Crystal Coast Chemistry (Crystal Coast Romances Book 2)

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Crystal Coast Chemistry (Crystal Coast Romances Book 2) Page 6

by Sierra Brave

  “I’ll believe it when I see it. Now move your foot and go home. I can’t look at you right now.”

  Hesitantly, he replied. “Alright, I’ll respect your wishes and let you have some space, but I’m not giving up on us.” As soon as the entryway was clear, Ryan slammed the door shut before locking the deadbolt.

  Chapter Seven

  Ryan was working the slowest part of the day when most people had already eaten lunch but weren’t quite ready for dinner. The only customers in the dining area were a four top of tourists on their second refill of after-meal coffee, and Gertrude Franks, a small, gray-haired, lady siting at the bar sipping gin.

  Caroline motioned him over to the waitress station. He let his only customer know he’d be right back and headed her way.

  “What’s up?”

  She smiled. “There’s too much wait staff here right now and Aunt Britt’s pretty sure business won’t pick up before the four-thirty shift change so she said I can leave.”

  “I’m the only bartender right now, so I’m stuck with the lovely Mrs. Franks for now.”

  Caroline covered her mouth as she snickered. “Be sure to warn whoever takes over for you about that woman’s tendency to be a mean or just plain crazy drunk when she starts throwing them back this early in the day.”

  “Tell me about it. She comes off as a sweet as sugar grandma, but try to cut her off and she goes nuts.”

  “Yeah, her husband’s cell number is on the phone list. Make sure they know to call him if he hasn’t come by to get her by around eight tonight.”

  “Yeah, I got it. If they can’t get him, the second call is to the daughter-in-law’s number right under Mr. Frank’s.”

  “I wonder if the patrons will get another show.” Caroline burst out laughing. “Oh, my God, that was funny. I think it’s still up on YouTube.”

  Ryan crinkled up his nose. “I fail to see how an old woman risking a broken hip to belt out Divinyl’s I Touch Myself holds any humor at all for any sane individual.”

  She waved him off. “I’m sorry but that shit was funny.”

  “You’re going to Hell.” He shook his finger at her.

  “Oh, please, you laughed too.” She nudged him with her elbow before her smile dropped and her expression grew serious. “So how are you holding up?”

  “I’m good. I can handle one eighty-seven-year-old retiree.” He realized she wasn’t asking about the job but decided to skirt the question. He couldn’t bear to admit how much he missed his sexy, blond soldier.

  She lifted and eyebrow and shot him a warning look. “Ryan, tell me what’s going on with you and Tanner.”

  He huffed. “I don’t know. He keeps trying to call and text me, but I’m still really pissed. Why didn’t he stand up for me?”

  Caroline placed her hand on her hip as she answered. “Going in, were you not aware he was twenty-two years old?”

  He looked up at the ceiling and nodded. “Yeah, but—“

  She held up her palm. “Nope, no buts—you can’t expect him to have the life experience and confidence to handle experiences he hasn’t had a chance to confront yet.”

  “Since when do you pry into my love-life?”

  “Pfft, pretty much since I met you and vice versa. Besides, you’ve looked like a kicked dog for the last couple of days.”

  He shook his head. “No way, I’m not all twisted up over anyone. That’s not me.” His chest ached and his stomach stirred as he told the lie. The truth was he’d been having a great time with Tanner and couldn’t remember when he’d been as happy as when they’d been together.

  “Uh, huh…”

  “Oh, shut your mouth hole.” He frowned, glancing back at Gertrude. “She’s gonna want another soon.”

  Caroline grabbed his arm as he attempted to escape. “Don’t let your pride keep you from the love you deserve.”

  He wriggled away. “Whatever. Go home.”

  “So if Tanner were to show up before the end of your shift, what would you say?”

  His nostrils flared as he turned back toward her and stared at her face. “And why do you think that might happen?”

  She pursed her lips and averted her eyes. “No reason.”

  He lifted his index finger. “Girl…you better fess up now or there will be repercussions and reprisals.”

  Still not meeting his gaze, she tapped her finger on her chin. “Someone…might have told him your work scheduled. Gotta go. Bye.” Before he could blow his top, she waved and bolted as fast as her legs would carry her.

  Damn it!

