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Hollow Cove Promises

Page 3

by Leigh Allen

  Me: Too bad

  Mia: Fine, but you better make it good

  Me: I always do

  Mia: Love you

  Me: Love you more

  I put my phone back in my pocket and tune into another boring lecture from my teacher, but all I can think about is my meeting later.


  As soon as the last bell of the day rings, I race out of school. I hate not saying bye to Mia, but she will understand. I told her during lunch about my meeting and she was thrilled for me. I hop on my bike and drive to the other side of Hollow Cove to the Raven’s Boys Clubhouse. The bar is already packed and the parking lot is filled with motorcycles of every make and kind.

  I walk inside and spot Brody waiting for me at the bar. He offers a nod and begins to walk out back to the alley. The same alley where I watched Brody race just a few nights before.

  I make my way out back and see a few of the other guys waiting for me. I hate that I’m nervous, but I am. This is a huge deal and they don’t let just anyone work on their bikes. Getting this type of in would mean the world to me.

  “Seth, these guys here are looking for someone to paint some logos on their bikes for the club. They need them done in two weeks. Is that going to be a problem?” Brody asks, his voice gruff.

  “No, I can do it,” I say, even though that is a ton of work for one person. But, I would be crazy to turn down any offer from them.

  “Ok, you will do all the work here in Jameson’s shop,” Brody adds.

  I nod, showing them I understand and accept. The owners of the bikes just nod too, before walking into the bar again.

  “Don’t mess this up,” Brody says, as he slaps me on the back and then follows the guys into the bar.

  I stand outside the alley alone for a few minutes. A smile creeps over my face as I realize I am one step closer to getting into the club I have waited my entire life to be part of.

  Chapter 9


  This week couldn’t have gone any slower. I spent all week drowning in school work while Seth lived on cloud nine. He spent his evenings working on custom orders from some of the bikers in the Raven’s Boys clubhouse. When we did get a chance to talk, it was all over the phone and all he could talk about was the stupid money he had won at Brody’s race. I was growing more agitated by the day over his obsession with betting. I was so proud of Seth when he wanted to start his own business, now I feared he may find another passion.

  As I lay on my couch, the television silently buzzing in front of me, I hear my phone go off. I scan the caller ID to see Seth’s name appear. Answering, I know I sound exhausted.


  “Hey, is everything ok?” Seth’s worried tone rings in my ears.

  “Yes, sorry. I am just tired from working and school,” I say, which is partly true.

  “Oh, well I can’t wait until tomorrow,” he gushes.

  This brings a real smile to my face now. Seeing Seth and getting to spend time at our spot will surely bring me out of this funk.

  “Me too, I miss you,” I breathe.

  “I know, but the money I am earning from these custom orders on top of what your brother pays me at the coffee shop and the earnings from the races, I will be able to…” he trails off, stopping himself from finishing the rest.

  “Be able to do what?” I ask, my interest piqued.

  “You will just have to wait until tomorrow to find out,” Seth says, and I can hear him grinning on the other end of the line.

  “Fine,” I say, trying to sound angry.

  We talk about our day and all of the work we have had in school. When we end the call, I find myself falling asleep dreaming of being with the guy I am madly in love with tomorrow.


  The roar of a motorcycle jump starts my heart as I race down the hallway. I’m slipping on my red Converse sneakers as I stumble my way to the front door. Isaac left early this morning to open the coffee shop and I overslept.

  A chuckle makes me look up and I spot Seth grinning from ear-to-ear as he watches me look like a hot mess.

  “Rough morning,” he teases.

  “Don’t start,” I grumbled.

  He extends a hand and helps me finish putting on my shoe. I lean up on my tip toes and kiss him as I smile brightly.

  “Are you ready?” Seth asks, still holding my hand in his.

  “Yep,” I say.

  We make our way outside and like the gentleman he is, Seth helps me on his bike and we take off to my favorite spot in the world.

