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Brothers Ink Tattoo (Complete Box Set #1-4)

Page 73

by Nicole James

  “Paparazzi? You some big star or something?” one of the mechanics asked, a smirk on his face.

  “Musician. I wrote a song about Rayne. It’s currently climbing the charts, not that you boys listen to that kind of music.” He jerked his chin to the speakers in the rafters that were currently playing country.

  “The point is I want to protect her the best way I can, and that means getting her away from here, at least until things die down.”

  “Away from the shop?” Charlie asked, his brows shooting up. “She agreed to that?”

  “Yeah, she did.” He looked at all of them, her girls included. “I’m gonna need you all to step up and take care of whatever needs taking care of in her absence. I’m asking you to do this for Rayne.”

  “Yeah, sure, whatever she needs,” a guy with a beard and knit hat said, shoving his hands in his pockets.

  “We can help out, too,” the blonde said. “I’m Carmen.” She stuck her hand out to Rory.

  He shook it. “I remember. Thanks.”

  Jameson moved to him. “Bring her back to the condo. Paparazzi can’t get to you there. The convention is over, and we’re leaving in the morning. You can use it for as long as you need, brother.”

  Rory’s brows shot up. “Are you sure?”


  “Thanks, Jamie. That would be perfect. That place is like Fort Knox.” Rory turned to the girls. “She’s gonna want to fight me on this, and I sure could use your support. It’s my fault she’s got to deal with all this, and I just want to take care of her.”

  The girl with the pink bob came forward. “We’re with you.”

  He nodded. “Appreciate it.”

  “What do you need?” she asked.

  “Someone needs to go to her place and get some of her things—enough for a couple of weeks, maybe longer.” He turned to the men. “You guys need to work out a schedule to cover this place and pick up the slack while she’s gone. You managed when she took that road trip; I’m sure you’ll manage now. Any questions?”

  “Any questions?” Charlie’s mouth dropped. “Yeah, a hell of a lot.”

  Rory nodded. “Then you and me need to step outside.”

  The girl’s all got big eyed and looked at each other.

  “No problem.” Charlie led the way out a side door. He rounded on Rory the moment they were through the door. “Who the hell do you think—?”

  Rory cut him off with a right hook to the jaw.

  Charlie staggered back a few steps and fell to his back on the uneven ground. “Goddamn, you son of a bitch!” he growled, wiping his mouth and coming up with blood from his split lip.

  Rory stood over him. “She’s mine, Charlie. Just making that clear. You want what’s best for her then you’ll step up and do what you can to help her. I get you care about her, but I’m the father of her child, and I’ll be the one she turns to from now on. Got it?”

  Charlie smiled. “I always knew there was a chance the father would show up one day. I guess I kind of hoped it wouldn’t happen.”

  Rory nodded. “I get that. I do. She’s worth it, and I get that you would want her, maybe even thought it might work out between you two, but that is over starting now.”

  Charlie moved his jaw around. “Where’d you learn to punch like that?”

  “My brother owns a boxing gym. He taught me well.”

  “I guess he did.”

  Rory held his hand out. “We good?”

  “Yeah, we’re good.” Charlie took it, and Rory yanked him to his feet.

  “She’s gonna need all the friends she can get, Charlie.”

  He nodded. “I’ll be that for her.”

  Rory slung his arm around him, and they headed toward the door. “Glad we worked that out.”

  Chapter Twenty-three

  The elevator stopped, and Rayne clutched her overnight bag. She had no idea what to expect when the doors slid open. The lobby had been sleek and sophisticated. She knew places in this building must go for a mint. And judging by the size of the elevator, which now held eight people—Rory, his brothers, and her girls—who she had insisted come up and see where they were taking her—the condo would probably be spacious as well.

  There was a quiet ding as the doors slid open. The hallway looked like it belonged inside a mansion; it was wide and decorated with fine art and beautiful marble floors.

  Rory shifted her larger bag to one hand and held the elevator doors open. “To the left.”

