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Hunted: A SciFi Alien Romance (The Legion: Savage Lands Sector)

Page 10

by Eva Priest

  I followed the line of our bond. I pulled carefully, feeling her weight anchor me. And then like a nightmare, I felt a surge of panic that made me crush the glass I was holding in my grip. The tie that connected me to her slipped from my grasp. I couldn’t feel her anymore.

  The room swirled and the men talking to me were in slow motion. Time was narrowing to a halt. The ship’s alarms wailed a warning that an anomaly triggered its shields.

  Silar Praxis slapped a palm on security channels. “Ship, bring up the security feeds.” It took precious seconds, but the ship found Raymy as he ran toward a body on the floor.

  Raymy answered. “Found Zann unconscious. Knocked out but breathing, bringing her to med bay. I’ll keep comm lines open.” He lifted her into his arms.

  The female roused. “Took…took...”

  “Hush now, we got you.”

  “No. Took her. Cade. Help.”

  Silar Praxis understood, light dawning in his eyes as he swore.

  The Eridani alpha looked at the feed to Silar then at me. “Reaper? What is the meaning of this?”

  They were back. They have her.

  My bellowing rage echoed in my ears as I allowed my battle form to take over my body.


  Computerized gaming sounds woke me. Blinding light punched against my eyelids. Noise and laughter roared around me. It felt like I was in a broken carnival in the middle of the Vegas strip.

  When I finally peeled my eyes opened, I’d been transported to some kind of rust bucket station. If I didn’t know better, I would have said that this was some kind of dive bar in a bad part of town.

  My mouth felt like it was full of cotton. I realized then that I was strapped inside of yet another tank. I was so thirsty, with this breathing apparatus strapped to my face. My tears mixed with the goo.

  I reached out to Cade, and found silence. I swallowed my panic. That had happened before. The Kridrin numbed my bond, so the silence would be temporary.

  Cade would find me. He had done it before. He would do it again. He would know where to find me. His entire team wouldn’t rest until they found me.

  I just needed to survive long enough for them to do so. First thing I needed to do was not to panic. Stick to facts. Observe and keep myself as inconspicuous as possible.

  Unfortunately, it was hard to see. There were so many spotlights, that it refracted through the glass. The little bits I could see were of scruffy-looking humanoid aliens, some more feral-looking than others. Most were wheeling around wagons full of scrap metal and junk parts.

  It was like a trading post of some sort. Vendors, buyers, and lookie-loos milling around. Part garage sale, part country fair. I was inside of a tented area, where shinier, newer-looking merchandise seemed to be displayed.

  There were people watching and there were strange creatures just passing me by, as if they were perfectly used to naked humans floating in glass displays. A group of men lingered apart from the noise and haggling. Most stood just outside of metal fencing that ringed around my tank. The way they paced made me nervous.

  A loud clang overhead made the tank shudder. The water and goo drained away, and I was left standing as my arms were clamped overhead. A huge vent twisted open above me, and soon, hot, dry air blew down over my body.

  I was grateful for the breathing apparatus over my mouth and nose. Otherwise I would have likely suffocated under the barrage of wind.

  When the vent finally stopped, and I was as dry and comfortable as I could be in confinement, a curious thing started to happen.

  Males stopped to ogle and leer at me. I tried to turn myself around, but there was no hiding from a tank that gave full, 360-degree views of my body. A handler that was minding my equipment shooed those males away, and went right back to ignoring me.

  I was grateful that I no longer had an audience, until I noticed bigger males coming into the tent. They seemed to be scenting the air, as if they were bloodhounds. They didn’t stop until they were in front of my tank.

  One look at them, and I knew they were alphas. The one in front eyed me curiously. He was big with a scar over his eye. He scowled at me. I kept his gaze, refusing to be intimidated by him.

  The stranger lifted the corner of his mouth in a small smile. “How much for this one?”

  The handler barely looked up from his monitor. “This lot is not yet ready, gentlemen. As you can see, she still needs to be beautified before she is on the auction block.”

