Crystal Coast Chemistry (Crystal Coast Romances Book 2)

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Crystal Coast Chemistry (Crystal Coast Romances Book 2) Page 5

by Sierra Brave

  Caroline’s cheeks turned a rosy color and she laughed. “Look who’s talking.”

  “I made it crystal clear that I intended to get some at the Crystal Coast, but sweet Caroline was acting all coy.”

  “Oh, shut up,” Caroline said as she ran off giggling.

  Ryan gave chase. “You can’t get off that easy. I need details. Was it fabulous? Will you see him again? Do you like him?”

  Caroline stopped running and then turned to face him, biting down on her bottom lip, her eyes wide. “Hell yes! Yes and yes!”

  Ryan clapped and then pulled her into a hug. “I’m so happy for you!”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a squeeze. “What about you? Did you bang that poor, helpless young man?”

  Ryan released her from his friendly embrace and turned on his heel before walking out of the hallway he’d chased Caroline down and into their tiny living room. He threw her a glance over his shoulder before he plopped down on the couch and patted the cushion next to him. She rushed over and sat beside him, looking as if she was on pins and needles to find out the scoop. “I did not bang him. He banged me, and there was nothing helpless or little about him in any way!”

  “Oh, shit!” Caroline placed her hand over her gaping mouth.

  Ryan had to admit Tanner had been more than he’d ever dreamed possible. Last night he had been thinking their coupling might be a one-time deal, but now he wanted more. Tanner was adorable, a little naive and unsure of himself, but regardless, he handled Ryan’s body with all the skill and confidence of a man twice his age. Plus there was a sweet sincerity to him Ryan found enchanting. He had to get to know Tanner better and see where things went.

  “Do you work lunch shift today?” Ryan asked.

  Caroline nodded. “Yep, you?”

  “Yes, ma’am. No rest for the wicked.” He winked at her before asking, “Should I text him a sappy message with a heart?”

  Caroline burst out laughing, smacking Ryan with a throw pillow as she did. “As a general rule, I would advise against it, but I kind of get the impression he would love it.”

  “I know, right?” Ryan reached over, tickling her around the ribs, and she squealed.

  “Stooooop!” Caroline wiggled off the couch, landing on her bottom on the floor, kicking at him. He grabbed her bare foot, giving it a tickle, too, before releasing her with a chuckle.

  * * * *

  Tanner sat on a bar stool at Sharky’s, waiting for Ryan to get off work. He was thrilled things were going so well with them. They’d only been together a short while, but they had seen each other nearly every day and even gone on a couple of dates. Their first date was dinner and a movie. They’d purchased popcorn and drinks before sitting down for a scary, paranormal flick, but when the lights went down, Ryan had held his hand. Tanner’s heart skipped a beat as he remembered how warm and comfortable he’d felt that evening. On their second date, they’d played miniature golf before heading to the beach for a little body surfing. They’d both gotten smacked in the face by waves more than a few times, but being with Ryan made it fun.

  Earlier in the evening, they’d had to work together to clear up a misunderstanding between Jake and Caroline. Under most circumstances, Tanner liked to stay out of other people’s love affairs, but this situation had been such an obvious mix-up that neither he nor Ryan would have been comfortable leaving things alone.

  “Sorry for making you wait so long,” Ryan said as he swept up around the bar.

  “I don’t mind. I wish you’d let me help you, though.” Tanner spun on his stool.

  “Yeah right, and let Aunt Britt come after me for breaking federal employment rules…pass!”

  Ryan’s face was so serious Tanner couldn’t help laughing. “That’s hilarious.”

  Ryan shook his head. “I’m not kidding. That woman is hard core. She used to hang out with a biker gang. She might send me out to pick my own switch if I break any of her rules.”

  Tanner held his stomach, laughing harder. “That’s messed up.”

  “Right? You don’t want my fanny all marked up, do you?”

  Tanner blushed but shook his head. “Not at all.”

  Ryan flashed his usual cocky smile. On anyone else, such an expression would have been obnoxious as hell, but somehow vain worked for Ryan. Tanner couldn’t get enough of that smile that dangled off the side of Ryan’s lips.

  “Okay, I just need to clock out and change clothes. Then we can go on our romantic walk along the beach,” Ryan said as he removed his apron.