  She stepped out and turned, the group following her. Jameson moved to the front and opened the large set of double doors.

  Rory clasped her hand in his and led her inside. Her eyes traveled around as her boots clicked on the gleaming stone floor. There was a bar, a pit group, a fireplace, and hallways that led to other parts.

  Rory had told her on the way up that the condo took up half the 41st floor and that there were six bedrooms. Six bedrooms. Who would need so many?

  “Wow, this place is amazing,” Sasha said.

  “Look at that view, Rayne,” Carmen said, nodding toward the floor to ceiling windows that took up the expanse of the huge corner living room.

  Jameson looked over at Rory. “I’ll let you work out the sleeping arrangements.”

  Rayne’s eyes shifted to Rory. He’d promised her a room of her own.

  “This way.” He led her down a hall and opened a door on the left. “Will this do?”

  She followed him in. The room was gorgeously appointed with thick carpets, a large bed, and a small balcony out a set of French doors.

  He set her bag down and took hers from her hand as well. He motioned to some doors. “There’s a bathroom in here and a walk-in closet.”

  “This place is amazing.”

  “Come on, let’s get you something to eat before my baby starves.”

  “Before your baby mama starves,” she corrected.

  They walked back down the hall, making a turn and coming out in a huge kitchen. The guys were already there. Jameson had some local restaurant menus scattered on the big island.

  “How about Shaeffer’s? They have amazing steaks.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Liam agreed.


  An hour later they were sitting around a large dining table eating amazing food. Everyone but Rayne and Rory had wine.

  She was so thrilled that, for once, the aroma of cooked food didn’t make her want to heave.

  “So, tell me about this ride you ladies took.” Jameson said.

  “It was phenomenal. Just women, and the rides were gorgeous—winding roads through the desert views. And it was fun just getting to be with our tribe, ya know? Women like us who love to ride,” Carmen said.

  Jameson nodded. “Sounds amazing. Got any pictures?”

  Carmen took her phone out, pulled up her photos, and passed it around the table for everyone to see.

  They steered clear of talking about Daniel, and Rayne wondered if Rory had warned them off the subject. With the baby’s due date close to the one-year anniversary of his death, she was reminded of him often. It would be a happy time, but a sad time, too.

  Plates were empty and bellies were full when Jameson opened a second bottle of wine. “Let’s move this out to the balcony. We’ll start a fire.”

  “A fire on the balcony? This place is amazing!” Sasha stood.

  They moved through the living area and out the large sliding doors. There were comfortable couches and chairs in a corner with a gas fireplace in the wall, tucked out of the wind. Jameson flicked a switch, and it flared to life with a whoosh. The city lights of Denver sparkled around them.

  Rory took Rayne’s hand and led her over to the couch closest to the warmth of the fire. The girls moved to the railing to look out.

  “This view is incredible!” Jenna turned back at Rayne.

  “I’ll take your word for it,” she replied.

  Rory looked at her. “Does being up this high bother you?”

  “A little.”

  “Do you want to go back inside? We can.”

  “No, this is fine over here by the wall. As long as I’m not by the edge.”

  Jameson sat. “This would be the perfect time for a cigar. But since there are ladies present, I’ll refrain.”

  Rayne smiled. “I’m sure Sasha would smoke one with you.”

  “You’re not smoking around my unborn kid,” Rory said.

  “Relax, I wasn’t going to.”

  “It’s beautiful up here.” Rayne curled her feet under her in the corner spot.

  Rory went inside and returned with a fur throw. He tucked it around her. “Better?”

  “Yes, thank you.” He was being so sweet and attentive; she was finding it hard to maintain her cold demeanor toward him.

  The rest of them finally drifted over and sat.

  “Do you come to Denver often?” Carmen asked Jameson.

  “Not as often as I thought I would when I bought this place.”

  Max looked over at Rayne. “How’d your tattoo heal up? Good, I hope.”