  I was being put up for auction? I must have heard him wrong.

  The stranger persisted. “How much for an early buy out? An extra hundred credits? Two?”

  “Name your price, and I will bid more than that”—a newcomer came. He ignored the fencing and the outcry of the handler. “She is delicious.” The newcomer trailed his fingers along the glass, and I was grateful that I had something separating me from his touch. If I had been in a cage, I would have had no doubts that he would have been able to touch me. “You will be mine soon, pet.”

  I am no one’s pet!

  Yet another voice cried out from the crowd. “Ah, there’s fire in this one, look at her eyes. She would give me a good ride indeed! One thousand credits!”

  As more alpha males pushed into the tent, a group of patrolmen lined up between the fencing and the crowd to keep them back. I was under no illusion. They weren’t here to protect me, a vulnerable female. They were here to protect merchandise of whoever it was that profited from my sale.

  I was betting on the Kridrin, but dammit, I didn’t see any of them here.

  What the hell were they playing at? And why here? Why now?

  Something twisted in my gut, and I shivered at the rising aggression I felt in the air. Males started to shove one another to get into a better position for the auction. Weapons were drawn, and rumbling growls filled the air.

  Hot slick seared a trail down my thighs. The blowing air through the tube carried my scent into the crowd. There was a moment where no one moved. And then the next second, the crowd devolved into a frenzy.

  I knew what this was. I promised Zann that I would be able to handle this moment when it came. Of course, I had thought I’d be with Cade, and the “problem” would end up being moot.

  I was going into heat.

  Battle cries roared and weapons rang out as the alphas brawled with one another.

  The handler was nowhere to be seen; neither were the patrolmen. I didn’t blame any of them. There was no protection out there, where the alphas were slaying so indiscriminately. They didn’t seem to care if they were harming friend or foe.

  A blood-soaked frenzy had overtaken them, and it would take more than just riot gear to be able to stand against them.

  One alpha had the bright idea to throw something against my tank. I was gratified to see that whatever it was had bounced back, and hit the alpha with equal force. At least that was one less male to fuel the angry mob.

  But there were too many of them. And eventually, pure numbers would overtake the protection of this tank.

  Cade, please hurry. Please, please, please.

  His name was a litany I kept in my heart. One of these moments, our bond will re-ignite and he would know that I was calling for him.

  A shiver rippled down my spine, before an enveloping warmth spread over me and through me.

  Cade? Cade! I choked down a sob behind the breathing apparatus.

  A killing rage filled me, and instead of scaring me, it gave me hope. I’m coming for you, mate.

  In the distance, an ear-piercing roar sounded over the din. The Legion were here.

  17 CADE

  I burned atmo and banked my prowler right before it would have torn a crater into this trash pile of an outpost.

  My battle form was already engaged. I didn’t care who was in my way. If they were smart, most people would have already cleared away once they knew The Legion arrived.

  The scans of the outpost showed me my worst fears. It had been a Nexus outpost, a pop-up tr
ading site that moved from one derelict station to the other. Perfect for anyone wanting to move black market merch. Regardless of the reason, anyone standing between me and Solana would die.

  My Reaper squad were on the ground behind me, while an entire battalion of Eridani alphas were prepped to teleport down to the surface. I didn’t intend for them to be anything more than be a clean up crew.

  Solana’s fear and panic, mixed with the heady scent of her heat, was easy to pick out despite the mayhem. She was inside of a tent where broken bodies already littered the openings. I plowed through the wall of alphas blocking the entrance. Solana was one of a handful of females on display. The others were still safely hibernating in liquid, whereas my mate stood naked and exposed to anyone who wished to look upon her.

  They would all die.

  “Dorn, I will handle these slavers. Make sure none escape.”

  “Will do, boss.”

  One by one, I tore apart every male who dared to believe that they could touch my mate. The few who were able to outrun my reach, met their end with Dorn, Lyova or Talus. Soon, the only thing I heard was my blood boiling in my veins, and my mate’s steady heartbeat.

