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Caught by the Bad Boys Box Set

Page 47

by Raathi Chota

  “Sam, go play in your room.” Benny sighed as he took off his jersey.

  “Aw, I thought you wer—” Sam said as he paused the game and spun around. He cut himself off as his eyes met mine. His blank expression changed into a smirk as he walked over to us. “Hey, sugar, came back because you realized your life wasn’t so good without me?”

  “Sorry, little bro, but she’s mine,” Benny stated as he slung his arm around me and kissed my forehead. Sam’s jaw dropped, then he scrunched his nose up as he turned to me.

  “You went for the ugly Nielson?”

  Benny glared at his little brother as I chuckled. I sat on the sofa as I watched Benny try to persuade his brother to go upstairs, yet Sam ignored him and turned to me.

  “Why? Of all people, why did it have to be my own brother?” he fake sobbed as Benny pushed him toward the stairs. “Can’t Lana and I play video games?” he asked as he pointed at the controller. “I’ll even let her use my special controller, but just know I’ll always be in control!”

  I laughed as Benny grunted, then literally threw his brother over his shoulder. Yet that didn’t stop Sam as he continued with his sorry pick-up lines.

  “Dude, you’re not hanging out with Carter anymore!” Benny exclaimed as he pulled his brother up the stairs.

  “Can I at least get her picture? I want to show Santa, and hopefully he’ll take me off the naughty list!”

  With one last attempt, I heard a door shut, then Benny’s footsteps down the stairs. He looked at me with flushed cheeks as I laughed.

  “Your brother is quite something,” I said as he plopped down next to me.

  “It’s Liam and Carter who keep influencing the poor kid,” Benny added as he reached over for the remote. He flicked through the shows on Netflix as I rested my head on his shoulder. “What you feel like, babe?” he asked as I looked at our choices. I bit the inside of my cheek at that word, babe. I’d never thought I’d ever hear it from Benny Nielson.

  “Zac Efron,” I casually replied as I looked at Seventeen Again.

  “Sure, let’s order pizza.” He chuckled as he threw the blanket over us and took out his phone. The rest of the night we watched movies and cuddled. It was nice to relax with someone and have no worries. It got late, and I sensed Benny was tired, so I decided to go. I wanted to take an Uber, but Benny insisted that he’d take me because he didn’t want a total stranger to drive me home at this time of the night. So he drove me home and said he’d see me tomorrow as we kissed. I hopped out of the car and walked to the front door and saw Benny waited for me to get inside. I smiled as I quietly unlocked the door and went in. I slowly shut the door and tiptoed through the house.

  I walked into my room to see that it was neat and tidy. Hmm, maybe Levi finally decided to clean up his mess. I shook the thought away as I began to undress. I slipped on a pair of sweatpants and an old sweater, then tied my hair up in a loose ponytail. From the corner of my eye, I saw movement. My head snapped to that direction as I saw a figure by my window. My eyes widened as the person began to knock. I slowly approached my window and grabbed the first thing I saw for protection. With the scented candle in my left hand, I opened the window to my right. I was about to hit the person until I froze.

  “Blake? What the hell are you doing here?” I stared down at the teenage boy who dangled by my tree.

  “Lana, I need your help,” he rushed out as I took in his appearance. He seemed flustered with a panicked look in his eyes. The sleeves of his leather jacket were rolled up, and his Linkin Park band tee was creased. “Weren’t you at the party?” He raised a brow at me. I shook my head as he nodded, then ran his hand through his dark brown hair.

  “What’s going on?”

  “It’s Levi. We were at the party, and he got drunk and started to yell and argue with people, so we got kicked out,” he said as I looked over his shoulder to see Levi’s Mustang parked by the street.

  “Well, where is he?” I asked. Blake anxiously licked his lips as he stared at me.

  “I don’t know.”



