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Caught by the Bad Boys Box Set

Page 89

by Raathi Chota

  “This is a girl’s day, Aidan. What are you still doing here?” Melissa asked.

  “Keeping my girl company.” Aidan pouted as he swung his arm around Tiffany’s shoulder. I glanced around to see that Miranda wasn’t down here.

  “Where’s Miranda?” I asked.

  “She’s upstairs with her mom,” Tiffany replied with a nervous look. I slowly nodded and turned my head to the stairs.

  “Okay, you two have served your purpose so, b-bye,” Melissa said.

  “We wanna hang with our girlfriends,” Marcus protested.

  “What about Lana and me?” Melissa pointed out. “We’ll have to listen to you four upstairs while we’re trying to gossip down here?”

  “Sure.” Aidan shrugged.

  “No, no, no. Go hang out with your cousins, Aidan, and take Marcus with you,” Melissa shooed.

  “Why can’t we hang with you girls? They’re all probably jerking off or at Jaden’s house getting high,” Marcus said and rolled his eyes.

  “Because, Sanders, we’re tired of seeing six-foot males lurking around us and want some girl time. Now unless you want to sob with us while we watch the final episode of The Vampire Diaries, I suggest you go grow some balls and get them from Jaden’s house and do something worthwhile,” Melissa said with an innocent smile.

  “Damn, girl.” Marcus eyed Melissa as he lifted a brow. They continued to go back and forth, and I decided to leave them and go see Miranda. I walked upstairs and down the hall where I saw Mrs. Stevens’ room door open by a few inches. I lightly knocked on the door then slowly pushed it open. I saw Miranda’s mother asleep in her bed while Miranda sat opposite her on the sofa. I closed the door and approached her. I sat down next to her, and she instantly laid on my lap. I ran my hand through her blonde hair while we stared at her mother. She still wore a dress, and her makeup was smudged.

  “A guy dropped her at home this morning,” Miranda said after a while. “I didn’t even know she was gone.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault, Lana. It’s not even hers. It’s Dad who she can’t get over; she still loves him.”

  “You still don’t know who he is?”

  “Nope. I’ve searched this whole house and not a single thing of him. She’s hiding it all away; I still remember how she used to take pictures of Dad and me when we played outside,” she said then looked up at me. “Is it my fault?”

  “No, no. Why would you think that?” I asked as she sat up and crossed her legs next to me.

  “I don’t know,” she mumbled as she stared at her mother. “If she loves him, then why did he leave? Why did he just fall off the face of the earth? Were we in debt? Was he having an affair?” Before I said anything, Miranda let out a dry laugh. She stared at her mother and shook her head in disappointment. “Yet somehow she still cares about that fucking car. She barely takes note of me. I could be boning Marcus in the next room, and she wouldn’t care.”

  “Miranda, don’t talk like that. She does care about you; maybe she just blames herself because she can’t be the perfect parent without him.”

  “She doesn’t need that asshole,” Miranda muttered, and I saw the anger flash in her eyes. “We’ve been doing fine. Thank goodness she doesn’t let these city hookups affect her work.”

  I watched as she pulled the duvet over her mother and tucked her in. She kissed her forehead then spun around. It’s as if that whole conversation didn’t happen with the bright smile Miranda had.


  The rest of the day was spent indoors since Miranda didn’t want to leave her mother when she woke up. We watched series, movies, ordered takeouts, and spoke about the beach house. It ended as a sleepover since the day flew by so quick. Tiffany and Aidan dropped me off at home the next day, where I was determined to study. Before I studied, though, I texted Benny, Liam, and Nick about the utility hole I found at Miranda’s house. It looked old and rusty, which meant that it hadn’t opened in a few years. They were spooked out about it and told me to keep an eye on Marcus. Then Liam ranted about how he’s so suspicious, yet nobody noticed because of his, and I quote, “luscious” hair. Even then, I couldn’t focus because my mind was on those numbers. So many questions, as well as scenarios, ran through my head. I was so deep in thought that I didn’t even hear the loud footsteps near my room. I nervously stood up as I saw shadows underneath my door. I was alone at home since Mom and Dad worked, but Mom should be home soon since it’s the afternoon. I grabbed the first thing I saw, which happened to be my textbook. The doorknob twisted open, and as soon as the door opened, I swung my arm. The person apparently had good reflexes, as my arm stopped.

