To Defy a Duke: Dangerous Dukes Vol 1

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To Defy a Duke: Dangerous Dukes Vol 1 Page 16

by Wendy Soliman

  The twins! Athena’s hand flew to her mouth, and she pushed herself away from the wall with a great sense of urgency. She had to find them and Millie. If Blake hadn’t seen her, he would surely see them. They were so alike they stood out even in a crowd. Thank God they weren’t dressed the same today, but even so, he would notice them sooner or later. Was it safe to reveal herself yet? If she hadn’t been seen, perhaps Blake wouldn’t recognise the twins after all, she thought, wishing rather than expecting it to be so. It was her he wanted. The twins were just a means to an end. Besides, in their grown up gowns, they were unrecognisable from the young girls he knew. What to do?

  She tensed when she heard footsteps approaching her solitary location. She couldn’t be caught here. It would be safer to lose herself in the crowd. But her legs refused to move, and before she could force them to she became conscious of a large body looming over her. She recognised the aroma of sandalwood soap and imperious duke, and was suddenly afraid of him, too, but for very different reasons. She looked up and the concern in Eli’s eyes was almost her undoing. He grabbed her shoulders to support her, which is when she realised she was trembling quite violently.

  ‘What is it?’ he asked. ‘Who has frightened you?’

  ‘It’s nothing.’ She shook her head against his chest, overwrought and exhausted.

  ‘Nothing, you say. Then why are you shaking like a leaf? Tell me, Athena. Tell me what it is and what I can do to be of service to you?’

  ‘Find Millie and the twins, if you want to help me. We must leave at once.’

  ‘Selene is dancing with Ned. I saw her just a second ago. Lyssa is with Millie in the barn. They are all perfectly safe.’

  She glanced up at him, her eyes moist with unshed tears. ‘You checked on them before coming to find me? Why would you do that?’

  ‘I assume whatever frightened you applies equally to them, and so it follows you would be worried about them.’

  She sagged with relief, her knees almost giving out beneath her. One of his arms slipped to her waist, supporting her as it pulled her against him. She fell against his chest, comforted by its solidity. She couldn’t afford to lean on him—on anyone—for long. Even so, she rested her head against his shoulder and drew on his considerable strength. She had borne her responsibilities alone for so long it was impossible not to feel the pull of someone stronger, someone she instinctively trusted. It was impossible not to be tempted to confide in him.

  But she simply couldn’t take that risk.

  ‘Tell me,’ Eli said softly, speaking into the top of her head. ‘Let me help you.’

  She shook her head against his shoulder. ‘You can’t help me. No one can. Besides, you have more than enough problems of your own.’

  ‘For the love of God, Athena.’ He grasped her shoulders again, pulled her away from the comfortable pillow formed by his shoulder, and glared passionately into her eyes. ‘Do you realise how much influence I have? I might sometimes resent my position, but at least I can use it for the good of people deserving my help. What would be the point otherwise? There is nothing, absolutely nothing I can’t achieve if I set my mind to it.’ The urgency in his voice gave way to a soft, persuasive purr. ‘Let me be of help to you, Athena. I can’t bear to see you like this.’

  ‘Eli, I want to, but I can’t.’ She screwed her eyes shut, unable to meet the entreaty in his expression, truly conflicted. ‘It would do no good. Even you aren’t above the law.’

  She sensed his surprise. ‘You are in trouble with the law?’

  ‘In a manner of speaking.’

  ‘Oh, this is ridiculous!’

  He appeared to be losing patience with her and would soon leave her alone. She felt the loss right to her very core, but knew it would be better that way. He couldn’t afford to involve himself in her affairs. If he did so, her uncle would have every right to publicly castigate him for his interference, and she wouldn’t have his reputation being called into question on her account. She loved him with quite single-minded passion, and so the very least she could do was to protect him from himself.

  ‘Just find the twins for me, and we shall leave at once.’

  ‘All right, and then we can talk tomorrow.’

  ‘No, Eli.’ She forced herself to remain firm. ‘There will be no more tomorrows for me in Whispers’ Hollow. We shall just have to move again.’