  When we reach the little country road that leads to our spot, I feel my heart beating with excitement. I feel like it has been forever since we ventured to this little place, but in reality, it has only been a few days.

  We immediately find a place where there are two large rocks we can lean against. The sun is shining brightly and the air is a nice seventy degrees. My phone buzzes and as I pull it out of my pocket, I see an alert on my calendar. It is a reminder that I have an upcoming appointment with Mrs. Rhonda for our now monthly sessions. I used to see her every week, but now that she and my brother Isaac feel like I am progressing, we moved them back to once a month. I have to admit, I did miss talking with her at times, but once a month is just fine considering it gives me more time to spend with the hunk I am sitting next to now.

  As we sat, I finally noticed that Seth was carrying a black backpack. I eye him suspiciously as he kneels beside me.

  “So, I got you some things,” Seth says, with a boyish smile appearing over his face.

  “Oh yeah,” I ask, trying to sneak inside the bag he is unzipping.

  “No, you just have to wait,” Seth says, as he playfully pulls the bag away from my grasp.

  I pretend to pout as I cross my arms over my chest. “Fine.”

  Seth begins pulling out a store bag and my eyes instantly light up. I recognize that bag. It is from the Mallory’s Art Supplier store in town. I used to visit there all of the time to get my art supplies. What has Seth done?

  Finally, he sits the bag in my lap. “Open it,” he commands, but he looks so excited.

  “Seth, you just gave me that beautiful necklace, and now more gifts?” I ask. I know he has been busy with custom orders and winnings from the races, but I don’t want him spending all of his money on me. He needs to save it.

  “I told you once that I don’t deserve you. That you are too good for me. I now have an opportunity to give you the things you deserve, so let me,” Seth says, grabbing my hands and forcing me to look at him.

  My heart drops to the pit of my stomach. This isn’t what I was expecting. Is this how he sees me? A materialistic girl?

  I shake my head and drop his hands from mine. I take a step back from him and look at him like I don’t know who he is.

  “Is this how you see me?” I ask. Dropping the necklace, I act as though it is sizzling hot and just burned me.

  “What’s wrong? I see you as mine. As someone who deserves everything,” Seth says. His eyes are wide now and it pains me to see the look on his face.

  “No, this looks like you are trying to buy my love,” I shout. The necklace lays on the ground between us like a huge barrier. “Where did the money come from?” I ask.

  Seth opens his mouth to speak, but then quickly closes it shut. He runs a hand through his hair and I can tell he is trying to figure out what to say.

  “Answer me!” I shout, this time tears streaming down my angry face.

  “I can’t,” Seth whispers.

  “What do you mean, you can’t?” I cry out. “This is me, Seth.”

  “I know, but if I tell you everything…” he trails off.

  My anger only rises and I feel as though I am about to burst. This isn’t how we are supposed to be. We are in love. We are perfect. Nothing was ever supposed to get in the way of that. How could I have been so wrong?

  “Then what?” I demand. I refuse to allow him to shut down on me now. After everything we have been through. The lies and
scandals. The drama. He owes me the truth.

  “Then you might leave me,” Seth shouts, and his anger causes me to wince.

  A rumble of thunder causes me to divert my eyes away from Seth and look up at the sky. Ominous gray clouds have rolled into the once clear sky. The world around me has turned dark and shifted, just like my heart.

  A gasp leaves my lips and I have to hold back the urge to sob. “What have you done?” I ask.

  A howling wind begins to roar around us and the leaves begin to fall from the trees. There is more than one storm brewing in these woods tonight.

  Shaking his head, Seth takes a step closer to me, but I hold up my hand and stop him.

  “No, you don’t get to come near me right now. I need to know what you have done or else,” I say.