  I ran to her tank, clawing for a way to get her out. “Dorn!”

  Reaper Two sidled up to me, silent as a shadow. “What the hell?”

  “Commentary later. Get her out.” My second-in-command vaulted atop a pedestal and started working on the top of the tank.

  Her relief and love flowed into me, and I ached to take her into my arms and keep her there forever. “I will get you out of there, and you will never leave my side ever again.”

  She nodded, agreeing to my words with everything that was inside of her.

  “Dammit Dorn, what’s the hold up?”

  “Give me at least one minute before you start complaining, boss.” A hiss from the air chamber, and a screech of metal later, and the top popped off. “There. Help me lift her up.”

  I balanced on the pedestal with Dorn, and we both hoisted her from her confinement. Dorn was shimmied back, averting his gaze from Solana’s body. “I will scout the perimeter to ensure we are truly all clear.”

  “Perfect,” I said. At least I didn’t have to blind my own second.

  I tucked my mate against me, holding her close as she shivered. Her little hands were clenched into fists, her nails dug into her flesh drawing blood. I would have medics heal them. For now, I brought each palm to my lips and I kissed her hurt away.

  “You’re here,” she said. Her voice broken and small in her throat.

  I snapped my canteen from my waist and made her drink from it. “Slowly, there you go, easy now.”

  Talus appeared on my other side, holding a length of cloth out to me. I took it gratefully, and laid it over Solana’s body. When she had drunk her fill, she turned to Talus to thank him.

  I motioned toward the other tanks. “Why don’t we check on those others, and see if they’re all right?”

  When they moved away, I pressed my lips against her temple. “Can you stand?” I asked.

  “Yes.” I helped her wrap the length of cloth around her body so that it resembled a fashionable dress. “At least my toga days were good for something,” she said. The joke was lost on me, but it felt good to see her laugh.

  It felt even better to see her walk to me and seek comfort in my arms, even when they were mottled with the blood of my enemies. “I knew you’d find me. I knew it, even when I didn’t know if you could hear me.”

  I rubbed her back, hoping that my touch soothed her. “I heard you calling me. I knew.”

  Her trust in me was worth more than the universe.

  “I can’t wait to go home, and put all of this behind me.”

  My chest tightened, and I pulled her in closer. So, she still wanted to go back to Earth. I would honor her request. After all, she never said that she wouldn’t want me with her. I could make anything my home to be with her, even in the middle of the Savage Lands.

  Earth wasn’t so bad. It had pretty jungles that I would love to explore with Solana.

  She stiffened in my arms, and instinctively, I moved to shield her behind me. A blur of black hurtled toward me and I swerved to my right, narrowly missing a glancing blow that clipped my shoulder.

  Solana swung a metal pipe upward, catching the Kridrin underneath its helmet, cracking it open. I moved in to finish what she started, tearing the mask off, and gripping his puny neck in my hand.

  “Reaper, hold.” Captain Desai’s voice boomed across the tent.

  “I am holding him, see? I’m very much enjoying seeing his eyes bulge out of their ill-formed sockets.”

  “We need him alive, Reaper. If he is dead, he cannot be questioned.”

  “He touched my mate.” The words were barely recognizable, even in my own ears, but the meaning was there.

  Solana placed a gentle hand upon my arm. “Please Cade. Knowledge is a weapon here. He might have information that would be vital.” Her voice shook. She didn’t like to speak out in public, let alone in front of strangers, but she did so to calm me.

  Her words soothed the fiery rage that welled in the pit of my being. For her, for my mate, I could raze worlds. I would also control my battle rage in the face of her bravery. “As you wish.”

  As I signaled for Captain Desai to collect the worthless male in my grip, the Kridrin started to gurgle and gasp. I released him immediately, backing Solana away from his convulsing body.

