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Scandalous Prince

Page 11

by Rachel Van Dyken

“He’s dying today.” King made a crossing motion over his chest like he was saying a prayer for my dark soul.

  “Definitely,” Maksim and Izzy said at the same time.

  Junior dropped Serena’s hand and approached me.

  “Should we at least move the living room table?” I wondered as he stalked toward me.

  “No, I vote it stays.” Serena grinned at me. “Imagine the slo-mo angle I’ll get on the camera when he picks you up and slams you into it.”

  “Oooooo!” King rubbed his hands together. “Yes, that, do that, Junior!”

  “Some brother you are,” I grumbled as Junior continued stalking his prey.


  Which meant I actually had to fight.

  I was more lover than fighter.

  It was all smokescreens.

  A part we have to play.

  That had been mine.

  Until now.

  I’d never been interested in fighting the guys, so when we fought, I typically just let them get a few hits in, jabbed, ducked, and then went on my day. Because I was afraid if they saw this, they’d see too much, and if they did…

  I’d be a dead man.


  The voice whispered in my head as Junior lunged for me.

  I side-stepped out of his way, letting his momentum take him next to me as I shoved him down and then kneed him in the stomach, before driving my elbow into his back and driving him into the ground.

  “Ouch.” Serena winced. “Get up, Junior, you’re fine. Nice moves, Breaker. Someone drop you in a tank of superhero? Or have you just been holding out on us?”

  “Shit.” Junior winced from the floor; my hit had opened up a cut on his chin, whoops. “Didn’t see that coming.”

  “Right?” Ash’s eyes narrowed as he helped Junior to his feet. “Why hide the fact that you can actually win fights, Breaker?”

  I gulped; I hated lying. I hated it. “Because I’d rather make out with your sister than spend all day getting the shit beat out of me?”

  “Not good enough,” he snapped. “And mention her and you doing anything physical again, and I’m going to pin you under the table and sit on it until I hear each rib crack, mmkay?”

  Serena snorted out a laugh. “I always appreciate Ash’s imagination.”

  “Look, I’m telling the truth.” Kind of. “Now, I’m starving, and I’m tired of bleeding everywhere. Can we just—”

  “It’s Violet!” Izzy jumped off the couch. “She’s coming over! I told her we were visiting! She’s already on her way.”

  Panic like I’d never known seized my lungs. My muscles locked up, rooting me to the floor.

  She frowned.

  “What’s wrong?” Ash asked.

  “Nothing, she just said she has a curfew?”

  Paralyzed, I watched them and tried not to give anything away when Ash’s gaze fell to me. “You know about this?”

  “I know nothing.” I held up my hands. “Remember, I’m the heartbroken one.”

  His gaze flickered away. “Yeah…”

  “She’s a few minutes out. She has a driver, that’s weird.” Izzy just kept talking, and I kept drinking in every piece of information like a starved man. Maybe this would work. Maybe it would be okay.

  Maybe, just maybe, we could salvage how messed up this had gotten.

  Minutes later, Violet was walking into the living room.

  And I still hadn’t moved from my spot.

  I took one look at her smooth skin and haunting eyes.

  Maybe not.

  Not a chance in hell.

  She moved toward me.

  Ash stepped in front, blocking her, and then said, “He looks like shit because we fought because you guys slept together. True or false, you seduced him?”

  She peered around her brother, sending me a look that made me almost terrified to breathe. “Technically, I seduced him. And…” She faced Ash again. “I’m not sorry.”

  “No!” He put his hands on her shoulders. “No sex! Ever.”

  “Holy shit, he sounds like Chase.” Junior burst out laughing. “This is the best; he’s turning into a dad right in front of us. Quick, man, grab a tie to hang yourself with because bro, you’re done for.”

  Ash ran his hands through his head. “Just—not with him.”

  I was the him apparently.

  “Okay,” she whispered. “Deal.”