  Tanner looked away, his cheeks flushing, but he couldn’t help smiling with excitement. He was eager to spend another evening with Ryan. With great difficulty, Tanner tried to be patient while Ryan took a small gym bag into the men’s room, and he was about halfway into his bongo drum solo on the bar when Ryan retuned.

  “Let’s go, my sexy blond.” Ryan ruffled Tanner’s hair.

  They used Sharky’s beach access, walking past the outdoor patio tables and across a small bridge over the dunes. Tanner breathed in the sea air, enjoying the breeze. The stars were out. They were pretty, but he still preferred to look at Ryan.

  As Ryan and Tanner strolled down the beach, they allowed the backs of their hands to touch in lieu of grasping them and entwining fingers. Even though their affection wasn’t yet open, Tanner’s heart was filled with joy and hope for the future.

  Ryan stopped to point out a sea turtle nesting area. “I hope I get to see when the babies hatch and inch their way out to the ocean.”

  “Me too.” Tanner nodded. “I saw it once when I saw a little kid, and it was super cool.” Watching those little green buggers march to the sea had been fun, but what interested Tanner even more was the idea of making future memories with Ryan.

  When he was with Ryan, his heartbeat was erratic and sometimes his head was a mess, and even more niggling was the simmering nervousness rolling around in his stomach but even still, being away from Ryan was far worse. When they were apart, Tanner’s mind was consumed with thoughts of Ryan’s smile, his scent, and most importantly, his touch. The idea of not seeing him once summer was over put an empty achiness in his chest, but that discussion was a bridge they had yet to cross.

  Tanner’s eyebrows bumped together in a scowl, and he pressed down on his chest to settle the throbbing there. As Ryan’s warm hand cupped his cheek, Tanner closed his eyes. “What’s that worried look?” Ryan asked.

  While blinking his eyes open, Tanner placed his hand over Ryan’s. “Nothing…I was just thinking.”

  “About what?” Ryan moved to stand closer to him.

  Tanner looked Ryan over and sighed, taking in his chiseled jaw and kind eyes. He pulled his bottom lip into his mouth, covering it with the top for a second before he spoke. “It’s nothing…”

  He was too embarrassed to tell Ryan he was pining away for a long-term relationship with him. For all he knew, Ryan might only see him as a summer fling.

  “That frown and the faraway look in your eyes didn’t seem like nothing…is something bothering you?”

  Tanner looked away while fidgeting, still chewing on his bottom lip. He sighed. “Please don’t make me say it.”

  Ryan chuckled and put his arms around Tanner’s waist. “Aw—so shy.” Tanner’s cheeks burned, and he covered the side of his face with his hand. Ryan reached out and brushed Tanner’s hand away, making Tanner meet his gaze. “Don’t worry. It’s endearing.”

  “Yeah?” Tanner hung his head then glanced up and snickered with nervous anxiety before looking down again.

  Ryan ran a hand through Tanner’s hair and whispered in his ear. “It’s a major turn-on.”

  Tanner closed his eyes, reveling in Ryan’s scent and the heat produced by their close contact. “Mmm.”

  “Hey!” Ryan’s voice made Tanner blink his eyes open just in time to see someone jerk Ryan away with a vicious yank. “What the fuck, man! Get your hands off me!”

  Angry, Tanner rushed in to fight the
unknown assailant until his gaze fell on Brent’s face, morphed with fury.

  “You get the fuck off him!” Brent screamed in Ryan’s face, adding, “You fucking pervert!”

  Ryan pushed Brent, not moving him an inch but still yelling in defiance, “I’m not scared of you, asshole!”

  The incident rolled before Tanner’s eyes as if he were watching a movie. He wanted to do something but was frozen in fear. What do I say? What can I do? Brent’s my friend and coworker, but Ryan, Ryan’s…

  “Let go of my arm, or I’ll call the cops!” Ryan spat through gritted teeth.

  Brent released his grip and gave Ryan a hard push, causing him to stumble and fall on his ass in the sand.

  Tanner’s first thought was to rush to him and help him up, but he couldn’t make his body move. His heart was pounding again, but this was much different from the lovestruck heartbeat he felt with Ryan. He’d last felt his heart beat this way during his tour in the desert. This was fear. He could hear Brent laughing and soon realized he was kicking sand on Ryan.