  As he returned to the bar, Gertrude quipped, “Problems with your girlfriend?” She wore a shit-eating grin pushing her wrinkles high and tight.

  “She’s just a friend.”

  She smirked and bugged out her eyes. “Yeah, no kidding, Sugar Britches.” He shook his head and cracked a smile at her smartass remark. She sucked down the rest of her drink and then tapped her glass on the bar. “Keep them coming.”

  “Ms. Franks, are you sure you don’t want to pace yourself a little more, maybe order an appetizer?”

  The deep wrinkles on her forehead creased as she narrowed her eyes and frowned at him. “Don’t you patronize me, Sweet Cakes! I’m a grown-woman with lots of leisure time. If I want to do a little day-drinking, it’s my business.”

  He took a step back and placed his hands up in front of his chest. “Absolutely, I get it, but I’m sure you want to avoid another incident like last time.”

  She waved him off. “I was just blowing off a little steam.”

  “Ma’am, you stood on one of the stools and started singing, and when the other customers asked you to stop, you flipped them off and screamed curses.”

  A tiny smile curved her lips and her eyes lit up as if she were reliving the memory. “Oh, come on. That was fun!” She stuck her middle finger up at him and laughed before smacking her palm down on the bar. “More gin, Sugar Pants!”

  “Why do you call me that?”

  She hooted and hollered for a minute before answering, “On account of that sweet ass of yours.”

  His jaw dropped and he rolled his eyes up toward the ceiling. Sweet Jesus. “Are you sure there isn’t another reason?”

  She smirked. “Why? What other reason could there possibly be?”

  He poured her gin and sat it on a fresh napkin. “I will cut you off if you start getting too rowdy, and if you behave abusively, I’ll call the cops.”

  “They don’t scare me.” She took a sip.

  He leaned in and grinned. “Then I’ll call the owner.”

  She huffed and puffed but finally replied, “Fine, no need to get that crazy lady on my case.”

  Crazy lady? Talk about your pot—kettle scenario. After he returned the gin to the middle shelf, he glanced at the entrance just as Tanner’s Neanderthal roommate skulked through the door. Tanner was right behind him, mumbling what appeared to be some cajoling remarks. Oh, hell…I really don’t want this to go down with Gertrude Franks watching.

  He heard Brent say, “I told you I would.”

  “You’re damn right you will,” Tanner spat back.

  Ms. Franks whistled as the two soldiers sat down at the bar. “Finally, I’ve got some good company.”

  Ryan’s lips thinned into a grim line as he stepped up and asked, “What can I get for you gentleman?”

  Tanner cut his eyes at Brent and then elbowed him. “Well?”

  Brent’s head jerked to the side as he looked at Tanner. “Give me a second. I’m thinking on how to articulate.”

  Tanner rolled his eyes. “Well, don’t hurt yourself.”

  As Brent scratched his head with one hand and rubbed his chin with the other, he looked like a primate. “About the other night….” He drummed his fingers on the bar nervously, his eyes drooping as he peered down at his hands. “I misread the situation. Had I known you were with Tanner in that way…I’m fine with it.”

  Ryan’s nostrils flared as he stared Brent down. “Oh, thank
you so much for your blessing for me to be who I am. I’m so glad you’re fine with me being that way.”

  A goofy grin spread across Brent’s face as he looked up and met Ryan’s gaze. “Awesome.”

  Tanner punched his roommate in the arm. “That’s sarcasm, idiot.”

  Gertrude laughed so hard she nearly fell off her stool. “Where’d ya find that one?” She asked before letting out another raucous belly laugh. Brent laughed with her, totally unaware he was the butt of the joke.

  Ryan shook his head. He glanced at Tanner, and the young soldier said, “I told you,” while pointing to Brent with his thumb. He nudged the larger man with his elbow. “Apologize better.”

  Brent straightened his shoulders and looked up at Ryan. “I’m sorry. I really am. I don’t hate gay people. Tanner’s kind of the baby bird of our group and you come off as a man of the world. I thought maybe you were taking advantage. I was wrong. Tanner says you make him happy, and well, that makes me happy. Can you forgive me?” He extended his hand.

  Ryan looked at the man’s eyes. He seemed sincere and was certainly too dumb to hold a grudge against. “Okay, I think we can put this behind us.” Then he turned to Tanner and glared at him with narrowed eyes. “That doesn’t get you off the hook for standing there and doing nothing.”