  Why did it feel like she just punched me in the gut all over again? This was for the best, remember? She was married, remember? She doesn’t belong to Breaker, remember?

  It still hurt like hell.

  It hurt to breathe.

  Being in the same room with her but not able to hold her hand or tell her that I would figure a way to make this right when I couldn’t even get myself out of the mess I was in.

  “Ordered pizza!” Izzy called out. “Come on, Vi, tell me all about how terrifying it is to study under Nikolai.”

  “Did you know he’s related to Jack the Ripper?” King offered up.

  “How was I the only one who didn’t know this?” I threw my hands up in the air and nearly took Ash out even though I’d known for years, we all had to keep our secrets.

  “Because you slept with my sister,” Ash said simply.

  “Yeah, he’s not letting that go anytime soon,” I grumbled. “I’m just gonna go clean up.”

  I didn’t give Violet a second glance when I ran up the stairs and turned on the shower.

  Slowly, I peeled my shirt from my body and tossed it in the trash. What was with Abandonatos ruining my shirts lately?

  I was already bruising a bit on my right cheek, and my left brow had a cut on it.

  I stared at my reflection.

  They were right, I really did—

  “You look like shit,” came her soft voice.

  I hung my head as I braced my body against the sink. “You shouldn’t be in here.”

  “I know.” Her soft hands came around my stomach as she rested her head against my back. “But I missed you.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut, barely able to grate out the words, “I missed you more.”

  I don’t know how long we stayed like that, long enough for steam to fill the room, long enough for me to turn her in my arms and press a chaste kiss to each of her eyelids before kissing each cheek and then her nose. “You were beautiful last night.”

  She gasped. “What?”

  “Creepy stalker, party of one.” I grinned.

  She gave me a little shove as her cheeks went red. “It was… different.”

  “Promise me something?” I licked my lips, wishing I was licking hers.

  “Anything.” Her eyes darted from my mouth, locking on mine.

  “Forgive me,” I whispered. “Promise me you’ll forgive me.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “It’s already done,” I said. “And one day soon, it will probably come out, and you won’t look at me like this anymore, but know that everything I’ve done, my reason for living, has always been to keep you safe, first and foremost. I would never do something to put you in danger, and confessing it all right now would make you a target. So just… forgive me.”

  “I forgive you.” She said it so innocently, so simply. I wished it was that easy that it erased the darkest parts of my soul.

  It didn’t.

  “You’re easy to love, Violet, remember that, remember that tonight.” I removed the rest of my clothes and walked into the shower.

  She was still standing there when I was finished.

  She handed me a towel.

  And then she whispered, “Was there really someone else?”

  “That you would even believe that…” I sighed. “There will never be anyone else… for as long as I have breath, Violet Abandonato will forever own my soul.”

  A tear slid down her cheek.

  “Give him a chance, Violet. Get to know him, and maybe you’ll figure out this mess all on your own.”

  Her eyes narrow
ed. “What aren’t you saying?”

  “You love me?”


  “Then, you’ll figure it out.” I kissed her forehead one last time, feeling the loss in my chest like I just got ran over by a freight train. “Now leave so I can pee in peace; it would ruin our moment.”

  She rolled her eyes and let out a small laugh. “Pretty sure I’ve seen all there is to see, Breaker.”

  “Mmmmm…” I grinned. “Pretty sure you haven’t, virgin eyes.”

  She gave me a shove, and then she was gone.

  I slumped against the countertop again and breathed a sigh of relief. I couldn’t tell her my secrets.

  That didn’t mean she couldn’t figure them out on her own.

  Hopeful for the first time in days, I smiled at my reflection.

  It could work.

  It had to.

  Because she was mine.