  ‘No, I won’t let you go!’ He pulled her against him so violently her body collided with the hard imprint of his, sucking the air from her lungs. She could feel his strength as his muscles bunched and tensed beneath his clothing, and once again she was tempted, sorely tempted, to confide in him. She closed her eyes for an expressive moment, thought of the twins, and the moment passed.

  ‘Can’t you feel it, Athena, the connection between us? The deep, abiding pull. There is an unfamiliar feeling tugging at my heart which ensures my every conscious thought is focused on you.’

  She could sense the emotional investment behind words that were persuasively, passionately sincere, and died a little inside. Why, oh why, had she fallen for a wretched duke of all people?

  ‘Only you, my precious love, and I can’t bear to see you so frightened.’

  She gasped because his words so closely mirrored her own feelings, when all the time she had imagining it was just her being foolish. She didn’t want to admit to it, but was incapable of lying to him. ‘Yes,’ she whispered. ‘I do feel it, but it does us no good. You are to be married, and I must move. Again.’

  She felt tears seeping from beneath her lowered lashes. He tilted her chin with his forefinger until she was obliged to look directly into his eye. His smile was a tender caress, as tender as the finger that gently wiped an errant tear away.

  ‘I don’t want you to go,’ he said softly.

  ‘I must.’

  ‘I won’t let you.’

  He lowered his head, reducing the already short distance that separated them. His breath peppered her face, and she knew he was going to kiss her. She absolutely couldn’t allow that to happen. If she did, all would be lost, since she was incapable of resisting temptation. Of its own accord, her head lifted up anyway, meeting his half way. Without giving them permission to do so, her lips parted in anticipation, brazenly inviting him to cover them with his own. His arms closed around her body so tightly she couldn’t breathe. She could feel the erratic beat of his heart and could hear the uneven tenor of his breathing.

  His kiss, when it came, was practiced and persuasive, although no persuasion was necessary. Athena was an enthusiastic participant in that kiss, keen to take as much of him as he was prepared to give, for she was serious in her intention to leave here, and she would never get another chance. Eli’s tongue invaded her mouth in a series of bold, exploratory sweeps as their mouths fused and sensation rioted through her body. So this was how it felt to be kissed by a gentleman she admired. Athena wouldn’t know, since she had never before desired a gentleman’s advances. Although, she had much practice in fending them off. Eli groaned as he deepened the kiss, and it became unashamedly carnal. Her body was pressed tightly against the solid length of his own, and she could feel the state of his arousal. Dear God, how could she ever walk away from such unadulterated bliss?

  She could because she had no choice. The only alternative was to involve him, and that she would never do.

  He released her, and they were both breathing heavily.

  ‘I’ve wanted to do that since I first met you,’ he said quietly.

  ‘Yes, I know.’

  ‘Oh my sweet love, what shall we do about this?’

  ‘There’s nothing we can do,’ she replied, looking everywhere except at him. If she met his gaze, which she knew would be searing and intense, she would lose her resolve. ‘I have to go.’

  ‘Your husband,’ he replied urgently. ‘Are you waiting here for him to return?’

  She looked up sharply, wondering at the sudden change of subject. ‘No, I don’t anticipate seeing him again for years
. If ever. Why do you ask?’

  Eli expelled a long breath. ‘Then I have a suggestion to make.’ He pulled her back into his arms, but held her gently this time, daylight separating their bodies. ‘If I could choose for myself, I wouldn’t hesitate.’

  She blinked up at him in surprise. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘There’s only one lady on the estate today whom I would choose for a wife, and I’m holding her in my arms.’

  Athena gasped. ‘You can’t possibly mean that.’

  ‘I thought we had already established our feelings for one another.’ A wolfish smile replaced his melancholy expression. ‘I would be happy to remind you if—’

  ‘Eli, let’s not talk of impossibilities. It does no good.’

  ‘You’re a lady, I know it.’

  ‘Perhaps, but not nearly high-born enough to become a duchess.’

  Eli laughed. ‘Allow me to be the judge of that. Besides, I wouldn’t care if you were a woodsman’s daughter, but for my mother. She has such high standards, such expectations, and I must choose between breaking her heart, or breaking mine.’

