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Page 25

by Kenya Wright

  “Get your ass in that couch!”

  Uni’s rainbow tail darkened to black. “Your friend doesn’t seem very nice.”

  He’s not my friend. He’s the devil.

  Two men grabbed my arms. Another took my legs. I kicked. I screamed. I punched a few in the face, but it got me nowhere. They stuffed me into the box.

  Uni watched with glitter tears.

  The Devil’s face showed at the top of the box. “Are you comfortable, princess?”

  I trembled.

  He lowered down into the couch.

  Cringing, I shrank back as his masked face came inches close to mine.

  “You were right earlier.” He lowered even more and licked my ear. Vomit threatened to come out. My flesh quivered.

  “You’re definitely a smart one.” He licked my ear again.

  I ducked away, but still felt its cold wetness.

  Laughing, he rose. “I only killed Jebo to hurt you first. Hurting you after you’ve been raped and beaten would’ve taken all the fun out of the game. And I do intend to have fun. Jean-Pierre took some things, but not my sense of humor.”

  I’m going to kill you.

  I didn't move.

  Uni giggled off in the distance. “Friends, let’s say goodbye to Eden.”

  And all the kids yelled with glee, “Goodbye, Eden!”

  “Fuck all of you!” I screamed as the couch top shut and darkness swallowed me. I prayed to any God that was listening, to set me free. Get me the hell out of here.

  Seconds later, the demons didn’t keep the couch flat on the ground. They had it and me lifted up in the air, slanted sideways. To Jean-Pierre and everyone else, they would probably look like regular movers transporting a couch out of the building. I couldn’t hear anything outside. All I could go on was the movement.

  “Hey! I’m in here!” I punched at the sides of the walls, wondering if people could hear me outside of it. “Help! Help!”

  When the motion felt like we were going down in the elevator, I screamed. I yelled. I kicked and banged at the wood.

  But no one came.

  Not even Uni, the Unicorn.

  Chapter 19

  The Lion and The Mouse


  It took forever to get to the address where Shalimar was.

  And there was no more time to waste.

  Goddamn it!

  Roads were blocked by police or fire fighters. The chaos between Kazimir and me had triggered others to battle. That was the way of humans. Anger caused a domino effect. When dealt with terror, some hid and waited until it left. Others went out into to streets to be a part of it.

  Hospital and police helicopters disrupted the sky. I needed a lead or clue soon, or else I would Eden. More men and weapons had arrived at the airport.

  Others reported that Russians had arrived to. A few Bratva that had probably been in other parts of France. It made sense. So many hours had passed. I didn’t even want to look at my watch.

  Kazimir, have you found my love yet?

  It appeared the Lion was doing everything but searching for Eden. While Kazimir didn’t have the amount of people in Paris, or weapons that I did, he was getting creative.

  He had rounded up a good number of men and had them pillaging and plunging, all over the city. Their chief goal must’ve been to create as much chaos as possible. It would keep the police busy. Bratva had stormed down Corsican neighborhoods. They hadn’t killed, but they’d injured. They hadn’t destroyed, but they’d annoyed my men, and had their families anxious and restless.

  Smart move. Rattle the city. Rattle the people. Rattle my men. The only problem is, motherfucker, you won’t rattle me.

  Kazimir had kept us busy. He’d sent men to all of our known headquarters in Paris, including Rafael’s restaurant. We’d seen images of the aftermath. The Bratva had wrecked Shalimar’s. Where once an elegant structure stood, now rocks, broken bricks, and shattered glass remained.

  I glanced at Rafael as he sat next to me in the limo. “I’m sorry about your restaurant.”

  “That’s fine.” He kept his voice low. “A truck crashing through the restaurant is an exact metaphor for my relationship with Shalimar anyway. What other way could we end?”

  I let out a long breath. “Do you want to avoid seeing her, when we get there? The limo is taking us over there now.”


  Meanwhile, Kazimir’s lover—Emily sat on his other side, watching Rafael and me the whole time. She appeared to be constantly assessing and taking notes. I wondered what she’d written down in her head.