  Chapter Twelve

  I stalk the desolate streets of night, wondering how to turn wrong to right, knowing that I was the one who made the choice doesn’t lessen the darkness that hides my voice. I am the demon you know my name, say it three times, then say it again. —Valerian Petrov


  I had no idea why Sancto had said I had a curfew. It was weird, to say the least. Valerian was gone all day, according to the staff, and I’d been so on edge that when Izzy texted and said they were in Seattle, I’d nearly sprinted out of the house.


  I was a Petrov now.

  I had a driver now.

  I wasn’t allowed anywhere without security.

  Valerian’s rules.

  The only reason they even let me go was because they knew that my family would protect me till the death.

  Now that I had returned, the loneliness crept back in. Was this my life now? Just waiting for my husband to come home?

  Waiting for him to sleep with me?

  I swallowed a gulp of wine and stared at my half-eaten food. I was surrounded by a staff of people, and yet, I’d never felt so alone.

  “You should eat,” came Valerian’s dark voice.

  I sighed and looked up, but nobody was there.

  And then a hand pressed against my shoulders, I was just about to turn around.

  “Don’t.” He hissed like he was in pain. “Not unless you’re ready.”

  “Ready?” I winced. “For what?”

  “Your wedding night.”

  “So, I can’t see your face until I’m completely naked in front of you? Doesn’t seem very fair.” None of this made sense.

  “What if I’m horribly scarred?”

  “Are you?”


  I sucked in a breath. “I’m so sorry, what happened? And if you don’t want me to see you, you could always put on your mask from last night until you think I’m ready.

  “Hmmm, beautiful, and smart.” His voice was laced with humor. “I’ll be right back, eat your vegetables first, and maybe I’ll give you more wine.”

  “Ooo, high-handed, and mysterious.”

  His laughter had me suddenly relaxing as I turned around to watch his retreating form.

  “Knew you’d do that,” he called as he took the stairs one at a time.

  He was lethal.

  And familiar.

  He walked like he was a king.

  His pants were black, his shirt matching; he clearly had a thing for black. His hair was blonder than I remembered from last night.

  So he was blond.

  Why did that disappoint me?

  I sighed and started eating a few vegetables. By the time he was back, he was still dressed like a king, but this time the top button of his shirt was undone, and he was wearing his mask.

  It should look absolutely ridiculous.

  But he was so beautiful it didn’t.

  His eyes were a striking green, brighter than Breaker’s in a way that was hard to explain.

  Why was I comparing him to Breaker? It was almost unfair. Breaker wasn’t scarred, Valerian was.

  Valerian had taken something from me.

  Something I chose to give to Breaker.

  They couldn’t be more different.

  I sighed in frustration as Valerian rounded the table and grabbed my glass of wine, taking a sip from it before setting it back down with a smirk. “Sorry, I was greedy for your taste and figured it was still on the glass.”

  “And was it?” I cleared my throat nervously.

  “Not enough.” His eyes flashed.

  I stared at his mouth; I could almost imagine those lips were someone else’s… almost.

  “You’re thinking of him.” He said it like a statement.


  “Don’t.” He reached out and grabbed my hand. He had a sickle tattoo on his left ring finger like I did, only his was larger, more intricate. I wondered why I didn’t notice it last night. “Don’t lie to me, please.”

  “Sorry,” I whispered and lowered my head.

  “Another rule.” He tugged me out of my seat and sat then pulled me onto his lap. “This is your kingdom; this is where you rule. You never lower your head to your prince. You are and will always be better than me, understand?”

  His fingers trembled as he cupped my chin and then inhaled like he missed my smell when he barely knew me.

  “I understand.”

  “Did you eat your vegetables?” His grin was killing every wall I erected; it was both playful and confident, and sad. Why was he so sad?

  I gave my head a shake. “Yeah, I ate some of them. Did you eat?”

  “Are we making small talk?” he teased.

  I laughed. “The worst small talk ever. Should we move on to the weather?”

  “It’s sunny,” he deadpanned. “And your day, how was that?”

  “Lonely,” I answered honestly. “And then it got better. My brother and a few cousins are here for a small vacation.”