  “Damn, nice reflexes, dude,” Levi said behind Blake, who held the book.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Blake asked, still in the same position. Levi casually entered my room as I dropped my hand.

  “Ever heard of knocking?” I asked as I returned to my desk. I turned to Blake, who shrugged and ran a hand through his hair. Levi plopped down on my bed and held up an ordinary key. I rolled my eyes as I had forgotten that he had a key to my house. I sat on my chair and opened my textbook again.

  “Angie wanted me to check up on you. So being the amazing son-in-law that I will be, I am fulfilling my duties,” Levi responded. Blake literally cleared half of my desk then sat on it. He looked down at me while shaking his head.

  “He’s talking shit,” he stated.

  “Well, I am perfectly fine. Just trying to study,” I emphasized then pushed up my glasses.

  “Oh, come on, princess, let’s go do something,” he said and took out a paper from his pocket. “I got the bucket list.”

  He turned to me with a smirk and waved the paper in the air. I bit the inside of my cheek and contemplated on whether I should drop my studies to finish another ridiculous thing on the list. I felt a poke on the corner of my mouth and glanced up at Blake.

  “Stop biting. One day it’s gonna bleed,” he said, and I slowly opened my mouth. I turned to Levi and smiled.

  “Next time,” I said, and he groaned. “Don’t you guys have something else to do? Like, don’t you have a job?”

  “Yeah, but I only have a morning shift, and it’s almost five p.m.”

  “Where do you work, anyway?”

  “That place where we got our tattoos. Keene managed to talk to that guy, Isaac.”

  “So you do tattoos?”

  “Not yet, but I do piercings, so if you ever need one, princess…” He trailed off, and I watched as his hand traveled down his body. I scrunched my nose up and rolled my eyes. Blake and Levi laughed as I turned back to my work.

  “Did you pack yet?” Blake asked while I wrote. I slowly shook my head in the hope that he got the message that I wanted to study. Yet somehow the more I wrote, the less I focused. “What’s wrong?”

  “Well, then, we’ll just have to pack for you,” Levi said before I answered Blake’s question. I looked over my shoulder to see Levi pull out my case from under my bed. Blake hopped off the desk and joined him as Levi placed the bag on my bed. I groaned as they went through my closet.

  “You’re definitely taking these with.” Blake grinned as he held up my red one-piece swimsuit and white bikini.

  “Hey!” I pushed myself off the chair and grabbed the clothing. I stuffed them in the bag then folded my arms.

  “You’re not taking that lacy shit for your boyfriend,” Levi muttered as he searched my drawers.

  “Yeah, you got any granny underwear?” Blake asked, and I rolled my eyes as they laughed.

  “I can take whatever I want to take, and I’ll pack tomorrow,” I stated and pulled Levi away from my closet.

  “No, you won’t, princess. I know you. You always pack at the last minute,” Levi pointed out as I gathered my things.

  “What are you doing?” Blake asked as I grabbed my books.

  “I can’t focus! I need to study, and it doesn’t look like you two will be going anywhere, so I’m goin
g.” I huffed and walked out of the room. Naturally, being Levi Radcliff and Blake Gunner, they followed. I felt one of them whip me around and came face to face with Blake.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I just need to study.”

  “It’s spring break, princess, chill.”

  “I’ll ‘chill’ when we go to Ethan’s beach house!” I raised my voice. Blake stared at me with an expressionless look as if he tried to figure out what was wrong. Then there was Levi, full of concern. I sighed and continued to walk. I slipped my phone in my pocket and gripped my books against my chest. I heard their footsteps behind me as I turned to them.

