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Motor Matt's Close Call; or, The Snare of Don Carlos

Page 22

by Stanley R. Matthews


  The story of the founding of the City of Mexico is one of the mostextraordinary tales in history. It happened in 1325, at least, it begana long time before that, but was an accomplished fact about 600 yearsago.

  In the first place, imagine an almost inaccessible mountain, crownedwith a valley at the height of 8,000 feet above the level of the sea.In the centre of this valley was an immense lake. When the Aztecsarrived, led by the priests of the God of War, they found it in thepossession of hostile tribes.

  For that reason, and because the priests declared that in a certainpart of the lake where there stood an elevation of stones an eagle hadbeen seen devouring a serpent, they began the construction of the cityon this spot, immediately over the deepest waters of the lake. Therehad long existed a prophecy among the Aztecs that their wanderingswould end when they should have reached a place where the priests wouldbehold an eagle resting on a cactus plant, devouring a serpent.

  Confident that they had found the spot ordained to be their abidinghome, they began to construct rafts of the trunks of trees, coveringthem with thick layers of earth, upon which they built rude hutsof more or less solidity. Groups of dwellings soon began to formthemselves in regular order, thus determining the primitive streets ofthe new city.

  They also constructed boats and oars of different sizes useful inpeace and war, and while certain of their number occupied themselvesin defending their homes and brethren from the onslaughts of hostiletribes, others continued to improve and enlarge the new city. Graduallythe lake was filled up, and terraces arose, one after another, in theplace once occupied by the deep waters.

  This was in itself a herculean labor, unsurpassed in ingenuity anddurability by any similar work of ancient or modern times. Upon thefirst of these terraces was constructed the Teocalli, or sacrificialtemple. It was begun in 1216 and not completed until 1325, a periodof 109 years, from which time may be dated the official foundation ofTenochtitlan, to-day the modern City of Mexico.



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  Transcriber's Notes:

  Italics are represented with _underscores_, bold with =equal signs=.

  Added table of contents.

  Some inconsistent hyphenation (i.e. "war-like" vs. "warlike") retainedfrom the original.

  Page 14, changed "Ortera" to "Ortega" ("can't understand this Don RamonOrtega").

  Page 16, corrected "action" to "actions" in "The boy's actions werepeculiar."

  Page 26, changed "Ysabelle" to "Ysabel" ("Ysabel vanished into thetower").


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