  Rafael gestured to Gwen sitting further away and having a low conversation with Louis. “Let’s drop Gwen off first, then go.”

  “We wasted time going to the restaurant.” I kept my view on Emily. “I let you both have your break. No more losing time.”

  “Ten minutes in my closed restaurant, then a crash and shoot out. That was our break?”

  “Pretty much.” I did a big show of inhaling and exhaling. “Do you feel that? It’s rejuvenation. It’s a second wind. I already feel the extra dose of energy racing through my veins.”

  “You look like you haven’t slept or ate in twenty-four hours.” Rafael frowned, squinting at Louis lifting Gwen’s hand and kissing her fingertips. She giggled and took her hand from his.

  Rafael leaned my way. “You think Louis tried to fuck Gwen yet?”

  “What?” I pulled out my phone. “No. Louis’s damn near celibate.”

  “He’s been flirting with her all night.”

  “The moment he’s overly flirtatious, is the moment when he’s really not fucking anybody.” I dialed the president’s number. “Has anybody found out what Kazimir did with the lions yet?”

  “You still think it was him, and not a coincidence?”

  “The fact that you asked me that shows you’re not on your game.” I eyed him while the phone rang. “Do you need rest?”

  “I do, but you know I won’t take it.”

  “You can.” I continued to let the president’s line ring.

  Pick up the phone, idiot. Do you want me to believe that no one is at Élysée Palace this morning?

  Rafael continued, “If I take a break, you’ll probably fly off to Tokyo and steal the Dragon’s lover too. No.” Rafael shook his head. “At least if I’m around, we can limit the kidnappings to one a day.”

  Rafael knew my mind well. The only reason the Dragon and his family were safe for today, was that it took time to go to his island and destroy it. And I had no time for that. Eden was my only mission. After I got her, then everyone else would get my attention.

  The president’s line continued to ring.

  Pick up or I’ll pay you a visit too.

  My eyes burned with exhaustion. I rubbed them and dialed the president’s other line. I was sure Kazimir, had bullied the weak man into pulling back his military.

  I won’t leave you alone so pick up.

  This time the fool answered. And when he did, nervousness hit his voice. “Hello, Jean-Pierre.”

  “Good morning, Mr. President. How’s your day been?”

  “It’s been a busy day in the capital, as you must know.”

  “Your military had to leave? Did their diapers need changing?”

  “Unfortunately, there was a bigger threat in Syria that required our immediate—”

  Yada. Yada. Yada.

  “Syria is always Syria.” I ended his pitiful excuse. “What happened was that the Lion threatened you?”

  “That may have come up, after you kidnapped his—”

  “It doesn’t matter what I’ve done.” My voice rose in the limo.

  Louis ended his conversation with the chef and concentrated on me.

  Emily had never stopped monitoring me.

  I gripped the phone. “For these past three years, the Corsican have kept your military fed, clothed, and trained.”

  “This is correct, Jean-Pierre. But what good is well-trained soldiers, i
f there are no weapons for them to use?”

  I rubbed the pain throbbing at my temples. “Kazimir threatened to take away all of France’s arms?”

  Emily widened her eyes.

  Louis glared.

  “Yes,” the president said. “And Kazimir added, that if I don’t stay out of this conflict with him and you, I’ll be so desperate for guns and planes, that I’ll be offering blow jobs around the EU. I for one am not good at blow jobs.”

  “Or anything else.”

  “I’m really sorry, Jean-Pierre. France doesn’t want any problems with Kazimir or you.” He sighed. “You still have all our agencies searching for Eden. They’re at your full disposal. I hope that’s enough to show the Corsican our loyalty.”

  You dickless coward. At least you didn’t give the Lion our military. Pulling back was better.

  I reigned in my anger. “You’re in an uncomfortable position. I get it.”

  “I’m glad you understand.”

  “I do.” I switched to more important topics. “What about France’s airspace? Is that still mine or have you whored that out too?”