  “Did we do something? If so, we’re sorry,” Levi mumbled.

  “No, no. It’s just…I’m just stressed.” I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

  “Is it James? Or what happened to Ernst?” Blake stepped closer. I gave him a wary look then stepped back. I slowly shook my head and glanced down.

  “Just please stop asking. I’m all right,” I stated then opened the front door.

  “Where are you going?” Levi asked as I walked out of the house.

  “To my sexual tension friend!” I answered as I walked down the sidewalk. Being the forward boys that they were, they followed me. I asked why they followed me, and all they said that it wasn’t safe for an eighteen-year-old girl to walk by herself. I didn’t buy it because I knew they were curious as to who my “sexual tension friend” was. When they found out it was Carter, they cussed then walked back to my house.

  I was glad I came, to be honest. Carter was preparing for his interview with Yale, so it was quiet and peaceful. We were in his living room with books, laptops, food, and stationery around us. I sat on the carpet since it was comfortable with blankets and pillows. As we studied, time seemed to pass, and I didn’t even notice that it was dark outside. Carter walked in with two glasses of pink lemonade and handed me one. I thanked him as he sat opposite me. I wrote while he stared at the screen of his laptop. He exhaled loudly then took a long sip.

  “Have you heard from them yet?” Carter asked as he held his Yale application.

  “No, not really.”

  “I thought they would after Levi contacted them.”


  “Oh shit, I wasn’t supposed to tell you,” he mumbled, yet I bored my eyes into him because I wanted to know what Levi did. Carter sighed and set his drink down. “When he found out that I got an interview, he wanted to know about you. He knows why you’re studying and stressing yourself for Yale, so he contacted some people and asked about your application.”

  “What did he tell them?” I demanded. Carter shrugged and put his laptop aside. I let out a sigh, tugging on my hair in frustration. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him crawl to sit next to me. He swung his arm around my shoulder, and I rested in his hold.

  “Don’t worry. He was just trying to help. We all know how much this means to you,” Carter assured me as I stared at the ground. “I know how much you want to get out of this place and just start afresh.”

  “Too many bad people here and too many bad memories,” I mumbled then sipped on my pink lemonade.

  “Yeah, I don’t want to leave my mother, but my sister will be coming back. She’s going to have a long chat with her.”

  “When’s your interview?”

  “After we come back from the beach house, that’s why I’ve been indoors for the past few days.”

  “You’ll get in, Carter. You’re the freaking smartest guy I know,” I said, and he smiled and turned to me. We locked eyes, and the corners of my mouth instantly turned up.

  “If I do, I want you there with me,” he stated, and I felt his hand travel to the back of my neck.

  “Yeah, it’ll be comforting to be with a familiar face,” I admitted and watched as his face neared. His eyes even closed when he got close enough, and I swallowed in a breath. His lips were inches away, but I was saved by an engine outside. We immediately gave each other space, and I stared at the ground. Carter got up without a word being expressed. I heard the door open, followed by familiar voices. I let out a sigh and pushed myself up to see what’s going on. Carter stood by the door, and I awkwardly stood next to him. I glanced at the driveway to see Levi’s Mustang and one of Ethan’s cars, which Blake drove. They got out of the cars, and that’s when I noticed Keene.

  “What are you guys doing here?” Carter asked, and I noticed clothing in Levi’s hands.

  “We’re gonna have fun, Halls,” Levi said and tossed the clothing toward me. I caught it with ease.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Where does it look like we’re going?” Keene referred to the cars that were in excellent conditions.

  “Why do we have to come?” Carter asked, yet I wanted to go because he almost kissed me. It’d be awkward to go back inside and continue the rest of the night.

  “You haven’t been out of the house in days, Carter. Let loose and just race with us. Ethan even lent me his car.” Blake gestured to the red Lamborghini.

  “Okay, sure.” Carter sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

  “All right!” Levi cheered then looked at us. “Get ready, nerds. We’re going racing.”