  Then Tanner saw Ryan’s face. His eyebrows were knitted and his lips were set in a foreboding line, but his eyes were dark with hurt. Tanner opened his mouth to tell Brent to stop but the words wouldn’t come out.

  “You’re just going to stand there and let him do this?” Ryan gaped at Tanner with wide eyes, his jaw clenched and his nostrils flaring. He picked himself up, then brushed off his clothes and shook his head. “You know what? I’m out of here.”

  As Ryan turned and started to walk away, Tanner finally found his voice and called out, “Ryan!”

  Ryan lifted his hand, giving him the finger as he walked off without looking back. Tanner started to run after him but Brent’s heavy hand clapped down on his shoulder, stopping him.

  “Are you okay?” Brent asked.

  “Huh?” Tanner looked at him, bewildered. “Why did you do that?”

  “Are you kidding me? That dude was trying to come off on you, Tan Man. You gotta be more careful.”

  “Come off on me?” Tanner stared at Brent with incredulity. He’d always known his friend liked to talk shit but he’d never for a minute thought he meant any of it. He hadn’t seemed hateful or bigoted until now.

  “That guy was going to try to lure you off so he could teabag the hell out of you and pound your ass. I saved you.”

  Tanner widened his eyes, his mouth hanging agape. “Saved me?”

  Brent nodded while squaring his shoulders and holding his head up high. He looked like a dog waiting for its pat on the head after the successful completion of a trick. Brent’s demeanor would have almost been comical if it weren’t for the fact he’d hurt Ryan. “Are you stupid?”

  “Huh?” Brent’s face fell.

  “Do you still think the world is flat and believe leeches are a great way to cure a fever?”

  “What the hell, Tan Man? What’s that got to do with anything?”

  “I’m just wondering if you’re stuck in ancient history.” Tanner balled up his fists at his side. He wanted to punch Brent in the mouth and bust his lip. Of course, he couldn’t do it, not on account of the high probability of getting his ass kicked, but because he got the impression Brent had no idea what the fuck he’d just done.

  “I don’t think you understand. That dude was going to try to shove his cock in your butthole or your mouth.”

  Tanner huffed. “Yeah, I’m aware how gay sex is performed.”

  Brent got a faraway look in his eyes and then a glimmer of realization struck his expression. Perhaps the rusty wheels in his head had, at last, started turning. Tanner nodded to help him along.

  “Wait…so you’re a homo? Like for real?”

  “So what if I am? Would you hate me too? Snatch me around and kick sand on me?”

  “No way! I could never hate you. You’re like my little brother. I just didn’t want some older guy tricking you into something you didn’t want.”

  Tanner burst out laughing. “Trick me? What with his gay, voodoo, penis magic?”

  Brent looked confused. “Is that really a thing?”

  “Holy shit! You really did eat paint chips as a kid, didn’t you?” Tanner threw his hands up in the air.

  “Not that I remember…” Brent scratched his head.

  “Let me spell it out. I’m gay. I’m not a teenage virgin. I don’t need you to guard my chastity. I like dick, and I like Ryan…a lot.”

  “Oh, sorry man…I guess I cock blocked you.”

  Tanner palmed at his face. “That’s an understatement. You knocked around my boyfriend.”

  Brent bit down on the side of his lip, looking down and hanging his head. “Maybe I should apologize.”

  Tanner rolled his eyes and sighed. “No shit, you’re going to apologize, but not right now. I need to go make things right.” He ran off in the direction Ryan had gone.

  Chapter Six

  “Fucking closet case! I can’t believe this shit!” Ryan muttered as he washed off in the outside shower. His phone was still in the pocket of his pants, and someone was blowing it up, calling and texting over and over. “I’m in the shower, asshole!”

  He dried off and then wrapped up before he grabbed his stuff. He stormed up the stairs to his door, his bare feet landing with a quick, heavy wham on each step. Once he was inside, he took the time to look at his phone. It was Tanner, asking where he was and begging him to answer the phone.

  Tears blurred Ryan’s eyes as he ventured into his room and pulled on a pair of briefs before crumbling on his bed. Why the fuck am I so upset? Mad…sure. I’d understand mad but not this… He punched the mattress.