  I am not sure what I am prepared to threaten, but I know that if Seth has gotten himself into something dangerous, I just don’t think I can stay with him anymore. My heart is begging and pleading for Seth to tell me that what I am thinking is wrong. I don’t want to think the worst. I want so badly to be wrong-- but my mind is screaming at me to think clearly. The racing. The gambling. The money. I know what happens when you gamble around the Ravens. Sure, the Raven Brothers might not be into dirty tactics, but the guys who show up to Brody Raven’s races are. I saw first-hand as Seth gambled with those guys and I see the money he is earning. I know better to believe the money is from his artwork on motorcycles. Sure, he gets paid, but not like this.

  “Please, don’t be like this. You are acting crazy,” Seth laughs, and I see something dark in his eyes.

  Where did my Seth go?

  “Acting crazy?” I scream out, just as another rumble of thunder booms across the sky. “My boyfriend has more money than he ever has had, has been gambling, and now won’t tell me the truth. And I am acting crazy? I can’t do this anymore,” I cry.

  Seth takes a step back this time and something crosses his face that causes the remaining part of my heart to shatter. His drive to make more money has changed him. I don’t know how I didn’t see this transpiring. I guess I didn’t want to see what was happening before my very own eyes. How could I? I had been so blinded by love, I hadn’t seen Seth falling apart. I hadn’t allowed myself to see the truth and now.... Now it was all crumbling right in front of me.

  “Fine, if you can’t see that what I am doing is for us, then maybe this isn’t right,” Seth growls. His voice is completely changed now.

  I am numb now, lost in an ugly world of hatred and disbelief.

  “I refuse to watch you go down this path. It’s over,” I say, before turning around and running. Raindrops begin to pound down on me from the sky and I can hear Seth shouting my name, but my legs refuse to stop.

  Everything is wrong.

  It’s over.

  Chapter 10



  I shout her name, but the roar of the loud thunder seems to drown out the sound of my voice.

  How could this happen to me? I thought that by gambling and earning more money, Mia would be proud of me. I did all of this for her and now she is just throwing it all away?

  I love her more than anything in this world, but I can’t make her see what I see. I can’t make her see my vision for us.

  I stand alone in the woods, in our spot, for what feels like forever. I wait, hoping she will come back. But, she never comes.

  After the storm ends and the night darkness arrives, I make my way back home. I expect to find her walking alone on the road, but she’s not there. It’s almost like she just disappeared-- like a ghost that never truly existed.

  I ride my bike back to my house and as soon as I get to my room, I check my phone.


  No messages.

  No calls.

  Mia truly left me.

  Now, what do I do?

  Chapter 11


  It’s been three days since I left Seth alone in the woods.

  After I had run off, I had called Grace to come and get me. Of course, when she picked me up, soaking wet off the side of the road, she had a million questions for me.

  But, all I could do was cry. I cried for the anger I felt. I cried for the loss of a future with Seth. I cried because it had all been a lie.

  If someone truly loved you, they would tell you the truth. They wouldn’t endanger themselves or someone they cared about, just for money.

  Seeing me so upset, Grace stopped questioning me, but I knew that eventually she would ask me.

  I had told Isaac I was sick on Monday and he agreed to let me stay home. He had been spending more time than usual at the cafe and not at home. I knew he was busy, but I couldn’t help but wonder if there was something else going on too. I didn’t have time to care about that though, my own life was imploding.

  By Tuesday, Isaac knew I wasn’t sick and was angry at me for skipping school. On Wednesday, a fed up Grace had shown up at my house and demanded answers.

  “You don’t get to hide away in bed,” Grace shouted, as she threw my covers off of me.

  I closed my eyes and tried to block out the sunlight filtering in through my bedroom window. I wasn’t sure what time it was, but it must be sometime in the afternoon.

  “I’m not hiding,” I mumbled.

  “Bullshit,” Grace argued. “We have been best friends for far too long for you to lie to me now. I haven’t heard from or seen Seth around here lately and now you are hiding in bed.”