  I changed into the clothes Levi brought me, which was a midnight blue dress, leather jacket, and ankle boots. The others were already there since Aidan raced. Blake told me to drive with him while Carter went with Levi and Keene.

  The drive was quiet as I stared out the window. The radio played indie music, which created a calm atmosphere. I turned to Blake, who seemed chilled in his leather jacket and leather fingerless gloves. I noticed he wore it when he drove his motorcycle.

  “Are you putting money in tonight?” I asked. Sometimes they’d bet money depending on the racers while other times it’d be for fun.


  “How much?”

  “A grand or two.”

  “Where’d you get the money?”

  “Still had it left from the money James paid us when we hid the cocaine.”

  “How much did each of you get?”

  “Let’s just say it was enough to buy a decent house,” he answered. My eyes widened.

  “You used past tense, was.”

  “I gave some to Momma so she could put Axel into college,” he mumbled. “He was annoying me at home.”

  “That’s really nice of you,” I whispered. I saw him look at me from the corner of his eye and smile.

  “Yeah, and the rest I put into a savings account.”

  “Is Levi doing it, too?” I asked because I knew he wouldn’t tell me. I realized he didn’t like to discuss his finances with me. Every time I asked, he’d cover it up.

  “Yeah,” he said then looked at me. “He’s fine, Lana. His parents wouldn’t leave him here without a bank account.”

  “Okay,” I mumbled and glanced up as I noticed the industrial area approaching. It was in the center where everyone met up. However, when racing, they’d enter the bad demolished side and speed through it. People’s backs were turned to us as Blake slowed down. I assumed a race was on since people cheered. Blake revved the motor as flames shot out the tailpipe, and people turned to look in awe. They made a path for the red Lamborghini and black Mustang to enter. Before we got out of the car, Blake gripped my hand. I turned to see his gaze. “Don’t go wandering off on your own, okay?”

  I slowly nodded then pulled my hand from his grasp. We got out of the car simultaneously and joined Levi, Carter, and Keene. The place was loud from the big crowd and a guy who blared music from his back speakers. I saw Miranda, Melissa, Marcus, and Tiffany a few yards away and walked toward them. When I got there, Levi tapped my shoulder and told me that they’re going to put in money for the next race. I nodded, and when they walked off, I noticed Blake gave me a weird look.

  “Go, Aidan!” Tiffany cheered, and I glanced up to see that Aidan was in the lead with his Subaru.

  “Hey,” I greeted everyone. They rep
lied, but their primary focus was on the race. Melissa turned to me with an awe-struck look.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you came to these things? They’re so cool!”

  “I didn’t know you liked cars.”

  “Not really, but the hunks, though,” she said as two guys walked past.

  “Behave, Melissa Singe. You have a boyfriend.”

  “Look who’s talking!” She shifted her gaze behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see she was talking about Blake and Levi.

  “No, no, no.” I shook my head.

  “Yes, yes, yes. Do you know how hot you guys looked while getting out of that car?”

  I shook my head in amusement, but she gave me a look. My phone vibrated, and I quickly took it out to see that an unknown number called me. I stepped back from the noise and answered the phone.


  “Everyone has their purpose in life, Lana. What is yours?” a deep voice asked. I quickly picked it out.

  “J-James?” I breathed out then turned to Blake and Levi.

  “I wouldn’t call them if I were you,” he admonished, and I instantly stopped to look around. People surrounded us, yet I felt his eyes on me.

  “What do you want?” I asked through gritted teeth.

  “What we both want, Lana, freedom. From everything and everyone,” he stated, and I sighed as I leaned my head back.

  “You’re not gonna get it anytime soon since you just killed Ernst like that,” I pointed out then focused my gaze on the building opposite me.

  “That fucking bastard was a traitor. He should’ve known better than to talk to you about the job,” James muttered, and I squinted my eyes when I saw two figures on the roof. “He knew the consequences yet still went ahead. Just like poor little Christo when he shoved the cocaine in those boys’ arms.”


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