  She twisted and pulled her off-the-shoulder sweater down, showing him. Rory leaned forward to study the rose and the name Daniel below.

  “It’s nice.” His eyes met hers, and she pulled her shirt back up.

  Max grinned. “I do good work.”

  She returned his grin. “Yes, you do. Thank you.”

  Rory shook his head. “I can’t believe you stopped at Brothers Ink on your way through. Hell, if I’d only called there, maybe they would have told me Max had a beautiful girl in his chair with long lavender hair. I’d have jumped on the bike and ridden back. I could still kick myself for not chasing you down the interstate that day.”

  Rayne shrugged. “Spilt milk.” Her eyes connected with his. “You’re here now, right?”

  “Right.” He smiled, and the corners of his eyes crinkled when he did. She couldn’t tear her eyes away. His face lit up when he was happy.

  “Would you like some tea or hot chocolate? You’re not allowed to have coffee, right?”

  Her shoulders sagged. “Do you have any idea how hard that is?”

  “Giving up coffee? I’ll bet.”

  She lifted her hand, palm up. “Bad enough I have to give up drinking wine with the girls—”

  “And Mimosas and Bloody Mary’s…” Sasha added with a grin, sipping her wine.

  “Yes, those, too. But coffee—ugh! It’s the worst.”

  “I feel for you,” Rory put in.

  “Guess this is a bad time to tell you my wife owns a coffee shop,” Liam said, smiling around the rim of his wine glass.

  Carmen leaned forward. “Really? What’s it called?”

  “Coffee on the Corner.”

  “It’s in Grand Junction?” Rayne asked.

  Liam nodded. “You’ll have to come see it sometime. Especially once your child is a little older. She has a cute children’s book corner set up. The kids in town love it.”

  “And so do the parents. It gives them somewhere to take their children and bonus—amazing coffee drinks!” Max told them.

  Rory excused himself and came back five minutes later with a hot steaming mug. He held it out to her. “Here.”

  She took it, frowning, then looked down in the mug. “Aww, you made me hot cocoa! Thank you!”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “I could get used to this.” She smiled and took a sip.

  “What? Hot cocoa every night?” Rory asked.

  “No. You waiting on me like this,” Rayne teased. When she looked over, she noticed Jameson’s eyes on her with a contemplative look on his face. Did he not appreciate her answer? Did he think she was using his brother? Her chin came up. She hadn’t asked to be brought here.

  They spent an enjoyable hour outside until the bottle was empty, and a chill set in that even the fire couldn’t chase away.

  “I guess we should be going,” Sasha announced.

  Carmen turned to Jameson. “Thank you for dinner.”

  He tipped his head. “You’re welcome. It was nice to have the company.”

  “You have a lovely place,” Jenna added.

  “Thank you. Feel free to visit your friend anytime.”

  Sasha nodded. “Thank you. We’ll be checking in on her often.”

  Rayne stood. “I’ll walk you out.”

  She moved inside with them while the brothers stayed on the balcony.

  After the sliding doors were closed, Jenna practically burst. “You are so lucky to be staying here. Oh, my God, I would die to stay here.”

  “It’s really amazing,” Carmen added, putting her arm around Rayne. “I like him, Rayne. Please promise me you’ll give him a chance?”

  “I’ll give him a chance, but I’m not promising it will go anywhere.”

  “I think it will. I saw the way he was with you, so attentive, bringing you a blanket and tucking you in, and making you hot cocoa. He’s really sweet.”

  “I suppose so.”

  “You should have seen him at the shop earlier. He really took charge.”

  “Did he now?”

  “Um hmm. I’m so happy for you, and I’m so glad he showed up today.”

  “No thanks to you,” Sasha said.

  Carmen cut her eyes to her, giving her the shut-the-hell-up big-eyed look.

  Rayne frowned. “What was that look about?”

  “Nothing,” Carmen said, glaring at Sasha.

  Rayne stopped at the door, her hand on the knob. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” Carmen said.