  “Ah spies, how nice.” He released a soft chuckle.

  I rolled my eyes. “They have no need to spy when the Russians are already on our side.”

  He stilled. “About that…”

  “What?” I narrowed my eyes. “Are you about to tell me bad news?”

  “Nikolai and Andrei can only keep them in check for so long, living in Chicago, Violet. I hope you know that, especially with the core of them living here in Seattle.”

  “I never thought about that, I guess, because Andrei’s so terrifying.” Had that been the plan all along? Send me here? Pray I fall in love with him? Make me stay?

  “I can see the wheels turning,” he said with a tender smile. “Let’s not solve world hunger right now. Let’s just get to know each other. Do you like games?”

  “Games? Like board games?”

  “No, sexual games where you get tied up and have safe words…” His gentle laugh made my skin tingle. “Yes, board games.”

  Why did the other games suddenly sound so much better? “Umm.”

  “That is unless you want me to take off this mask and let me kiss you from head to toe? Because that’s my vote. Every second of every day since laying eyes on you.”

  I frowned. “Even that day?”

  He stilled. “Even that day, Violet. I wanted to save you. But I can’t lie and say I didn’t want you. I wanted you with every cell in my body.”

  “Did you know this would happen?”

  “No.” He didn’t even hesitate. “Not that it matters, Violet, because it did happen, we saved lives without realizing we were damning our futures.”

  “I like board games.” I changed the subject. “Winner gets to ask twenty questions?”

  “Steep.” He played with my hair, wrapping it around his right hand the way Breaker used to, then as if realizing he was touching me again, he stopped. “I’ll agree to your terms, if and only if I can pick the game.”

  “Trickery.” I pointed at him. “But I accept, as long as I know how to play.”

  “All right,” He helped me off his la
p but didn’t let go of my hand. I felt my ring press against his fingers and liked it. I liked it a lot but couldn’t figure out why.

  He led me past the living room and into a large office that I imagined was his. There were no windows, only a huge fireplace on one wall, and another family portrait hanging on the other.

  There were burn marks around the picture like the flames had tried to destroy it but couldn’t.

  “Must have been some fire.”

  “It would have to be to cause my scarring…” And then he changed the subject. “There it is, the old checkerboard. My mom used to play with me in here before…”

  “Before what?” I sat down on the plush brown leather couch while he pulled the table over to us and set the game on top.

  “Red or black?”


  He seemed to like that answer as he gave me the red checkers and took the black.

  The fireplace gave us enough heat that I didn’t need to scoot closer to him, but I wanted to, so I’d use being cold as an excuse, plus something about the room creeped me out.

  “Are you going to ignore my question?” I asked.

  “Do you have a right to ask since you haven’t even won the game yet?” He shot right back.

  I straightened. “Fine, I’ll ask after I kick your ass.”

  “I’ve never lost.”

  “Then, I’ll try to make the pain quick.” I winked.

  He stared at me for a few seconds. “You have no idea how beautiful you are.”

  “And innocent,” I grumbled.

  “Something tells me my princess knows how to get dirty if she wants to.”

  The compliment made me blush.

  “Ladies first.” He nodded toward me, the mask did a good job hiding his face, all red and black, intimidating as hell, but necessary, apparently, until I was ready.

  The game was quick.

  And as predicted, I won.

  Minutes later, he was still staring at the board in disbelief. “But—”

  “Aw, better luck next time, husband.”

  His head shot up. “Say it again.”

  “Husband,” I whispered.

  He squeezed his eyes shut. “You have no idea how nice that sounds, especially in this room.”

  “Twenty questions.” I grinned and rubbed my hands together. “Anything off-limits?”

  “I’ll let you know.” The corners of his mouth ticked up in a small smile that gave me the impression he was thinking about kissing me. He reached across the table, grabbed a crystal decanter, and poured each of us two small glasses of something that looked like brandy or whiskey.


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