  ‘I understand.’

  ‘You don’t need to leave the area, sweet Athena. In fact, I won’t let you. I have a house, a very nice house, on the other side of the village, in a remote location. It’s yours. For you and the twins, if you will accept it.’

  She blinked up at him, wondering if he was proposing what she thought he was. ‘What are you asking of me, Eli?’ She needed to be sure.

  ‘I want you for my wife, Athena, but it can’t be.’ His expression was tortured, and he hesitated before saying anything more. ‘Will you be my mistress instead?’

  ‘I-I can’t—’

  ‘Don’t say that!’ he cried passionately. ‘I love you a thousand times more than I will ever love whomever I marry. She will be my wife in name only, whereas you are in my heart and soul.’

  ‘Oh, Eli!’ Athena’s body was awash with emotion.

  ‘I will cherish you and protect you at the expense of my own life. You will have servants. The twins will have an education. You will be safe, since no one who wishes you harm will ever get anywhere near you, and I will never again see such terrible fear in your lovely eyes. I will give you money, clothes, everything your heart desires, except the thing I most long to give you and cannot, which is my name.’

  ‘Don’t tempt me.’ She bowed her head against his shoulder and shook it from side to side.

  ‘We won’t talk about it now,’ he said. ‘I have to go back to the party. Tomorrow would be better. Meet me at dawn in the hollow, in the place where you saved my life. It seems only fitting. I will take you to see the house, and we can talk some more then.’ She lifted her face from his shoulder, and he traced the line of her cheek with a gossamer touch that sent tremors down her spine. ‘Stay here, darling. I will fetch the twins and Millie.’

  ‘Yes, thank you. I will.’

  Athena again relied upon the support of the barn wall, but this time it was Eli’s actions, and ardent words, that had set her reeling. She had no time to assemble her thoughts and only just enough to straighten her clothing, before Eli returned with the twins and Millie. Athena exchanged a glance with her faithful servant and saw the fear in her eyes. She had seen Blake, too.

  ‘Oh, is it time to leave already?’ Selena asked, blithely unaware of the danger.

  ‘We were having such fun,’ Lyssa added.

  ‘Everyone is leaving now,’ Eli said, ushering them behind the barn to a path they could use to reach the stable yard without anyone in the house seeing them. ‘Someone is bringing Meg out for you.’

  Even with her mind frozen, Athena wondered at Eli’s ability to make things happen so effortlessly. By the time they reached the yard, Meg was harnessed to the cart, her head being held by a groom. Eli himself helped each of them into it. If the grooms thought this unusual, they had the good sense to keep their thoughts to themselves.

  Athena was the last to ascend, and Eli’s hand lingered on hers.

  ‘Will you be there?’ he asked, so softly that his words couldn’t be heard above the twins’ excited chatter.

  She looked down into his glowing grey eyes, knowing she should not keep her appointment with him. No good could possibly come of it.

  ‘Yes,’ she whispered, unable to help herself.

  She saw satisfaction and relief flash through his eyes as the groom released Meg’s head, Eli let go of her fingers after giving them a reassuring squeeze, and Athena drove away.

  ‘Drive that thing carefully,’ he said, a hint of humour entering his voice.

  ‘You saw him,’ she said quietly to Millie as soon as they had left Eli behind.

  ‘Yes, but thank the lord he didn’t appear to see you,’ Millie whispered back. ‘That, at least, will buy us some time. What the devil was he doing there? Do you think he came looking for us? Could he have heard already about the lace?’

  ‘I don’t know. He was with Lady Baintree’s husband. Perhaps it was just a coincidence,’ Athena said optimistically.

  ‘What shall we do?’

  ‘Shush.’ She joined the procession of vehicles leaving the estate, and nodded over her shoulder to the cheerfully chattering twins, unwilling to spoil their pleasure. It was a commodity in precious little supply in their lives these days. ‘We will talk when they are asleep.’

