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IN THE END: A Quarantine Romance

Page 5

by Anders, Tarrah

  I concentrate on where we’re joined as our tongues tangle. My body begins to hum, and I’m at a loss of air as I use his kiss as my lifeline. With goosebumps erupting on my skin, I push up and grind myself onto him.

  He bites his lower lip and his hands return to grasp my hips.

  “Use me to get yourself off, take what you need.”

  I’m grinding on him, finding my release and soon, I feel my body clench and he groans loudly as I come.

  “Yes, I’m going to come too. Fuck me, Kendall,” he groans.

  I’m riding the high of an intense orgasm as Levi bucks under me and then holds me down against him. I feel the throbbing of his cock within me and watch pleasure mask his face as he gives into his own release.

  Our bodies twitch with the remnants of bliss before I collapse on his chest. His strong arms envelope me while we catch our breaths and I slide off of him.

  “We should find blind spots closer to the bathrooms, every time, I feel like it’s a walk of shame.” Levi sits up.

  “It’s only a walk of shame if you make it. I personally feel like it’s the Champions walk… I pretend there’s an adoring crowd cheering me on.” I say with a laugh.

  “Oh yeah, and what would they be saying?” He quirks an eyebrow swinging his legs over the side of the air mattress and stuffing them into his pants.

  “Something along the lines of ‘you go girl, get some!’” I say standing and putting on the pair of sweat pants that I commandeered for sleeping.

  “How original,” Levi jokes.

  “Why would I need to make it anything than straight to the point?”

  “Good point. Shall we clean up then?”

  * * *

  I can tell as I walk around the store to get my steps for the day in, that people are getting restless. People are bored and want to get out of here and most importantly want information. Luckily, none of the people so far have disobeyed any of the rules or tried to get out of here, but you can tell that their previously upbeat demeanors are wearing thin.

  It’s almost time for me to head to where we’ve been cooking all the meals, at the back of the store by the food, when I hear someone coughing. I’m immediately on alert, remembering the advice that the Colonel gave us at the very beginning.

  If you see something, say something.

  I look around to see if I can see anyone or hear anyone as well.

  Maybe it was a one-time thing.

  I try to rack my mind for what the news was saying the onset of symptoms were, but I can’t. The information wasn’t so publicly wide-spread a week ago, and I didn’t pay any attention to anything other than music while I was driving.





  I should have paid more attention.



  “What is it that you aren’t telling us?” One woman shrieks.

  “We can’t leave, we’re stuck inside here with no real answers, how is this legal?” another asks.

  “Ma’am, the National Guard is here not by the Federal Government, but by the state. We are taking measures to keep you as safe as possible.”

  “How is it safe, if we are not at home with our families? We could be in the comforts of our homes with our loved ones, instead of in here with complete strangers.”

  “I understand that you are frustrated. I understand that this is abnormal, but we are doing everything in our power to make sure that everything is okay.” I say with a level voice.

  “What’s happening outside these doors?” A portly gentleman asks.

  “The numbers of the virus have increased exponentially. The hospitals are packed, and the government is immobilizing pop up hospitals and to be truthfully honest, it’s just not safe.”

  “How do we get the virus?” someone from the back yells.

  “It’s not for certain, but I know that it can last in the air for a brief period of time. It also can live on some surfaces as well. That is a reason why we are all here together. If someone gets the virus, we can quarantine them from the public. We can handle this with extreme caution and care and will assure that you all are safe.” I tell them.

  “I called my husband and he said that the state is on a lockdown, is that true?”

  “Yes, the state went on lockdown this morning,” I reply.

  “So, then why can we not go home and be on lockdown there?”

  I’m terrified to tell the crowd the truth. The truth should be coming from the Colonel and not myself, but I feel that these people need to have some answers.

  I look around me and hold up my finger as I pull my walkie-talkie to my mouth.

  “Colonel Roberts, we have people here that need to have their questions answered. We can’t keep them in the dark any longer. They have a right to know what is happening.” I say quietly.

  I hold for his response.

  “Location, James?”

  “Mess hall sir, I’ll hold on and wait for your approach.” I reply.

  There’s no additional response, but a moment later he’s at my side.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, may I please have your attention? I understand that you have questions?” He asks reflecting authority in his ramrod straightened stance.

  The crowd of folks in the area has increased, and it would appear that everyone who has been quarantined in this space, is now here.

  “We want answers, why are we stuck here and not stuck at home?” An older woman, clutching the hand to a young boy asks.

  I look over to where I last saw Kendall and she’s watching the crowd with Janelle at her side. She knows what’s happening, I’ve shared with her the reasoning for us being here, but now is the time to hear it from my boss—which could make it all that more real.

  The crowd goes from hushed voices to complete silence in seconds. He stands at the crowd’s height, not towering over anyone and I think that is the smartest thing he’s done since we’ve been in this predicament.