  I gathered a vast amount of spit, tilted my head back, and spat on the ground. I chuckled at the saliva mixed with blood and shook my head. Asshole couldn’t punch correctly, that’s what. I recalled the random guy hit me because I made out with his girlfriend. Yet he punched me? He should go all ape shit on her for coming on to me. I shook my head as I walked down the streets. I continued to walk as I sipped the remains of my beer bottle. I saw the familiar sculpture up ahead and walked toward it. I stared at my reflection and saw how lifeless I looked. The beer bottle dangled beside me as I inched closer to get a better look at myself. My hair was in all directions, the cut from the other night faded because I didn’t want a Band-Aid on, eyes bloodshot and droopy, not to mention the bruise on my cheek from that fight.

  I suddenly straightened my posture as I stared at myself. I gripped the beer bottle in my hand as I raised it and threw it against the sculpture. The harsh noise of the bottle hitting against the structure made my jaw clench as I watch it shatter to the ground. I looked straight ahead as I walked. Thank goodness I wore combat boots as the glass crushed under my shoes. Once I was under it, I crouched down and rested on my back. I gazed up and took everything in. A sudden chill brushed against my body as I received goosebumps. It snowed earlier, yet I still froze because I misplaced my jacket. I raised my left arm and stared at it. Right below my wrist was a small hole where they injected me. I ran my fingers over it and nervously bit my lip. I didn’t mean for it to happen; thank goodness it only happened once. Yet that one time fucking ruined everything.

  I quickly got up and dusted myself off and jogged through downtown in search of the simple building. Once I reached my destination, I gazed up at the stairs. They still haven’t built a fucking elevator for the place? I cursed under my breath as I walked upstairs. My head spun more the further I walked. I felt my tummy twist as something lurked up my throat. I leaned over the fifth flight of stairs as everything I had from the party hurled out. I gagged as I tried to get everything out. I looked down to see the massive puddles of barf on the stairs and walls. I let out a hoarse groan as I continued to walk until I got to the seventh floor. I strolled to the old wooden door that read thirty-eight and banged on it. After a few attempts, it flew open with an exhausted Keene.

  “Dude, what the hell are you doing here? It’s like…” he croaked, then looked over his shoulder. “Late.”

  “Well, hello to you too,” I said, and Keene scrunched his nose up as I walked past him into his apartment. I flopped down on his couch and took in the scent of his pillow.

  “You smell like shit,” he said from the kitchen.

  “Oh yeah, err…you need to clean the stairs,” I stated as I adjusted myself so that I was on my back.

  “Dude, not again.” He sighed, then came into the room with a can of beer and a glass of water.

  “You’re so kind.” I sighed as he set the glass on the table.

  “Nuh-uh. Go wash your mouth. I don’t want you to talk when your breath reeks like shit,” he said as he opened the can. I groaned as I got up and walked to his bathroom. I washed my face as well as my mouth, then walked back into the living room and noticed that he was smoking a cigarette.

  “Where’s your roommate?” I asked, because the last time I came here, his roommate went all ape shit on me being too drunk to handle.

  “Gone for the weekend,” he replied as I sat on the sofa. “What the hell you doing here?”

  “Went to a party,” I said, then grabbed the can.

  “No shit,” he retorted as he exhaled the smoke.

  “Are you gonna be sarcastic the whole time and complain or listen to my shit ass night?” I slammed the can down in annoyance.

  “Dude, I always listen. Remember that one time you were ranting about this guy who thought he had a bigger dick than you?”

  “Oh yeah, thanks, bro.” I giggled then sent him a wink. “Well, we we
nt to this lame-ass party, got into a fight, and, well…got kicked out.”

  “We?” He raised a brow. My eyes widened at the thought of Blake entered my mind.

  “Oh, shit…I forgot Blake.” I chuckled. “He’ll find his way.”

  “Mm…dude, you okay from the other night? I thought you’d be dead,” Keene said as he stared at me.

  “Well, I think I’m alive.”

  “Unfortunately,” he said, to which I laughed. “How’s Lana?”

  “She’s dating the fucker now.” I squinted my eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me before that they’re friends?”

  “I’m not your spy,” he said, then crushed the cigarette in the ashtray.

  “They’re not gonna last,” I muttered.

  “Dude, would you stop? She’s not yours…never was, never will be,” Keene snapped as he glared at me. “That night when you two fucked, you knew it would be the last time you could control her, now she’s wit—”

  “Shut up, Keene.”

