Hunted: A SciFi Alien Romance (The Legion: Savage Lands Sector)

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Hunted: A SciFi Alien Romance (The Legion: Savage Lands Sector) Page 8

by Eva Priest

  I wrapped an arm around her and bent so I could speak into the delicate shell of her ear. “Whenever you mention this God being, I think of our unity dream and your cries of pleasure.”

  Her face flushed, her hands clenching into fists. There was the fire I loved so much. “Dammit, Cade! Time and place!” She stomped past me, but waited at the door to the comm room. I waited for her to nod that she was ready before opening it.

  “Do I bow?” She spoke so softly as she entered, her words like gentle petals floating on the breeze.

  I leaned into her, pressing my lips against her temple. “He’s a commander, not a king. No special deference needed.” I tilted her face up so she could understand me. “You bow to no one.”

  She practically glowed under my praise, her feminine scents enticing me. My mouth watered to taste what she offered.

  Soon. I would claim her soon.

  Solana must be feeling the same, the way her skin flushed as my desire for her grew to a fever pitch. I reached for her, drawing her closer to me. Her little gasp of pleasure made me crave more of her.

  A quiet cough broke through my haze.

  “You’re sharing via your unity bond,” the Legion commander stated his observation with no inflection. “Your entire demeanor changed.”

  “How so?”

  “You looked…happy. It’s a most unsettling look on you.”

  I was deciding if that was supposed to be an insult, as I escorted my flushed mate closer to the viewing screen. She wore her hair unbound and it cascaded in sensual waves to her waist, emphasizing the gentle sway of her hips as she moved with unconscious grace at my side.

  “Solana, may I introduce you to Commander Aros Batair, one of the twelve consuls of the Legion collective. Commander Batair, my mate, Solana d’Oro.”

  The Eridani alpha had gotten to his feet at Solana’s entrance. His huge body filled the screen, making him seem larger-than-life before us. “Lady Solana, you are well-named. Tell me do your people design your next generation? Is that part of your naming ritual?”

  I didn’t spend much time at Legion command—the Eridani were stuffy and when they didn’t have a stick up their asses for protocol, they were more feral than a Rodinian in battle form.

  But how he was speaking to Solana was with a level of sweetness and respect that I would never have suspected would be inside any of the Eridani, least of all him.

  Solana flushed, and I fought the urge to throw her over my shoulder and hide her in my den. “No, my mother thought the name sounded pretty. Golden sunshine.”

  “She chose well indeed. I look forward to meeting you in person, Solana d’Oro.”

  “Likewise, Commander.”

  “Tell me the circumstances of your meeting?”

  I told him about tracking Silar Praxis to Earth. How Solana’s proximity awakened my soul, and we shared unity. Of observing the Kridrin—who were as yet unknown to me—taking my mate before my eyes.

  I detailed the pain and suffering inflicted by these aliens we had yet to encounter, including Silar’s act of bravery in protecting my mate. It gratified me to know that he was just as outraged by their treatment of the females as anything.

  “That threat. Those Kridrin,” he spat the words from his mouth as if they tasted vile. “Are they destroyed?”

  “Two were, by my own hand. The other vanished without a trace. Haven’t seen him since.”

  Commander Batair’s gaze darted to Solana then back at me. “We have to assume he is alive, met with reinforcements, and ready and able to do irreparable harm. I will send my personal dreadnought to your location as an honor guard to escort you back to the spiral and Legion command.”

  The Eridani turned his attention onto Solana, his face soft and tone gentle. “Lady Solana, I am deeply sorry you had to experience such trials when you are supposed to be enjoying the mate that fate has provided for you. We will find these Kridrin and destroy them before they harm another omega.”

  Solana raised her hand. “Excuse me? I keep being referred to as an omega, but I wanted to be clear that I’m human.”

  Commander Batair smiled at her as if he indulged an infant. “Human you are, but you are also an omega. You are both. Your bond with Reaper Lonza is proof, along with the fact that you have awakened his alpha spirit.”