  When the body finally stilled, the Eridani knelt beside it, scanning it for any life signs. “Intriguing. It would have rather taken its own life than be held in custody to be questioned.” Captain Desai pocketed his scanner, and signaled his men to lift the body. “We will be taking him to Legion command regardless. Perhaps he had useful information within the final minutes of his life.”

  “There are others that need help. Females, left behind. We believe they were to be auctioned.”

  The Eridani alpha curled his lip in disgust, then looked at the dismembered bodies strewn about the grounds. “Dammit, Reaper, you didn’t leave any alive didn’t you?”

  “What, you wished to question them?”

  “I wished to kill them.”

  I barked a laugh. “There will be others. I will leave them for you.”

  Desai nodded then signaled to more of his men. “Make sure they are transported directly to medical.”

  When all were clear, and I had Solana in my arms once more, Desai stood at attention in front of me. His attention, though, was not on me. It was on Solana.

  I bared my teeth at him, a low-level growl reverberating in my chest. “Avert your gaze, Captain.”

  The Eridani held his hand up in a show of peace. “Hold, Reaper Lonza. I must ask your mate a question, and depending on her answer, I will be on my way.”

  I didn’t back down.

  “Ask your question, sir. He will never give you permission.”

  Captain Desai chuckled. “Very well. I was directed to ask if you wished to accept Reaper Lonza’s protection. If so, then we shall yield your primary protection to your mate. If not, then we extend protection and hospitality aboard the Dauntless.”

  I held very still waiting for Solana’s answer. I would do whatever she said.

  “I thank you for your generosity, sir. I do accept Cade’s protection.”

  Captain Desai bowed formally at the waist. “As you wish, Lady.”

  I didn’t want to press my luck, but I also didn’t want to defend a challenge against an Eridani. “I am hoping that this is the end of the matter, Captain.”

  Captain Desai gave a genuine smile. “You know what they say, Reaper Lonza. Never go between a Rodinian and his mate.” He gestured to the dead that still littered the ground.

  “That’s for damn sure,” Solana said under her breath.

  “I will make a final sweep before destroying this outpost. Make sure you are onboard the Dauntless in T-minus ten.” Captain Desai left to focus on his duties, while I would
tend to mine.

  “The Dauntless?” Solana asked. “We’re going on the Dauntless? What’s that?”

  “That is a dreadnought-class battleship. Commander Batair’s personal vessel. The commander sent it as escort for Silar’s crew, as well as my own. Of course, that was before.”

  “Before what?”

  “Before I knew you wanted to go back to Earth.”

  She twisted in my arms, and skimmed her fingers lightly over my jaw until I could look down at her. “We didn’t have to go back to Earth right this moment. As long as it’s an option in the future, I was fine with that.”

  “I thought you said you were looking forward to going home. I don’t want to keep you from your true desires. I would point out that wherever you go, I intend to go with you.”

  It was then that Solana started laughing uproariously in my arms. I looked at her helplessly, which only made her laugh even more. “Oh no, I’m so sorry, babe! When I said I wanted to go home, I just meant anywhere you were going, that was all.”

  I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t misunderstanding her. “So that means you want to stay with me?”

  She nodded. “Yes, you silly man. I wanted to stay with you. You’re my home.”

  I crushed her to me, raining kisses all over her face. “You’ve made me so happy.”

  “I can tell. Now why don’t we get over to that Dauntless place you mentioned. I’m hoping we have our own room?”

  “Better. We have our own suite.”

  “Thank God! Let’s go see about a bond.”

  I had never run so fast in my life. I was on my prowler and burning atmo toward the Dauntless before Solana could change her mind.

  The docking bay engineer swore a blue streak at me when I wedged my vessel into an off-limits bay. I didn’t care. I hoisted my mate over my shoulder and we ran laughing toward our suite.

  Tomorrow we would be at Legion command, deciphering Silar Praxis’s tech and involvement with the Kridrin. We would check in on the Lucky Duck, and see that their people were finding the help they needed.

  Tonight, would be all about my mate.


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