  Tanner’s eyebrows drooped as his irises widened and his mouth pinched into a slight frown. “I’m so sorry. I should have protected you. I’d do anything to be able to turn back time and do things differently. I never meant to hurt or disappoint you. Please—“

  Ryan held up a hand in front of Tanner’s face. “Shush. You’re lucky you’re so fucking cute. I’ll forgive you, but there will be a punishment.”

  “Punishment?” Tanner’s shoulders stiffened as he sat at attention.

  Ryan put a hand on his hip and glared at him. “You’re refusing?”

  “No, no. Not at all.” Tanner shook his head adamantly.

  “Good, come to my place at eight p.m. sharp.”

  Tanner’s face lit up and if he’d been a dog his tail would have been wagging. “I’ll be there.” His adorable expression reminded Ryan why he couldn’t get enough of him.

  After the two soldiers left, Gertrude motioned for another gin, and as Ryan poured her drink, she snickered. “Make him pay, Sugar Pants.”

  Chapter Eight

  As soon as he left work, Ryan drove straight home. He washed up in the outdoor shower before running upstairs with a towel around his waist. As he dressed in a pair of pink, blue, and white plaid shorts and a matching blue polo shirt, his stomach growled. Gotta eat. I’m not going to let anything get in the way of what I’m going to do to Tanner tonight.

  After woofing down some leftovers Caroline had put in the refrigerator for him, he brushed his teeth and swished with mouthwash before using the cologne Tanner said he liked. Now it’s time to prep.

  He took a wooden spoon from the utensil drawer before he headed to his room and began looking around for other things to use. He placed the spoon on top of his bed’s comforter. Hmm…too bad I didn’t bring any handcuffs. He opened his top drawer and retrieved the only tie he’d packed.

  When Tanner arrived ten minutes early, Ryan had already completely set-up for the scene he had envisioned. He scolded Tanner for disobeying his directive to arrive at exactly 8:00 p.m., but truthfully, he’d been pacing and nearly going crazy with anticipation.

  “Caroline’s out for a few hours, so get in the bedroom and strip!” Ryan raised his arm and pointed, exaggerating his movements in a dramatic fashion.

  “Sir, yes, sir!” Tanner gave a salute before rushing off to do as he was told.

  Ryan smiled to himself. I’m going to make you beg tonight!

  Tanner removed his clothing in a hurry and stood up straight and tall with his fists down by his sides, waiting for Ryan’s commands. His pulse raced as he noticed the wooden spoon, belt and what appeared to be a wooden paddle set out on the bed. He swallowed hard as he watched a smile spread across Ryan’s face, lighting up his eyes. A slight tinge of fear sent a shiver down his spine, and his stomach simmered with nervous energy, but his cock twitched with excitement.

  He glanced at the bed again. Obviously, he was going to be spanked. He’d never played any of those types of games, but he trusted Ryan not to go so far. Plus if it meant he’d be forgiven, any reasonable pain or discomfort would be a small price to pay.

  “You’ve been a very bad boy. You know that, don’t you?” Ryan ran a finger down the middle of Tanner’s chest.

  “Sir, yes, sir!”

  “Good, call me Sir, but keep still.” Ryan walked in a circle around him while trailing his finger around Tanner’s sides. He flinched as the smoking hot teacher flicked one of his nipples and then the other. As Ryan knelt, lifting Tanner’s partially erect cock and looking it over in an exaggerated fashion, Tanner’s stomach fluttered so much there might as well have been a nest of baby birds flailing around inside. He shivered even as his face flushed all the way to his ears.

  He looked down, observing as Ryan studied his cock. He hadn’t felt so exposed since his military enlistment physical.

  “Hmm, very interesting.” Ryan repeated the process with Tanner’s balls, cupping them first before lifting them to look underneath. He moved them from side-to-side, leering so long he could have committed the exact size, shape, and color to memory.

  Tanner remained still, standing at attention just as he had back in basic training when his drill sergeant stared him down. Ryan stood before making another round, circling him like prey, his fingertips brushing against along Tanner’s torso and his back and then his ass as he made his way to his starting point.

