Book Read Free

Euro Trip

Page 2

by Holly Hathaway

  I don’t like that. I need to intercept.

  I also hate it when he calls himself Tuck Tuck. It’s not a cute nickname.

  I feel like an animal watching him touch her and talk to her. She’s blushing, so she probably isn’t used to male attention. She ought to be getting tons of it. She’s gorgeous. I mean really stunning. And not cookie-cutter hot like her two floozy friends over there, but like down-to-Earth, truly beautiful, doesn’t even need makeup. She’s real. She’s true. I can tell.

  What am I doing still standing here? I have to go get her.

  I go back inside and down to the lower level. I'm nervous. Why the hell am I nervous? Women don't make me nervous. I make them nervous, dammit.

  But when I see her outside, listening to some stupid story Charlie is telling and pretending to be interested, even holding back a yawn, I stop. My feet won’t move. I want to attack her and run away at the same time. What’s wrong with me?

  “Everything alright, Mr. Williams?” asks one of the servers behind me carrying a tray of drinks. I jump.

  “Yes, everything’s fine, Jeffrey.”

  Okay, time to move. I walk out onto the deck right behind Jeffrey.

  “Ben!” Tucker yells as soon as I step into the sunlight. They always treat me like a vampire coming out of the darkness in the middle of the day. “What are you doing down here?”

  “Just thought I’d come say hi. Greet your guests. Make sure they’re taken care of.” I put my hands on my hips and look to each one of them.

  They look at me like I just flew in from Mars.


  I grab a drink off a tray and try not to stare at Allie, but it’s so hard. She’s looking at me. She seems just as nervous as I am.

  “Really,” I say. “Are you going to introduce me?”

  Tucker and Charlie exchange glances, and I use it as a brief opportunity to glance over at Allie again. Her two friends giggle to each other.

  “This is Mindy, and this is Kim.”


  “Sorry, Kate.”

  “And who is this over here?” I ask. Everyone turns to Allie, and she blushes. Have Tucker and Charlie already forgotten her name?

  “That’s Allie,” says Mindy.

  “Allie.” I hold out my hand toward her. She takes it, and I can feel her shaking nervously, but the touch still sends an electric pulse through my blood. She’s even more beautiful down here in person, and her skin is so soft and warm.

  Our handshake lingers, and we lock eyes. I do not want to let go, but eventually, I have to. I don't want her to think I'm crazy.

  “Nice to meet you, Ben,” she says. Her voice is so sweet, like honey all over my body.

  Now what? How do I pry her away from these assholes?

  “How long have you been on the island?” I ask.

  “Just a few hours. We met these guys at the bar not that long ago.”

  "Really? You must be overwhelmed by all the travel."

  She bats her eyelashes.

  “Well, you’re going to love Las Salinas. It’s the perfect place to party.”

  But at this, her smile fades a little. I don't think she's a heavy partier.

  “Have you been on the island long?” she asks me.

  It’s working. The others are starting to engage in their own conversations, leaving Allie to me.

  "I've been here a couple of weeks. But, unfortunately, I haven't had much time to get out of the office," I reply as I gesture up towards the yacht where I do all my work.

  “That’s a shame,” she says while holding back a yawn.

  “I’m sure you’re tired.”

  "Oh my God, yes," she says, as if saying the words are releasing a massive weight from her shoulders. "I haven't even had a second just to chill."

  “Hm. Well, it’s hot out here. Would you like to come inside and just relax for a while? Maybe get out of the sun and sit?”

  She looks to her friends like she doesn’t want to leave them, but they’re totally ignoring her anyway. Allie turns back to me, squinting in the sunlight.

  “Um, sure, I guess.”

  “I’ll show you around.”

  She turns to say goodbye to her friends, but they’re facing the other way, fallen under Tucker and Charlie’s spell.

  “This way,” I say and lead her inside. “Sometimes being around too many people can be a bit much. I have many places to hide."