  That would give Athena a little time to consider the extraordinary events of the day, specifically Eli’s proposal. She would have to tell Millie about it, even though she knew her servant would be violently opposed to such drastic measures. But Athena was so tired of running, so conscious of all the things the twins were entitled to, and which she could no longer supply them with. Would being a duke’s mistress be such a very bad thing? Especially when that duke was Eli Shelton, and she was already so very much in love with him? If he was to be believed, and she did believe him, he was similarly enamoured of her. Oh, what a farrago!

  The twins were exhausted and were soon in bed, leaving Athena and Millie in the kitchen with the freedom to talk.

  ‘What’s happened, lamb?’ Millie asked with her usual perspicacity.

  Millie deserved to know, and to have her say. She had been her own mother’s closest friend and was more of a mother to Athena than a mere retainer. She was fiercely loyal and had encouraged Athena to leave Nottingham rather than fall prey to Blake’s vile clutches.

  ‘I was dancing with the duke when Blake appeared,’ she said.

  ‘Yes, I was watching you. It was lovely to see you smile and him, too.’ Millie chuckled. ‘Although, judging by the sour faces on a couple of his prospective brides’ faces, they didn’t share my joy.’

  ‘I should have known there would be a price to pay for a few moments’ entertainment,’ she said bitterly. ‘But I didn’t realise it would be quite such a heavy one.’

  ‘What did you do when you saw Blake? One moment you were there, the next the duke was standing alone, staring after you. I tried to find you, but in the crush you were nowhere to be seen. I thought it better to make sure the twins were safe.’ Millie flashed a sapient smile. ‘The duke appeared to be taking care of you.’

  ‘Do you think Blake noticed you or the twins?’

  ‘No, they went into the barn, him and that Baintree fellow, then headed back to the terrace and disappeared into the house. They barely looked at us lesser mortals.’

  ‘Thank goodness for that.’ Athena fondled Boris’s ears and stared into the dwindling fire. ‘Presumably Lord Baintree will leave at the end of the party, and Blake will go with him. We just need to stay out of sight for three more days.’

  ‘What if he identifies the lace, or hears about it?’

  ‘Yes, there is that.’ Athena bit her lip in frustration. ‘We have been careful not to make the lace in the Cunningham way, but still, if he hears about handmade lace being sold by a stranger, he will become curious.’

  ‘We will have to go from here before he finds us,’ Millie said decisive

  ‘There might be another way.’

  ‘Then I would be very glad to hear it. I have no desire to up sticks again.’ Millie patted Athena’s hand. ‘Tell me, lass.’

  And so she did. Not looking at Millie, she told her all about the duke’s proposal, omitting all mention of the passionate kiss they had shared. She expected Millie to roundly berate the duke for his audacity—she had been stout in her defence of Athena when men of all rank had previously tried to exploit her. To her considerable surprise, she merely smiled.

  ‘And you are tempted,’ she suggested.

  ‘Yes, God help me, but I am. You know how I feel about him, Millie, and I believe those feelings are reciprocated. Whether they will last is another matter, but the more time I can buy for myself and the twins, the better.’

  ‘It would mean sacrificing your virtue, lamb. I know you don’t intend ever to marry, but still, it’s a big step.’

  Not so very big when the man offering to seduce me is Eli. ‘Yes, I’m aware of that. I would also be branded a mistress.’ She managed a wan smile. ‘My reputation, such as it is, would be destroyed. There’s no help for that, but would it have a worse effect upon the twins’ chances for happiness than their current situation?’

  ‘They too would fall beneath the duke’s protection.’

  ‘Are you saying I should meet with him in the morning?’ Athena couldn’t hide her surprise. ‘I thought you would be adamantly opposed to the idea.’

  ‘See him,’ Millie said, lumbering to her feet and stoking up the fire. ‘See what his terms are first.’

  Athena frowned. ‘Terms?’

  ‘Oh aye, these things are usually contractual agreements drawn up by lawyers.’

  ‘Good heavens, how on earth do you know that?’

  Millie chuckled. ‘You don’t get to be my age without learning a thing or two.’

  Athena actually smiled at that. ‘What aren’t you telling me, Millie? Do you have dark secrets in your past?’

  ‘Never you mind about that. If you’re so set on doing this—’

  ‘I am.’ Athena scratched Boris’s ears even more violently. ‘I must. For all our sakes.’


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