  Holding his breath, Tanner tightened his stomach as his cock disobeyed Ryan’s edict to remain still, stiffening and swaying. Slowly, he released the air in his lungs as he looked past Ryan, staring at the wall.

  “And look at this,” Ryan said, inching the finger he had on Tanner’s navel downward to comb through the sparse hair at the base of Tanner’s shaft. He reached out with his other hand and stroked Tanner’s cock until it throbbed with need. “Tsk, tsk, tsk, such a pervert. What should I do with you?”

  Tanner suck in his gut again and held it as tight as he could, wanting to look buff for Ryan but also in an attempt to calm the crashing waves inside, making him tremble. “Whatever you--”

  Ryan cut him off. “Shush! It was a rhetorical question. You should be standing there reflecting on your poor behavior.”

  Tanner lifted his shoulders and stood straighter, remaining at attention as he nodded and trying to battle against the smile curving the corners of his lips. He pursed them and held his breath. If he let out any nervous laughter, Ryan would kill him!

  Ryan striped down to his underwear before he walked over to his dresser. He picked up a blue tie with yellow print which had been set on top. “Hands behind you!”

  Tanner obeyed without question, eyeing the bulge growing beneath Ryan’s shorts. So fucking sexy! Absently he licked his lips as his gaze ran up and settled over Ryan’s hard abs and lean torso. Tanner wanted to trace each one of those muscles with his tongue and rip Ryan’s underwear off with his teeth.

  Ryan moved behind him, binding his wrists together with the tie. “I’m not going to let you use your hands.” His lips were right against the shell of Tanner’s ear, and his warm breath sent a shiver down Tanner’s spine. As Ryan nibbled on the lobe, Tanner cried out, “Ooh!”

  “Already getting so worked up…I might not even let you come.” Ryan’s voice was calm and cool the threat chilled Tanner down to the bone, but as Ryan reached around and roughly pinched his nipple, Tanner groaned through gritted teeth.

  Tanner’s stomach felt as if it had been tied in a knot. The idea of being denied the euphoria of makeup sex spiked his blood pressure so fast his ears rang. He wanted, no needed, to hold Ryan, kiss him, and be one with him. “Please…”

  “Begging already?” Ryan laughed, his pupils dilating. “Le
t’s change gears.” He removed the tie binding Tanner’s wrist together. “Get on the bed on your hands and knees.” Tanner’s stomach flipped and flopped as he climbed up on the mattress and moved into position. He looked over his shoulder as Ryan stood back and stared at him. “Face front!”

  “Yes, Sir.” Tanner turned his head. His skin tingled as if he could feel Ryan’s eyes devouring him.

  “Spread your legs a bit more.”

  Tanner’s face flushed as he balanced on his knees, parting his legs a few inches wider. He panted as his insecurities attacked his brain.

  “Hmm…arch your back.”


  “What’s wrong? You seem reluctant?”

  “This position is super embarrassing, Sir.”

  Ryan moved in on him the way an eagle swoops down on a rabbit before placing his hand on Tanner’s ass. “Really? As he squeezed Tanner’s cheeks and parted them, cool air covered his puckered hole. “Imagine that…being humiliated while your boyfriend stands back and watches.”

  “I knew I screwed up. I apologized.” The sound of his own cracking voice embarrassing him further.

  “Yes, and I said I was going to punish you.” Ryan squeezed his butt harder. He lifted his hand and smacked it down against Tanner pale ass. The sound of resonated over his ears just before the sting set in. Tanner closed his eyes as Ryan’s hand crashed down almost directly over the same spot. He gritted his teeth as a flurry of smacks burned up his ass.

  The spanking stopped abruptly just before Tanner felt Ryan’s hand rub her cheeks. He arched his back, presenting himself for whatever pain or pleasure Ryan had in mind.

  Ryan squeezed Tanner’s cheeks again before leaning forward. As Ryan blew his warm breath on Tanner’s hole, Tanner trembled. Ryan stood upright again and tapped his finger against Tanner’s asshole. “Mmm, looks tight. It’s twitching at me. I wonder what it will do when I spank down your crack with the handle of my wooden spoon.”

  Tanner’s eyes widened and he swallowed hard. He’d never had his asshole spanked and didn’t imagine it would feel too good. His skin tingled and his cock dripped pre-cum as he hung his head.


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