  “I want to be able to answer your questions as much as possible. Please know that while we look like we have all the information, we are still getting directions from outside this location as well as from the state and Federal Government. I don’t want anyone to have moments of panic and I want to assure you that we have this under control.”

  “What is really happening?” a brave little girl, around the age of ten asks. Her hand secured in her grandfather’s grasp. He tries to shush her, but I see the determination in her eyes as she stares down my boss.

  “Well, little lady–”

  “My name is Ginger, and I’m far from little.” her sass is perfect with her free hand to her hip.

  “Well, Ginger. There is a virus that is spreading, community to community. We’re still learning the exact details, but we know that once the virus clings onto a person, that the person can make another person sick.”

  “How does this affect us?” Ginger’s grandfather asks with her looking adoringly at him.

  “We received an alert from the store the moment that someone who had a high fever came in. We acted immediately, and we secured the area promptly, and so now that is where we currently stand.”

  “How did you know they had a fever?” Another voice in the crowd asks.

  “This store is equipped with infrared thermal cameras. These cameras detect body heat, and, in this situation, store security was making sure the safety of its patrons was taken care of.” Colonel replies.

  “So, where is this person with the fever?” A woman asks from the front of the crowd.

  “Ma’am, anyone who has become infected or reflect symptoms, have been taken to isolation and quarantine. We have one area isolated, as you may have seen and, a mobile hospital,” he answers.

  “You mean that there is more than one person? And none of us have been notified?” Someone shrieks.

  “I assure you that we have taken immediate precautions in maintaining any spread of this virus. We have had d
aily testing, and we’re also monitoring the progress of the individuals who are in the separate quarantine. California has created a new vaccine which is going under clinical trials, and we’ve requested to be a part of those trials. Now I understand that most of you are separated from your families, and I promise that we are doing everything that we can to keep you safe. This will blow over, the number of those contracting the virus are lowering, however the stakes are still very high, should we close this center and let you all out.”

  “How do we know that we are not part of some crazy government experiment? I know how some of you people think.” A male voice calls from the side.

  “Sir, we do not and will not experiment on the American people. Our job is to keep you safe.” he promises.

  “How do we know that?” The voice asks.

  “Because you have my word. We will get through this, and from this, our nation will be stronger, more unified and a lot safer.”



  Levi was gone for a few hours this morning. He missed breakfast and most of the morning. I’m taking notes from a conversation with one of the butchers about what we could do for dinner when Janelle comes to sit beside me.

  “Hey,” I smile at her.

  She looks exhausted as she gives me a half smile before closing her eyes.

  “I want this to be over,” she says.

  “Tell me about it. I wish that this would be over with.”

  “So far, all your tests have come up negative, right?” she asks.

  “I’m pretty sure that I wouldn’t be here, if they weren’t.”

  “So, there is really a quarantine zone? How do I not know of this? I’m the manager on duty, they should be talking to me, right?” She asks sitting up straight.

  “They should be coordinating with you, but I think that they took the place over and are now acting on their own.” I tell her.

  “How are you remaining so calm? I look everywhere, and people are totally freaked out.” she asks.

  “I’ve been freaking out privately and taking in all the information when I get it.”

  “What does that mean?” she asks. “Wait, did you know that there was a quarantine happening here?”

  “I may have had some information like that, yes.” I nod slowly, gauging her reaction.

  “You’ve become friends with that one guy, right? He’s told you some things?”

  “Yes, I’ve asked him direct questions, and he’s somewhat confirmed some of them.”

  “The ‘blink once for yes’ game?”

  “Something along those lines,” I smirk.

  “Is there a little something more than becoming friends happening there? If I think about it, I do see you two together a lot,” she quirks an eyebrow in thought while looking at me.

  I can’t lie to her, and I know that she wouldn’t forgive me if I continued to keep it from her.

  “Blink once for yes, and twice for no,” she asks eliciting a laugh from me.

  “We have been spending a lot of time together. I guess the forced proximity of all this has us getting to know one another in an unconventional way. But yeah, I blink once.”

  “Shut the fuck up! What the hell? Has this been from the start? Why haven’t you said anything?”

  “Well, considering that he’s working almost around the clock, I think that’s the number one reason. Plus, we don’t want to distract from the matter at hand here. Why prance around all happy and all, when people are in here freaking out.” I shrug.

  “I think it would be a nice reprieve. I mean it’s a story to tell, ‘I fell in love while in quarantine,’ that is straight up something that is out of a damn romance novel. Somebody better get to writing that right away.”

  “I’m not in love, I think that we’re just in heavy like.”

  “And how far does heavy liking get you? You guys just swapping spit, or is there some under the shirt action happening?”

  I don’t say anything and look anywhere but at her, which she catches right away.

  “Oh my God, you’re a pandemic hussy!” She whisper shouts while pointing at me.

  “I don’t think that’s a thing.” I shake my head.