  “But nothing’s changed? I’m still me?”

  “Just you wait, Lady Solana. Just as Reaper Lonza grows accustomed to his awakening alpha spirit, so, too, will you discover your omega nature.”

  She still didn’t seem convinced. “And what if I don’t?”

  “You will. It’s an instinct buried deep in your DNA. When it’s time, you will just know how to act.”

  After a few more polite questions, Commander Batair excused Solana from the room. I walked her to the door. “Make sure you stay with the others. Dorn, Talus, and Lyova.”

  “As if they would give me a choice. It’s not like they did before.” Though she grumbled, through our growing unity bond, I felt that she was more amused than annoyed. Good.

  I bent to partake of her sweet mouth. To my delight, she cradled my face in her hands and kissed me back. I reveled in the generous smiles she offered me as she left.

  I stifled a sigh as I locked myself in a ready position before the consul. The sooner this was done, the sooner I could claim my mate at last.

  Commander Batair was as quick to the point “Take the time you need to claim her and bond with her. Praxis isn’t going anywhere. Soon, my dreadnought will be at your location within a solar day to escort your return to the main spiral. Reaper Two can lead in your stead.”

  I was ready for him to chastise me about protocol, even re-assign me or my team elsewhere. Giving me time to claim my mate and bond with her was the last thing I’d expected.

  “What do we do in the meantime?”

  The other man barked in laughter. “I’m assuming you don’t need me to teach you how to use your cock?”

  “No,” I snarled. “I meant my team. Are they still on-duty for Legion command, or on their own time.”

  “On their own time.” The alpha smiled, cold and dangerous. “Make sure she bites you soon, Reaper One. I honor the bonds between fate-mates. But some wouldn’t think twice about seducing an unbonded omega away from her mate, fated or no.”

  A growl escaped my throat. “And you just sent your dreadnought here.”

  The Eridani gave a neutral shrug. “I believe in your fate bonds. You should, too.”

  The fucker cut video. The thought of anyone else touching Solana made my blood rage. I paced the room twice to bleed out my aggression. I didn’t want any of that spilling over to Solana. This was not the time to scare her away from me.

  There wouldn’t be room for us in my prowler. Not for the things I wanted to do.

  But there were plenty of beautiful locales in the cargo hold.


  Cade exited the comm room, and I practically pounced on him. “I need to talk to you,” I said. I didn’t want to give myself the chance to chicken out, so I wanted to make sure that I said all that I had to say.

  Waiting for him after that kiss was torture. It was unexpected yet perfect all the same. Everything with him seemed right.

  It was why I knew I needed to talk to him right away about this new world of claiming and bonding. All the ins and outs. There was so much that I’d learned.

  Like, why did we need to bite to bond ourselves? Couldn’t we just exchange vows?

  “Perfect. Talk all you want, mate.” He swept me off my feet and flung me over his shoulder like a true savage.


  A playful swat on my bottom followed by a caress stopped whatever protest I had. He had to have some kind of mind control or something.

  “Dorn, you’re in charge.”

  “Got it taken care of. Take your time, boss.”

  Oh God, did he mean what I thought he meant? Did everyone know?

  The low-level growl that emanated from
Cade’s chest warned any nearby to get out of his way. He stalked the halls with purpose, the focused energy I felt from him was raw and full of need.

  He clawed his way through the door locks, and we entered into a jungle. The anger that I wanted to unleash dissipated. I was left in awe at the magnitude of our surroundings.

  Where had he taken us? Was there a portal back to Earth that I hadn’t known about.

  He placed gentle hands on my shoulders. “Do you like it, mate?”

  “I like it very much.” If I weren’t standing in front of the door with a visible metal wall beside me, I would have assumed that I was back in the jungle. “What is this? How is this?”

  Cade smiled like he was about to reveal a big secret. What a gift his presence was to me. “This is prime trading goods that the crew of the Lucky Duck kindly culled from Earth to be part of the Sovereign World’s black market. Imagine all this inside of a rich guys’ living room.”

