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Sinful Intentions

Page 7

by Devon Hartford

  My three friends Jorge, Gavin, and Cameron were supposed to join us at Ruth’s Chris Steak House tonight for the festivities. And there it was again. Dad trying to keep Brooke and Mrs. H away. The evidence was starting to stack against him.

  “If we only invite Brooke,” Mom said, “they can easily make room for one more.”

  “Not with how the tables are arranged,” Dad countered.

  “They’ll find a way,” Mom insisted. “Brooke can squeeze in beside Michael. She’s such a little thing.”

  “Kathleen?” Dad’s voice pitched up in polite anger. “Can we talk for a moment? In private?”

  Mom sighed, “Why are you making such an issue out of this, Mike?” When Mom called Dad Mike, she meant business. “It’s Brooke Hillstrom we’re talking about here. You’re acting like she’s a complete stranger.”

  Dad stepped toward the hallway that led to their downstairs master bedroom and stopped.

  “Where are you going?” Mom demanded. “We haven’t settled this.”

  “To our bedroom. So we can talk. In private.”

  “Fine!” Mom threw up her arms and turned to me. “While we’re talking, Mike, be a dear and go ask Brad and Diane if they and Brooke would like to join us. I need to call Ruth’s right now if it’s going to be nine people.” Mom could be as relentless as Dad.

  “Kathleen?” Dad said, the slightest suggestion of strain fraying his normally authoritative voice. The only person who could make Dad squirm that I’d ever seen was Mom. It was probably why they were still married.

  “It’s just dinner,” Mom said to Dad, already shouldering past him toward the hallway, “Mike’s birthday dinner. If he wants to invite Brooke and her parents, let him.”

  Dad followed her down the hall, his boots thudding in frustration.

  Still in bare feet, I went outside to invite Brooke.

  When I got to her house, it was an all-out riot.

  Chapter 12

  In the Hillstrom driveway, Mr. H’s matching black BMW was parked next to Mrs. H’s. From inside the house, sounds of frantic battle floated through an open window.

  “I’ve had it with you, Brooke!” Mrs. H shouted. “Had it!”

  There was male mumbling I couldn’t quite hear. Probably Mr. H saying something, trying to calm things down.

  “That’s no excuse!” Mrs. H countered. “Your daughter told our neighbor I slept with my teacher right in front of my face!”

  Brooke shrieked, “You told Mike I’m flunking college right in front of my face!”

  “It’s not the same thing! Not even close, young lady!”

  “If you weren’t high on pills and drunk all the time, I never would’ve known, would I?” Brooke’s voice had a superior air.

  “You aired my dirty laundry in front of a complete stranger!”

  “He’s not a stranger! He’s our neighbor! We’re friends!”

  “Friends?! Ha! I’ve never once seen you talking to him before today! I know what you two were doing! Friends my ass!”

  “You have no idea!” Brooke screamed. “No idea!”

  I was pretty sure Mrs. H did. She wasn’t an idiot. Was now a good time to invite them to my birthday dinner? That was a joke. Hearing this was painful and confusing. I was torn.

  “Neither do you, young lady! Calm yourself down right now! You will not scream at me in my house!”

  “I don’t have to put up with this shit!”

  “That’s right! You don’t! You’re twenty-one years old! Put on your big girl panties and move out already! Pay for your own damn place like an adult!”

  “If it wasn’t for college, I would have years ago! Years!”

  “Nobody’s stopping you!”

  “Fine! I will!”

  “Good luck paying rent on what you make at the animal shelter,” Mrs. H chuckled with disgust.

  “I won’t have to!” Brooke screamed. “Once I’m a veterinarian, I’ll make plenty of money!”

  “You haven’t even finished community college! You’ve been there three years and what do you have to show for it?! Nothing!”

  There was a pause, like Brooke was searching for a response but couldn’t come up with one.

  Her mom went on the attack, “What’s taking you so long, Brooke? Why can’t you finish a two year degree like everyone else?!”

  “You didn’t! You barely graduated high school!”

  “So what? I got my real estate license six months after I graduated! Six months! If you went and got yours instead of chasing your pipe dream, you’d already be making money!”

  “I don’t want to be you! I hate everything about you!”