  “No. Last year you had your chance, and you let it slip right through your fingers.” He pushed himself off the seat so that I looked up to him. “I know you don’t believe in love and all that shit, but girls do, and you acted like a dick!” His chest rose as his huffs filled the room. I stared at him with a blank look, which made him angrier. “Now you’re all protective and shit just because you hate the guy.”

  “Because I care about her!” I yelled.

  “Yeah, in that way,” he mumbled.

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  “You care about her in that protective fuck buddy, best friend way, but she…” He trailed off then collapsed into the armchair and stared at the opposite wall. “Dude, that night when the car flipped, you should’ve seen her reaction…she wanted to kill Blake. The way she ran to the car like it was the only way to escape and then the look she had when she saw you…she cares about you, Levi. A lot.”

  “I know she does. I just don’t see an us. She deserves so much better,” I mumbled, then turned to Keene. “My life is too fucked up right now, and I don’t want to involve Lana. She has her whole life ahead of her. She’s even going to Yale.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I just know,” I said as a smile appeared on my lips. “She’s been dreaming about Yale since ninth grade.”

  “Maybe this Benny dude is the one.”

  “Fuck no,” I snapped. “My princess deserves much more.”

  “Okay, you’re still drunk. You better not call her that in front of Benny,” Keene snorted.

  “Whatever, but she’ll always be my princess. I’ll just have to accept that there’ll be more than one knight trying to save her.”

  The room filled with silence as I stared at the ground. I thought this year would be like any other year when we visited, yet this year had been absolute shit for me. Then coming back to Illinois suddenly felt better and more like home. A loud knock broke the silence as I glanced up to see Keene walk to the door. He opened it and let out a long groan as he left it open and walked back to the armchair. I watched as Lana stormed in with Blake behind her. They looked pissed.

  “Hey, guys!” I waved.

  “Dude, we’ve been looking for you for the past hour,” Blake stated as he leaned against the wall.

  “How’d you find me?” I chuckled as I drank the beer in one gulp.

  “I figured you were with Keene, plus we just followed the barf smell.” Lana gagged.

  “Aww, you know my barf smell.” I rested my hand over heart. “I’m touched, princess.”

  “Well, come on.” Lana sighed as she walked toward the door then spun around. I let out a loud groan as I stood up too quickly, and I lost my balance and fell. I face planted on the floor and heard the faint snickers.

  “Not funny. Help me,” I mumbled into the floor as I raised my arm. I was pulled back onto my feet as Blake wrapped my arm around his shoulder, then his arm around my waist as he held me up. “Thanks, bro.” I gave him a faint smile. He grumbled beside me as we walked toward the door. We greeted Keene, and he said he might see us tomorrow. I blinked rapidly as we walked toward the stairs. We reached the stairs, and Lana suddenly stopped as she looked ahead. We followed her gaze to see the barf everywhere.

  “Dude, you’re gross.” Blake chuckled as he tried to walk through the barf. It took us five minutes to get down the stairs as we tried to avoid the barf. I glanced up to see my car, and my blank expression immediately changed as I forced myself off Blake and darted toward it. I pressed myself against the car as I embraced it.

  “I thought I lost you,” I cooed and squished my cheek against the window.

  “Wait, so you ran off because you were looking for your car?” Lana asked as she opened the door. I nodded and climbed in the back with her while Blake walked to the driver’s side. He let out a dry laugh as we got comfortable in my car.

  “Dude, your car was right in front of the house,” he said as he started the engine. I threw my head back and laughed as we drove through downtown. Lana was quiet beside me as she rested her head against the window. I glanced up in the rearview mirror to see Blake’s stare. I sent him a questioning look as I gestured to Lana, but he shrugged. He turned on the radio to break the tense atmosphere. I placed my hand on her shoulder, and she turned. It was the first time tonight I got an actual look at her. She looked exhausted, the bags under her eyes darkened. I motioned her to come closer as I raised my left arm and placed it on the seat. She raised a brow as she pushed her glasses up. I rolled my eyes as I sank in my chair.

  “Come on, you’re tired, and that looks uncomfortable,” I pouted. “I won’t tell Benny.”