  I whistled. “So, basically this is evidence of their crimes against nature? And here I blamed heartless corporatists of deforestation.”

  “I could make them return it for you.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind for later.” I peered up at him, at his eyes that were slowly brightening to a golden-amber. “I can’t imagine any of it. All this has been so strange and surreal. I almost don’t trust it. It’s like my mind is playing tricks, and this will all have been some strange dream.”

  “It’s been a lot to take in, especially for you. I would have hoped for another way to meet my fate-mate. But can I tell you a secret?” He reached his hand out, so slowly, so gently, I could have turned away from him. I let him touch me, though. Needed him to touch me.

  I could have swooned into him right then. “Of course,” I said, playing along.

  He bent down and gathered me in his big strong arms as if I weighed nothing, and walked us deeper into this forest. “I would do it again, chase down this silly ship knowing I’d find you. Minus the abduction and experimentation.” He kissed my cheek for emphasis.

  “I know that you don’t have the same histories as we do, nor have you been initiated into any collective. You must have a million questions in your curious mind.”

  I’d let Zann dose me with that suppressant, but it did nothing to curb my libido. My body craved him. The more he touched me, the more intense the need was.

  Though he was filtering his emotions from me, I could still feel his need as plainly as sitting next to a fire-hot furnace. I was finding it harder to remain objective. I wanted to ask him so many things. What would happen if we bonded? What would happen if we didn’t? Would I need to move to Rodinia Prime? Did I have to give up my life on Earth?

  Would I be able to explain my disappearance?

  Those questions were of burning importance, but they seemed to fade away the more Cade spoke. Yet, while I was cradled so securely against him as he hopped over a small water feature, I knew in my soul that those questions didn’t matter. It would be nice to know the answers to them, but all I really cared about was knowing if Cade was truly my mate. “I always have questions. Always second guess myself. With you? All I have is certainty.”

  “And what certainty is that?” A comforting purr rumbled in his chest, vibrating deliciously against my body. He lulled me into the most comforting and relaxed stupor. All my anxieties were melting away.

  He was better than any drug.

  “The certainty that I want you despite what my brain thinks is logical,” I admitted. “I want you and need you more than I need my next breath.”

  In one swift motion, he leaned me against a tree, so close, it was a wonder his lips didn’t brush against mine as he spoke. “You want me, kitten?”

  A wave of intense desire washed over my body through the bond we shared. Cade had been filtering a lot more than even I estimated. I nodded frantically. “Yes please.”

  “Good.” He clamped his hand at the nape of my neck and angled my face up to kiss me. He swept his tongue inside my mouth, tasting me, owning me. Pleasure poured into me, filling me up.

  I fought against his crushing hold so I could touch more of him. He backed away just enough to tear open his suit for me before claiming my mouth again. His body waited for my touch, and I groaned when I ran my hands over the expanse of his chest.

  God, his skin felt amazing. I need more. I tugged at the waistline of his pants, and the suit parted for me as easily as it did for Cade. His cock was hard and thick in my hands. I sank to my knees to witness how big he really was.

  My dream self hadn’t been delirious. He was large and it took both hands to grip him fully. I trembled seeing the ridges along his shaft, remembering the intense orgasm from our unity dream.

  A pearly drop of pre-cum glistened at his tip. I licked my lips, glancing up at him to see if he was okay with it. His eyes were so golden bright, they were like twin starbursts flaming in his face. He watched with banked anticipation, his breathing shallow. Above me, his claws were buried in the tree, shredding the bark as he waited for what I would do.

  I never knew that I could feel this powerful while being on my knees.

  I licked the tip of his cock clean, savoring his taste before taking more of his shaft into my mouth. I couldn’t take him all, he was so big. Gripping his shaft while swallowing down as much of him as I could, I found a hypnotic rhythm that had my nipples aching, and my clit throbbing.

  I wanted to rub myself but I couldn’t stop touching him.