  I sigh and sit up in bed. I realize that I can’t hide anymore and I have to tell Grace what happened. So, I begin with the necklace and end with me calling her on the old road in the pouring rain.

  As I talk and spill my heart out, Grace’s eyes cloud over and the look on her face makes me cry even harder. She sees that Seth and I are over and the realization strikes me so hard, it is like a punch to the gut.

  “Mia, I am so sorry,” Grace says, hugging me tightly.

  “It’s ok. I guess I just don’t understand how it all went wrong.”

  “I thought you two were perfect. That what you had was forever,” Grace says, her eyes full of sadness for me and what was lost.

  “I guess we were both wrong,” I whisper.

  We sit there together without speaking for what feels like forever. Finally, Grace stands up and places her hands on her hips. “It is time for you to get up. You have had your time to mourn the loss of your relationship. Now, you need to shower and get up and move on with your life,” Grace says.

  “I don’t know…” I begin, but Grace stops me.

  “No, you can’t just stay here forever. Life didn’t end. Besides, I know you, Mia. You want answers.”

  I almost laughed. Grace knows me too well. In the days I had spent huddled up in my bed, a million questions had been floating into my mind. And, she was right. I wanted answers. I deserved to know why this happened.

  “You know what, you are right,” I say standing up. “I deserve to know why Seth was willing to throw us away.”

  I head toward the door and stop before walking out of my bedroom. “I am going to find Seth and force him to tell me everything, even if it really is over.”


  After showering and dressing for the first time in days, I sit in Grace’s car and swallow down the bile that threatens to climb up my throat. We are on our way to the Raven’s Clubhouse, the only place I can think of to find Seth. We had driven past his house and his motorcycle was gone. It was almost dark now and I knew there was more than likely a race going down tonight.

  Grace kept eyeing me as she drove, but she never said anything. I appreciated the peace and quiet she gave me. Even if my head was loud and chaotic.

  As we pulled up to the Raven’s Clubhouse, I scanned the parking lot for Seth’s bike, but I couldn’t find it in the sea of motorcycles. Loud noises echoed from behind the clubhouse and I knew I was right; there was a race tonight.

  Jumping out of the car, I strode toward the back al
ley where the races were held. Grace ran to keep up with me. I was on a mission and nothing was going to stop me now.

  We walked around the corner and the sight of two cars ready at the starting line made my stomach drop. Guys crowded around in a circle as they began to place their bets. Brody Raven stood by, laughing and smiling. It infuriated me.

  I ran up to him and shoved him hard.

  “What the hell?” he asked, as he dropped the beer he had been holding and it crashed to the pavement below.

  Watching it shatter, Brody looked up at me in surprise.

  “Where is Seth?” I demanded.

  “Why did you shove me?” Brody asked, looking down at the broken glass on the ground.

  “Answer me. Where is he?” I asked again, shoving his hard chest again.

  Looking around, Brody gulped and I realized that he was nervous. “Look, maybe we should go inside and talk,” Brody suggested.

  I angrily shook my head, no. “We will talk here,” I shouted over the noises around us. “Where is Seth?”

  Sighing, Brody ran his hands through his hair before looking me in the eyes. “I don’t know how to say this, but he is gone.”

  “What do you mean, gone?” Grace asked, finally speaking.

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. What was he talking about?

  “You mean, he isn’t here?” I asked.

  I could feel tears burning my eyes but I refused to cry here. There were too many people around and a few were starting to notice the scene I was putting on.

  “Look, I don’t know how to save this, but Seth took off yesterday. Said you two were over and that he couldn’t stay here anymore,” Seth said.

  His voice lowered and I could hear the sympathy ringing from his tone.

  It was all too much. My legs trembled and I couldn’t stand up any longer. I fell to the ground and struggled to catch my breath.

  Grace screamed and rushed to catch me, but she was too late. I was on the pavement, unable to move as everything around me became a blur. Brody leaned down and I could see his mouth moving, but I couldn’t hear a word of what he was saying.


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