  Mumbling from Mr. H.

  “Shut up, Brad!” Mrs. H shouted. “Brooke, if you hate me so much, then move out right now!”

  “Fine! I’ll go live with Travis! He’ll let me stay free!”

  Travis? Wasn’t he the cheating asshole Brooke mentioned earlier? Why would she want to move in with him instead of me? I wasn’t sure, but it sucked to hear. Even so, I wanted to tell Brooke she could move into my room, but I already knew Dad would never allow it.

  Mrs. H laughed, “Have fun with Travis! I don’t need to tell you that piece of work can’t stay faithful to his own prick!”

  “Oh!” Brooke wailed in frustration.

  Mrs. H didn’t spare the barbs when it came to her daughter, did she?

  Brooke screamed, “You had to go and bring that up, didn’t you?!”

  “I’m just looking out for you,” Mrs. H chortled haughtily. “You couldn’t tell then what a loser Travis was and you still can’t.”

  “What’re you doing, Mike?” asked Mom, standing on the sidewalk behind me, looking concerned.

  I was standing halfway up the Hillstrom driveway where I had stopped when I’d heard the shouting. I turned around and walked toward Mom.

  From inside the house, Brooke screeched, “You’re the loser! You slept with my boyfriend!” There was a long pause. “That’s right! You didn’t know that, did you, Dad? Mom slept with Austin after I broke up with him!”

  Instead of trying to recall who Austin was (had there been cowboy hats coming and going?) or Travis (something about a muscle car, maybe?), I glanced at my mom.

  Her eyes were full moons. She whispered, “I think we should leave them alone.”

  A startling commotion at the Hillstrom house stole our focus. The front door banged open and Mrs. H marched out, pointing her key at her BMW like a pistol, starting the engine remotely, and seething to herself, “I don’t have to take any more shit from that little bitch.”

  Mr. H came rushing out after his wife. He looked like a middle-aged male model with salt-and-pepper hair. He wore a shirt and tie that were as tightly wound as he was at the moment. “Diane! Come back here! Diane!”

  Neither of them noticed me or Mom on the sidewalk.

  Brooke stood angrily in the front door of her house, red faced and glaring at her parents. When she saw me, she scowled and slammed the door.

  “Where do you think you’re going, Diane?!” Mr. H demanded, holding onto the open driver door of Mrs. H’s BMW with his full weight.

  “Out!” Mrs. H barked and gave her door a futile tug.

  Mr. H wouldn’t let go. “Diane! You’re not going anywhere until you explain yourself!”

  “Yes! I! Am!” With each word, she gave the door a solid yank until finally it slammed shut. She revved the running engine and backed out bouncing into the street, skidding slightly as the car turned, braked, then shot forward with a roar.

  “Damn it, Diane!” Mr. H shouted, rushing to his own car. He jumped in his identical Beemer and backed out without ever noticing me or Mom. Then he raced after his wife.

  When the sounds settled, Mom muttered, “I’m sorry you had to see that.”

  “What’d I tell you?” Dad grinned proudly from our front porch. “Trouble. The entire family. Nothing but trouble.”

  “Not now, Mike!” Mom barked at Dad.

  He shr
ugged, still grinning, and strolled back into the house, closing the door to keep in the A/C.

  I wanted to shoot him. Had I a gun, I would.

  “Don’t listen to your father,” Mom said. “Every family has their problems. Even ours.” She put a motherly arm behind my shoulders. “Let’s go inside.”

  “What about Brooke?”

  Mom looked at the Hillstrom house and sighed, “I think she needs time to calm down. Give her space until she’s ready.”

  I sighed in frustration.

  “Don’t worry, Mike. You can talk to her later. She isn’t going anywhere.”

  The Hillstrom front door slammed. I looked up to see Brooke already rushing across her empty driveway, wearing large sunglasses that hid half her face and carrying a stuffed-full backpack. She dropped into her pearl white Mazda MX-5 Miata convertible. It was parked by the sidewalk with its top down. Brooke sped off in the opposite direction of her parents without once looking at me or Mom.

  Was she going to Travis’s house with that backpack? Or Austin’s? Or any of a dozen other guys? If not a hundred?