  Lana let out a sigh and rolled her eyes as she shifted next to me and placed her head on my chest. I smiled as I ran my fingers through her hair. When I looked up, I saw Blake with a cigarette between his lips. I tapped him on the shoulder as he looked at me through the mirror. I held two fingers up as I blew through them, and he grinned, then threw his pack over his shoulder. I took out my lighter as Lana took out a cigarette from the pack and held it between her lips. I lit it and took it from her after she took a drag. I threw the box in front, and Blake caught it as I held the cigarette between my lips. I blew out smoke rings until I felt a poke on my chest. I glanced down to see Lana patiently waiting. I playfully rolled my eyes as I removed the cigarette from my lips and lowered it. She took a drag. I smirked. Ten minutes later after driving with the radio on and sharing a cigarette, we arrived at the Willsons’ home. I got out to see Blake’s Harley parked in the front.

  “All right, see you guys later,” he mumbled as we stood on the porch.

  “Thanks,” Lana replied as he walked to his motorcycle. Blake smiled as he got onto the bike. I raised a brow. I turned to Lana by the door. We walked into the house, and I immediately collapsed onto the sofa. Lana leaned against the doorframe as she stared at me.

  “Did you guys fuck in my car then come and get me?” I asked. Her eyes slanted.

  “What the hell? No! We were arguing most of the time, and he almost drove into another car,” Lana grumbled as she spun around and walked toward the stairs.

  “Thanks for tonight,” I called out. “Love you.”

  I glanced over my shoulder to see her. A blank expression filled her face as she backed up the stairs. A sigh escaped from her lips as she glanced up at me and said, “Love you too.”

  Chapter Eight


  I pushed myself off the bed as I let out a yawn. After last night’s event, I went to bed immediately. I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth as well as my hair, then opened the door. Voices filled my ears as I strolled into the kitchen.

  “Morning, everyone,” I greeted. Everyone except for Levi sat at the table eating eggs and sausages. I sat down next to my dad as I dished up.

  “Morning. What time did you come home last night? I heard a commotion downstairs,” Mom asked as she set a fresh plate of bacon on the table.

p; “Err…I had to go and get Levi from Keene’s place,” I mumbled, then drank my orange juice.

  “What was he doing there?” Richard asked at the same time Levi walked in. I shrugged in response, then turned to Levi. He sat opposite me with a tired look as he ran a hand through his dark hair. He let out a yawn and turned to my dad.

  “Morning, Bobby!” He grinned. Dad rolled his eyes as he sipped his coffee.

  “Lana, dear, you have to start making those cinnamon rolls soon. We bought all the ingredients,” Mom said.

  “That’s another reason why we still come every year,” Richard said. Jade hit him with the dishcloth. I made different cinnamon rolls every year, and everyone loved them, but they took time to make since I made them from scratch.

  “Ooh, can you make those ones with the chocolate sauce over them?” Levi chimed in with a bright look on his face.

  “I like the ones with the nuts,” Richard added.

  “What about the ones where there’s custard insi—”

  “Christmas is, like, in a week. I don’t think I’ll finish it all this weekend,” I said.

  “Well, then you better start soon, dear,” Jade stated.

  “Yeah, I’ll go shower now,” I said, then got up. I walked into my room, made my bed, and took out an outfit for the day. I decided on something dull but warm since our house wasn’t that warm, even with the heaters. I pulled my hair up into a bun as I looked at myself in the mirror. I wore a white, long-sleeved shirt and a maroon skirt with black leggings. I slipped on a pair of black ankle boots and my glasses, then walked down.

  Two hours later, we were still busy. We were on the fourth batch with the other two in the oven. Keene came over, but he didn’t help at all and said he’s only here to keep us company and get free cinnamon rolls. Dad and Richard were in his study since Dad had a TV set up, so they watched sports while Mom and Jade went Christmas shopping. Keene bobbed his head to a song on the radio while I folded the dough. I felt my thigh vibrate as “Teenagers” by My Chemical Romance played. I tried to get my phone from my skirt pocket, but my hands were dirty. Levi approached me with a smirk plastered on his face. He pressed himself against my back as his hand ran up my thigh to get to my phone. A shiver jerked up my spine. He pressed his chest against my back and answered my phone.


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