  I checked the time. A normal flight from Moscow to Paris could be four hours. Five hours had passed since I’d grabbed Kazimir’s lover. I was sure, Kazimir had more people in the air headed our way.

  If Russians haven’t already arrived.

  The bigger groups would be from Moscow. If I could keep them out, then I’d have more time to find Eden.

  The president cleared his throat. “I promised Kazimir that he could land only three planes.”

  “Hmmm. Thank you for letting me know.” A dark chuckle left me. “Unfortunately, if Kazimir lands those three planes in France today, then there will be a new president in the morning.”

  Silence hit the other side.

  “But who am I to speak on things like this? I’m only a simple French man.” I gripped the phone harder. “But if I were you, Mr. President, I would concentrate on the present moment, not worry about the future. Who knows what will happen in these hours to come? Who knows who will even be alive?”

  I hung up the phone.

  Kazimir wanted three planes. Again, it doesn’t look like you’re focused on the task at hand.

  My phone rang.

  I answered. “Yes?”

  Kazimir’s rough voice carried over the line. “I have your flute player.”

  My body stiffened. “Let me talk to her.”

  “She can’t talk now. She’s in the shower. She smelled.”

  I assumed Kazimir would be above tricks.

  Had he called to try and get a track on me. Louis’ hackers were already on it. If he had someone tracking my line, they’d have my location in the Ukraine.

  I groaned. “I have no time for your games—”

  Kazimir roared on the line. “Where is Emily?”

  “Now that’s a question that has not plagued my mind for these past hours. I damn sure know where Emily is.” I closed my eyes. “I have answers for you, but do you have answers for me?”

  “Put her on the phone.”

  “I won’t.” I opened my eyes and stared out the window. “You wreck my city. You chase my men. You bully my country. I don’t believe you have Eden. I don’t think you’re focused. I don’t think you’re moving with purpose this morning.”


  “This is your motivational talk, my friend. Change your life today. The world is yours. Anything is possible.” I turned away from the window and glared at Emily. “Believe in yourself.”

  Kazimir’s held nervousness. “Is…she still alive?”

  “She is. Of course, she is. I wouldn’t hurt her, but can you give that answer for Eden?”

  “I. Have. Her.”

  My chest stiffened. “Give me the address or let me talk to her.”

  “She fucking smelled! As soon as she gets out, you will know. And as far as the location.” Kazimir laughed. “The exchange must be careful. I don’t trust you.”

  “You brought this shit to my doorstep.”

  “Currently, you’re like a spoiled brat, dangling his new bike in front of poor kids. I’m going to do you a big favor, Jean-Pierre. I’m going to get your Eden now, as soon as she’s done with this shower, and when her voice comes on the line, I hope that you’ve humbled yourself. Because if not, I’m going to change that stupid tattoo on her back and make it sliced up—”

  My heart boomed in my chest. “Careful, Kazimir. I’m close to Emily now. Be mindful of your tone with me.”

  Emily glared.

  Kazimir cursed in Russian.

  My hands shook. “You really have her?”

  Kazimir hung up.

  Rafael frowned. “That went well.”

  I stared at the phone. “He said he has her.”

  He mentioned the tattoo on her back.

  Rafael’s face brightened. “Did she get on the line?”

  “No. He said she was taking a shower.”

  Louis shook his head. “Sounds like he was trying to track your phone.”

  “No.” Emily spoke up for the first time since we’d been in the limo. Everyone turned to her, even the chef. Emily swallowed. “If Kazimir said he has her, then he does. He wouldn’t play that game right now.”

  “Why?” I asked. “Because you’re that important to him? Can the Lion love?”

  Silence bridged between us. Hate too. She wore it on her face. And I knew, I wore it on mine.

  “Kazimir started this,” I hissed.

  Emily’s gaze shifted to deadly. “He didn’t.”

  “And you know this how? Are you a new member of the Bratva?”

  Rafael laughed.

  Louis didn’t and looked at Emily. “Are you?”