  A sudden pain in my guts signaled them falling onto the sidewalk because the phantom samurai sword attached to Brooke’s car had surely sliced them open when it sped off.

  “She’ll be back,” Mom said.

  “Will she?” I said, my voice quavering. If I had my own car, I’d chase after her. Were I to ask Dad to borrow his Mustang, which he allowed me to drive only when he was in the passenger seat, the answer would obviously be no. Were I to ask, nay take his Harley (which I knew how to ride), the answer would be swift vengeance. Were I to ask Mom to borrow her Toyota to chase after Brooke, who was fading into obscurity by the second, a yes from Mom would get vetoed by Dad. It was too late anyway. I’d never catch Brooke’s speeding Miata now. That girl was gone.

  “It’s okay, honey.” Mom always called me that when she was comforting me. “Brooke will be back. You’ll see her again.”

  Why didn’t I believe her?

  “Tonight’s your birthday, right? We’re having steak at Ruth’s Chris. Your friends will be there. It’ll be fun.”

  I wasn’t sure if I was capable of having fun until I knew Brooke was settled somewhere safe that was not Travis’s or Austin’s house, or anyone else’s except hers or mine. “I need to go for a walk.”

  “You do that.” Mom patted my chest. “Clear your head. We have time while your father and I get ready. Make sure you’re back in half an hour so you can put on a shirt and tie.” She glanced at my bare feet. “Put some shoes on before you go. The sidewalk is very hot.”

  “Yeah,” I said and dragged myself inside to get flip-flops before starting down the broiling sidewalk, oblivious to the summer oven of suburbia.

  I had no idea I was about to buy the winning MegaLotto ticket that would net me a cool $500 million dollars, and that was after taxes. I wouldn’t confirm that bit of trivia until I collected the money tomorrow morning.

  Chapter 13

  I bought the MegaLotto ticket at 7-Eleven when I went in for a bottle of Gatorade. I was sweating my ass off from walking. The ticket was an afterthought. I only bought it because several people in line in front of me were buying them by the bushel. That was when I read the red LED MegaLotto number glowing from the sign on the wall like a dollar-sign siren. $1.5 billion dollars. I knew you never got the full amount, but whatever the final take, it was more money than I could imagine. Since it was my eighteenth birthday, and I could legally buy one for myself, I decided to buy a single ticket. I didn’t expect to win, but you never won if you didn’t play.

  Then I hurried home.

  Not because I wanted to go out for my birthday dinner. The last thing I wanted to do was anything that put me in the same room with Dad. I wanted to see if Brooke had come back. When I turned onto my street, I saw instantly that her car wasn’t there.

  I had to drag myself the rest of the way.

  Tonight was going to be miserable.

  At least I’d have Jorge, Gavin and Cameron to run interference between me and Dad. If necessary, I could make sure Cameron sat next to Dad. Cam planned on working at NASA after college. He could talk Dad’s ear off about jets and had on several occasions, something Dad was happy to do all night if you let him.

  Since I had nothing better to do, I’d suck up dinner with the fam.

  “There you are!” Mom called from the front door. “What took you so long?”

  “Sorry,” I sighed, trudging toward the house. “I must’ve gone farther than I realized.”

  “You’re drenched!”

  I glanced down. Sure enough, I’d sweat through my T-shirt.

  “You need to take a shower before we go out!” She was right about that. “Hurry up, Mike! You know how your father hates to be kept waiting.”

  I was about to say Dad could go fuck himself, but Brooke driving up in her MX5 stopped me. The top was down as before, and her big sunglasses hid her eyes. She pulled in the empty driveway and jumped out of her car, heading for her front door.

  My heart raced. I looked between her and Mom.

  Mom said in a hushed voice, “Go talk to her. I’ll stall.” She went back in the house and closed the front door.

  I went after Brooke, sprinting to her driveway then slowing to a jog.

  She dropped her keys jingling on the front porch, bent over with a pout to pick them up.

  “Hey,” I said softly.

  “Mike?” She turned around and beamed, “It’s you! What’re you doing here?”

  I shoved my hands into the pockets of my shorts. “I, uh, I came by earlier, and, uh, I sort of, uh.”