  “Oh, it’s totally a thing, and right now—you’re the president,” she says, then smirks and points at me again, “you hussy.”

  I see Levi walk around the corner and he smiles as he sees me. I must have smiled right back at him or else Janelle wouldn’t have made some strange squeal before turning around.

  “Ahh, I like how he makes you smile.” She says quickly before he approaches.

  “Ladies,” Levi nods as he greets the both of us.

  “Hey Mr. Hussy,” Janelle smirks.

  He looks confused from her greeting and then quizzingly looks at me, I just shrug.

  “She’s Ms. Hussy and you’re Mr. Hussy. We need to get you both sashes or something.”

  “Hussy?” he questions.

  “Oh, she knows about us,” I tell him, and I see the relaxation settle in his body.

  “But how does that make us ‘hussies’?” Levi asks.

  “Because you two are taking advantage of us all being here in quarantine. I mean, I get it, what else do we have to do other than hump like bunnies to keep sane.”

  “I’m not sure that’s what this actually is, I like to think that it’s a little more than that,” he looks at me and says.

  Janelle looks between us. “You both have that dopey look in your eyes, I believe it.”

  I ignore her, and it looks like Levi does too. “Well, I’m glad that there’s someone that we don’t need to hide from.”

  “Your secret is safe with me,” Janelle assures him. “But now that we are all in on that secret, how about you let me in on the other secrets happening around here?”

  Levi looks at me again with questioning eyes.

  “She’s asking about what was said from your bosses, why was none of that discussed with the store?” I tell him.

  “Honestly, I’m not sure.”

  “Wouldn’t some of the information still be my business, since I’m the only one here who is representing management of the store?” she asks.

  “One would think, yes. You should be updated to an extent. However, I know that there has been communications occurring with the store owner. So, I would suggest that you shake your fist at him.” Levi says.

  “But why would I do that if I have you dirtying up my bestie here?”

  “What does my relationship with Kendall have to do with any of this,” he shakes his head asking.

  “I can make it, so she doesn’t let your hands go up her shirt anymore.” Janelle jokes.

  “Oh gawd, please don’t make me a pawn here. That hurts me as much as it hurts him.” I whine.

  “So, Mr. Hussy, what’s new in quarantine?” Janelle asks as Levi rolls his eyes.



  I enjoyed the back and forth with Kendall and her friend, as well as the fact that we don’t need to hide our relationship from someone. While I do still think it’s important to appear to remain professional in front of the guys and my superiors, it is getting increasingly harder to do.

  I find that while I’m making my rounds and checking in with my unit, I’m keeping my eyes peeled to catch glimpse of her. While I’m assisting the doc with the tests, I’m anxious when it’s her turn, for that single moment where I will see her for that time period.

  Even though we spend time together for the breakfast and dinner hours, as well as most of the night, it’s not enough.

  I want more.

  I want to be able to parade around this space, that’s become home to many of us. I want to walk around holding her hand and kissing her. I want to have more than stolen glances and behind the scenes everything else.

  I’m sitting in the briefing area with the doc when someone comes up to us. His face is pale, and it appears as if he is holding in a cough.

  The doc swings his chair around at the
sound of someone behind him.

  “What’s going on, Virgil?” Doc asks.

  “I’m not feeling too hot, Doc.” he proclaims pulling the collar of his shirt away from his damp skin.

  The Doc stands up quickly with his chair pushed back, slamming against another chair as he moves quickly.

  He motions for me to follow while the doctor pulls gloves out of his jacket pocket. We move along the outskirts of the store and even though we’re walking briskly, panic engulfs me as we move.

  The doctor is talking quietly to Virgil as if it’s normal conversation until we get into the doorway to the isolation area.

  “James, suit up. I want you in here with me. You will need to add extra precautions just in case. I’m going to need you with me for this.” Doc says to me.

  I don’t think twice while I move through the motions of getting my protective gear on. Once I’ve got the face guard and the mask on, I enter into the space. The doctor has Virgil laying on the bed and beginning with the blood pressure and checking his vitals.

  “Where do you need me sir?” I ask as I walk up to him.

  “I need you to write down the vitals as I say them for now.” He tells me.

  I grab a blank notepad and begin writing down the information as instructed.

  I run through the motions of what I’m being told and after forty-five minutes, it’s clear that Virgil has the beginning signs of the virus. The pattern from the others and the way that Virgil is presenting is consistent with how the others began.

  After I get out of the isolation space, I stand in the in between space, where a disinfectant zone has been erected. I dump my fatigues in the bin and stand stark ass naked washing my body in the scalding hot water then change into a pair of scrubs.

  I run my hand through my short-wet hair as I walk back to the area where everyone else is. I scan the crowd for Kendall, but don’t see her. I walk around to where the mess hall is and see that she’s sitting with Janelle, holding a meeting with a group of the staff who work in the kitchen.


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