  The growl that thundered from his chest permeated my skin and seeped into my soul. A radiating heat spread from my center and down through the very core of me. Slick flowed from between my legs, and I squirmed in anticipation of Cade being inside of me, filling me.

  A big hand tangled itself in my hair, stopping my movements. His cock left my mouth with a plop. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “Fuck no! Your mouth is too good. I’m about to spill like a virgin.” He hauled me up and kissed me thoroughly as if to prove his point. He spread my legs apart, dragging his fingers over my seam. I nearly came from just that touch alone.

  “Never stop touching me.” My words came in between ragged breaths.

  “Never,” he promised, claiming my mouth with his. In the dream he had been the best kisser I’d ever had. This was on another level. He swept his tongue inside of my mouth, sweeping the ridged area inside. The nerves ignited fiery pleasure along my pulse points until my clit throbbed in rhythm to my heartbeat.

  He touched me, playing my slick over the sensitized bud. “Come for me now, kitten. I want to see your eyes glaze with pleasure.” I didn’t need much more enticement. He pushed me over the edge, his burning gaze locked with mine as he marked his entire being all over my soul.

  While I crested another wave of pleasure, Cade hoisted me up, wrapped my legs around his hips and pressed his hard length inside of me. His girth stretched me, filled me almost to the point of pain. He thrust, gently, slowly, until he bottomed out against me. “Yes,” he hissed. His easy rhythm changed, growing more urgent.

  Seeing him lost in pleasure made my heart swell for him even more. My muscles trembled and quaked around him. “Oh God!”

  A triumphant smile broke over his face. “You will come for me again, mate. Now.”

  My back arched in response, muscles tensing, as I took what he gave me. He grew ever harder inside of me, thrusting inside of me faster and faster. When I came apart, he held on tight, crashing against me with a roaring, “Mine!”

  I was his; I knew it in my soul.

  An overwhelming need to bite into his flesh, to mark him as surely as he had marked my soul, came over me. I pushed that feeling aside, despite how my jaws seemed to ache in response. The little bit of logic that I held onto reminded me that biting was more than a simple kink in this situation. It was a lifetime of bonding.

  So, I let the feeling pass. Instead, I licked the tantalizing pulse point on his neck as he purred for me. There were so many questions, though. So many things
that I have yet to understand fully.

  But here in his arms, being held like I was the most precious thing to him in the universe, I let go of all of them so I could be present with Cade.


  * * *

  I reveled in my mate.

  Glorious black hair rippling in a shimmering waterfall down her back, a halo around her body. Set off her golden-bronzed skin to perfection. A match for me.

  Long, lean legs.

  Her intoxicating scent permeating every cell of my body. She wasn’t in heat, but she was demanding and needy all the same. And it was my absolute privilege to serve her in any way she needed.

  Muscles quaking, I dragged myself from her hot, spent body so as not to crush her as I caught my breath. We lost track of time.

  Sometime during the night, someone had delivered us some food. I caught the smells of roasted meat, and followed it to find a large basket full of food, water, and folded clothing.

  The food and water, I’d welcome. Clothing didn’t belong here.

  I returned to my mate’s sleeping form, and gathered her in my arms. I stroked her face, marveling at her eyelashes that were so thick and full, fanning over her cheekbones. It was a wonder she could open her eyes.

  “We have food, my mate,” I said.

  I made her drink her fill until she sagged against me, boneless and exhausted. A smug sense of satisfaction filled me as I finished what was left in the container.

  My mate would not ever need to call upon another male to satisfy her.

  I felt the pull of bonding. She had heard it, felt it as well. She fought against it, even drawing blood on her own plush lips to deny it.

  I refused to let that bother me. I didn’t expect her to bond with me after just the first time. Claiming a mate was a process, and I wouldn’t rush her. She had been through enough.

  If heart-mates bonded as easily as fate-mates did, then Solana would choose to bond with me. I felt her desire, her need to belong. She wanted me. She just needed time to adjust to a new reality, and I would give her that time.


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