  “Bullshit. Spill. Who’s to thank for Rory showing up? Did one of you call him?”

  “No, I swear,” Sasha insisted.

  Rayne knew Carmen would tell all. “Carmen?”

  “I had nothing to do with it,” Carmen exclaimed, holding her hands up.

  “Nothing to do with what? And who did?”

  Carmen looked at Sasha.

  “Oh, thanks,” Sasha snapped at her.

  “Somebody better tell me.” Rayne folded her arms. “No one is leaving until you do.”

  “Fine by me. I’d love to stay,” Jenna teased.

  Rayne knew what she was up to. “Don’t try to distract me or joke about this. I want to know.”

  Sasha began quietly, “Okay, fine. I may have—”

  “May have…?” Carmen jammed her hands on her hips.

  “All right, I called someone at LA Tonight and let it slip about the baby.”

  “You what? Are you insane?”

  “I did it for you! I got you a thousand dollars.”


  “They paid me for the story.”

  “Go.” Rayne opened the door and pointed.

  “I didn’t have anything to do with it, Rayne, I swear,” Carmen said.

  “Please, just go, all of you.”

  The women slunk out the door, and she fought the urge to slam it behind them.

  When Rayne walked back outside, the guys were gathering up empty glasses and turning off the fire. Rory looked up, his eyes moving over her face.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  He knew immediately with just a look at her face. If she hadn’t been so upset, she would have thought that sweet. He was really becoming very in tune to her needs and feelings in such a short time. Okay, to be fair, it probably wasn’t that hard to read that she was upset.

  She shook her head; she was pissed and hurt, but as Rory’s brothers all watched her, waiting for her answer, the last thing she wanted to do was tell them that it was her girls who were the source of the “love child” story. What would they think of her? Would they think she was in on it? Would they think this was all some sort of shake down to get money from Rory now that he was successful?


  She shook her head. “I’m hormonal. I get upset over nothing. It was sad saying goodbye. I suddenly felt like I was being left at summer camp.”

  Liam chuckled. “I’ve never heard Westwood Tower descri
bed as summer camp, but okay, I get you.”

  She tried to put on a happy face and shrugged. “It’s silly, I know.”

  “You’re allowed to be silly,” Rory said, a soft expression on his face.

  Rayne rubbed her hands on her jeans. “Um, I’m suddenly really tired. Thank you for dinner and, well, everything, but I think I’ll go lie down.”

  “Sure. Let me make sure you have everything you need.” Rory set some of the wine glasses on the bar and moved to her.

  “Goodnight everyone,” she murmured

  “Goodnight, Rayne,” Max replied.

  “Sleep well,” Liam said.

  “Goodnight,” Jameson replied as well.

  Rory followed her to her door. She paused in front of it and turned to him. She wasn’t sure what to say. He beat her to the punch.

  “Are you sure nothing’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Yes. I’m fine.”

  “Okay, then.” He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Can I kiss you goodnight?”

  She nodded, and he dipped his head, pressing his mouth to hers. He cupped her jaw and tipped her head back farther. She let him. As much as she’d hated him when he’d disappeared on her, she’d been very attracted to him, and that attraction flared to life again. He was a good kisser; he was good at a lot of things where seducing women were concerned. At least, that was her experience.

  The kiss was hungry, demanding, and so good.

  In a single kiss, he stripped her defenses and stole all her anger, turning it into desire, and God help her, she didn’t want to fight it.

  His lips brushed hers again and again, seeking entry, and she gave it to him, opening to him a little more. He took it, going deeper. He tasted, teased, withdrew. She slid her palms up his chest to feel his heart beating under her hand.

  She wanted more and moaned under his mouth.

  Rory gave her what she wanted with another caress of his lips, then going deeper and taking possession of her mouth. Her defenses toppled like a crumbling wall. Her hands threaded into his hair to grab and fist and pull him closer. Heat curled in her belly. Her nipples tightened. Oh God, she wanted this and more.


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