  As she’s walking, she keeps her distance from me, like an invisible person is walking between us. I can see Allie looking around at the staff and the servers. Rarely do any of my brother's guests notice them. She even nods and greets them. She’s definitely not like others that have come here.

  “We can go upstairs this way.”

  She’s cautious. She opens her mouth like she’s going to say something, but nothing comes out.

  “It’s the nicest part of the yacht,” I tell her.

  "I don't know." She smiles nervously and looks to the left and the right. She must think I'm ill-intentioned.

  “Don’t worry,” I tell her. “Nothing too scary up there except maybe my book collection. That could be frightening to some people.”

  "Book collection? How many books do you have?" she asks, perking up.

  “Probably about five or six hundred, but I rarely have time to read them. Always working, you know?”

  “Shame. Could I see them?”

  “Of course. They’re in my study, which is next to my bedroom.”

  Chapter Three


  Something about him makes me feel much more at ease, but I'm still nervous about going upstairs with him. I mean, these other guys on the boat are clearly the party playboy type. Ben must be in that same category of man, right?

  But he seems so calm and self-assured, plus he has hundreds of books. That has to be a good sign.

  But why me? Why would he take an interest in me? He seems like a guy who could have any girl he wants.

  He leads me straight to his books, which line an entire wall of his study. I catch a glimpse of his bedroom as we go by, and it looks neat and organized. I don’t know why I would be more interested in his bedroom than his books.

  I was going to take some novels with me on this trip, but Mindy convinced me not to because they would just take up luggage space. I should have said the same thing about all her shoes.

  “They’re a little dusty,” he says as he takes one off the shelf and wipes the cover with his palm. “I like to scour used bookstores everywhere I go. When I get a chance.”

  “You have a lot of classics.” I take out one of his books and look it over. It’s very old. But I’m distracted by Ben’s abs and biceps. He’s still in his bathing suit, his bare body displayed before me like a sculpture in a museum with a do not touch sign in front. I feel my face flush. He’s so much broader and more toned than his brother. He’s no boy. He’s a man. I'm attracted to him, but I don't know if I'm ready for a man in my life.

  “You and your friends are from America?” he asks. He must recognize our accents.

  “Yes. Wyoming. You’ve probably never heard of it.”

  “Of course. I have a property in Yellowstone.”


  “Oh yes. I invest in real estate. The mountains are beautiful there. It’s one of my favorite places in the summer.”

  “What kind of property do you own?”

  “A hotel.”

  Maybe I’ve been by it.”

  “I suppose that's possible."

  He’s looking at me, not the books. I suddenly feel like some kid talking to a teacher or something, and I don’t want to feel that way.

  “You know, I was going to sit quietly and read for a while before all of you came on board. If you like, we can read together. Or have a drink. Or sit in the hot tub for a bit."

  Hot tub? That would be perfect.

  “That sounds relaxing,” I say. “I don’t have a suit, though.”

  “I have p
lenty of them. I’ve got something that I think will fit you. Hold on.”

  He disappears out of the study, and my eyes are locked on him as he walks away. He works, he reads, and apparently, he spends plenty of time working out. There's no way he could have a sculpted body like that without plenty of physical activity.

  I turn back to the books. But my mind is on Ben now.

  He comes back in the room with a two-piece suit dangling from his hand, the strings hanging down. I drop the book on the floor and gasp at my mistake.

  “Don’t worry about that," he says in his sexy British accent.

  He stoops down and picks the book up off the floor at the exact same time that I reach down to do the same. Not only do our hands brush, which is electrifying, but our cheeks touch, too, and I’m suddenly very aware that he has a perfect line of sight to my cleavage. I take a quick step back.

  But as he slides the book back onto the shelf, he leans over me, and I can feel the heat coming off his body.

  “Here, take this. Try it on. If it doesn’t fit, let me know.”

  I take it from his hand, and once again, our hands touch. It sends a thundering pulse through my whole body. How can one little brush of skin make my entire body come alive in a way like never before?

