and what we’ll be moving, it’s a ton of work.

  The last time I moved it was with a few boxes. It’s amazing how things change.

  Axton shows up after the delivery men have left. The sound of his boots on the hardwood draw such a different response from me than they did in the beginning, and my heart leaps in anticipation. Even after months together, it hasn’t faded, the way I feel when he’s near me, when he smiles at me. I’ve got it bad.

  “Hey babe.” He walks in wearing jeans and a deep blue button down shirt. God help me if he rolls the sleeves up. I’ll drag him onto the new bed whether the workmen are still outside or not. Curtains need to be my next purchase. He pauses and shakes his head with a wicked grin. “You have to stop looking at me like that right now.”

  “Like what?” My innocent act is not going to work.

  “Like you want to get me naked. I understand it’s hard not to think about when you lay eyes on all this, but a little self-control, please.” I love how much he’s lightened up, the way he teases with me.

  “You are still the most arrogant asshole I’ve ever met.”

  Shrugging, he grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet. “I warned you not to fall in love with me the first time we fucked. It’s not my fault you don’t listen.”

  “You say the most romantic things,” I scoff, throwing my arms around his neck.

  He gives me one of his patented searing kisses that does not make resisting the urge for semi public sex any easier. “Take a walk with me. I want to show you something.”


  I grab my jacket, and he leads me out the back door toward the woods. He could navigate the place blindfolded so I wouldn’t be concerned about getting lost in the woods even if there wasn’t a pretty clear path.

  I know he has horrible memories here along with good ones. We talk a lot more about his past and mine, and he even started going to therapy a couple of times a month when I told him how much it helped me.

  Both of us still suffer an occasional nightmare. His are usually focused on searching for Caden or me, while mine are about being locked in a freezer, but we’re getting better because we wake to hold each other, to the safety and comfort of another person who understands.

  The sound of running water reaches my ears. “I haven’t been as far as the creek yet. Does it get deep?” We’ll have to be careful as Caden gets older.

  “A few feet at most when it rains hard.”

  We come out of the trail into a small clearing where the creek winds through. A huge log lies across it, and it’s been there a long time judging by the way the bottom of it is worn smooth from years of flowing water.

  It’s been a dry winter and spring so far and there’s only a few inches of water rushing past. Woof runs around us, exploring. He pauses at the edge of the creek, and I point at him.

  “Don’t you dare. If you get muddy, you’re getting a bath.” I swear he gets the same look Caden does when he’s considering whether disobeying is worth it. Finally, he backs off, flops down on the bank and settles for sticking one paw in the water.

  A smile lights up Axton’s face as he reaches back and takes my hand, walking out onto the log. “It’s not slick, but be careful because if you fall in, I will laugh at you.”

  “Keep it up and I’ll push you in.”

  We sit in the middle of it, thigh to thigh, our legs dangling over the water. Axton glances around. His hand is in his pocket, fidgeting with something. He’s never so nervous.

  “Ax, is something wrong?”

  Did he bring me out here to give me bad news or break up with me?

  “I’ve thought and argued with myself for a month about how to do this. I want it to be special for you, but private because we’ve had enough of being a public spectacle.” He pulls a ring box out of his pocket, and I cover my mouth.

  This can’t be what I think it is. My heart slams into my ribs, and I pull in a gasping breath.

  “So, I decided to ask you here, in a place where I was always happy.” Those green eyes that used to intimidate me so much land on mine, filled with hope and intensity. “Will you marry me?”

  My voice. I can’t find my voice. When I open my mouth only a sob escapes. My frantic nod has to do until I can finally utter, “Yes.”

  Axton takes the ring out and slides it on my finger. “Dani gave me your ring size, but if it doesn’t fit or you don’t like it—”

  “I love it. It’s perfect!” I nearly knock us both off of the log with the force of my hug when I throw my arms around him. “I love you.”

  “I love you.” After a moment, he lets me go, plucks a folded up card out of the box, and hands it to me. “There’s something else. If you aren’t ready, I understand.”

  My hands tremble as I unfold the tiny scrap of cardstock and I have to read it twice before I realize what he’s getting at. It’s a business card for an adoption lawyer. For Caden. I can’t hold it together anymore and tears pour down my cheeks.

  Axton brushes my hair back from my face. “You’re already his mother, and the best one he could ever hope to have, but if you want to make it official…”

  “I do,” I sob.

  I’m a crying mess but I’ve never been happier. The man I love loves me, wants to spend the rest of his life with me, share his son with me, give me a family.

  As we walk back to the house, Ax takes my hand. I can feel his hesitation when he starts to speak. “I know this might not be the best time to discuss this. I don’t want to ruin the day…”

  “Nothing could ruin this day. What’s on your mind?”

  We step into the warmth of the house and sit on the couch. “I heard from the District Attorney today. There isn’t going to be a trial.”

  I assumed the news had to do with them, but I’m stunned by that statement. “For Beverly or Paige?”

  “Either. Pleas were offered, and they both accepted.”

  Anxiety flutters in my chest. “What did they get?”

  “Beverly got thirty years in prison f
or the kidnapping. Up for parole in twenty.”

  I can live with that, at her age, she’ll be over sixty years old before she’s eligible. “And Paige?” It feels horrible to wish a life sentence on the girl I grew up with, who was my best friend for so long, but if she gets out anytime soon, I’d still be at risk. Crazy like that doesn’t quit.

  “Paige got ten years for kidnapping you, and another twenty for attempted murder and assault and battery. No possibility of parole.”

  Thirty years.

  The three people responsible for the worst time in our lives are going to stay behind bars for at least twenty years. The trial and the media circus we’ve dreaded isn’t going to happen. The relief his words bring me is indescribable.

  “Naomi?” Axton says when I don’t respond. “It’s not life but close enough. We won’t have to worry about them again.” He pauses, then looks down at me. “How do you feel about it?”

  “It’s over?”

  His large hand slides into mine, bringing with it the security it always does. “It’s over.”

  “Thank fuck.”

  “Exactly what I said to the D.A.” Our eyes lock, and we both start to laugh. It’s over. “Let’s go home. We have a lot to celebrate.”

  Word has gotten out about the plea deals and paparazzi once again surrounds the house, screaming out questions as we head inside. I’ll be so glad to be in our new place soon. “So, your tour won’t be affected then?” I ask, grabbing a glass of wine.

  The world tour for Tragic is due to kick off in less than two months. “No, we’re on schedule.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. I know it’ll be crazy and stressful but it’s so exciting.” My mind goes to the times I’ve watched him perform. How raw and visceral his music is, the lustful joy of it.

  “I warned you about that look.” Before I can protest—not that I would—I’m carried to the bedroom, stripped, and fucked within an inch of my endurance.

  Afterward, we lie naked in each other’s arms. His arm wraps around me and he hits the button on his phone before tossing it aside and pulling me close.


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