  She scowled, “You heard me fighting with my parents, didn’t you?”

  “I didn’t mean to,” I said, staring at my toes and flip-flops. “I came over to, uh, ask if you wanted to go to my birthday dinner tonight.”

  “It’s your birthday?” Brooke smiled.

  I nodded. “Turned eighteen today.”

  “You never told me, silly! Why didn’t you say something?”

  “It never came up.”

  “But you did,” she giggled, blushing through her tan. “You came too.” She brushed blonde hair behind one ear and swiveled bashfully from side to side like today had been her first time as well as mine.

  “So did you,” I chuckled, already turned on, my dick starting to stiffen in my shorts. I challenged anyone to get within fifty feet of Brooke Hillstrom without getting turned on, women included. Her sexuality was overwhelming.

  “Now I need to go,” she sighed sadly.

  “You just got here.”

  “I came back for my birth control pills. I need to get them and go.”

  “Go where?”

  “Not here,” she said with a finality that didn’t include me.


  “Come inside with me.”

  Same as before, Brooke yanked me into her house and closed the door. This time, instead of dragging me upstairs, she started tearing my clothes off in the entry way.

  Chapter 14

  Our lips locked together, Brooke grabbed my T-shirt in both balled fists and pulled me against her and the wall behind us. Still kissing, I threw my arms forward around either side of her head to stop from bashing into her.

  Her hands dove into my shorts and grabbed my dick.

  I groaned when she started to stroke.

  “Are you hard for me, Mike?”

  “Fuck yeah I am,” I moaned.

  “Do you want to fuck me?”

  “I always want to fuck you.”

  “Fuck me against the wall. Right here, Mike. Fuck me against this wall.”

  A loud rumbling car passed by outside. It took a few seconds before it was obvious it wasn’t stopping here.

  “Fuck me, Mike.”

  “What if your parents walk in?”

  “I don’t care! Let them see us!”

  Having heard them fighting earlier, I wasn’t sure I liked that idea. My dick said I was a
n idiot. Brooke’s hands agreed. They were stroking my dick with purpose.

  “Please, Mike. Fuck me until the pain goes away.” Her sincerity was admirable and completely vulnerable.

  How could I say no to that?

  I moaned, “Okay, yeah.”

  I finally did what I’d been wanting to do for years.

  I reached up with both hands and squeezed Brooke’s huge boobs through her sleeveless V-neck T-shirt.

  Her eyes slammed shut, she bit her lower lip, and moaned.

  I massaged gently while thrusting my hips toward hers.

  She yanked her hands out of my shorts and slapped them on my ass, squeezing. “Pick me up.”

  I scooped her ass up with both hands and lifted until her pussy pressed against my dick through both our shorts.

  She whipped her legs around my back, kicked off her sandals, and squeezed, grinding her pussy against my rigidity. It was twitching in desperation, demanding entry, but there was nothing I could do while holding up Brooke.

  “Take me upstairs,” she hissed in my ear, licking and caressing it with her tongue.

  I carried her upstairs easily, taking them two at a time.

  “So strong,” she giggled.

  Her bedroom door was open. I carried her over the threshold and kicked it shut. I dropped her on the bed and tore her yoga pants and panties down in one go while she arched her butt off the mattress. When I looked up, she’d already peeled off her V-neck and was unhooking her bra.

  I didn’t waste any time stripping down.

  Now naked, she pushed herself back up the bed grinning.

  I dove for her pussy.

  It was already drenched and I drank.

  “We don’t have time!” she hissed. “Just fuck me!”

  I could follow instructions. This time I did fist my dick and dipped it in her wetness before sliding in.

  “Oh, God, yes,” she moaned. “Fuck me, Mike. Fuck me as hard as you can.”

  I did.

  Within minutes, powerful orgasms stole over both of us, surprising her as much as me. She came hard, spasming beneath me and clawing my back with her nails while squealing my name. For all her noise, I think I came harder, growling with an angry desperation that surprised me. What surprised me even more was when I blurted while hammering her hole, “Nobody is taking this from me! Fucking nobody!” Those alien words spun out into one long grunt as I arched my back and emptied myself into Brooke, pulsing jolts of hot cum deep inside her.


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