  "You can change in my bedroom. I'll just step outside onto the deck. There's a hot tub and a bottle of wine for us. Join me whenever you're ready."

  He disappears, and I step into his bedroom. I feel frozen. My instincts tell me not to put the suit on and go out there with him. No matter how charming and sexy he is, he's must be the kind of guy who has a different girl every night. I don't want to be just another one-night stand.

  I turn toward the door to leave.

  But the alternative is to go back downstairs with my friends and those guys who aren't even attempting to mask their intentions. I can't get off the boat without making a huge fuss. And Mindy and Kate did tell me to get out of my comfort zone…

  I know I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to. But I came on this trip to be bolder.

  I strip naked in his bedroom and get a good look at myself in the mirror. Now I am glad I let Mindy and Kate take me to get a full wax before we left. I do have a great body, but I feel uncomfortable showing it off.

  I’m a lot more comfortable in a snowsuit.

  The more I look at myself naked in the mirror, standing in this stranger’s bedroom, the more confidence I start to gain. Besides, if it all goes to shit, I never have to see him again.

  I slip into the bikini. It feels like my nipples could pop out if I lean too far forward. It's bright red, which isn't usually my color because it calls attention. And I don't like to stand out.

  I don't know why, but I sit on his bed. I take a few deep breaths, then proceed outside. It's a private deck with a railing that overlooks the decks below. I can see the clear blue water stretching out before me, and the sun feels warm against my exposed skin. Ben is sitting in the hot tub with a book in his hands and two glasses of wine beside him.

  His eyes peak up above the pages and widen as I walk closer to him. He must like what he sees. I'm worried that my bikini has slipped, but I look down, and it's in place. I'm not used to showing so much of myself.

  And as I submerge myself into the hot tub, I feel my body relax with the jetting bubbles.

  "That looks good on you," says Ben, handing me a glass of wine.

  “Thank you.”

  “I hope I’m not making you uncomfortable.”

  I take a sip of wine and smile nervously. I am uncomfortable, but I don’t want him to know that.

  “So, what is it that you do for work?” I ask, trying to make conversation and avoid an awkward silence.

  "I invest in properties all over the world. I know it doesn't sound like a lot of actual work." He shrugs. "But it's a lot of time spent talking and negotiating. How about you, Allie?"

  I still can't believe he remembers my name. "Well, I just graduated from college, and I will start applying for jobs when I get back to the States.”

  “What did you study?”

  "Environmental Science. I've always loved animals and nature." After just a few sips of the wine, I'm already beginning to loosen up.

  "I can tell. I noticed your bracelet."

  Oh God, my bear. I feel so embarrassed. Bears aren’t sexy, are they?

  “What do you like to do for fun?” he asks.

  I think it over for a moment. I could give him a load of horseshit to make myself seem a lot cooler than I really am. Or I could just tell him the truth and be myself. "I like to read. Ride my horses. Spend time with my friends and family." I chose the truth, and he lights up at my words.

  For a few moments we listen to the giggles and incoherent slurs of our friends on the lower deck.

  “Do you have a boyfriend?” he asks, which makes me almost drop my glass.

  He’s digging. I don’t know what to say. I'm staring at his chest, and it's so wet and smooth. I want to reach out and stroke it.

  “Sorry,” he says before I can answer. “Maybe that was too personal.”

  “No, it’s fine. I don’t have a boyfriend. I haven’t dated much.”

  Or at all. But I don’t want him to know that.

  "You care more about your studies and your goals. I'm impressed."

  The way he smiles at me makes me feel like the only girl on Earth. He seems genuinely interested in me.

  “Do you just travel all over the world on this yacht?”

  "Sometimes. I also fly often. I feel like I travel more than I live. Do you know what I mean?”

  “Not really. This is my first trip outside of the United States.”

  "That's okay. You have plenty of years to travel."