  She tapped her leg. “Am I what?”

  “A member of the Bratva?” Louis asked.

  Emily pressed her lips together.

  I quirked my eyebrows. “You think she is?”

  “When we took her, Kazimir screamed mysh, over and over. It’s clear she has some fighting skills. Mysh, means mouse.” Louis shrugged. “She had you twisting and turning in the hallway, Jean-Pierre. And then there’s the ass whipping she gave you in the bathroom.”

  She grinned.

  I frowned. “That wasn’t an ass whipping. That was me avoiding hitting her.”

  “I’ve seen you avoid hitting many women, and not have your shirt torn and toilet water dripping all over you.”

  Rafael chuckled. “How did that happen again?”

  I grumbled. “She broke one of the pipes behind the toilet.”

  “She broke one of the pipes. With what?”

  “My head,” I muttered and studied her. “Mysh?”

  She stirred. Her confidence left her face.

  I tilted my head to the side. “Are you the Mouse?”

  She didn’t respond.

  “How clever that would be, if you were?” I knitted my fingers. “You helped Kazimir kill Sasha?”

  Louis growled, “Did you?”

  “That’s more credit than I deserve.” She shook her head.


  “I shot, but.” She kept her voice low. “I simply shot a gun next to other men who were shooting guns. And unfortunately…. Sasha was in front of our guns, but it’s not like I helped in a huge way.”

  “Sasha had tried to kill Kazimir.” I tested her. “What happened?”

  She tapped her finger on her leg. “Sasha couldn’t kill Kazimir, is the fact that’s more important.”

  “And what other facts are important?”

  “I can help you find Eden and get her back safely.”

  “Kazimir says he has her.”

  “Even if he does, I can help with the exchange.”

  “I don’t need your help.”

  Rafael nudged me. “How the hell are we going to do an exchange again?”

  I had no idea. All I’d thought about was getting Eden out of the Devil’s hands. Kazimir was many things, but he wasn’
t a monster like the Devil. When it came to women, there would be some limit to the Lion’s violence.

  Meanwhile, the Devil had no limits.

  I directed my attention back to Emily. “You helped kill Sasha. That makes sense. I had asked Kazimir about the Mouse in the bathhouse earlier, and his reaction had been odd. He looked like he was going to kill me. His reaction had come off more like a jealous man, than a boss worried about his trusty guard.”

  She kept her mouth closed. That displayed more intelligence than if she’d been talking. She knew when to speak and when to shut the fuck up. Silent people thought too much. Silent people kept their cool. Remained focused. Silent people sat in shadows and killed faster than the big talkers. Silent people won when they were supposed to lose.

  Louis concluded as I had. “She’s the Mouse. This week has been crazy enough for me to believe it.”

  “Now I see why Kazimir had a rocket launcher under his bed.” I smiled. “She’s the Mouse. The Bratva likes fairytales and legends. I could see the Lion naming a woman he was taken with, trying his best to label something he didn’t understand.”

  What would be a mouse to Kazimir?

  I surveyed the small women in front of me. Very short. She was 5’5 to his 6’5. The width of his muscular body could hide her, if he stood in front. But when I tried to get a handle of her in the hallway and even in the bathroom, it had been like fighting a grown man. And even worse, it was hard to get a good grip on her. Like she’d been practicing on how to run and duck men all her life. She’d even tried to escape into the sewer like a mouse, racing away to places where most men or women wouldn’t even venture.

  I smirked. “Are you as clever as a mouse?”

  “As clever as anyone.”

  “Why did Kazimir name you that?”

  She gave me a sad smile. “It’s just a term of endearment. Nothing more.”

  “No. He didn’t name the ballerina.”

  A neutral mask covered her face.

  Louis shrugged. “Maybe Kazimir called her, the ballerina.”

  “This name isn’t just him being infatuated,” I said. “The streets call you mouse now. Neighborhoods. Cities. Everyone has been talking about the Lion and Mouse, even though they have no face or details of what you look like. Whether you’re male or female.”


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