  Anyone would be pissed at being humiliated by a great big Neanderthal, and anger was certainly simmering in the background, but it was nothing compared to the sadness. This can’t be right…I’m the cutie the guys chase, not the other way around. I fuck who I want and I don’t fall for twenty-two year olds who can’t admit who they are! I don’t fall for guys who hang out with homophobic dickholes, and fuck! Fuck! Fuck! He punctuated each expletive with a closed fist punch against his pillow.

  Someone was banging on the door as if they were the police. Ryan jumped off the bed and then stomped over and listened as Tanner begged, “Please open the door. Ryan! Ryan! I’m not leaving until you talk to me! I know you’re in there. I see your Bronco parked under the carport, and I saw your wet footprints leading from the shower to here.”

  Ryan sighed. He couldn’t imagine anything Tanner could say to make this okay. That idiot ruined everything by standing there and allowing that fucker to demean me.

  On the other hand, he couldn’t very well leave him out there and allow him to continue to create a disturbance at Aunt Britt’s house. He put the chain on the door and opened it an inch. “What the fuck? Stop making so much noise. You’ll wake up Caroline’s aunt.”

  “Let me in so we can talk and I won’t have to make a fuss.” Even Tanner’s unsmiling face was handsome. His eyes were glassy, and his motions were frantic. Perhaps he was sincerely distraught, but that wasn’t enough.

  Ryan frowned. “Why should I let you in? You let that meatheaded, heavy-handed piece of shit treat me like garbage.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry! The whole time it was happening, I wanted to stop Brent, but I froze.”

  “Froze? You’re a fucking soldier. Aren’t you trained not to freeze?”

  “It’s a little easier to act when you know you’re gonna get shot if you don’t. This was different…in a way, it was worse.”

  Ryan’s nostrils flared, and he balled up his fists before folding his arms across his chest. “Worse? How?”

  “Losing my life doesn’t seem as bad as losing you.”

  Ryan laughed. “Are you fucking kidding me? Save your bullshit lines for someone naive enough to believe them.”

  “It’s not bullshit. I mean it. Ryan, I can’t help it. You’re all I think about. I have my faults, but I had never been in a situation like what happened tonight. I should have jump
ed in and punched Brent. I shouldn’t have let him hurt you, and I’m so sorry!”

  Ryan peeped through the door opening, noticing Tanner’s heaving chest and slumped shoulders. “So you’re telling me you’re a coward?”

  “No…I was just taken by surprise.”

  Ryan rolled his eyes. “How can you claim to care about someone and be so ashamed of them? I’m supposed to take you back and sneak around your roommate?”

  “No. I told him.”

  “You told him what?” Ryan sneered at him through the tiny opening.

  “That I’m gay, and you’re my boyfriend!”

  Ryan widened his eyes for just a second before narrowing them. “You said all that and he didn’t freak out and beat the crap out of you?”

  “Oh, my God. He’s stupid. He’s so fucking dumb. I can’t even explain to you his ridiculous thought processes, but he was okay with it.”

  Laughing skeptically, Ryan shook his head. “Now I know you’re full of shit. Get the hell away from me!” He tried to slam the door shut, but Tanner had stuck his foot in the way.

  “No way. I’m telling the truth. Brent just thought he was looking out for me because you were using your gay, voodoo, penis magic to trick me into having sex with you.”

  “Gay…voodoo…penis…magic…wow!” Ryan rolled his eyes but chuckled as well.

  “He didn’t use those words, but yeah, he was seeing me as some little kid that needed his ass virginity protected. He’s not hateful, just foolish.”

  Ryan raised an eyebrow and tilted his head. “I’m sorry, but no one is that stupid. He seemed pretty damn hateful when he was pushing me down and kicking sand on me, and you stood there with your mouth hanging open but saying nothing. That’s the real problem. I don’t give a fuck about your stupid friend, but apparently, you care more about what he thinks than you do about my feelings.”

  Tanner’s eyes glassed over and he looked as if he’d been kicked in the gut. “That’s not true.”

  “Shut up and go home before the whole neighborhood hears your deceit.”

  “I’m not lying! He’s going to apologize. He promised.”


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