  He knows I’m young. But I hope he doesn’t see me as just some kid who’s never left home. I might be shy and inexperienced, but I still want him to know that I'm a woman.

  “Where is your favorite place to go?” I ask.

  He makes a face like he has to think about it. His eyes fall to my chest and then quickly snap back up to my face. "I think I would have to say Portugal. But, to be honest, the best places are the ones with the best people. It all depends on who you meet.”

  “I’m glad I met you.” I hold up my glass.

  "And I am delighted to have met you, Allie." He clinks his glass to mine.

  The sun is starting to sink lower, and I feel the air become slightly cooler. I yawn and listen to Kate and Mindy giggling on the deck below.

  “Are you getting tired?”

  “No, I’m okay.”

  “Good,” he says. “Because in about an hour the sun is going to set. I'd love for you to watch the sunset with me."

  Here I go. I’m about to be bold and take a leap.

  I wade across the hot bubbling water and put one hand on his shoulder. It's soft and muscular. He takes my glasses off my face and sets them aside. Now I can't see him well, but well enough to be entranced by his eyes and his sexy smile.

  “I’d love to watch it with you,” I say. This is the perfect moment to kiss him. Go for it, Allie, I say to myself. But I’m stuck. I can’t move. I’m way too nervous. I just take a sip of wine instead and look away.

  His fingers grab gently onto my chin, and he takes the wine and sets it aside. I feel my heart pounding in my chest. He leans in and kisses me, and it's such a sweet kiss. My body drifts toward him, and I feel his chest against mine. I hope he can’t feel me shaking. I want to pull away from him, but I also want his lips to stay on mine forever.

  Why am I so conflicted about this? Why can’t I just enjoy the moment?

  His hands hold onto my waist. I want them to touch me somewhere else, but they remain still, firmly gripped to my ribcage. I let him kiss me as he pleases, afraid to get too passionate and show him how clumsy I am.

  I definitely want him, which scares me.

  I don't know how long we're kissing for, but eventually, I pull away.

  “Everything alri
ght?” he asks with a dreamy look in his eyes like he just came down from heaven.

  “Everything’s fine,” I say as I put my glasses back on. “Just getting a little hungry. I haven’t eaten all day.”

  “Oh, I should have offered you something sooner. Are you a vegetarian or anything?”

  “Yes, I am a vegetarian.”

  “Alright, no problem.” He climbs out of the hot tub and disappears inside.

  My body is still revving like an engine. I wanted to keep kissing and kissing until long after sunset, but I don’t want to disappoint him.

  “Something will be out shortly,” he says, swiftly returning to the hot tub and submerging his gorgeous body. “Would you like some more wine?”

  “Maybe just a little.” I hold out my glass for him.

  He's such a gentleman, and it's hard to believe that he and Tucker are even related.

  “Just let me know if there’s anything you need, Allie.”

  Oh God, I love how he says my name. I want to start kissing him again. I begin to lean forward, but then someone comes out with a tray of small sandwiches for us.

  “Thank you,” I tell the server and reach for a sandwich. Ben smiles at me.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Nothing. You’re just so polite. It’s sexy.”

  I blush. I can hear my friends below getting a little too drunk. I'm almost offended that they have completely forgotten about me, but I know they're just having a good time. And so am I. Ben and I talk for a while longer, but I maintain my distance. I still don’t know if I can trust him. I don’t know if I can trust myself to make the right decisions right now. This is all so new to me, I feel like a deer caught in the headlights. I don't know what to do.

  The sun starts to go down, and we fall silent as we watch it set. Everything about this scene is achingly romantic, and I feel like I should be all over him. Something inside me is not ready to surrender.

  “You’re welcome to stay overnight if you like,” he says when the last sliver of orange has dipped below the horizon.

  I give him a wry smile. The darkness makes me feel a lot more secure and hidden from his lusting eyes.

  "Thank you," I say. "But, I think my friends and I should get back to the hotel soon."


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